Searching for and Deleting a Customization

  1. From the Administration menu, select Enterprise, select User Interface Management, and then select Delete Customization.

  2. In the Search fields, select a Customization Layer (Chain, Hub, Property, or User) and optionally enter a Customization Area to search. Click Search.

    1. Chain. Allows deletion of Chain-level customization.

    2. Hub. (Only available for users logged in at Hub level). A user logged in at the Hub level may delete customization at the logged in Hub.

    3. Property. A user logged in at the Hub level may select a property to delete property-level customization. A user logged in at the Property level can only delete customization for the property currently logged in at.

    4. User. A user with the Delete Users Personalization task may delete personalization for self and personalization for other users. A user with the Delete Personalization task can only delete his or her own personalization.

  3. The search results area provides columns for Path, Screen, File Name, User, and Updated Date.

    1. Path. Shows the breadcrumbs path where customization or personalization was made.

    2. Screen. The screen or area where the customization or personalization was made.

    3. File Name. Shows the internal file name for the customized or personalized area.

    4. User. The name of the user who last made a change to the listed area.

    5. Updated Date. The date and time when the last change was made to the listed area.

  4. Select the customization file(s) you want to delete and click Delete.

  5. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.