Manage External Application Access

Purpose: Use the Manage External Application Access page to create, review, and work with external applications that integrate with Order Management System using OAuth, and define the web services that use OAuth authentication for inbound web service requests to Order Management System.

About OAuth: OAuth enables web service communication between applications using a token provided by IDCS rather than a password, providing greater security. The requesting application first passes its:

         Client ID: Similar to a user ID in that it identifies a client application to the authentication service, in this case IDCS. You can create client IDs through the Manage External Application Access page, in IDCS, or through other applications, such as Customer Engagement.

         Client secret: A secure code that IDCS creates for a client application, and that the client application passes to IDCS for authentication. The client secret should be known only to the requesting application and to IDCS.

When IDCS receives the valid client ID and client secret, it then provides the token to the requesting application. The requesting application can then include the token in the web service request to the destination system, which validates the token with IDCS.

For example, if your ecommerce system will communicate with Order Management System using OAuth, you can use this page to:

         Create a client ID and secret, which you can then provide to the ecommerce system.

         Create the associated web service authentication records for the ecommerce system.

About store locations and XOffice OnPrem: The XOffice OnPrem application differs from other applications in that it serves as the parent for any related store locations. Any store locations that are assigned a parent ID are not displayed at this page; instead, you configure external access for XOffice OnPrem, and this “parent” handles authentication for all related store locations.

When authentication is required for a request originating from any location associated with the XOffice OnPrem parent ID, the parent ID’s authentication credentials are used.

Example:                    XOffice OnPrem is the parent for location A.

Note:             This option is delivered with the default SYSADMIN menu but is currently used only for Order Management System Cloud Service, so authority to the option is not normally required by any users.

How to display: Select Manage External Application Access from a menu:

Note:             ALLOW authority to the MEAA menu option is required for access to this page.

For more information:

         Manage External Application Access Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Manage External Application Access page.

         Fields on Manage External Application Access for a description of the fields on the Manage External Application Access page.

