Fields on Add Personalization

Purpose: The following information displays on the Add Personalization window.

         Item Description (unlabeled field below the Add Personalization title)

         Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description)

         SKU Description (unlabeled field below the Item Description and Item ID.

         Personalization (Personalization (Special Handling))

         Personalization Charge (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge): This field displays only if a Special Handling Price is defined for the item offer or SKU offer.

The remaining fields in this window vary depending on whether the personalization format is custom or standard.

Custom Personalization Fields

The following fields display based on the personalization selected in the Personalization field. A custom label displays for each option that can be performed on the item, and optionally, the associated charge to apply the option to the item.

         Label Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Label: the name of the label is defined in the Special Handling Format table; you can create and work with custom special handling formats using the Work with Special Handling Formats (WSHF) menu option. An asterisk (*) displays to the left of the label if a response is required.

         Input Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Response. If the Display Special Format Response Descriptions (E90) system control value is selected, the response description displays rather than the response itself.

Default response: If a Default Response is defined for the special handling format, this response defaults when you are adding personalization.

Default text: If any Default Text, such as the customer’s name or address, is defined for the special handling format, it defaults at the Add Personalization window when you maintain the order; however, it does not default in Contact Center order entry.

Note:             If the default text exceeds the character limit defined for the custom special handling format, only the number of characters defined as the limit default. For example, if the default text is ABCDEFG, but a limit of 5 characters applies, then only ABCDE defaults.

         Charge Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Charge: This field displays only if a Default Price or Default Price % is defined for the special format detail, the Feature/option field for the special format detail is selected, and a Special Handling Price is not defined for the item offer or SKU offer.

Note:             The personalization charge is display-only in order entry.

For more information:

         Add Personalization for an overview of the Add Personalization window.

         Add Personalization Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Personalization window.

Standard Personalization Fields

The following fields display when standard personalization has been defined for an item, supporting the entry of free-form text.

         Personalization Charge Personalization (Special Handling) Charge. Optional entry in order maintenance; display-only in order entry.

         Instructions Personalization (Special Handling) Instructions. Optional entry.

For more information:

         Add Personalization for an overview of the Add Personalization window.

         Add Personalization Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Personalization window.

