A Example of Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC on Docker

After you provision Docker, use this example to see how you can install Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)

Client Machine Configuration

The client machine used for remote based graphic user interface (GUI) installation of Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) into Docker containers used this configuration.

  • Client: user-client-1
  • CPU cores: 1 socket with 1 core, with 2 threads for each core. Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8167 M CPU at 2.00 GHz
  • Memory
    • RAM: 8 GB
    • Swap memory: 8 GB
  • Network card and IP: ens3,
  • Linux operating system: Oracle Linux 7.9 (Linux-x86-64) with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 5: 4.14.35-2047.501.2el7uek.x86_64
  • Packages:
    • X Window System
    • Gnome

Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC

To set up Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) in Docker containers, complete these steps.

Set Up the Docker Containers for Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation

To prepare for Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), complete these steps on the Docker containers.

Create Paths and Change Permissions

To create directory paths and change the permissions as needed for the cluster, complete this set of commands on the docker host.

As root, run the following commands for racnode1:

# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/oraInventory"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/grid"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/19c/grid"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "chown -R grid:oinstall /u01/app/grid"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "chown -R grid:oinstall /u01/app/19c/grid"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "chown -R grid:oinstall /u01/app/oraInventory"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle"
# docker exec racnode1 /bin/bash -c "chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1"
Next, repeat the commands for racnode2:
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/oraInventory"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/grid"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/19c/grid"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "chown -R grid:oinstall /u01/app/grid"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "chown -R grid:oinstall /u01/app/19c/grid"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "chown -R grid:oinstall /u01/app/oraInventory"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle"
# docker exec racnode2 /bin/bash -c "chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1"
Configure SSH for the Cluster

You must configure SSH for both the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) software owner (oracle) and the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software owner (grid) before starting installation.

Configure SSH separately for grid and oracle:

Log in to Oracle RAC containers from your Docker host, and reset the passwords for the grid and oracle users:

# docker exec -i -t racnode1 /bin/bash
# passwd grid
# passwd oracle
# docker exec -i -t racnode2 /bin/bash
# passwd grid
# passwd oracle

For information about configuring SSH on cluster nodes, refer to Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux to see how to set up user equivalency for the grid and oracle users inside the containers.

Configure Remote Display for Installation

To use a remote display for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) for installation, you must perform these configuration steps.

If you are using Docker bridge, then you can reach Oracle RAC Containers from the Docker host by using IP addresses. However, if you are using a MACVLAN Docker network bridge, then you can use any other client machine using the same subnet to connect to container.

Modify sshd_config

To run the installation of Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) on Docker, you must modify the configuration file, sshd_config so that X11 forwarding is enabled.

Run the following on racnode1 only.

Open the sshd configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config using the VIM editor, and set the following parameters:

X11Forwarding yes
X11UseLocalhost no
X11DisplayOffset 10

Save the sshd_config file with these changes.

Restart sshd:

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart sshd
You do not need to repeat these steps on racnode2, because Oracle RAC installations are run from a single node.
Enable Remote Display

To ensure that your client can display the installation windows, you must enable remote display control of your Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) on Docker environment.

In this example, we enable remote display from the client to the Docker Host, and log in as the Grid user.
  1. From the client machine, start xhost (in our case user-client-1):

    # hostname
    # xhost +

    Note: is the IP address of the first Oracle RAC container (racnode1). This IP address is reachable from our client machine.
  2. From the client, use SSH to log in to the Oracle RAC Container (racnode1) as the grid user:

    # ssh -X grid@
  3. When prompted for a password, provide the grid user password, and then export the display inside the racnode1 container to the client, where display_computer is the client system, and port is the port for the display:

    $ export DISPLAY=display_computer:port


    You can only use the private IP address of the client as the export target for DISPLAY.

Run the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installer

To install Oracle Grid Infrastructure on Docker, complete these procedures.

