A Oracle ORAchkおよびOracle EXAchkのコマンドライン・オプション

ほとんどのコマンドライン・オプションは、Oracle ORAchkとOracle EXAchkの両方に適用されます。コマンド・オプションを使用して、Oracle ORAchkおよびOracle EXAchkの動作を制御します。


$ ./orachk options

[-h] [-a] [-b] [-v] [-p] [-m] [-u] [-f] [-o] 
[-clusternodes clusternames] 
[-failedchecks previous_result]
[-output path] 
[-dbnames dbnames] 
[-dbnone | -dball] 
[-upgrade | -noupgrade] 
[-uploadfailed all | comma-delimited list of collections]
[-fileattr [start | check | remove ] [-includedir path ] [-excludediscovery] [-baseline path [-fileattronly]
[-testemail all | "NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=comma-delimited list of email addresses"]
[-setdbupload all | db upload variable, for example, RAT_UPLOAD_CONNECT_STRING, RAT_UPLOAD_PASSWORD]
[-unsetdbupload all | db upload variable, for example, RAT_UPLOAD_CONNECT_STRING, RAT_UPLOAD_PASSWORD]
[-sendemail "NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=comma-delimited list of email addresses"]
[-diff Old Report New Report [-outfile Output HTML] [-force]] 
[-merge report 1 report 2 [-force]] 
[-tag tagname]
[-profile asm | clusterware | corroborate | dba | ebs | emagent | emoms | em | goldengate | hardware | maa | oam | oim | oud | ovn | peoplesoft | preinstall | prepatch | security | siebel | solaris_cluster | storage | switch | sysadmin | timesten | user_defined_checks |  zfs ]
[-excludeprofile asm | clusterware | corroborate | dba | ebs | emagent | emoms | em | goldengate | hardware | maa | oam | oim | oud | ovn | peoplesoft | preinstall | prepatch | security | siebel | solaris_cluster | storage | switch | sysadmin | timesten | user_defined_checks | zfs ]
[-acchk -javahome path to jdk8 
-asmhome path to asm-all-5.0.3.jar -appjar directory where jar files are present for concrete class -apptrc directory where trace files are present for coverage class]
[-check check ids | -excludecheck check ids]
[-zfsnodes nodes]
[-zfssa appliance names]
[-dbserial | -dbparallel [n] | -dbparallelmax]
[-idmpreinstall | -idmpostinstall | -idmruntime] [-topology topology.xml |
-credconfig credconfig] | -idmdbpreinstall | -idmdbpostinstall | -idmdbruntime] 
[-idm_config IDMCONFIG] [-idmdiscargs IDMDISCARGS] 
[-idmhcargs IDMHCARGS | -h]
$ ./exachk options

[-h] [-a] [-b] [-v] [-p] [-m] [-u] [-f] [-o] 
[-clusternodes clusternames] 
[-output path] 
[-dbnames dbnames] 
[-dbnone | -dball] 
[-upgrade | -noupgrade] 
[-syslog] [-skip_usr_def_checks] 
[-uploadfailed all | comma-delimited list of collections] 
[-fileattr start | check | remove [-includedir path [-excludediscovery] [-baseline path[-fileattronly]
[-testemail all | "NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=comma-delimited list of email addresses"]
[-setdbupload all | db upload variable, for example, RAT_UPLOAD_CONNECT_STRING, RAT_UPLOAD_PASSWORD] 
[-unsetdbupload all | db upload variable, for example, RAT_UPLOAD_CONNECT_STRING, RAT_UPLOAD_PASSWORD] 
[-cmupgrade] [-sendemail "NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=comma-delimited list of email addresses"]
[-diff Old Report New Report [-outfile Output HTML] [-force]] 
[-merge report 1 report 2 [-force]] 
[-tag tagname]
[-auto_restart -initsetup | -initdebugsetup | -initrmsetup | -initcheck | -h]
[-d start|start_debug|stop|status|info|stop_client|nextautorun|-h]
[-unlockcells all | -cells comma-delimited list of names or IPs of cells] [-lockcells all | -cells comma-delimited list of names or IPs of cells]
[-exadiff Exalogic collection1 Exalogic collection2]
[-vmguest ]
[-hybrid [-phy nodes]]
[-profile asm | bi_middleware | clusterware | compute_node | exatier1 | control_VM | corroborate | dba | ebs | el_extensive | el_lite | el_rackcompare | emagent | emoms | em | goldengate | hardware | maa | nimbula | obiee | ovn | peoplesoft | platinum | preinstall | prepatch | security | siebel | solaris_cluster | storage | switch | sysadmin | timesten | user_defined_checks | virtual_infra]
[-excludeprofile asm | bi_middleware | clusterware | compute_node | exatier1 | control_VM | corroborate | dba | ebs | el_extensive | el_lite | el_rackcompare | emagent | emoms | em | goldengate | hardware | maa | nimbula | obiee | ovn | peoplesoft | platinum | preinstall | prepatch | security | siebel | solaris_cluster | storage | switch | sysadmin | timesten | user_defined_checks | virtual_infra]
[-check check ids | -excludecheck check ids]
[-cells cells]
[-ibswitches switches]
[-extzfsnodes nodes]
[-dbserial | -dbparallel [n] | -dbparallelmax | -allserial]
[-allserial | -dbnodeserial |-cellserial | -switchserial]