Enterprise Data Import History

Purpose: Use the Enterprise Data Import History page to review recent activity of the OCDSITM and OCDSFA periodic functions, which are part of the Enterprise order, merchandising, and foundation data integrations. These periodic functions use the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) to retrieve information originating in Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS).

About the enterprise data and order integration: You can use the enterprise integration for:

         Importing information and creating and updating records, including merchandise hierarchy, items and SKU's, item warehouses and store locations, prices, and item images (OCDSITM periodic function).

         Using purchase order information originating in RMFCS to control when pre-orders should be fulfilled through submission to Order Broker (OCDSFA periodic function).

Where is the import history stored? The INT_OCDS_STATUS table tracks the activity of the OCDSITM and the OCDSFA periodic functions. These are the records displayed at the Enterprise Data Import History page.

When is enterprise data import history purged? When the OCDSITM periodic function runs, it purges enterprise data history records that are older than the OCDS_JOB_HISTORY_RETENTION_DAYS property, defined in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) in Classic View. For example, if this property is set to 25 days, each time the OCDSITM function runs, it purges records older than 25 days.

For more information: For background on the enterprise order integration, see the following Classic View help topics:

         Importing Enterprise Foundation Data through Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS)

         Enterprise Order Integration (Future Receipts and Pre-Order Processing)

How to display: Select Enterprise Data Import History from a menu:

Note:             ALLOW or DISPLAY authority to the EDIH menu option is required for access to this page.

For more information:

         Enterprise Data Import History Options for instructions on filtering the data displayed on the Enterprise Data Import History page.

         Fields on Enterprise Data Import History for a description of the fields on the Enterprise Data Import History page.