Extract the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Files

From your client connection to the Docker container as the grid user, extract the Oracle Grid Infrastructure image files into the Grid home on one of the Oracle RAC Containers.

Also download and extract the most recent Release Update (RU), October 2021 or later. For example: Grid Infrastructure Release Update 19.16 (Patch 34130714).

For example:

  1. Ensure that the Grid user has read-write-execute privileges in the software stage home in the Oracle RAC node 1 container (in this example, /software/stage).
  2. Confirm that you have downloaded and staged the required files for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Release 19c (19.3), as well as the patch files. You must be able to see the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) software staged under the path /software/stage inside the Oracle RAC Node 1 container.

    $ ls -l /software/stage/*.zip
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1001 3059705302 Feb 3 09:29 /software/stage/LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1001 2889184573 Feb 3 09:30 /software/stage/LINUX.X64_193000_grid_home.zip
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1006462657 Jul 29 20:36 /software/stage/p32869666_1916000ACFSRU_Linux-x86-64.zip
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2814622872 Jul 28 09:13 /software/stage/p34130714_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 275787541 Jul 28 19:52 /software/stage/p34339952_1916000OCWRU_Linux-x86-64.zip
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1001 124109254 Jun 3 01:46 /software/stage/p6880880_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip
  3. As the grid user, unzip the files at their intended location. For example:

    $ cd /u01/app/19c/grid
    $ unzip -q /software/stage/LINUX.X64_193000_grid_home.zip
    $ cd /software/stage
    $ unzip -q p34130714_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip
    $ unzip -q p34339952_1916000OCWRU_Linux-x86-64.zip
    $ unzip -q p32869666_1916000ACFSRU_Linux-x86-64.zip
  4. As the grid user, unzip the new OPatch version in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to replace the existing one. For example, where OPATCH-patch-zip-file is the OPatch zip file:

    $ cd /u01/app/19c/grid
    $ mv OPatch OPatch_19.3
    $ unzip -q /software/stage/OPATCH-patch-zip-file

    For example, for the OPatch for DB (Jul 2022) Product Oracle Global Lifecycle Management OPatch utility:

    $ cd /u01/app/19c/grid
    $ mv OPatch OPatch_19.3
    $ unzip -q /software/stage/p6880880_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip

After you unzip the OPatch zip file, you can remove the OPatch_19.3 directory.

Start the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installer

Use this procedure to start up the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installer, and provide information for the configuration.


The instructions in the "Oracle Database Patch 34130714 - GI Release Update" patch notes tell you to use opatchauto to install the patch. However, this patch should be applied by the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installer using the -applyRU argument
  1. From your client connection to the Docker container as the Grid user on racnode1, start the installer, using the following command:

    /u01/app/19c/grid/gridSetup.sh -applyRU /software/stage/34130714 \
    -applyOneOffs /software/stage/34339952,/software/stage/32869666
  2. Choose the option Configure Grid Infrastructure for a New Cluster, and click Next.

    The Select Cluster Configuration window appears.

  3. Choose the option Configure an Oracle Standalone Cluster, and click Next.
  4. In the Cluster Name and SCAN Name fields, enter the names for your cluster, and for the cluster Single Client Access Names (SCANs) that are unique throughout your entire enterprise network. For this example, we used these names:

    • Cluster Name: raccluster01
    • SCAN Name: racnode-scan
    • SCAN Port : 1521
  5. If you have configured your domain name server (DNS) to send to the GNS virtual IP address name resolution, then you can select Configure GNS requests for the subdomain GNS servers. Click Next.

  6. In the Public Hostname column of the table of cluster nodes, check to see that you have the following values set

    • Public Hostname:
      • racnode1.example.info
      • racnode2.example.info
    • Virtual Hostname:
      • racnode1-vip.example.info
      • racnode2-vip.example.info
  7. Click SSH connectivity, and set up SSH between racnode1 and racnode2.

    When SSH is configured, click Next.

  8. On the Network Interface Usage window, select the following:
    • eth0 for the Public network
    • eth1 for the first Oracle ASM and Private network
    • eth2 for the second Oracle ASM and Private network

    After you make those selections, click Next.

  9. On the Storage Option window, select Use Oracle Flex ASM for Storage and click Next.
  10. On the GIMR Option window, leave the default selection (No), and click Next.
  11. On the Create ASM Disk Group window, click Change Discovery Path, and set the value for Disk Discovery Path to /dev/asm*, and click OK. Provide the following values:
    • Disk group name: DATA
    • Redundancy: External
    • Select the default, Allocation Unit Size
    • Select Disks, and provide the following values:
      • /dev/asm-disk1
      • /dev/asm-disk2

    When you have entered these values, click. Next.

  12. On the ASM Password window, provide the passwords for the SYS and ASMSNMP users, and click Next.
  13. On the Failure Isolation window, Select the default, and click Next.
  14. On the Management Options window, select the default, and click Next.
  15. On the Operating System Group window, select the default, and click Next.
  16. On the Installation Location window, for Oracle base, enter the path /u01/app/grid, and click Next.
  17. On the Oracle Inventory window, for Inventory Directory, enter /u01/app/oraInventory, and click Next.
  18. On the Root Script Execution Configuration window, leave Automatically run configuration scripts unchecked, and click Next.
  19. On the Prerequisite Checks window, under Verification Results, you may see a Systemd status warning. You can ignore this warning, and proceed.

    If you encounter an unexpected warning, then refer to "Known Issues " in My Oracle Support ID 2488326.1.

  20. On the Prerequisite Checks window, it is possible that you can see a warning indicating that cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1 is missing, and see the failure message "Device Checks for ASM" failed. If this warning appears, then you must install the package cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1 on both the containers. In this case:
    • The Fix & Check Again button is disabled, and you need to install the package manually. Complete the following steps:
      1. Open a terminal, and log in as root to racnode1 /bin/bash.

      2. Run the following command to install the cvuqdisk RPM package:

        rpm -ivh /tmp/GridSetupActions*/CVU_*/cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1.rpm
      3. Click Check Again.

      4. Repeat steps a and b to install the RPM on racnode2.

      You should not see any further warnings or failure messages. The installer should automatically proceed to the next window.

  21. Click Install.

  22. When prompted, run orainstRoot.sh and root.sh on racnode1 and racnode2.

  23. After installation is complete, confirm that the CRS stack is up:
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t

Run the Oracle RAC Database Installer

To install Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), run the Oracle RAC installer.

Extract the Oracle Real Application Clusters Files

To prepare for installation, log in to racnode1 as the Oracle Software Owner account (oracle), and extract the software.

  1. From the client, use SSH to log in to the Oracle RAC Container (racnode1) as the oracle user:

    # ssh -X oracle@
  2. When prompted for a password, provide the oracle user password, and then export the display inside the racnode1 container to the client, where display_computer is the client system, and port is the port for the display:

    $ export DISPLAY=display_computer:port
  3. Unzip the Oracle Database files with the following commands:

    $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1
    $ unzip -q /software/stage/LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip
  4. As the Oracle user, unzip the new Opatch version in the Oracle Database (Oracle home) to replace the existing one. For example, where OPATCH-patch-zip-file is the Opatch zip file:

    $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1
    $ mv OPatch OPatch_19.3
    $ unzip -q /software/stage/OPATCH-patch-zip-file

    For example, for the OPatch for DB (Jul 2022) Product Oracle Global Lifecycle Management OPatch utility:

    $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1
    $ mv OPatch OPatch_19.3
    $ unzip -q /software/stage/p6880880_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip

    After you unzip the OPatch zip file, you can remove the OPatch_19.3 directory.

Run the Oracle RAC Installer

To proceed through the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) installer screen workflow, run the installer, and answer questions as prompted.

