Creating a Sales Account Profile

Sales Account Profiles are Companies, Travel Agent and (Booking) Sources; shared across all properties in a multi-property operation; ensuring details such as negotiates rates, notes and attachments are available to users at all properties.

Revenue production is tracked against the various profiles linked to a reservation (either guest or group and event billing masters).

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Profiles, and then Manage Profiles.

  2. Click I Want To....

    1. Click Company Profile , Travel Agent Profile or Source Profile.

  3. Complete Primary Details

    1. Alternate Name: Click to enter an alternate name (non Western characters) for the profile (Available when the multi-language OPERA Control is active).

    2. Owner: Select a sales owner the Sales Account (Available when the Owner OPERA Control is active).

    3. Trace: Select an Activity trace code from the list (Available when the OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Standard Cloud Service or OPERA CLOUD Sales and Event Premium Cloud Service are active)

  4. Phone, Email Section

    1. Add Phone and Email contact details.

    2. Click Add Rows to add additional rows.

    3. Select Primary for primary email and phone contact details.

    4. Refer Adding Profile Communications.

  5. Address

    1. Add Address Details.

    2. Click New to add additional address details.

    3. Refer Adding Profile Communications.

  6. Click Save to save and close or Save and Add More Details to save and open the Profile Presentation page.