Pricing Upload Interface

Pricing Upload Interface allows you to upload Special Pricing by Source records and Quantity Price Matrix Detail records from an external system.

Special pricing by source allows you to define special pricing for an item that is ordered for the specified source code. The system applies the item discount automatically when the customer orders the item in the required quantity from the source code. You can define a discount price for regular customers and associate customers; the system updates the order line with *Special Source Price as the pricing method. You can create, review, and update special pricing by source on the Work with Special Source Price Screen in the Working with Source Codes (WSRC) menu option.

Quantity price matrix pricing allows you to define special pricing for a specific item and SKU, item, or item category. You can define additional pricing for a specific sold to customer, customer price group, source code, and item category. The system updates the order line with *Qty Price Matrix as the pricing method. You can create, review, and update quantity price matrix pricing on the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen and Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen in the Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM) menu option.

In this chapter:

Pricing Upload Process

- Pricing Upload Table

- Pricing Upload Interface Errors

Uploading Special Pricing by Source Records

- Special Pricing by Source Table Updates

Uploading Quantity Price Matrix Detail Records

- QPM Detail Table Updates

For more information: See Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP).

Pricing Upload Process

Use the following steps to upload Special Pricing by Source records and Quantity Price Matrix Detail records from an external system.


Populate the Pricing Upload Table with Special Pricing by Source and Quantity Price Matrix Detail records from an external system.


Review, and optionally change, the Pricing Upload records in the Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) menu option.


When you are ready to upload the records from the Pricing Upload table, use the Work with Pricing Upload Screen to submit the Pricing Upload process.

The Record Type field indicates whether the record is a Special Pricing by Source Upload record or Quantity Price Matrix Detail Upload record.

Record Type SRC indicates the record is a Special Pricing by Source Upload record. See Uploading Special Pricing by Source Records for processing details.

Record Type QPM indicates the record is a QPM Detail Upload record. See Uploading Quantity Price Matrix Detail Records for processing details.

Scheduling the Pricing Upload process: You can also schedule the Pricing Upload process to run periodically by setting up the RIPRCUP periodic function using the PFRRIPRCUP program. See Scheduling Jobs for background.

Pricing Upload Table

This table contains Special Pricing by Source Upload records and QPM Detail Upload records. You need to populate this table to create, update, and delete Special Pricing by Source records and QPM Detail records through the Pricing Upload Process.

Note: It is your responsibility to populate this table with pricing information from an external system.



Company #

A code for the company associated with the Pricing Upload record.

Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table.

Special Pricing by Source

Corresponds to the Company field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

QPM Detail

Corresponds to the Company field in the QPM Detail table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Sequence #

A unique number assigned to each Pricing Upload record.

Numeric, 9 positions; required.

Record Date

The date the Pricing Upload record was created.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format); optional.

Record Type

The type of Pricing Upload record.

Valid values:

SRC = Special Pricing by Source Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table.

QPM = Quantity Price Matrix Detail Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the QPM Detail table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Request Type

Indicates whether the Pricing Upload record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table.

Valid values:

U = Create or update a record. The system determines whether the Pricing Upload record creates or updates an existing record by comparing the information in the Pricing Upload record with the existing records in the Order Management System table. See Uploading Special Pricing by Source Records and Uploading Quantity Price Matrix Detail Records for more information on how the system determines if the Pricing Upload record creates a new record or updates an existing record.

D = Delete a record. The system uses the information in the Pricing Upload record to determine which record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table to delete.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


A code for the item defined for the Pricing Upload record.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Special Pricing by Source

The item associated with the special source price.

Corresponds to the ITM Number field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

QPM Detail

The item associated with the quantity price matrix detail.

You must define an item category or item for a quantity price matrix price, but not both.

Corresponds to the Item field in the QPM Detail table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The SKU of the item associated with the Pricing Upload record.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Special Pricing by Source

Leave this field blank. If the item contains SKUs, the price will apply to all SKUs defined for the item.

Note: If you define a SKU for a Special Pricing by Source Upload record, the system ignores the value.

QPM Detail

Corresponds to the SKU field in the QPM Detail table.

