A CONTEXT問合せアプリケーション



A.1 Web問合せアプリケーションの概要

Oracle Textの一般的な使用目的は、Webサイト上のHTMLファイルを索引付けし、ユーザーに検索機能を提供することです。この付録のサンプル・アプリケーションでは、データベースに格納されているHTMLファイルのセットを索引付けします。また、Oracle Databaseに接続されているWebサーバーを使用して検索サービスを提供します。


  • PL/SQL Server Pages(PSP)を使用するバージョン

  • Java Server Pages(JSP)を使用するバージョン


図A-1 テキスト問合せアプリケーション

「図A-1 テキスト問合せアプリケーション」の説明


図A-2 結果を表示したテキスト問合せアプリケーション

「図A-2 結果を表示したテキスト問合せアプリケーション」の説明


  • 「HTML」リンクによりドキュメントが表示されます。


  • 「ハイライト」リンクにより、検索用語をハイライト表示したドキュメントが表示されます。

  • 「テーマ」リンクにより、ドキュメントに関連する上位50位までのテーマが表示されます。


A.2 PL/SQL Server Pages (PSP) Webアプリケーション

PSP Webアプリケーションは、PL/SQL Server Pagesに基づいています。図A-3は、ブラウザからWebサーバーを通じてOracle Database上のPSPストアド・プロシージャをコールする方法を示しています。


図A-3 PSP Webアプリケーション

「図A-3 PSP Webアプリケーション」の説明

A.2.1 PSP Webアプリケーションの前提条件


  • Oracle Databaseが起動され、実行中である必要があります。

  • SCOTTアカウントをそのパスワードでロック解除していること。このアカウントにはCREATERESOURCECTXAPPの各権限があります。

  • Oracle PL/SQLゲートウェイが実行中であること。

  • ApacheなどのWebサーバーが稼働し、Oracle Databaseに要求を送信するように適切に構成されていること。


A.2.2 PSP Webアプリケーションの作成

PSP Webアプリケーションを作成するには:

  1. テキスト表を作成します。

    CREATE TABLEコマンドを使用して、HTMLファイルを格納するためのテキスト表を作成する必要があります。各例では、output_tablegist_tableおよびtheme_table表を作成しています。

    CREATE TABLE output_table  (query_id NUMBER, document CLOB);
    CREATE TABLE gist_table  (query_id NUMBER, pov VARCHAR2(80), gist CLOB);
    CREATE TABLE theme_table  (query_id NUMBER, theme VARCHAR2(2000), weight NUMBER);
  2. SQL*Loaderを使用して、表にHTMLドキュメントをロードします。


    % sqlldr userid=scott/password control=loader.ctl 
  3. CONTEXT索引の作成


    create index idx_search_table on search_table(text)
      indextype is ctxsys.context parameters
      ('filter ctxsys.null_filter section group CTXSYS.HTML_SECTION_GROUP');
  4. Oracle Databaseのsearch_htmlservicesパッケージをコンパイルします。

    アプリケーションには、選択したドキュメントが表示される必要があります。そのためには、Oracle Databaseがsearch_table内のキャラクタ・ラージ・オブジェクト(CLOB)からドキュメントを読み取り、その結果を出力して表示する必要があります。そのためには、search_htmlservicesパッケージ内のプロシージャをコールします。次のように、SQL*Plusプロンプトでsearch_htmlservices.sqlファイルをコンパイルします。

    SQL> @search_htmlservices.sql
    Package created.
  5. search_htmlのPSPページのコンパイル(loadpsp.を使用)

    検索ページを呼び出すには、ブラウザからsearch_html.pspをコールします。search_htmlは、Oracle Databaseのloadpspコマンドライン・プログラムを使用して、次のようにコンパイルします。

    % loadpsp -replace -user scott/password search_html.psp


    "search_html.psp": procedure "search_html" created.


