Fields on Enterprise Data Import History

Purpose: The following information is on the Enterprise Data Import History page. All fields are display-only.

         Function Name: The periodic function that generated the import history. Possible functions are:

         OCDSFA: Imports future availability information about pre-order items through communication with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS).

         OCDSITM: Imports merchandise hierarchy and item-related information, as listed below. This periodic function also purges outdated history records based on the OCDS_JOB_HISTORY_RETENTION_DAYS property, defined in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) in Classic View.

         Import Type: Import types and the updated data for each are:

         FUTUREAVAILABLE: Future availability information in the item warehouse table (OCDSFA).

         ITEMIMAGE: The image links for items.

         ITEMLOCATION: The item and SKU tables in addition to the data updated through the ITEMSKU import type; including item status, unit of measure, and the Restrict flag.

         Item price import types:

         ITEMPRICEINI: The initial item price.

         ITEMPRICECLR: The clearance price.

         ITEMPRICEREG: The regular item price.

         ITEMSKU: The item, SKU, item warehouse, and item location tables.

         MERCHHIER: The Long SKU Division, Long SKU Department, and Retail Class.

         Import Summary: Summarizes the activity tracked for the import. Typical import summaries include:

         Import finished: Summary for the FUTUREAVAILABLE import type.

         Import finished with execution time of N seconds. Total rows count N. Updated rows count N. Inserted rows count N, where N is the number of seconds or rows: Summary for import types other than the FUTUREAVAILABLE.

         Starting Import for Type: Indicates when the import started. The import type is indicated for import types other than the FUTUREAVAILABLE, for example, Starting Import For Type:ITEMLOCATION.

         Create Date/Time: The date and time when the history record was created.

For more information:

         Enterprise Data Import History for an overview of the Enterprise Data Import History page.

         Enterprise Data Import History Options for a description of the options available at the Enterprise Data Import History page.

Also, see Importing Enterprise Foundation Data through Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) and Enterprise Order Integration (Future Receipts and Pre-Order Processing) in the Classic View online help for background.