A code for the SKU of the item associated with the quantity price matrix detail.

• If you define a SKU for the item, only the SKU specified qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail.

• If you do not define a SKU for the item, all of the SKUs for the item qualify for the quantity price matrix detail.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.


Special Pricing by Source

The quantity of the item that must be purchased to receive the specified price break.

Corresponds to the Qty field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

QPM Detail

The quantity of the item that must be ordered to qualify for the quantity price matrix detail. The item qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail if the order line quantity is less than or equal to the quantity pice matrix detail.

You cannot create more than one quantity price matrix price break for the same item category and quantity, item and quantity, or item and SKU and quantity.

Corresponds to the Quantity field in the QPM Detail table.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met.

Special Pricing by Source

Corresponds to the Price field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

Note: For Special Pricing by Source records, the price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

QPM Detail

Corresponds to the Price field in the QPM Detail table.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2 place decimal; required for Record Type SRC.


The source code associated with the pricing upload record.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table.

Special Pricing by Source

The source code associated with the Special Pricing by Source record. Corresponds to the Source Code field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

QPM Detail

The source code that must exist on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price. Corresponds to the Source field in the QPM Detail table.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required for Record Type SRC.

Associate price

The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers if the pricing requirements are met.

Special Pricing by Source

Corresponds to the Associate Price field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

Note: For Special Pricing by Source records, the associate price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

QPM Detail

Leave this field blank.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2 place decimal; optional.

QPM Code

Special Pricing by Source

Leave this field blank.

QPM Detail

The quantity price matrix code associated with the QPM Detail price. QPM codes are defined in and validated against the QPM Header table.

Corresponds to the Code field in the QPM Detail table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required for Record Type QPM.

Item Category

Special Pricing by Source

Leave this field blank.

QPM Detail

A code for the item category associated with the quantity price matrix detail.

You must define an item category or item for a quantity price matrix price, but not both.

Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Category table.

Corresponds to the Item Category field in the QPM Detail table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Customer Sold To #

Special Pricing by Source

Leave this field blank.

QPM Detail

The sold to customer that must exist on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price. Customer sold to numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold To table.

Corresponds to the Customer field in the QPM Detail table.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Customer Price Group

Special Pricing by Source

Leave this field blank.

QPM Detail

The customer price group for the sold to customer on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price. Customer price group codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table.

Corresponds to the Price Group field in the QPM Detail table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Expire Date

Special Pricing by Source

Leave this field blank.

QPM Detail

The date the QPM price expires. The expiration date cannot be earlier than the current date. Corresponds to the Exp Date field in the QPM Detail table.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format); optional.

Discount %

Special Pricing by Source

Leave this field blank.

QPM Detail

The percentage of the quantity price matrix detail price when the item ordered is eligible for the quantity price matrix special. For example, 10 means the item qualifies for a 10% discount.

Example: The % discount is based on the following criteria:

• customer price group = QPM1

• item category = HG

• quantity = 2

• % discount = 10

The 10% discount is based on the quantity price matrix detail defined for item category HG and quantity 2:

• item category = HG

• quantity = 2

• price = 10.00

In this example, the 10% discount is a 1.00 discount (10.00 QPM detail - 10% QPM special = 9.00 discount price)

If a quantity price matrix detail is not defined for item category HG and quantity 2, the system uses the next lowest quantity for the item category (in this example, the system uses item category HG and quantity 1). See Calculating the QPM Price for more information on how the system finds the price for a quantity price matrix detail and quantity price matrix special.

Corresponds to the Discount % field in the QPM Detail table.

Numeric, 4 positions with a 2 place decimal; optional.

Tax Price

The price at which the item will be sold to customers if the order is subject to VAT and if the pricing requirements are met.

Special Pricing by Source

Corresponds to the Tax Price field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

Displays on the Work with Special Source Price Screen only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Note: For Special Pricing by Source records, the tax price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

QPM Detail

Corresponds to the Tax Price field in the QPM Detail table.

Displays on the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen and Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2 place decimal; optional.

Associate Tax Price

Special Pricing by Source

The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers if the order is subject to VAT and if the pricing requirements are met.

Corresponds to the Associate Tax Price field in the Special Pricing by Source table.

Displays on the Work with Special Source Price Screen only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Note: For Special Pricing by Source records, the associate tax price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

QPM Detail

Leave this field blank.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal; optional.


The status of the Pricing Upload record.

Valid values:

U or Blank = The Pricing Upload record has not yet been processed.

E = The Pricing Upload record contains errors. See Pricing Upload Interface Errors.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; updated by the system.


The reason why the Pricing Upload record has been placed in an error status. See Pricing Upload Interface Errors.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; updated by the system.

Pricing Upload Interface Errors

The system includes Pricing Upload records that are in error on the Pricing Upload Error Records Report. You can correct records that are in error using the Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) menu option.



General Errors

Invalid Request Type

The Record Type field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is invalid.

Valid values for Record Type are SRC (Special Pricing by Source upload) or QPM (QPM Detail upload).

Note: If the Request Type field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is missing or invalid, the system looks for a match to the record in the Order Management System table and either creates a new record (no match found) or updates the existing record (match found).

To correct this error: If the Record Type is missing or invalid, the system places the record in an error status; however, you cannot correct this error using the Change Pricing Upload screen. You must correct the error in the Pricing Upload Table.

Qty is required

The Quantity field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is blank and it is a required field.

Record does not exist for Dlt

The Request Type field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is D (Delete) and the system could not match the upload record to an existing record in the Order Management System database.

Item does not exist

The Item field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is invalid. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Source does not exist

The Source field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is invalid. Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table.

Special Pricing by Source Errors

The following errors can occur if the Record Type for the record in the Pricing Upload table is SRC.

Source is required

The Source field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is blank and it is a required field.

Item is required

The Item field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is blank and it is a required field.

Price is required

The Price field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is blank and it is a required field.

Price value is too large

The entry in the Price field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is greater than 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Tax Price value is too large

The entry in the Tax Price field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is greater than 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Quantity Price Matrix Detail Errors

The following errors can occur if the Record Type for the record in the Pricing Upload table is QPM.

QPM Code is required

The QPM Code field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is blank and it is a required field.

QPM Code does not exist

The QPM Code field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table is invalid. QPM codes are defined in and validated against the QPM Header table.

Category or Item is required

The Item Category field and Item field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table are either blank or both contain a value. You must define an item category or item for a QPM Detail record, but not both.

SKU does not exist

The SKU field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains an invalid value. SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

SKU requires Item

The SKU field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains a value and the Item field is blank.

Category does not exist

The Item Category field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains an invalid value. Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Category table.

Customer does not exist

The Customer Sold To # field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains an invalid value. Customer sold to numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold To table.

Price Group does not exist

The Customer Price Group field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains an invalid value. Customer price group codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table.

Price or Disc % is required

The Price field and Discount % field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table are either blank or both contain a value. You must define a price or discount % for a QPM Detail record, but not both. Also, if you define a discount % you must also specify a Customer Sold To # or Customer Price Group, and/or Source.

Disc % missing Src/Cust#/CPG

The Discount % field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains a value and a Customer Sold To # or Customer Price Group, and/or Source has not been specified.

Cust# or CPG is required

The Customer Sold To # field and Customer Price Group field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table are either blank or both contain a value. You must define an item category or item for a QPM Detail record, but not both.

Exp Date missing Src/Cust#/CPG

The Expire Date field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains a value and a Customer Sold To # or Customer Price Group, and/or Source has not been specified.

Exp Date < today

The Expire Date field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains a date that is earlier than the current date.

Tax Price missing Price

The Tax Price field for the record in the Pricing Upload Table contains a value and the Price field is blank.

Uploading Special Pricing by Source Records

The system performs the following validation when you upload a Special Pricing by Source record (Record Type SRC) through the Pricing Upload Interface.


Validates that the required fields for the Special Pricing by Source upload record in the Pricing Upload table contain information and the fields that require a valid value contain a valid value.

