Configuring Package Code

Adding Package Codes

  1. From OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Package Code.

  2. To create a new package code, on the Package Codes screen, click New.


    On the Create a New Package Code screen, Package Details such as, Package Code Definition, Transaction Details, Posting Attributes, and Package Pricing panels are initially disabled.
  3. In the Package Code Definition panel, fill in the required information and click Save. The Transaction Details screen is enabled.

  4. In the Transaction Details panel search or fill the information in the required fields and click Save. The Posting Attributes panel is enabled. You can create a new Item Inventory from this screen.

  5. Search or fill the information in the required fields and click Save. The Package Pricing panel is enabled.

  6. Search or fill the information in the required fields

    Table 12-5 Description of the options that appear on the Package Code screen

    Panels Field Description
    Package Code Definition
    • Property

      : Available when the multi-property add-on license code is active, displays the property name the package code is being configured for.
    • Package Code

      : The code for the package. This field can contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
    • Forecast Group

      : Search and select the package forecast group for the element.
    • Begin Sell Date

      : Enter/select the date to begin selling the Package.
    • End Sell Date

      : Enter/select the date to end selling the Package.
    • Short Description

      : Brief description of the package  (Flowers, Chocolates, Champagne, Dinner).
    • Description

      : Full description of the current package element.

    Click Save to continue.

    Transaction Details
    • Transaction Code

      : Transaction code that is used to record the package price.
    • Tax Inclusive

      : Mark the associated check boxes to indicate if the tax generates associated with the sales charge transaction code selected should be included in the amount or post additionally if unchecked.
    • Package Overage

      : Select sales charge transaction code from list that will be used to post the amount that is consumed over the allowance amount of the package element (set in the Package Pricing panel). If this field is left blank, any overage is posted to the transaction code to which the allowance was posted, that is the transaction code in the Code field or one of the codes in the Alternates field).

      This is available when the Rate Management > Advanced Packages OPERA Controls function is Active.

    • Package Allowance

      : Available when the Advanced Package OPERA Control is active. Select this check box to create an allowance only; the sales charge posted manually or via an interface.
      • Package Profit: Select the sales charge transaction code to post any profit revenue from unconsumed / under-consumed allowances.

      • Package Loss: Select the sales charge transaction code to post any package loss. When the allowance amount is a higher amount than the item price the difference between the item price and the guest consumption amount is the package loss.

    • Currency

      : Select the currency for this package. Allowance packages and non-allowance packages set up in one currency cannot be attached to rate codes, reservations, and blocks configured in another currency.
    • Alternate Codes

      : Enabled when Package Allowance is selected. Select transaction codes that can be used as alternatives to the main package transaction code (in the Code field) for this package. For example, the package may be for restaurant breakfast food (transaction code 2000) and have transaction code 3000 listed as an Alternate transaction code, but the guest may consume the same amount for room service breakfast without penalty (transaction code 3000). This field is especially helpful for point of sale systems.

    Click Save to continue.

    Posting Attributes
    • Posting Type:

      • Included in Rate: No separate charge appears on the guest folio or reservation. The amount is internally deducted from the room rate amount for inclusive packages.

      • Add To Rate - Separate Line: If selected, this charge is added to the room rate amount and printed as a separate line on the folio. Selecting this check box is very useful when the package element is not included in the rate, for example, US taxes.

      • Add To Rate - Combined Line: If selected, this charge is added to the room rate amount and printed on the same line as the room charge on the folio.

    • Valid Start Time: Enter the valid start time during which the allowance defined in the package element is valid. If you leave the fields blank, the allowance is valid all day
    • Valid End Time

      : Enter the valid end time during which the allowance defined in the package element is valid. If you leave the fields blank, the allowance is valid all day
    • Calculation Rule

      : Select a value from the list of values to indicate the calculation rule for this package. This field is used to determine how the package amount should be calculated. You have the following options:
      • Flat Rate (price posted as flat rate, regardless of number of guests). Flat Rate is per sharer in the room. Each share-with in the room will be charged the flat rate amount.

      • Per Person (price times number adults plus number of children).

      • Per Adult (price times the number of adults).

      • Per Child (price times number of children). With the selection of this calculation rule and the Rate Management > Rates Defined by Buckets OPERA Controls function is Active, packages can be setup with different amounts per child bucket on the Package Details tab Per Adult (price times the number of adults).

      • Per Room (price times number of rooms). The Per Room calculation is applied to the room. If a reservation is shared, instead of applying the package per reservation, it considers it for that room

    • Posting Rhythm

      : If selected from the drop-down list, the posting rhythm is used to determine the frequency of the package posting. OPERA provides a variety of posting rhythms. Most posting rhythms are based off of the actual arrival date of the reservation. For more information, see Package Posting Rhythms.
    • Formula

      : Select from list internal functions used to calculate item price (used for country-specific tax items).
    • Sell Separate

      : If selected, this element can be attached directly onto a reservation. When adding a package directly to a reservation, the room rate field will show the main rate code rate and indicated to the right is the room rate including the packages added to the reservation. If this check box is not marked, the only means in which this package can be available is via the Rate Code.
    • Post Next Day

      : This is available when the Rate Management > Advanced Packages OPERA Controls function is Active. If selected, this package element allowance will be consumed the following day. For example, a breakfast allowance created during end of day, but carried forward to the following day for consumption.
    • Forecast Next Day

      : Select to have these package elements forecasted on the next day, irrespective if the Post Next Day check box is selected or not. Packages configured as Post Next Day only without this check box checked will not be forecasted for the next day automatically on the Package Forecast Report.
    • Catering

      : Available when the Catering Events function is active, this option should be checked for all PMS packages that typically are also represented by a catering event (or partially represented by a catering event). For example, a Group Breakfast that may be included in the room rate, but for which also a catering event gets created if the group takes the breakfast as a unit (e.g., in a catering function space).

    Click Save to continue.

    Item Inventory Available when the Reservations > Item Inventory OPERA Controls function is Active. Select the ellipsis button to choose items to be included in the package. See Item Inventory Setup for details on setting up items. When you select the ellipsis, the Item screen appears. To add a new item to the package, select the New button. To edit an existing item, highlight your choice and select the Edit button. On the New/Edit Item Quantity screen select the item and the quantity. The default quantity is 1.

    Click Save to continue.

    Package Pricing
    • Start Date

      : Enter the start date for the price schedule or use the calendar tool to select dates. Date ranges for pricing records cannot overlap. By default, the package code is valid for a ten-year period starting on the date it is configured.
    • End Date

      : Enter the end date for the price schedule or use the calendar tool to select dates. Date ranges for pricing records cannot overlap. By default, the package code is valid for a ten-year period starting on the date it is configured.
    • Price

      : The amount for the package element. This amount will be posted to the transaction code defined under Transaction Details

    Click Save to continue.

  7. Click Save to save the details or click Save and Add More Details to add more details.

Editing Package Codes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Rate Management, and then select Package Code.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. From search results, select a package code and click the Vertical Ellipse, select Edit.

  4. Update details.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Package Codes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Rate Management, and then select Package Code.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. From search results, select a package code and click the Vertical Ellipse, select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

Copying Package Codes

When the multi-property service is active, new Package Codes are created by selecting the Template tab. Once created, you can copy Package Codes to specific properties using the Copy action.- Copying Configuration Codes to Multiple Properties.