Configuring State Codes

Properties can use state (or province) information when specifying mailing addresses as part of OPERA Cloud profiles. You can also use states when creating districts, which are geographical designations that provide flexibility in reporting, data collection, and marketing campaigns. You must configure the country before configuring the state.
  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, select Cashiering Geographic Management, and then select States.
  2. Click New to open the Manage State screen.
  3. Select the Country. For more information, see Configuring Countries
  4. Create a Code.
  5. Create a Description that describes the state.
  6. Enter a Sequence number to position the state in a list of states.
  7. Click Save.

Editing and Deleting Codes

  1. From the Manage State screen, select the Code and/or enter the code’s Description.

  2. Click Search.

  3. From your search results, locate the Manage State code and click the vertical ellipsis.

  4. Select Edit or select Delete.

  5. If editing the code, make your changes to the Description field and/or Sequence number and click Save.

  6. If deleting the code, click Delete when the confirmation screen appears.