20 Setting Up IM-ASF SAL

This chapter describes how to set up an IM-ASF SAL interworking module.

Session abstraction layer (SAL) is an Oracle proprietary protocol used by Oracle Communications Service Controller to communicate with SAL-based applications that you implement using the SAL API. SAL is closely related to the SIP protocol and contains many of the same parameters, such as the SIP timers.

About IM-ASF SAL Setup

The process of IM-ASF SAL setup requires the following:

  1. Adding an IM-ASF SAL to your Service Controller deployment. You can add as many modules of type IM-ASF SAL as you need. See "Adding an IM-ASF SAL to the Service Controller Deployment" for more information.

  2. Configuring the IM-ASF SAL. See "Configuring an IM-ASF SAL" for more information.

Adding an IM-ASF SAL to the Service Controller Deployment

To add an IM-ASF SAL:

  1. In the domain navigation pane, expand the OCSB node.

  2. Expand the Processing Tier node.

  3. Expand the Interworking Modules node.

  4. Select IM Management.

  5. On the bottom of the IM Management pane, click New.

  6. In the New window, fill out the fields as follows:

    • In the Type list, select IMASFSAL.

    • In the Version list, select the required version.

    • In the Name field, enter a name for this module as it should appear in the list of modules. In this field, you can only use lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). If you attempt to use a character which is not allowed, Service Controller displays the error message and prompts you to enter a different name.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the notification window that reminds you to commit the changes, click OK.

  9. To add the new IM-ASF SAL to your deployment, in the Change Center pane, click Commit.

    A new module of type IM-ASF SAL is now added to your Service Controller deployment. The new module is displayed in the domain navigation pane under the Interworking Modules node.

Configuring an IM-ASF SAL

To configure an IM-ASF SAL:

  1. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  2. In the domain navigation pane, under the Interworking Modules node, select the newly added IM-ASF SAL.

    Table 20-1 shows the IM-ASF SAL Configuration pane subtabs. The following sections explain the configuration parameters in each of the subtabs.

    Table 20-1 IM-ASF SAL Subtabs

    Subtab Description

    Application Server

    Defines a SAL Application Server for IM-ASF SAL to interact with.

    See "Configuring Application Server Parameters" for more information.

    Session Keep Alive

    Defines the keep-alive mechanism that IM-ASF SAL uses to test session existence.

    See "Configuring Session Keep Alive Parameters" for more information.


    Use to configure the SAL interface attributes of this IM.

Configuring Application Server Parameters

Each IM-ASF SAL instance interacts with one SAL-based application. You specify this server using the Application Server subtab.

Table 20-2 describes configuration parameters on the Application Server subtab.

Table 20-2 Application Server Configuration Parameters

Name Data Type Description

SAL Application Address


Specifies the SIP URI address of the Service Controller Feature Module application to connect this IM-ASF -SAL to. The syntax is sip:Applicaton_Name@Hostname.com.


Application_Name is be one of the following:

  • voicemailapplication for the PCM voice mail service.

  • personalapplication for the PCM One-number service.

  • groupapplicaton for the PCM Group service.

Hostname is the system hosting the application.

SAL Mode


Specifies the SAL mode. The Session Keep Alive Parameters and SAL Parameters are only valid for EXTERNAL mode.

Can be one of the following:

  • INLINE - Executes as part of a Service Controller session. Receives all services and resources from Service Controller.

  • EXTERNAL - Executes outside of a Service Controller session. Can get resources from Service Controller or other entities.

Configuring Session Keep Alive Parameters

These parameters are only valid in EXTERNAL mode.

IM-ASF SAL performs regular checks of SAL sessions using the keep-alive mechanism. This mechanism enables IM-ASF SAL to check whether or not a session is still in progress by periodically sending INFO requests to the SAL application server and checking the responses. A 200 OK response indicates that the session is still in progress. Any other response, or no response at all indicates that the session was dropped.

Table 20-3 describes configuration parameters on the Session Keep Alive subtab.

Table 20-3 Session Keep Alive Configuration Parameters

Name Data Type Description

Info Keep Alive Interval in Seconds


Specifies the interval, in seconds, between INFO requests.

To disable the keep-alive mechanism, set this parameter to -1.

If no parameter is present the keep-alive mechanism is disabled.

Info Keep Alive Time to Die


Specifies the interval, in seconds, that the IM-ASF SAL waits for a response to keep-alive messages.

If there is no response within the time specified, the session is ended.

Configuring SAL Parameters

These parameters are only valid in EXTERNAL mode.

Enables you to configure standard SAL protocol parameters. These SAL parameters are equivalent to their SIP counterparts.

Table 20-4 describes configuration parameters on the SAL subtab.

Table 20-4 SAL Configuration Parameters

Name Data Type Description

Retransmission Interval Limit (T2 Timeout)


Specifies a maximum retransmission interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses.

Default value: 20 seconds

T7 Timeout Interval in Seconds


Specifies the time period in seconds that IM-ASF SAL waits for the first SAL provisional response (except for 100) after sending an INVITE request.

Default value: 40 seconds.

T9 Timeout Interval in Seconds


Specifies the time period in seconds for IM-ASF SAL to wait for an OK response or any call release response (for example, ERROR) in response to an INVITE request.

Default value: 90 seconds

Max Call Duration Timeout Interval in Minutes


Specifies the maximum duration of established calls in minutes, which are measured from OK to BYE.

When this timer expires, IM-ASF SAL releases the session.

Default value: 60 minutes

The system properties in Table 20-4 can be set at the command line when you start the Administration Server by running the start.sh script.





At the command line, enter start.sh and then use this format -D<property_name>=<value>. Use space delimiters, if you want to set multiple properties.