The minimum fields required for a Special Pricing by Source upload record in the Pricing Upload Table are:

Company # (validated against the Company table)

Sequence # (must be unique for each record)

Record Type (must be SRC)

Request Type (must be U (create or update) or D (delete))

Item (validated against the Item table)


Price (cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal)

Source (validated against the Source table)

In addition, you can also define:

Associate price (cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal)

Tax Price (cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal)

Associate Tax Price (cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal)

See Pricing Upload Interface Errors for more information on the validation the system performs.


Determines whether the Special Pricing by Source upload record in the Pricing Upload table creates, updates, or deletes a Special Pricing by Source record in the Order Management System database.

The system uses the Company #, Item, Source, and Quantity fields for the Pricing Upload record to determine if a match exists in the Special Pricing by Upload table.

• If a match exists and the Request Type is U, the system updates the existing record.

• If a match exists and the Request Type is D, the system deletes the existing record.

• If a match does not exist and the Request Type is U, the system creates a new record.

• If a match does not exist and the Request Type is D, the system places the upload record in an error status: Record does not exist for Dlt.


Failed Special Pricing by Source Upload

If the Special Pricing by Source Upload record in the Pricing Upload table does not pass validation, the system:

• Prints the record on the Pricing Upload Error Records Report.

• Retains the record in the Pricing Upload Table in an error status until the record is fixed or deleted. You can work with Pricing Upload records that are in an error status using the Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) menu option.


Successful Special Pricing by Source Upload

If the Special Pricing by Source Upload record in the Pricing Upload table passes validation, the system:

• Creates, updates, or deletes the Special Pricing by Source record. See Special Pricing by Source Table Updates for more information on how the system creates or updates a Special Pricing by Source record.

• Deletes the record from the Pricing Upload Table.

• Prints the Special Pricing by Source Upload record on the Pricing Upload Processed Records Report.

You can review or maintain Special Pricing by Source records on the Work with Special Source Price Screen in the Working with Source Codes (WSRC) menu option.

Special Pricing by Source Table Updates

The system uses the information defined in the Pricing Upload table to create, update, or delete a record in the Special Pricing by Source table in the Order Management System database.

You can review Special Pricing by Source records on the Work with Special Source Price Screen in the Working with Source Codes (WSRC) menu option. See this screen for complete field descriptions.




A code for the company where the special source price applies.

From the Company # field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Item Number

The item to which the special source price applies.

From the Item field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Source Code

The source code for which the special source price applies.

From the Source field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions.


The quantity of the item that must be purchased to receive the specified price break.

From the Quantity field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 5 positions.


The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met.

From the Price field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

Associate Price

The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers if the pricing requirements are met.

From the Associate price field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

Tax Price

The price at which the item will be sold to customers if the order is subject to VAT and if the pricing requirements are met.

Note: Displays on the Work with Special Source Price Screen only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

From the Tax Price field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

Associate Tax Price

The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers if the order is subject to VAT and if the pricing requirements are met.

Note: Displays on the Work with Special Source Price Screen only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

From the Associate Tax Price field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

Uploading Quantity Price Matrix Detail Records

The system performs the following validation when you upload a Quantity Price Matrix Detail record (Record Type QPM) through the Pricing Upload Interface.


Validates that the required fields for the QPM Detail upload record in the Pricing Upload table contain information and the fields that require a valid value contain a valid value.

The minimum fields required for a QPM Detail upload record in the Pricing Upload Table are:

Company # (validated against the Company table)

Sequence # (must be unique for each record)

Record Type (must be QPM)

Request Type (must be U (create or update) or D (delete))

Item (validated against the Item table) or Item Category (validated against the Item Category table), but not both


Price or Discount %, but not both (if you define a discount % you must also specify a Customer Sold To # or Customer Price Group, and/or Source)

In addition, you can also define:

SKU (if an Item is defined)

Tax Price

Customer Sold To # or Customer Price Group, but not both


Note: You cannot create more than one quantity price matrix detail for the same item category and quantity, item and quantity, or item and SKU and quantity.