  1. Run the installer with the following command:
    $ /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/runInstaller -applyRU /software/stage/34130714
  2. Select Set Up Software only, and click Next.
  3. Choose Oracle Real Application Clusters database installation, and click Next.
  4. Ensure that both the racnode1 and racnode2 nodes are selected, and click SSH connectivity.
  5. In SSH connectivity, provide the SSH password, and click set up. Click OK after completing the SSH setup, and then click Next.
  6. Choose Enterprise Edition,and click Next.
  7. Set the Oracle base path to /u01/app/oracle, and click Next.
  8. On Operating System Groups, choose the default, and click Next.
  9. On Root Script execution, choose the default, and click Next.
  10. Click Install.
  11. When prompted, run root.sh on both of the nodes.
  12. After the installation completes, click Close to exit the installer.

Create the Oracle RAC Database with DBCA

To create the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database on the container, complete these steps with Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).

The DBCA utility is typically located in the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

  1. Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/bin, and enter the command dbca.
  2. On the Database Operation window, select Create Database, and click Next.
  3. Select Advanced Configuration, and click Next.
  4. On the Select Database Deployment Type window, Select from the Configuration Type list the database management policy that you want to use:
    • Admin-managed (the default)

      Administrator-managed deployment is based on the Oracle RAC deployment types that existed before Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) and requires that you statically configure each database instance to run on a specific node in the cluster, and that you configure database services to run on specific instances belonging to a certain database using the preferred and available designation.

    • Policy-managed

      Policy-managed deployment is based on server pools, where database services run within a server pool as singleton or uniform across all of the servers in the server pool. Databases are deployed in one or more server pools and the size of the server pools determine the number of database instances in the deployment.

    When you have made your management policy selection, click Next.
  5. Select both racnode and racnode2, and click Next.
  6. On the Database Identification window, enter values for these fields:
    • Global Database Name: Enter orclcdb.example.info
    • SID Prefix: Enter orclcdb
    • Select Use Local Undo Tablespace for PDBs
    • Select Create a Container database with one or more PDBs
    • Select Number of PDBs
    • In PDB name, enter orclpdb
    Click Next
  7. On the Storage Option window, select the following options:
    • Database files location: Enter +DATA/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}
    • Select Use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF)
    After you make your selections, click Next.
  8. On the Fast Recovery Option window, select the following:
    • Select Fast Recovery Area, and enter +DATA
    • Select Enable Archiving, and select the default option
    When you have made your selections, click Next.
  9. On the Data Vault Option window, select the default, and click Next.
  10. On the Configuration Option window, under the Memory tab, enter the following values:
    • SGA Size: 3G
    • PGA Size: 2G

    Select the default values for the rest of the fields on the window, and click Next.

    Container available memory is considered to be the total allocated memory to the container. However, if no memory is assigned to the container, then the host memory is considered to be the available memory. Because with cgroups, anyone can assign more memory than the physical memory to container, CVU honors only lower or max host memory.

    The SGA and PGA values as computed by DBCA are incorrectly based the host memory. For more information, refer to My Oracle Support Doc ID 2885873.1. Allocate SGA and PGA based on the memory that you have allocated to the container. In this case, we have given 3G to the SGA, and 2G to the PGA.

    For the SGA and PGA memory capacity values, manually enter 3GB for SGA and 2GB for PGA, and then confirm Yes to the pop-up window, and continue.

  11. On the Specify Management Options window, choose the default.
  12. On the Specify Database User Credentials window, provide the password
  13. On the Select Database Creation Option window, choose the default, and click Next.
  14. The Prerequisite Checks window displays. Confirm that the prerequisites are completed without errors. It should redirect to the Install window.
  15. Click Finish to begin the installation.

After the database is created, you can either connect to the database using your application, or connect with SQL*Plus using the SCAN racnode-scan.example.info on port 1521.