    PSPの使用方法の詳細は、Oracle Database 11gリリース2 (11.2)の『Oracle Database開発者ガイド』を参照してください。

  6. Webサーバーを構成します。

    クライアントのPSP要求をURLとして受け入れるように、Webサーバーを構成する必要があります。Webサーバーは、クライアントの要求をOracle Databaseに転送し、サーバー出力をブラウザに戻します。図A-3を参照してください。

    Oracle WebDB Webリスナー、またはApache Webサーバーが組み込まれているOracle Application Serverを使用できます。

  7. ブラウザから問合せを入力します。




A.2.3 PSP Webアプリケーションのサンプル・コード


A.2.3.1 loader.ctl


        INFILE 'loader.dat'
        INTO TABLE search_table 
        (tk             INTEGER,
         title          CHAR,
         text_file      FILLER CHAR,
         text           LOBFILE(text_file) TERMINATED BY EOF)
A.2.3.2 loader.dat


1;   Pizza Shredder;Pizza.html
2;   Refrigerator w/ Front-Door Auto Cantaloupe Dispenser;Cantaloupe.html
3;   Self-Tipping Couch;Couch.html
4;   Home Air Dirtier;Mess.html
5;   Set of Pet Magnets;Pet.html
6;   Esteem-Building Talking Pillow;Snooze.html
A.2.3.3 loader.datのHTMLファイルの例



<title>The Pizza Shredder</title>
<h2>The Pizza Shredder</h2>
<h4>Keeping your pizza preferences secure</h4>
So it's the end of a long evening. Beer has been drunk, pizza has been eaten.
But there's leftover pizza - what are you going to do with it?
You could save it for the morning, or you could feed it to your pet.  But if neither of those appeal (maybe you don't have a pet?) then 
you'll be throwing it in the trash.
But wait a minute - anybody could look through your trash, and figure out what kind of pizza you've been eating! "No big deal," I hear you 
say. But it is! After they've figured out that your favorite pizza is pepperoni, then it's only a short step to figuring out that 
your top-secret online banking password is "pepperoni_pizza."
Get one over the dumpster-divers with our new patent-pending "Mk III Pizza Shredder." Cross-cut blades ensure that your pizza will be rendered 
unreadable, and nobody will be able to identify the original toppings. Also doubles as a lettuce-shredder and may also be used for removing 
unwanted fingertips.
<h2>Model Comparison</h2>
<table border="1">
  <tr><th>Model</th><th>Blades0</th><th>Pizza Thickness</th><th>Price</th></tr>
  <tr><td>Mk I</td><td>Plastic</td><td>1/2 inch (Thin Crust)</td><td>$69.99</td></tr>
  <tr><td>Mk II</td><td>Brass</td><td>1 inch (Deep Pan)</td><td>$99.99</td></tr>
  <tr><td>Mk III</td><td>Carbon Steel</td><td>2 inch (Calzoni)</td><td>$129.99</td></tr>


<title>The Fridge with a Cantaloupe Dispenser</title>
<h2>The Fridge with a Cantaloupe Dispenser</h2>
<h4>A nice cold melon at the touch of a button</h4>
Does your refrigerator only have a boring water dispenser in the door?
When you're hungry for a cantaloupe, do you have to expend valuable energy opening the fridge door and fishing around amongst the half-used
 packets of pet food?
Do your friends complain that they wish there was an effortless way to get cantaloupes from your fridge? Do you overhear them saying they're 
tired of always having to rummage through your moldy leftovers and seal-a-meals to get to the cold melons?
What you need is the convenience of a built-in cantaloupe dispenser.
Impress your friends. Win praise from your neighbors. Become a legendary host!
<b>Try our new <i>Melonic 2000</i> model!</b>
Works with honeydews and small crenshaws too.
Let the <i>Melonic 2000</i> go to work for you. Order one now at your local store.


<title>The Self-Tipping Couch</title>
<h2>The Self-Tipping Couch</h2>
<h4>Sometimes it's hard work to get off the couch</h4>
Sometimes it's hard work to get your partner, or your pet, off the couch.
The <b>Self-Tipping Couch</b> solves these problems for you. At the touch of a button it will deposit the contents of the couch onto the
 floor in front of it. 
The <b>Self-Tipping Couch</b> has been proven to boost communication with stubborn spouses, children, and relatives. 
You will never again need to yell, "Get off the couch!" Simply press a button and all those couch hoggers are gently 
dumped onto your carpet.
Get your own <b>Self-Tipping Couch</b> TODAY!


<title>Home Air Dirtier</title>
<h2>Home Air Dirtier</h2>
<h4>Missing your home in the middle of the city?</h4>
Like many ex-city-dwellers, you might be finding that the air in the countryside is just too clean.
You can remedy this right now with the <i>UltraAppliance</i> <b>Home Air Dirtier</b>. 
Simply insert our patented <i>CityFilth</i> cartridge, 
and soon you'll be enjoying the aromas of vehicle fumes and decaying garbage that you're used to from home.
<b>Please note:</b> Decaying garbage smells may confuse your pet. 
We recommend adding genuine garbage to your environment if this is a concern.


