Converting Quotes to Orders

Purpose: Quote conversion allows you to convert a pre-order quote into a regular order.

To convert:

1. Advance to order maintenance for the quote you wish to convert.

2. Optionally, perform any updates to the quote, such as adding or removing a line and performing any pricing updates; see Maintaining Quotes in Order Maintenance.

3. On the Order Header screen, change the Order type field for the quote to an order type whose Quote field is unselected.

4. Optionally, perform any updates to the order; see Performing Order Maintenance.

5. Optionally, enter a payment method on the order. The order may not have a payment method if the Pay method required field for the order type on the converted quote is unselected. Note: When you convert a quote to an order, the system will perform online authorization for eligible payment methods only if the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value is selected. See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations.

6. Accept or Reject the converted order.

7. If you accept the converted order, the system displays the Unavailable Quoted Order Lines Screen if any of the items on the converted order are on backorder or soldout.

See Quote Conversion Updates for the updates the system performs when you convert a quote to an order.

Changing to a different quote order type: If you change the order type on a quote to another order type whose Quote field is selected, the system does not convert the quote to an order. The quote remains a quote. The system:

• Recalculates the cancel date for the quote, based on the number defined in the Expiration days field for the new order type. See Cancelling a Quote through Order Maintenance.

• Requires a pay method for the quote, based on the setting of the Pay method required field for the new order type.

In this chapter:

Unavailable Quoted Order Lines Screen

Quote Conversion Updates

For more information: See:

Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview, the required setup, and how to create a quote.

Maintaining Quotes in Order Maintenance for more information on the updates you can make to a quote before it is converted to an order.

Cancelling a Quote through Order Maintenance for more information on how to cancel a quote.

Unavailable Quoted Order Lines Screen

Use this screen to review the items on a converted quote that are not available because they are on backorder or are soldout.

How to display this screen: In quote maintenance, change the Order type field for the quote to an order type whose Quote field is unselected and select Accept. This screen does not display if none of the items on the converted quote are on backorder or are soldout.



Order #

The order number for the converted quote that contains items that are on backorder or are soldout.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Ship to #

Unlabeled field next to Order # field

The ship to number for the converted quote that contains items that are on backorder or are soldout.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


Order line number

The line on the converted quote that contains the item that is on backorder or is soldout.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


A code for the item on the converted quote that is on backorder or soldout.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


A code for the SKU of the item on the converted quote that is on backorder or soldout.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


A description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


Ordered quantity

The number of units of the item ordered on the order line.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


Reserved quantity

The number of units of the item reserved on the order line. See Influences on Reservation.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


Backordered quantity

The number of units of the item on backorder on the order line.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


Soldout quantity

The number of units of the item that are soldout on the order line.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Quote Conversion Updates

Quote Conversion Immediate Updates

Quote Conversion Updates During Background Processing

Quote Conversion Immediate Updates

The system performs the following updates immediately when you convert a quote to an order.

Cancel date

The system removes the cancel date defined on the order header and for each order line.

Order date and arrival dates

The system updates the order date and arrival date on the order to the date the quote is converted to an order. The system does not update the entered date so that you can track the date when the quote was created.

Order type

The system updates the Order type field on the Work with Order screen for the converted order to display-only.

Inventory reservation

The system performs inventory reservation against all qualifying lines on the quote. Once the quote is converted to an order, you should manually review the lines on the order to determine if there are any items on backorder or that are soldout based on inventory availability at the time of quote conversion. Any items that are on backorder or are soldout display on the Unavailable Quoted Order Lines Screen.

Soldout items

When you convert a quote to an order that contains a soldout item, the item remains soldout; the system does not reevaluate soldout order lines based on current inventory status. In order to reevaluate soldout order lines during quote conversion, you will need to delete the existing soldout order line and add a new order line to the order for the item that is soldout.

Price override reason for quotes

The system uses regular pricing logic to reprice each line on the quote that does not have a price override reason defined.

Held quotes

If you convert a held quote to an order, the system retains the hold reason defined in the Hold reason field on the Work with Order Screen and updates the status of the order to Held.

Freight charges

The system looks at the setting of the Override Freight on Quote Conversion (K76) system control value to determine whether the freight and additional freight charges on a pre-order quote are used as a freight override when the quote is converted to a regular order.

• If this system control value is selected, the system carries over the freight and additional freight charges on the pre-order quote when the quote is converted to a regular order. You can review the freight and additional freight charges in the Freight override field on the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen. Note: If a freight override amount exists, the system does not automatically recalculate freight. For example, if you cancel a line on the converted order, the system will not recalculate freight based on the changed order total. In order to recalculate freight for the converted order, you must remove the freight override amount and change an order line.

• If this system control value is unselected, the system does not retain the freight and additional freight charges on a pre-order quote when the quote is converted to a regular order. The system re-calculates the freight and additional freight charges when the quote is converted to a regular order.

Membership items

If the converted quote contains a membership item, the system displays the Order Total Window (Reviewing the First Order Total), where you can review the estimated dollar total of the first order you will generate for the membership, and updates the status of the customer membership to active.

Order Broker

When you convert a quote to an order, the system automatically sends eligible backordered lines to the Order Broker module in Order Broker for fulfillment. See Order Broker Integration.


