Managing a Sales Account Profile

Sales Account Profiles are Companies, Travel Agent and (Booking) Sources; shared across all properties in a multi-property operation; ensuring details such as negotiates rates, notes and attachments are available to users at all properties.

Revenue production is tracked against the various profiles linked to a reservation (either guest or group and event billing masters) and using the relationship feature you can consolidate sales production statistics from various subsidiary accounts to a master sales account.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Profiles, and then select Manage Profiles.

  2. View By: Select Guest or Contact from the list.

  3. Enter additional search criteria, click Search.

  4. Select the profile from the search result, click the Profile Name, or click I Want To... and go to the Profile.

  5. On the Profile Presentation page, click I Want To The I Want To iconto perform additional actions on this profile.


    Details panels selected in the default presentation style are displayed. Click View to select a different presentation style or Customize View to select the detail panels to display.
  6. Overview Panel:
    1. Select Edit and update the profile details.

    2. Click Save.


    All Profile detail links are available to view and update related profile details. See the Sales Account Profile Detail table below.
  7. Click Edit and enter the following details:
    1. Name1: Enter Company, Travel Agent, Source name.

    2. Name2: Enter second line of account name.

    3. Name3: Enter third line of account name.

    4. Language: Select a language from the list; when the Multi-language OPERA Control is active stationery such as contracts and invoices are generated in this language.

    5. Corp ID: Enter a Corporate ID / IATA number; you can search for Account profiles using this identifier.

    6. Owner: Select a Sales Owner from the list (Enabled when the Owner OPERA Control is active).

    7. Active: Uncheck to inactive this Account profile; inactive profiles are excluded from searches by default.

    8. Trace Code: Select an activity trace code to specify the standard Activities to be generated for the Sales Account (Available with the OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management subscription).

    9. Restricted: Select this checkbox to mark the guest / contact profile as restricted.
      1. Reason: Select a restricted reason from the list.

  8. Click Save.