<title>The Pet Magnet</title>
<h2>The Pet Magnet</h2>
<h4>Every pet owner loves to let the pet run free, but that's not always possible</h4>
Sometimes local laws require pets to be on leashes. Sometimes a free-roaming pet will ruin a flower bed, leave a "calling card" on the 
sidewalk, or chew through another pet. In the case of extremely smart pets, like chimpanzees or dolphins, the unattended pet may get 
away and run up hundreds of dollars of long-distance charges on your phone.
But leashes aren't always a practical answer. They can be too confining, or too big, or can tug uncomfortably at the pet's neck. They 
may get tangled, or wrapped around poles or passersby. Pets may chew through the leash, or, again, in the case of extremely smart pets, 
burn through it with an acetylene torch. In the case of cats, leashes simply look ridiculous, as though the pet owner really wanted to 
own a dog but got confused at the pet store.
The <b>Hold 'Em 2000 Pet Magnet</b> from <i>UltraAppliance</i> is the answer. Instead of old-fashioned leashes, the 
<b>Hold 'Em 2000 Pet Magnet</b> keeps your pet under control in a simple way.
Here's how it works. Dozens of small magnets are placed underneath the coat of your pet, where they remain painlessly invisible. Any time 
you need to recall your animal, you merely activate the handy, massive Hold 'Em 2000 Pet Magnet electromagnet (fits inside any extremely 
oversized purse) and your pet is gently and painlessly dragged to you from up to 100 yards. It's a must-have for any pet owner!
"The <b>Hold 'Em 2000 Pet Magnet</b> not only keeps my dog from running away, but the electromagnet also comes in very handy if I need to 
find a needle in a haystack"</i>
-- Anonymous Celebrity


<title>Esteem-building Talking Pillow</title>
<h2>Esteem-building Talking Pillow</h2>
<h4>Do you feel less than your true potential when you wake up in the morning?</h4>
We searched for a way to capture the wasted time spent sleeping and to use this precious time to build motivation, character, and self-esteem.
We are proud to announce the <b>Esteem-building Talking Pillow</b>. Our pride in this wonderful invention glows even more because: 
<i>We use our own invention every night!</i>
Only you will know that you are sleeping with the <b>Esteem-building Talking Pillow</b> because only you can hear the soothing 
affirmations that gently enter your brain through the discreet speaker.
You will wake up refreshed and raring to go with a new sense of pride and enthusiasm for any task the day may bring. 
Be the first to own the <b>Esteem-building Talking Pillow</b>! Your friends and fellow workers will be amazed when you no longer 
cower in the corner. Now you will join in every conversation.
<b>Disclaimer:</b> Not responsible for narcissism and hyberbolic statements. May cause extreme behavior with overuse.
A.2.3.4 search_htmlservices.sql
set define off
create or replace package search_htmlServices as
  procedure showHTMLDoc (p_id in numeric);
  procedure showDoc  (p_id in varchar2, p_query in varchar2);
end search_htmlServices;
show errors;
create or replace package body search_htmlServices as
  procedure showHTMLDoc (p_id in numeric) is
    v_clob_selected   CLOB;
    v_read_amount     integer;
    v_read_offset     integer;
    v_buffer          varchar2(32767);
     select text into v_clob_selected from search_table where tk = p_id;
     v_read_amount := 32767;
     v_read_offset := 1;
      v_read_offset := v_read_offset + v_read_amount;
      v_read_amount := 32767;
    end loop;
   when no_data_found then
 end showHTMLDoc;
procedure showDoc (p_id in varchar2, p_query in varchar2) is
 v_clob_selected   CLOB;
 v_read_amount     integer;
 v_read_offset     integer;
 v_buffer          varchar2(32767);
 v_query           varchar(2000);
 v_cursor          integer;
   htp.p('<html><title>HTML version with highlighted terms</title>');
   htp.p('<body bgcolor="#ffffff">');
   htp.p('<b>HTML version with highlighted terms</b>');
     ctx_doc.markup (index_name => 'idx_search_table',
                     textkey    => p_id,
                     text_query => p_query,
                     restab     => v_clob_selected,
                     starttag   => '<i><font color=red>',
                     endtag     => '</font></i>');
     v_read_amount := 32767;
     v_read_offset := 1;
        v_read_offset := v_read_offset + v_read_amount;
        v_read_amount := 32767;
      end loop;
      when no_data_found then
      when others then
        null; --showHTMLdoc(p_id);
end showDoc;
end search_htmlServices; 
show errors
set define on
A.2.3.5 search_html.psp
<%@ plsql procedure="search_html" %>
<%@ plsql parameter="query" default="null" %>
<%! v_results number := 0; %>
  <title>search_html Search </title>
    <form method="post" action="search_html">
     <b>Search for: </b>
     <input type="text" name="query" size="30">&nbsp;
     <input type="submit" value="Search">
      color varchar2(6) := 'ffffff';
     <form method="post" action="search_html">
      <b>Search for:</b>
      <input type="text" name="query" size="30" value="<%= query %>">
      <input type="submit" value="Search">
     -- select statement 
    FOR DOC IN (
                SELECT /*+ DOMAIN_INDEX_SORT */ rowid, tk, title, score(1) scr
                FROM search_table
                WHERE CONTAINS(text, query,1) >0
                ORDER BY score(1) DESC
           v_results := v_results + 1;
           IF v_results = 1 THEN
              <table border="0">
                <tr bgcolor="#6699CC">
  <%      END IF; %>
          <tr bgcolor="#<%= color %>">
           <td> <%= doc.scr %>% </td>
           <td> <%= doc.title %>
           [<a href="search_htmlServices.showHTMLDoc?p_id=
                  <%= doc.tk %>">HTML</a>]
           [<a href="search_htmlServices.showDoc?p_id=
                  <%= doc.tk %>&p_query=<%= query %>">Highlight</a>]
          IF (color = 'ffffff') THEN
               color := 'eeeeee';
               color := 'ffffff';
          END IF;
     END LOOP; 

