Viewing Profile Future and Past Stays

You can view a guest’s future or past reservations.

Some of the guest reservation details include the following:

  • Confirmation number

  • Room type, rate code and amount

  • Arrival, Nights, Departure Date

  • Past reservation status (e.g.: no-shows, cancellations, checked out, and current in-house)

  • Linked profiles to the reservations

Future and Past Stays shows the total number of reservation records linked to the guest profile .In multi-property operations you can view reservations at properties associated to your hub location(s).

From a property location you see only view the reservations in that property.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Profiles and then Manage Profile.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the profile in the search result, click I Want to..., Future & Past Stays or click the Future & Past Stays link in Profile Presentation.

  4. Panel displays list of Future Reservations and Past Reservations.

  5. Click [+] to expand a reservation and view linked profiles.

  6. Click Confirmation to open Reservation Presentation for the selected reservation. See Editing a Reservation.

  7. Click Rate to view the rate code information.

  8. Click Room Type to view the room type information.