Generate Custom Special Handling File (D66)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to create extract tables containing information on items to receive custom special handling. The system creates these tables when you generate pick slips for the items, as long as the Extract? field for the custom special handling format is selected.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want to generate tables containing information on items to receive custom special handling. The system generates two tables, which you can use to convey customer information and special handling instructions to on outside service for processing.

Bypass printing? If the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, the streamlined pick slip generation process does not generate the extract. See that system control value for more information.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to generate the tables.

The system does not generate extract tables for items to receive standard special handling. See Enter Custom Special Handling in Upper and Lower Case (D65) for more information on custom special handling.

Custom Special Handling Table Layouts

The system creates these tables when you generate pick slips for items with custom special handling if the Generate Custom Special Handling File (D66) system control value is selected. The Extract? field for the individual custom special handling format must also be selected. The information in the tables is extracted from the Order, Special Handling Format, and Pick Control Header and Detail tables.

Custom Special Handling Header Extract Table (OECSHP)



Company Code

3 positions, numeric

Pick Control Header

7 positions, numeric

Pick Control Detail Sequence Number

5 positions, numeric

Sequence Number

7 positions, numeric

Order Number

8 positions, numeric

Order Detail Sequence Number

5 positions, numeric

Customer Sold To Number

9 positions, numeric

Customer Sold To Prefix

3 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To First Name

15 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Initial

6 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Last Name

25 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Suffix

3 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Street Address

32 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Address Lines 2, 3 and 4

32 positions each, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Apartment Number

10 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Company Name

30 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To City

25 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To State

2 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Postal Code

10 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To PO Box Code

1 position, alphanumeric

Customer Sold To Delivery Code

1 position, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Number

9 positions, numeric

Customer Ship To Prefix

3 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To First Name

15 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Initial

6 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Last Name

25 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Address Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4

32 positions each, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To City

25 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To State

2 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Postal Code

10 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Apartment Number

10 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Company Name

30 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Suffix

3 positions, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To PO Box Code

1 position, alphanumeric

Customer Ship To Delivery Code

1 position, alphanumeric

Item Code

12 positions, alphanumeric

SKU Code

14 positions, alphanumeric

Item Description

Note: Extracting an item with a description longer than 40 positions is not currently implemented.

120 positions, alphanumeric

Quantity Ordered/Printed

7 positions, numeric


9 positions with a 2-place decimal, numeric

Order Special Handling Format File Sequence Number

3 positions, numeric

Order Special Handling Format Detail File Sequence Number

3 positions, numeric

Date Extracted

7 positions, numeric (You can update this field at the time you run an extract.)

Custom Special Handling Detail Extract Table (OECSDP)



Company Code

3 positions, numeric

Pick Control Number

7 positions, numeric

Pick Control Detail Line Number

5 positions, numeric

Custom Special Handling File Sequence Number

7 positions, numeric

Custom Special Handling Detail File Sequence Number

7 positions, numeric

Special Handling Cost

13 positions with a 4-place decimal, numeric

Special Handling Input Field Label

15 positions, alphanumeric

Special Handling Input

45 positions, alphanumeric

Special Handling Charge

9 positions with a 2-place decimal, numeric

For more information:

• working with custom special handling formats and additional charge codes: Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF).

• working with Item/Offers and Item/SKU/Offers: Assigning Items/SKUs to Offers and Creating Item/SKU Offers (MISO).

• working with custom special handling items in Order Entry: Working with Items on the Order.

• generating pick slips: Performing Pick Slip Generation.

IN03_05 OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC