Adding Transaction Codes

Use the following steps to create transaction codes.
  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.
  2. If the MHOT license is active, select the Template tab.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select the Ownership of the transaction code. Options are Property or Central (for multi property hotels).
  5. Enter a numeric Code to represent the new transaction code.
  6. Enter a Description of the transaction code. The description appears in Billing and outputs on folios.
    1. Select the Manage Translation link to add translated descriptions (when the Multi-Language function active) to print translated folio for foreign guests / companies.
  7. Select a Subgroup for the transaction code. Subgroup selection determines whether the transaction code is considered sales (revenue and non-revenue), payment, or wrapper based on the transaction group linked to the subgroup.
    Transaction codes that belong to the same subgroup are grouped together for the same date on the Billing screen. When printing folios, the styles are: 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 15, or 19.
Complete any of the following optional fields or selections:
  • Transaction Type. Transaction types are used to cluster similar transaction codes. This field is optional, but certain reports (Financial Transactions with Generates and Financial Transactions by Folio No.) print financial information based on the transaction code type. Available options are Lodging, Food and Beverage, Telephone, Minibar, Tax, Non-Revenue, Others, or blank.

  • Tax Code. When you select a Tax transaction type, this field is enabled (1-20) to define up to 20 tax bucket values for the tax type transaction code. Use these buckets to group various tax transactions into one total on the footer of the folio and in reports. For example: all GST transaction codes would have tax code = 1.

  • Fiscal Transaction Code. This tells the local fiscal application how to format charges for this transaction code when building the fiscal printer XML files.

  • Adjustment Transaction Code. This is the transaction code to use when posting an adjustment to the current transaction code. Adjustment transaction codes let you store and track updates to transactions (and linked transactions). For example, you can use them to track customer reimbursements, credit adjustments, corrections (including same day corrections), and rebates.

  • Service Recovery Code. The transaction code to use when posting a Service Recovery Adjustment to the current transaction code. Select a transaction code from the list of eligible Service Recovery Transaction Codes.

  • Default Price associated with this transaction code. The default price automatically appears in the Amount field (can be edited) on the Transaction Posting screen, where it can be edited. You can change this amount, however, if the amount is changed, that change is made globally and affects all areas that use the transaction code.

  • Minimum Amount. The minimum amount allowed under the new Transaction Code. If the minimum is not met, a warning message appears.

  • Maximum Amount. The maximum amount allowed over the new Transaction Code. Enter amounts during a manual posting. If the maximum is exceeded, a warning message appears.

  • UPC. A universal product code used for scanning items in Post-It.


  • Payment Type. (Available for payment group linked transaction codes.)

    • Credit Card. Select this option button if the current transaction code is a credit card transaction code.

    • Cash. Select this option button if the current transaction code is a cash transaction code.

    • Others.

  • Processing Type. (Available only if Credit Card payment type is selected.)

    • EFT. Select this option button if the transaction code is used with an integrated payment partner.

    • Manual. Select this option button if the transaction code is used for manual credit card transactions.

  • CC Commission. Commission percentage to be paid to the credit card company for credit card transaction handling. Available if Credit Card payment type is selected.

  • AR Account Number. Select the accounts receivable account to use for the current payment transaction code. This determines the AR account to which all payment postings transferred. For example, you might specify an AR account if you want to transfer a specific type of credit card payments (for example, American Express) to an AR account to enable tracking the remittance by the credit card merchant.


  • Revenue Group. Select this check box if this sales transaction code is revenue. If deselected, the charges posted to the transaction code are treated as non-revenue.

  • Paidout. Select this check box if the transaction code is for posting cash paidout. Paidout transaction codes must be linked back to a sales transaction group via the subgroup.

  • Deposit Payments (available for Payment group transaction codes when the Cashiering > Deposit Handling application function is set to Y). The payment transaction code is allowed for deposit payments.

  • Cashier Payments (1-8) (available and selected by default for Payment group transaction codes). Select this check box if the payment type transaction code is allowed for payments applied to Billing screen windows 1 - 8 (Cashiering > Billing).

  • AR Payments (available for Payment group transaction codes). Select this check box if the transaction code is allowed for accounts receivable payments.

  • Comp Payment (available when the OPP_GCA PTS Gaming and Comp Accounting license is active). Select if this payment type is available for settlement of comp windows 101-108. If this option is not selected, the payment type cannot be used to settle comp windows 101-108.

  • Round Factor (available for Payment type transactions codes). This is available when the Cashiering>Rounding Factor application parameter is set to Y.

  • Check No. Mandatory. Select this check box if a check number must be entered when making a posting against this transaction code.

  • Membership. Select this check box if the transaction code can be used towards membership points. The check box enables selection of this transaction code in the Membership Transaction Groups configuration.

  • Generates Inclusive. Select this check box if generated charges (such as taxes or service charges) are included in the base amount posted. For example, a minibar charge could be tax inclusive, so when posting a 40.00 charge (and generates are set up), the guest would see $40.00 on the folio, however, internally the tax generate would be broken out ($35.00 minibar, $5.00 tax). If unchecked, tax generates are calculated from the base amount posted, and then posted separately as itemized, exclusive charges (taxes) on the folio.

  • Manual Posting. If this check box is selected, cashiers can manually post the transaction code. If not selected, cashiers do not see this transaction code in lists of values for payments (on the settlement screen) or for posting charges (such as Billing). Leave this check box deselected for transaction codes that you want to make unavailable for manual posting such as accommodation revenue posted by the end of day routine or revenue charges posted via an interface.

  • Include in Deposit/CXL Rule. The appropriate check box is available if either the Cashiering > Deposit Handling application function, the Cashiering > Cancellation Handling application function, or both application functions are set to Active. When this check box is selected, the transaction code is included in the calculation of deposit and/or cancellation rule fees. You can use this feature to include or exclude costs such as packages, generates, and fixed charges associated with a reservation when calculating deposit requests and cancellation penalties.

  • Service Type. Select G- Goods or S- Services  from list (enabled when the Service Type OPERA Control is active for Wrapper and Sales charge transaction codes).