See Pricing Upload Interface Errors for more information on the validation the system performs.


Determines whether the QPM Detail upload record in the Pricing Upload table creates, updates, or deletes a QPM Detail record in the Order Management System database.

The system uses the Company #, QPM Code, Quantity, Source, either the Item Category or Item and SKU, and either the Customer Sold To # or Customer Price Group, for the Pricing Upload record to determine if a match exists in the Special Pricing by Upload table. See

• If a match exists and the Request Type is U, the system updates the existing record.

• If a match exists and the Request Type is D, the system deletes the existing record.

• If a match does not exist and the Request Type is U, the system creates a new record.

• If a match does not exist and the Request Type is D, the system places the upload record in an error status: Record does not exist for Dlt.


Failed QPM Detail Upload

If the QPM Detail Upload record in the Pricing Upload table does not pass validation, the system:

• Updates the Status of the record in the Pricing Upload Table to E (Error).

• Prints the Pricing Upload record on the Pricing Upload Error Records Report.

• Retains the record in the Pricing Upload Table in an error status until the record is fixed or deleted. You can work with Pricing Upload records that are in an error status using the Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) menu option.


Successful Special Pricing by Source Upload

If the QPM Detail Upload record in the Pricing Upload table passes validation, the system:

• Updates the Status of the record in the Pricing Upload Table to P (Processed).

• Prints the Pricing Upload record on the Pricing Upload Processed Records Report.

• Creates, updates, or deletes the QPM Detail record. See QPM Detail Table Updates for more information on how the system creates or updates a QPM Detail record.

• Deletes the record from the Pricing Upload Table.

You can review or maintain QPM Detail records in the Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM) menu option.

• Records without a Discount %, Customer Sold To #, Customer Price Group, and Source can be viewed on the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen.

• Records with a Discount %, Customer Sold To #, Customer Price Group, or Source can be viewed on the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

QPM Detail Table Updates

The system uses the information defined in the Pricing Upload table to create, update, or delete a record in the QPM Detail table in the Order Management System database.

You can review QPM Details on the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen and Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen in the Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM) menu option. See these screens for complete field descriptions.




A code for the company where the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the Company # field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 3 positions.


The quantity price matrix code for which the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the QPM Code field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.


The item to which the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the Item field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.


The SKU to which the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the SKU field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Item Category

The item category code to which the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the Item Category field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.


The quantity of the item that must be purchased to receive the specified price break.

From the Quantity field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 5 positions.


The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met.

From the Price field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

Tax Price

The price at which the item will be sold to customers if the order is subject to VAT and if the pricing requirements are met.

From the Tax Price field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.


The sold to customer to which the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the Customer Sold To # field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Price Group

The customer price group to which the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the Customer Price Group field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Expiration Date

The date the quantity price matrix price expires.

From the Expire Date field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

Discount %

The percentage of the quantity price matrix detail price when the item ordered is eligible for the quantity price matrix special. For example, 10 means the item qualifies for a 10% discount.

Example: The % discount is based on the following criteria:

• customer price group = QPM1

• item category = HG

• quantity = 2

• % discount = 10

The 10% discount is based on the quantity price matrix detail defined for item category HG and quantity 2:

• item category = HG

• quantity = 2

• price = 10.00

In this example, the 10% discount is a 1.00 discount (10.00 QPM detail - 10% QPM special = 9.00 discount price)

If a quantity price matrix detail is not defined for item category HG and quantity 2, the system uses the next lowest quantity for the item category (in this example, the system uses item category HG and quantity 1). See Calculating the QPM Price for more information on how the system finds the price for a quantity price matrix detail and quantity price matrix special.

Numeric, 4 positions with a 2 place decimal.


The source code to which the quantity price matrix price applies.

From the Source field in the Pricing Upload Table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.


Used to correctly display QPM detail records on the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

0 defaults if a Customer Sold To #, Customer Price Group, and Source are not defined.

2 defaults if a Customer Sold To # is defined.

4 defaults if a Customer Price Group is defined.

5 defaults if a Source is defined.

Numeric, 1 position.

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