A.3 Java Server Pages (JSP) Webアプリケーション

JSPベースのWebアプリケーションの作成は、PSPベースのアプリケーションの作成とほぼ同じステップで行われます。詳細は、PSP Webアプリケーションの作成を参照してください。同じloader.datファイルおよびloader.ctlファイルを使用できます。ただし、JSPベースのアプリケーションでは、次のことは不要です。

  • search_htmlservicesパッケージのコンパイル

  • search_htmlのPSPページのコンパイル(loadpspを使用)


A.3.1 JSP Webアプリケーションの前提条件

JSP Webアプリケーションには、次の要件があります。

  • Oracle Databaseが起動され、実行中である必要があります。

  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)を使用してOracle Databaseに接続するJavaServer Pages (JSP)スクリプトを実行できる、Apache TomcatなどのWebサーバーを保有していること。


Apache HTTPサーバーのインストールの詳細は、『Oracle Database 2日でPHP開発者ガイド』を参照

A.3.2 JSP Webアプリケーションのサンプル・コード


<%@page language="java" pageEncoding="utf-8" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" %>
<%@ page import="java.sql.*, java.util.*, java.net.*, 
   oracle.jdbc.*, oracle.sql.*, oracle.jsp.dbutil.*" %>
// Change these details to suit your database and user details
String connStr = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//servername:1521/pdb1";
String dbUser  = "scott";
String dbPass  = "tiger";
// The table we're running queries against is called SEARCH_TABLE.
// It must have columns:
//  tk     number  primary key,     (primary key is important for document services)
//  title  varchar2(2000),
//  text   clob
// There must be a CONTEXT index called IDX_SEARCH_TABLE on the text column
java.util.Properties info=new java.util.Properties();
Connection conn  = null;
ResultSet rset   = null;
OracleCallableStatement callStmt = null;
Statement stmt   = null;
String userQuery = null;
String myQuery   = null;
String action    = null;
String theTk     = null;
URLEncoder myEncoder;
int count=0;
int loopNum=0;
int startNum=0;
userQuery     =   request.getParameter("query");
action        =   request.getParameter("action");
theTk         =   request.getParameter("tk");
if (action == null)  action = "";
// Connect to database
try {
  DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver() );
  info.put ("user",     dbUser);
  info.put ("password", dbPass);
  conn      = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr,info);
  catch (SQLException e) {
%>    <b>Error: </b> <%= e %><p>  <%
if ( action.equals("doHTML") ) {
  // Directly display the text of the document
  try {
    // not attempting to share the output table for this example, we'll truncate it each time
    conn.createStatement().execute("truncate table OUTPUT_TABLE");
    String sql = "{ call ctx_doc.filter( index_name=>'IDX_SEARCH_TABLE', textkey=> '" + theTk + "', restab=>'OUTPUT_TABLE', 
                  plaintext=>false ) }";
    PreparedStatement s = conn.prepareCall( sql );
    sql = "select document from output_table where rownum = 1";
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    rset = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    oracle.sql.CLOB res = (oracle.sql.CLOB) rset.getClob(1);
    // should fetch from clob piecewise, but to keep it simple we'll just fetch 32K to a string
    String txt = res.getSubString(1, 32767);
  catch (SQLException e) {
%>    <b>Error: </b> <%= e %><p> <%
else if ( action.equals("doHighlight") ) {
  // Display the text of the document with highlighting from the "markup" function
  try {
    // not attempting to share the output table for this example, we'll truncate it each time
    conn.createStatement().execute("truncate table OUTPUT_TABLE");
    String sql = "{ call ctx_doc.markup( index_name=>'IDX_SEARCH_TABLE', textkey=> '" + theTk + "', text_query => '" + userQuery + "', 
                  restab=>'OUTPUT_TABLE', plaintext=>false, starttag => '<i><font color=\"red\">', endtag => '</font></i>' ) }";
    PreparedStatement s = conn.prepareCall( sql );
    sql = "select document from output_table where rownum = 1";
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    rset = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    oracle.sql.CLOB res = (oracle.sql.CLOB) rset.getClob(1);
    // should fetch from clob piecewise, but to keep it simple we'll just fetch 32K to a string
    String txt = res.getSubString(1, 32767);
  catch (SQLException e) {
