Activity Report (rep_activity_rep with rep_activity.fmx)

This report prints To Do's and Activities. You can run the report for the past, present, and future, or spanning from the past to the future. It is ideal for a recap of all activities performed for the past week or months.

When printed for a specific Account rather than for a specific sales manager, the report also provides a great way of showing the total activity history of the account. For example, it is possible to see that the account had been contacted regularly every six weeks in the first two years in the system, but then started to be called only seldom and randomly when another sales manager took over the account. Therefore, production has gone down. If a manager/director of sales reviewed this report for key accounts on a regular basis, potential problems with certain accounts might be prevented.


Property. Select the property for which the report should be printed.

Activity Filter. This option allows you to print the report by any predefined filters that have been created for the activity module. It also gives the user the option to create a new filter directly from the report order form, which will subsequently also be accessible from the Activity Search screen.

Account Name. Select to filter this report by account name.

Contact Name. Select to filter this report by contact name.

Bus. Block Name. Select to filter this report by Business Block name.

Activity Owner. Select to filter this report by activity owner.

Activity Name. Select to filter this report by specific activities.

Activity Type. Select to filter this report by activity type.

Activity Class. Select to filter this report by activity class.

Purpose. Free form field to filter for a specific activity purpose.

Activity Result. This filter is only visible when this report is run from SFA and when the application parameter ACTIVITY > ACTIVITY RESULTS is set to Y. Use the down arrow to select Activity Results from the LOV.

Activity Date Range From/To. Select a date range between which activities exist.


The date and time information related to activities is converted to your logged-in time zone; if no time zone is specified for the logged-in user, the logged-in property time zone is assumed; if the logged-in property does not have a time zone assigned, the database time zone is assumed. See Activity Time Zones for details.

Group By. Allows to sort and group the report by either Account, Sales Manager, or Date. This report always considers a group by Account.


When no Group by is selected, the Activities are sorted by Start Date and Time and there is no grouping by Account.

When Account is selected, the first group by is alpha by Account Name, then alpha by Contact Last Name, and then the Activities are sorted by Activity Start Date. When Owner is selected, the first group by is alpha by Account Owner Code, then alpha by Account Name, then alpha by Contact Last Name and then the Activities are sorted by Activity Start Date. When Date is selected the first group by is Activity Start Date, then alpha by Account Name and then alpha by Contact Last Name with the activities listed below.

For each group by, the Account/Contact is listed in alphabetical order first by Account then by Contact Last Name. When no Contact is attached to the Account, that Account will be displayed last, alphabetically in the account grouping.

  • ABC Account / ABC Contact

  • ABC Account / XYZ Contact

  • ABC Account / No Contact

If there is an activity with no account included on this report, those activities are listed alphabetically by Contact after the activities with Accounts have been reported.

Page Break. This flag works together with the Group by option. A page break will occur after each member of the selected group, i.e., after each account, if Account has been selected as the Group By filter, or after each sales manager if Owner has been selected in the Group By filter.

Display Address. If this check box is selected, the addresses for linked accounts and contacts are printed on the report (including Address1, Address2, Address3, and Address4). If it is not selected, only the account and contact names and phone numbers print.

Completed (Yes/No/Both). Select to view completed, incomplete or all activities.

Display (Activities/To Do Only/Both). Select to display activities only, to do only or both.

Notes (All/Limited/None). If limited is selected only the first 100 characters of each activity note will print on the report instead of the whole note text if it is longer.


The report displays all Activities and To Do’s that fall within the selected criteria. Activities are always grouped by Accounts, either as the primary or secondary group, and depend on the value selected in the Group By filter. For example, it is not possible to switch this report to print in pure date order, irrespective of the accounts these activities are linked to. When group by Owner is selected, the activities are first grouped by Owner Code and then by Account / Contact within that owner code.

Account and Contact names and phone numbers are printed in the header line of each group. If the Display Address flag is checked, the appropriate account and contact addresses print in this header line.

For each activity that exists in the selected time frame for this account, the activity owner, start date, start time and end time, the activity type code, the activity purpose, and the booking name of the linked booking id (if any) will print. Activity Notes are printed below the initial activity record if any exist, depending on the selection made on the filter to print either full notes, notes limited to 100 characters, or no notes at all.


When this report is printed in SFA, the Results field prints below the Activity.