Price Override Reason Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the price override reason codes used to discount items for a range of dates, and the total discount amounts and percentages applied.

How to print: Complete the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.

Different report options: Depending on your selections at the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen, the report can include items with price overrides or the users who overrode prices, or be restricted to a single price override reason code:


Report Generated

Price override reason code

Include users

Include items

Price Override Reason Report by:




User, Code and Item




User and Code




Code and Item








User and Item












N/A (produces the Price Override Reason Report)


Date Range. The Start date and End date entered at the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen. These are the original order dates, not necessarily the dates when the price override was applied.

User ID and Description. Included only if you selected the Include users flag at the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen. The description is from Working with User Records (WUSR). See the Include users field for a discussion on how the system determines the user ID who performed the price override.

Price Override Code and Description. The price override reason assigned to the order line. The description is from Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR). The system excludes any price override reason codes whose Exclude from price override report field is selected; see Default Price Override Reasons for a list of system-assigned codes specified in system control values. You can also limit the report to a single code by completing the Price override reason field at the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen.

Item/SKU and Item Description. Included only if you selected the Include items flag at the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen. The item description is displayed even if the item has SKU’s.

Calculated fields: The following fields are calculated for:

- detail entries: by item/SKU or price override reason code, depending on your selections at the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen

- subtotals: by user, price override reason code, depending on your selections at the Print Price Override Reason Report Screen

- grand totals

Units with overrides: The total number of units ordered whose price was overridden using the specified code. Note:

- This total is not decreased by units that have been canceled if the cancel reason code is not flagged to reduce demand. Also, it is not decreased by units returned against the original order line.

- This total is increased by returned units if the return was created by entering a negative quantity.

Example: If there were 10 units ordered and 3 units returned by entering a negative quantity, the total number of units is 13.

Total discount: The total discount applied, calculated by subtracting the total selling price of all included units from the total offer price, and multiplying the result by the unit quantity. Note:

- The total discount includes the price of any returned lines created by entering a negative quantity.

Example: If the total amount discounted on ordered lines was $20.00 and the total amount discounted on returned lines was $5.00, this total is $25.00. If the returned lines had their prices increased $5.00 instead of decreased, then the total discount would be $15.00.

- This is a negative number if the price override resulted in a price increase.

- When an item has an offer price that is greater than zero and the item is added to an order at no charge, the Total discount = the offer price, and the Discount % = 100.00.

- When the Override Item Offer Price flag for a price override reason is selected and the item is added to an order at no charge, the Total discount and Discount % are both = 0.00.

Discount Percent: The discount percentage, calculated by dividing the sum of the offer prices by the sum of the selling prices on order lines using the price override reason code. This is a negative number if the price override resulted in a price increase. See the notes above under the Total discount for information on when the Discount % might be 100.00 or 0.00. Note: The Discount % is not included in the grand totals.

Order lines included in calculations:

• The report includes overridden order lines on orders originally created in the selected date range; however, the prices could have been overridden at a later date.

• Orders that are in error or suspended status are not included on the report.

• Order lines that originated on quotes are included in the totals for the Price Override Reason for Quotes (K75) even after you convert the quote to an order unless you apply another price override reason code.

CS06_01r OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC