19 Setting Up R-IM-ASF SIP

This chapter describes how to set up an R-IM-ASF SIP interworking module.

About R-IM-ASF Setup

The process of R-IM-ASF setup requires the following:

  1. Adding an R-IM-ASF to your Oracle Communications Service Controller deployment. You can add as many modules of type R-IM-ASF as you need. See "Adding an R-IM-ASF to the Service Controller Deployment" for more information.

  2. Configuring the R-IM-ASF. See "Configuring an R-IM-ASF" for more information.

Adding an R-IM-ASF to the Service Controller Deployment

To add an R-IM-ASF:

  1. In the domain navigation pane, expand the OCSB node.

  2. Expand the Processing Tier node.

  3. Expand the Interworking Modules node.

  4. Select IM Management.

  5. On the bottom of the IM Management pane, click New.

  6. In the New window, fill out the fields as follows:

    • In the Type list, select RIMASF.

    • In the Version list, select the required version.

    • In the Name field, enter a name for this module as it should appear in the list of modules. In this field, you can only use lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). If you attempt to use a character which is not allowed, Service Controller displays the error message and prompts you to enter a different name.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the notification window that reminds you to commit the changes, click OK.

  9. To add the new R-IM-ASF to your deployment, in the Change Center pane, click Commit.

    A new module of type R-IM-ASF is now added to your Service Controller deployment. The new module is displayed in the domain navigation pane under the Interworking Modules node.

Configuring an R-IM-ASF

To configure an R-IM-ASF:

  1. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  2. In the domain navigation pane, under the Interworking Modules node, select the newly added R-IM-ASF.

    The R-IM-ASF SIP configuration pane contains the subtabs described in Table 19-1.

    Table 19-1 R-IM-ASF Configuration Subtabs

    Subtab Description

    Network Entity

    Enables you to specify the URL address of the network entity with which the R-IM-ASF SIP communicates.

    See "Configuring the Network Entity Parameters" for more information.

    Session Keep Alive

    Enables you to define the keep-alive mechanism that R-IM-ASF SIP use to test session existence with the SIP network element.

    See "Configuring Session Keep Alive Parameters" for more information.


    Enables you to configure standard SIP protocol parameters.

    See "Configuring SIP Parameters" for more information.

    Charging Service

    Enables you to define how R-IM-ASF sends credit reservation requests and specify whether R-IM-ASF reauthorizes a quota upon receiving various triggers from a CSCF.

    See "Charging Services" for more information.

    Media Resource Announcements

    Enables you to set up the media resources that Service Controller uses to play announcements.

    See "Configuring Media Resource Announcements Parameters" for more information.


    Enables you to define how Runtime MBeans and notifications should operate.

    See "Configuring Monitoring Parameters" for more information.

Configuring the Network Entity Parameters

You use the Network Entity tab to specify the URL address of the network entity with which the R-IM-ASF SIP communicates.

Table 19-2 describes the parameter that you need to define.

Table 19-2 Network Entity Parameter

Name Type Description

Network Entity Address Alias


Specifies the address of the network entity with which the R-IM-ASF SIP communicates. Define the address in the SIP URI format.

The alias that you provide must be defined in the SIP Network Entities tab on the SSU SIP configuration screen. See the discussion on configuring SIP Signaling Server Units in Service Controller Signaling Server Units Configuration Guide.

Configuring Session Keep Alive Parameters

R-IM-ASF SIP performs regular checks of SIP sessions using a mechanism known as keep-alive mechanism. This mechanism enables the R-IM-ASF SIP to check whether or not a session is still in progress by periodically sending INFO requests to the SIP network element and checking the response. 200 OK response indicates that the session is still in progress. Any other response, or no response at all, indicates that the session was dropped.

Table 19-3 describes configuration parameters on the Session Keep Alive subtab.

Table 19-3 Session Keep Alive Parameters

Name Type Description

INFO Keep Alive Interval in Seconds


Specifies the interval, in seconds, between consecutive invocations of INFO requests.

To disable the keep-alive mechanism, set this parameter to -1.

When this parameter is not defined, then the keep-alive mechanism is disabled.

INFO Keep Alive Time to Die


Specifies the interval, in seconds, that the R-IM-ASF waits for a response to keep-alive messages.

If there is no response within the time specified in this parameter, the session is ended.

Configuring SIP Parameters

You use the SIP Parameters tab to configure standard SIP protocol parameters.

Table 19-4 describes configuration parameters on the SIP subtab.

Table 19-4 SIP Parameters

Name Type Description

Retransmission Interval Limit


Specifies a maximum retransmission interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses.

Default value: 20 seconds

T7 Timeout Interval in Seconds


Specifies the time period in seconds during which the IM-ASF SIP waits for the first SIP provisional response (except for 100) after sending an INVITE request.

You need to set the T7 timer in the IM-SSF CAP configuration using the following MBean: com.convergin.wcs.osgi.im.ssf.CAP_Version > MBean_Version > IMSSFCAPCAP_Version > ModuleInstance[ModuleInstance_Number] > Sip > t7TimeoutIntervalSeconds.

The T7 timer in the IM-ASF and IM-SSF configuration must be set to the same value.

Default value: 40 seconds

T9 Timeout Interval in Seconds


Specifies the time period in seconds during which the IM-ASF SIP waits for an OK response or any call release response (for example, ERROR) after sending an INVITE request.

You need to set the T9 timer in the IM-SSF CAP configuration using the following MBean: com.convergin.wcs.osgi.im.ssf.CAP_Version > MBean_Version > IMSSFCAPCAP_Version > ModuleInstance[ModuleInstance_Number] > Sip > t9TimeoutIntervalSeconds.

The T9 timer in the IM-ASF and IM-SSF configuration must be set to the same value.

Default value: 90 seconds

Max Call Duration Timeout Interval in Minutes


Specifies the maximum duration of established calls which are measured from OK to BYE.

When this timer expires, IM-ASF SIP releases the session.

Default value: 60 minutes

Charging Services

You can configure R-IM-ASF to monitor session duration and charge sessions. R-IM-ASF provides the following capabilities:

  • Credit reservation requests generation

    R-IM-ASF sends these requests to IM-OCF through the OE. IM-OCF translates credit reservation requests to Diameter CCRs, which are then forwarded to a billing application.

  • Session monitoring and charging

    R-IM-ASF monitors and charges a session on its own.

  • Quota reauthorization

    You can specify whether R-IM-ASF reauthorizes a quota upon receiving various triggers from a CSCF.

To set up R-IM-ASF charging services, you use the Charging Services tab. This tab contains the subtabs described in Table 19-5.

Table 19-5 Charging Services Subtabs

Subtab Description


Enables you to specify how R-IM-ASF sets up and sends credit reservation requests to the OE.

See "General" for more information.

Reauthorization Triggers

Enables you to specify whether R-IM-ASF reauthorizes a quota upon receiving various triggers from a CSCF.

See "Reauthorization Triggers" for more information.


The General subtab enables you to specify how R-IM-ASF sets up and sends credit reservation requests to the OE. The OE forwards these requests to an IM-OCF, which translates credit reservation requests to Diameter CCRs, which are then forwarded to a billing application.

Table 19-6 describes the configuration parameters that you need to specify for credit reservation requests.

Table 19-6 General Parameters

Name Type Description

Service Monitoring


Specifies the component that monitors session duration.

Possible values:


    R-IM-ASF monitors session duration on its own. R-IM-ASF cannot delegate service monitoring to a CSCF.

  • NONE

    Session duration is not monitored.

Default value: NONE

Tccd Timeout


Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that R-IM-ASF waits for a credit reservation response after sending a credit reservation request. If the timeout expires, R-IM-ASF releases the call.

To disable the timeout timer, enter a negative value.

First Credit Reservation Request


Specifies when IM-OCF sends the first CCR to a billing application. This request is generated by R-IM-ASF and sent to IM-OCF through the OE.

Possible values:


    IM-OCF sends a request after a CSCF sends the first session setup message.


    IM-OCF sends a request after a CSCF sends a ringing indication.


    IM-OCF sends a request after a CSCF sends an answer indication.


Default value: ON_INITIAL_EVENT

First Credit Granted Notification


Specifies when IM-OCF sends the first credit granted notification to a billing application. This request is generated by IM-SCF and sent to IM-OCF through the OE.

Possible values:


    IM-OCF sends a request after an MSC sends the first session setup message.


    IM-OCF sends a request after an MSC sends an answer indication.

Default value: ON_INITIAL_EVENT

Start Charging Phase


Specifies when R-IM-ASF starts charging a session.

Possible values:


    R-IM-ASF starts charging after a CSCF sends the first session setup message.


    R-IM-ASF starts charging after a CSCF sends a ringing indication.


    R-IM-ASF starts charging after a CSCF sends an answer indication.

Default value: ON_ANSWER

Requested Duration


Specifies the value to which IM-OCF needs to set the CC-time AVP in a CCR sent to a billing application.

Requested Volume


Specifies the value to which IM-OCF needs to set the CC-Total-Octets AVP in a CCR sent to a billing application.

Requested Service Units


Specifies the value to which IM-OCF needs to set the CC-Service-Specific-Units AVP in a CCR sent to a billing application.

Service Identifier


Specifies the value to which IM-OCF needs to set the Service-Identifier AVP in a CCR sent to a billing application.

Reauthorization Triggers

The Reauthorization Triggers subtab enables you to specify whether R-IM-ASF reauthorizes a quota upon receiving various triggers from a CSCF.

Table 19-7 describes configuration parameters on the Reauthorization Triggers subtab.

Table 19-7 Reauthorization Triggers Parameters

Name Type Description



A unique identifier for the trigger.

Trigger Type


Specifies the trigger for reauthorization of granted quota.

Possible values:










Specifies whether or not IM-SCF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Session Updated trigger.

  • YES

    IM-SCF always reauthorizes the quota.


    IM-SCF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • NO

    IM-SCF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: DYNAMIC

Table 19-8 describes the preconfigured triggers on the Reauthorization Triggers subtab.

Table 19-8 Preconfigured Triggers

Name Type Description

Info Received


Specifies whether or not R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Info Received trigger.

Possible values:

  • Yes

    R-IM-ASF always reauthorizes the quota.

  • Dynamic

    R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • No

    R-IM-ASF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: Dynamic

Session Alerted


Specifies whether or not R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Session Alerted trigger.

Possible values:

  • Yes

    R-IM-ASF always reauthorizes the quota.

  • Dynamic

    R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • No

    R-IM-ASF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: Dynamic

Session Connected


Specifies whether or not R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Session Connected trigger.

Possible values:

  • Yes

    R-IM-ASF always reauthorizes the quota.

  • Dynamic

    R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • No

    R-IM-ASF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: Dynamic

Session ReInvite Complete


Specifies whether or not R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Session ReInvite Complete trigger.

Possible values:

  • Yes

    R-IM-ASF always reauthorizes the quota.

  • Dynamic

    R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • No

    R-IM-ASF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: Dynamic

Session Reinvited


Specifies whether or not IM-SCF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Session Reinvited trigger.

  • Yes

    R-IM-ASF always reauthorizes the quota.

  • Dynamic

    R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • No

    R-IM-ASF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: Dynamic

Session Update Complete


Specifies whether or not R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Session Update Complete trigger.

  • Yes

    R-IM-ASF always reauthorizes the quota.

  • Dynamic

    R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • No

    R-IM-ASF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: Dynamic

Session Updated


Specifies whether or not R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota on receiving the Session Updated trigger.

  • Yes

    R-IM-ASF always reauthorizes the quota.

  • Dynamic

    R-IM-ASF reauthorizes the quota only if a change in the rating conditions was detected (for example, when a location is changed).

  • No

    R-IM-ASF never reauthorizes the quota.

Default value: Dynamic

Configuring Media Resource Announcements Parameters

The Media Resources Announcements subtab enables you to define the media resources that the SSP can connect in order to play announcements.

The table in the Media Resources subtab displays the media resources that are used to play announcements. Each row represents one media resource. When defining a new media resource, you need to specify the fields described in Table 19-9.

Table 19-9 R-IM-ASF SIP Media Resource Definition Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a name of the media resource.

MRF Alias


Specifies an identifier for the announcement in the Media Resource Table.

General Announcement ID


Specifies the general announcement ID as it appears in the MSCML play ID.

Specific Announcement


Specifies the MRF specific announcement representation.

Configuring Monitoring Parameters

The Monitoring tab enables you to define how Runtime MBeans and notifications operate for an R-IM-ASF. For more information about configuring monitoring, see "Configuring Service Controller Monitoring" in "Monitoring Service Controller Using Runtime MBeans" in Service Controller System Administrator's Guide.