%>    <b>Error: </b> <%= e %><p> <%
else if ( action.equals("doThemes") ) {
  // Display the text of the document with highlighting from the "markup" function
  try {
    // not attempting to share the output table for this example, we'll truncate it each time
    conn.createStatement().execute("truncate table THEME_TABLE");
    String sql = "{ call ctx_doc.themes( index_name=>'IDX_SEARCH_TABLE', textkey=> '" + theTk + "', restab=>'THEME_TABLE') }";
    PreparedStatement s = conn.prepareCall( sql );
    sql = "select * from ( select theme, weight from theme_table order by weight desc ) where rownum <= 20";
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    rset = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    int    weight = 0;
    String theme  = "";
    <h2>The top 20 themes of the document</h2>
       <tr bgcolor="#CCCC99">
       <th><font face="arial" color="#336699">Theme</th>
       <th><font face="arial" color="#336699">Weight</th>
    while ( rset.next() ) {
      theme  = rset.getString(1); 
      weight = (int)rset.getInt(2);
       <tr bgcolor="ffffe0">
         <td align="center"><font face="arial"><b> <%= theme  %> </b></font></td>
         <td align="center"><font face="arial"> <%= weight %></font></td>
  catch (SQLException e) {
%>    <b>Error: </b> <%= e %><p> <%
else if ( action.equals("doGists") ) {
  // Display the text of the document with highlighting from the "markup" function
  try {
    // not attempting to share the output table for this example, we'll truncate it each time
    conn.createStatement().execute("truncate table GIST_TABLE");
    String sql = "{ call ctx_doc.gist( index_name=>'IDX_SEARCH_TABLE', textkey=> '" + theTk + "', restab=>'GIST_TABLE', query_id=>1) }";
    PreparedStatement s = conn.prepareCall( sql );
    sql = "select pov, gist from gist_table where pov = 'GENERIC' and query_id = 1";
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    rset = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    String pov   = "";
    String gist  = "";
    while ( rset.next() ) {
      pov   = rset.getString(1); 
      oracle.sql.CLOB gistClob = (oracle.sql.CLOB) rset.getClob(2);
      out.println("<h3>Document Gist for Point of View: " + pov + "</h3>");
      gist = gistClob.getSubString(1, 32767);
  catch (SQLException e) {
%>    <b>Error: </b> <%= e %><p> <%
if ( (action.equals("")) && ( (userQuery == null) || (userQuery.length() == 0) ) ) {
    <title>Text Search</title>
      <table width="100%">
        <tr bgcolor="#336699">
          <td><font face="arial" align="left" 
          color="#CCCC99" size="+2">Text Search</td>
      <form method = post>
      Search for:
      <input type="text" name="query" size = "30">
      <input type="submit" value="Search">
else if (action.equals("") ) {
    <title>Text Search Result Page</title>
    <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#663300" 
          vlink="#996633" alink="#ff6600">
      <table width="100%">
        <tr bgcolor="#336699">
          <td><font face="arial" align="left" 
                 color="#CCCC99" size=+2>Text Search</td>
      <form method = post action="TextSearchApp.jsp">
      Search for:
      <input type=text name="query" value="<%= userQuery %>" size = 30>
      <input type=submit value="Search">
  myQuery   =   URLEncoder.encode(userQuery);
  try {
    stmt      = conn.createStatement();
    String numStr =   request.getParameter("sn");
    String theQuery =   translate(userQuery);
    callStmt =(OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall("begin "+
         "?:=ctx_query.count_hits(index_name=>'IDX_SEARCH_TABLE', "+
         "); " +
         "end; ");
    callStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER);
    <font color="#336699" FACE="Arial" SIZE=+1>Results
           <%=startNum+1%> - <%=startNum+20%> of <%=count%> matches
    else if(count>0){
    <font color="#336699" FACE="Arial" SIZE=+1>Results
           <%=startNum+1%> - <%=count%> of <%=count%> matches
    else {
    <font color="#336699" FACE="Arial" SIZE=+1>No match found
