Add Personalization

Purpose: Use the Add Personalization window to add customization to an item on an order.

How to display from the Order Summary page: In the Order Lines Panel on the Order Summary page, select the Personalize option for an order line. Also, if the item offer or SKU offer requires personalization based on the assignment of a S/H Code, the Add Personalization window opens automatically after you add the item to the order

The Personalize option is available only if:

         The item is eligible for personalization based on the Special handling setting for the Item Offer or SKU Offer, and is not an item class restriction against personalization for the item,

         The S/H Code defined for the Item Offer or SKU Offer is not set to an additional charge code whose Suppress S/H Window flag is set to Suppress; otherwise, an error message displays if you select Personalize for the item.

         There is not already personalization defined for the item on the order,

         You have authority to edit order information,

         The order is not currently locked by another user, session, or by the system, and

         The order line is open or held, and unprinted.

How to display in Order Entry:

         The window opens automatically in Order Entry when you add an item to the order if a S/H Code is defined for Item Offer or SKU Offer, provided the S/H Code does not have the Bypass S/H flag set to Bypass and the Suppress S/H Window flag is not set to Suppress.

         You can also open this window by selecting Personalize for the item in the Order Summary panel.

The Personalize option is available in the Order Summary panel only if:

         The item is eligible for personalization based on the Special handling setting for the Item Offer or SKU Offer, and is not an item class restriction against personalization for the item,

         The S/H Code defined for the Item Offer or SKU Offer is not set to an additional charge code whose Suppress S/H Window flag is set to Suppress; otherwise, an error message displays if you select Personalize for the item.

If there is already personalization defined for the item, the Personalization Information window opens instead. From that window, you can edit the existing personalization information, or delete the personalization.

For more information:

         Add Personalization Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Personalization window.

         Fields on Add Personalization for a description of the fields on the Add Personalization window.

         Personalization Overview for more information on personalization.

Edit personalization: To edit or update existing personalization information for an order line, Select the Edit option on the Personalization Information window, if it is available. See Edit Personalization Information for more information.

