Pricing Upload Error Records Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the errors that occurred during the Pricing Upload Process. You can correct the errors using the Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

How to print: Submit the Pricing Upload Process by selecting Process on the Work with Pricing Upload Screen.

You can also schedule the Pricing Upload process to run periodically by setting up the RIPRCUP periodic function using the PFRRIPRCUP program. See Scheduling Jobs for background.

This report page breaks on Record Type.

For each record type, error records sort in ascending Request type, Sequence # sequence.


Record type: Identifies the type of Pricing Upload record.

- QPM = Quantity Price Matrix Detail Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the QPM Detail table.

- SRC = Special Pricing by Source Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table.

Request type: Indicates whether the Pricing Upload record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table. Valid values:

- U = Create or update a record. The system determines whether the Pricing Upload record creates or updates an existing record by comparing the information in the Pricing Upload record with the existing records in the Order Management System table. See Uploading Special Pricing by Source Records and Uploading Quantity Price Matrix Detail Records for more information on how the system determines if the Pricing Upload record creates a new record or updates an existing record.

- D = Delete a record. The system uses the information in the Pricing Upload record to determine which record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table to delete.

Sequence #: The unique sequence number assigned to the Pricing Upload record.

Record date: The date the Pricing Upload record was created.

For QPM Record Types:

Item: The item associated with the quantity price matrix detail. You must define an item category or item for a quantity price matrix price, but not both. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

SKU: A code for the SKU of the item associated with the quantity price matrix detail. SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

- If you define a SKU for the item, only the SKU specified qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail.

- If you do not define a SKU for the item, all of the SKUs for the item qualify for the quantity price matrix detail.

QPM Code: The quantity price matrix code associated with the QPM Detail price. QPM codes are defined in and validated against the QPM Header table.

Item category: A code for the item category associated with the quantity price matrix detail. You must define an item category or item for a quantity price matrix price, but not both. Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Category table.

Quantity: The quantity of the item that must be ordered to qualify for the quantity price matrix detail. The item qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail if the order line quantity is less than or equal to the quantity pice matrix detail. You cannot create more than one quantity price matrix price break for the same item category and quantity, item and quantity, or item and SKU and quantity.

Price: The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met.

Customer price group: The customer price group for the sold to customer on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price. Customer price group codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table.

Customer sold to #: The sold to customer that must exist on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price. Customer sold to numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold To table.

Discount %: The percentage off the quantity price matrix detail price when the item ordered is eligible for the quantity price matrix special. For example, 10 means the item qualifies for a 10% discount.

Error description: The reason why the Pricing Upload record is in error. See Pricing Upload Interface Errors for a list of errors.

Number of processed records for record QPM: The number of QPM Detail Upload records that are in error.

For SRC Record Types:

Item: The item associated with the special source price. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Source code: The source code associated with the Special Pricing by Source record. Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table.

Quantity: The quantity of the item that must be purchased to receive the specified price break.

Price: The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met. The price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

Associate price: The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers if the pricing requirements are met. The price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.

Error description: The reason why the Pricing Upload record is in error. See Pricing Upload Interface Errors for a list of errors.

Number of processed records for record SRC: The number of Special Pricing by Source Upload records that are in error.

Total # of records processed: The total number of Pricing Upload records, across record types, that are in error.

MK02_12r OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC