Fields on Manage External Application Access


Purpose: The following information is on the Manage External Application Access page.

         Application Description: The description of the application created for web service authentication. This is the Description in IDCS. Alphanumeric, 50 positions. Display-only.

         Client ID (unlabeled field below the Application Description): Uniquely identifies the client in IDCS:

         If the Application Type is XOffice OnPrem, the client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_ <ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the environment, such as PROD for production.

         If the application record was created through Order Management System or another omnnichannel application, the client ID is formatted as RGBU_OMCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where OMCS identifies the application, and <RANDOM> is a series of 8 random characters.

         Otherwise, if the application record was created in IDCS, the client ID is a series of random characters.

This is the Name in IDCS. Note that the Display Name in IDCS is the Client ID without the _APPID suffix.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Display-only.

Note:             The client ID is similar to a user ID in that it identifies a client application to the authentication service, in this case IDCS. You can create client IDs through the Manage External Application Access page, in IDCS, or through other applications, such as Customer Engagement.

         Web Service Access: The Order Management System inbound web services for which the application is defined as a user. You can use the Edit Access option at the Manage External Application Access page to create, delete, or review the inbound web services for which the application is defined as a user for authentication purposes.

         Date Generated: The date when the application record was created or regenerated in Order Management System, including when the record was received from IDCS or generated or during the creation of a new record through Xstore On Premises authentication. Display-only.

XOffice on premises and the parent ID: The page displays records only if they are not associated in IDCS with a parent ID. If you use XOffice on premises, each store location record in IDCS is associated with the XOffice on premises application as its parent ID. Because there can be many store locations associated with the parent application record, the Manage External Application Access page displays just the XOffice rather than the individual store locations.

For more information:

         Manage External Application Access for an overview of the Manage External Application Access page.

         Manage External Application Access Options for a description of the options available at the Manage External Application Access page.

