Creating Blocks Reservations Using Rooming List Entry

You can manually create block reservations using rooming list entry.

Ensure the block has available rooms and that the block is in a status that allows for pickup; click View Room/Rate Grid to view the available rooms in the block.

The PM reservation created for the block is used as a template; reservations entered will inherit attributes from the PM reservation.

You can create multiple PM reservations (templates) for a Block. See Creating Additional Posting Master Reservation.

Use the Change Template action link to select a different PM/template reservation for the rooming list. See Changing Template.

When the Rate Code Mandatory for Block Pickup OPERA Control is active a rate code must selected for each reservation (value will default from the template reservation).

Click View Options to select the rooming list columns and their display order.

Entering Rooming List

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Manage Block.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the block in the search result, click I Want To... and then click Rooming List.

  4. Enter the number of rows to add to the rooming list page and click Add Rows.

  5. Enter the profile and reservation details in each row - mandatory values:
    1. Name: Enter a guest name to create a new profile or click to search for an existing profile.

    2. Arrival Date: Enter or select the arrival date.

    3. Departure Date: Enter or select the departure date.

    4. Room Type: Enter or select the room type (from block allocation).

    5. Rate Code: Enter or select the rate code.

    6. Payment: Click to enter payment details.

    7. Deleting Rooming List

      To delete the reservation entries on the rooming list screen prior to saving.

      1. Click Delete.

      2. Click Delete to confirm.

  6. Click Save.

Creating Shared Block Reservations via Rooming List

A shared reservation allows two or more reservations to occupy the same room; each reservation and linked guest can then have a separate billing folio.

To combine reservations into shares while entering a rooming list simply enter an identical numerical value in the Shares column for any of the reservations in the table you want to combine into a share reservation.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Manage Block.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the block in the search result, click I Want To... and then click Rooming List.

  4. Enter the number of rows to add to the rooming list page and click Add Rows.

  5. Enter the reservation details in each row:
    1. Name: Enter a guest name to create a new profile or click to search for an existing profile.

    2. Arrival Date: Enter or select the arrival date.

    3. Departure Date: Enter or select the departure date.

    4. Shares: Enter the line number of the first (primary) reservation in this field of the secondary reservations.

    5. Room Type: Enter or select the room type (from block allocation).

    6. Rate Code: Enter or select the rate code.

    7. Payment: Click to enter payment details.

  6. Click Save.

  7. On the Shared Room Rate prompt select a Rate Share Type to specify the rate share method:
    1. Split: Splits the rate evenly between all sharing reservations..

    2. Entire: Applies the rate in full to one sharing reservations.

    3. Full: Applies the rate in full to each sharing reservations.

  8. Click Save.

Attributes Inherited from Template

When new reservations are made via the Block Rooming List screen, the following attributes in the template posting master reservation (or the reservation that is currently selected as the template) and the group profile are carried over to new reservations and new profiles created via rooming list:

Template (PM) Reservation Template (PM) Reservation Details Template (Group) Profile
  • Purpose of Stay

  • Reservation Type

  • Print Rate Status

  • Rate Code(s)

  • Specials

  • Room Features

  • Commission Flag Status

  • Tax Type

  • Market Code

  • Source Code

  • Linked Profiles
    • Company

    • Agent

    • Source

  • Alerts

  • Routing Instructions

  • Payment Instructions
    • No Post YN

  • Housekeeping
    • Turn-down YN

    • Room Instructions

  • Packages

  • Notes

  • Deposit Rules

  • Country Code