  <table width="100%">
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum-20 %>&query=
            <%=myQuery %>">previous20</a>
  else if((count>startNum+20)&(startNum==0))
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum+20 
          %>&query=<%=myQuery %>">next20</a>
  else if((count>startNum+20)&(startNum>0))
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum-20 %>&query=
              <%=myQuery %>">previous20</a>
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum+20 %>&query=
              <%=myQuery %>">next20</a>
    String ctxQuery = 
        " select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ " + 
        "   tk, TITLE, score(1) scr, " +
        "   ctx_doc.snippet ('IDX_SEARCH_TABLE', tk, '" + theQuery + "') " + 
        " from search_table " + 
        " where contains(TEXT, '"+theQuery+"',1 ) > 0 " +
        " order by score(1) desc"; 
    rset = stmt.executeQuery(ctxQuery);
    String   tk           = null;
    String[] colToDisplay = new String[1];
    int      myScore      = 0;
    String   snippet      = "";
    int      items        = 0;
    while (rset.next()&&items< 20) {
        tk = rset.getString(1);
        colToDisplay[0] = rset.getString(2);
        myScore         = (int)rset.getInt(3);
        snippet         = rset.getString(4);
        if (items == 1) {
          <table BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 width="100%"
            <tr bgcolor="#CCCC99">
              <th><font face="arial" color="#336699">Score</th>
              <th><font face="arial" color="#336699">TITLE</th>
              <th><font face="arial" color="#336699">Snippet</th>
              <th> <font face="arial" 
                       color="#336699">Document Services</th>
<%   } %>
      <tr bgcolor="#FFFFE0">
        <td ALIGN="CENTER"> <%= myScore %>%</td>
        <td> <%= colToDisplay[0] %> </td>
        <td> <%= snippet %> </td>
          <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?action=doHTML&tk=<%= tk %>">HTML</a> &nbsp;
          <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?action=doHighlight&tk=<%= tk %>&query=<%= theQuery %>">Highlight</a> &nbsp;
          <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?action=doThemes&tk=<%= tk %>&query=<%= theQuery %>">Themes</a> &nbsp;
          <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?action=doGists&tk=<%= tk %>">Gist</a> &nbsp;
} catch (SQLException e) {
    <b>Error: </b> <%= e %><p>
} finally {
  if (conn != null) conn.close();
  if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
  if (rset != null) rset.close();
  <table width="100%">
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum-20 %>&query=
               <%=myQuery %>">previous20</a>
  else if((count>startNum+20)&(startNum==0))
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum+20 %>&query=
          <%=myQuery %>">next20</a>
  else if((count>startNum+20)&(startNum>0))
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum-20 %>&query=
          <%=myQuery %>">previous20</a>
    <a href="TextSearchApp.jsp?sn=<%=startNum+20 %>&query=
          <%=myQuery %>">next20</a>
   public String translate (String input)
      Vector reqWords = new Vector();
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input, " '", true);
      while (st.hasMoreTokens())
        String token = st.nextToken();
        if (token.equals("'"))
           String phrase = getQuotedPhrase(st);
           if (phrase != null)
        else if (!token.equals(" "))
      return getQueryString(reqWords);
   private String getQuotedPhrase(StringTokenizer st)
      StringBuffer phrase = new StringBuffer();
      String token = null;
      while (st.hasMoreTokens() && (!(token = st.nextToken()).equals("'")))
      return phrase.toString();
   private String getQueryString(Vector reqWords)
      StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("");
      int length = (reqWords == null) ? 0 : reqWords.size();
      for (int ii=0; ii < length; ii++)
         if (ii != 0)
           query.append(" & ");
      return query.toString();