The system validates that a payment method exists on the order. If a payment method does not exist, the system requires one.

Note: When you convert a quote to an order, the system will perform online authorization for eligible payment methods only if the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value is selected. See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations.

Order history

When you convert a quote to an order, the system creates an order history message, indicating the date the quote was converted, the order total of the quote at the time of conversion, and the user ID of the user that converted the quote to an order; for example: 11/04/09 CONVERT Quote was converted to an order 301.29 KBROWN

Pick Slip Preparation

When you convert a quote to an order, the system evaluates the order to determine if it qualifies for pick slip preparation. See Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation and Applying Pick Slip Preparation to an Order.

Order Async

The system sends the converted order to the order async for background updates.

Deferred or installment payment plan

When you convert the quote to an order, the system updates the deferred bill date or installment bill dates.

Deferred payment plan example: On 11/10/09, you enter a quote and apply a deferred payment plan to the credit card pay type on the quote. When you accept the quote, the system assigns a deferred bill date of 12/20/09 to the quote (based on a 30 day deferral). On 11/12/09, you convert the quote to an order. When you accept the converted order, the system updates the deferred bill date to 12/22/09.

Installment payment plan example: On 11/10/09, you enter a quote and apply an installment payment plan to the credit card pay type on the quote. When you accept the quote, the system assigns the following installment bill dates to the quote: 11/10/09 and 12/10/09. On 11/12/09, you convert the quote to an order. When you accept the converted order, the system updates the installment bill dates to 11/12/09 and 12/12/09.

Quote Conversion Updates During Background Processing

The system performs the balance of the field and table updates during a background processing job (Order ASYNC) that runs after you accept the converted quote. See Updates During Background Processing for a detailed listing.

See Performing the Release and Introducing Order Hold Reason Codes for more information about the credit check process that evaluates customers, orders, and payment types and performs record updates if any condition on the order fails a credit check.




Update the Item/Warehouse for each item ordered



ITW B/O qty

Reserve qty

Special handling reserve quantity

ITW On order qty

Update the SKU for each item ordered


Orders availability pick generation

Open quantity

On-hold quantity

Update the order detail data queue for each item ordered

Order Detail Data Queue

Qty ordered

Qty soldout

Original price


Price override code

Update order line history

Order Line History


Update order ship to data queue

Order Ship To Data Queue

The system creates the record using the order date (the date the quote was converted to an order), rather than the entry date (the date the quote was created).

Update order transaction history

Order Transaction History


Update reserved order lines

Reserved Order Lines


Evaluate order for refunds or contributions; create refund records for overpayments or balance dues, or contribution records for contributions


Order Contributions

All fields

Credit check: sold-to customer unconditional hold

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: sold-to customer fraud

Order Header

Order Header


Order header order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On hold qty

Credit check: sold-to customer zip code fraud

Order Header

Order Header


Order header order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: bill-to customer unconditional hold

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: bill-to customer zip code fraud

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to/ sold-to customer fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header

Order Ship To


Order ship to/order hold reason hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

Order ship to order status

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to/ sold-to customer zip code fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


Order ship to order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to customer fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


Order ship to order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to customer zip code fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


Order ship to order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: email address fraud

Order Header

Order Ship To


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: dollar hold

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: time hold

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: check fraud

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: check interface hold

Pay Type

Order Header

Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason

system hold reason

Credit check: balance due exceeds the $ amount

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On hold qty

Credit check: pay types

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: credit card fraud

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: credit card authorization pending status

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: outstanding balance due

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On hold quantity

Update the Flash Report

Order Control Summary

Dollars of orders entered to-date

Orders entered to-date

Orders entered month-to-date

Dollars of orders entered month-to-date

Orders entered year-to-date

Dollars of orders entered year-to-date

Orders open, reserved

Dollars of orders open, reserved

Orders held, reserved

Dollars of orders held, reserved

Total orders reserved/ unprinted

Update order header and order ship-to status to match status of detail lines if all lines canceled.

Order Header

Order Ship To

Order header order status

Order ship to order status

Creates Order Broker request for each order line that is eligible, and submits request to the Order Broker. See Order Broker Integration for an overview.

Order Broker

All fields

Creates store fulfillment trigger record and supporting tables if any order lines are flagged for store fulfillment

Store Pickup Header

Store Ship To

Store Pickup Payment

Store Pickup Detail

Store Pickup Detail Message

IL Outbound Trigger

All fields

Updates the customer sold to order history

Customer Sold To Ord Hist

On order $

# Orders LTD

$ Orders LTD

Last CC#

Last expiration date

Last order date

Last order amount

Order type

Pay type

Source code

Updates the customer sold to item history

Order/Billing History

All fields

Updates the customer ship to order history

Customer Ship To Ord Hist

On order $

# Orders LTD

$ Orders LTD

Last CC#

Last expiration date

Last order date

Last order amount

Order type

Pay type

Source code

Updates the customer ship to item history

Order/Billing History

All fields

Updates the individual item history

Order/Billing History

All fields

Sends balance of updates to background processing job (O/P ASYNC)



CS05_14 OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC