Order Entry

About streamlined order entry in Contact Center: This topic describes the streamlined process you can use to create a new order in Contact Center, including:

         Selecting an existing customer for the order, or creating a new customer.

         Entering or verifying customer information.

         Adding items to the order.

         Entering or verifying the shipping address, the ship via, and other information related to shipping the order.

         Reviewing and confirming the information for the order.

         Entering the payment information.

         Submitting the order.

Status of order entry steps: As you advance through the steps to entering an order, the status of each step is indicated at the top of the page. For example, in the image below, the statuses are indicated as follows:

         Green check: The Customer Search, Customer Information, and Items steps have all been completed successfully.

Note: This status might also indicate that you have used the Previous button from that step to return to a prior step, even if you have not completed the next step. For example, if you clicked Previous at the Review step because there was an error at the Shipping step, the Review step would be indicated with the green check.

         Red X: There is an error related to the Shipping step.

         Blue: The Review step is the current step.

         Grey: The Payments step has not yet been started.

Illustrates status of OE steps

How to display: Select Order Entry from a menu.

Order Entry available? Streamlined order entry is available in Contact Center only if:

         Required authority: You must have ALLOW authority to Contact Center Order Entry (CCOE).

         Required system control values: The following system control values must be set as follows.

         Current Offer (A33) must be specified.

         Default Order Type (B28) must be specified.

         Second Compatibility Code to Trigger SKU Blocking (K84) must be blank.

         Default Van Delivery Ship Via (L07) must be blank.

         Default Source Code in Contact Center Order Entry (M55) must be specified, and the specified source code must not be flagged as restricted.

         If Require Salesrep # in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (E87) is selected, the Default Salesrep # (E86) must specify a valid sales rep, flagged as Active, set up through Work with Salesreps (WSLS).

         Even if the Require Salesrep # in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (E87) system control value is not selected, if a Default Salesrep # (E86) is specified, it must be a valid sales rep that is flagged as Active.

         The Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value must be specified, or you will not be able to add any items to the order. You can set this value to a high number to avoid any errors related to order quantity.

         Additional required settings:

         A current accounting period, set up through Work with Accounting Periods (WACP), is required.

         If the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is selected and Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) is blank, then you must have ALLOW authority to the Maintenance of Customer Class Field secured feature to perform order entry.

         If the Require Phone Number in OE/OM (H01) system control value is selected, the Phone field should be selected for display in Work with Contact Center (WWCC).

Not included in streamlined order entry: Not all features that are available in Classic View order entry are also available in streamlined order entry in Contact Center. For example, the following features are not available in streamlined order entry:

         Customer search using Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Cloud Services.

         Assigning a bill-to or permanent ship-to customer to the order.

         Creating multiple ship-tos.

         Entering customer demographic information.

         Entering the expanded customer address.

         Displaying or entering multiple customer phone numbers.

         Selecting a different order type.

         Entering a negative quantity to process a return.

In this topic:

         Customer Search (Order Entry Step 1)

         Customer Information (Order Entry Step 2)

         Items (Order Entry Step 3)

         Shipping (Order Entry Step 4)

         Review (Order Entry Step 5)

         Payment (Order Entry Step 6)

         Submit Order (Final Step)

For more information:

         Order Entry Options for information on the steps required to enter an order.

         Fields in Order Entry for information on the fields available at each step in entering an order.

Customer Search (Order Entry Step 1)

Purpose: Use the Find and Select a Customer step to:

         Search for an existing customer for the order based on any of the search fields, and:

         Select a customer from the search results, or

         Create a new customer for the order.

For more information: See Find and Select Customer and Find and Select a Customer Fields.

Customer Information (Order Entry Step 2)

Purpose: Use the Enter or Verify Customer Information step to:

         Confirm that the current information for an existing, selected customer is correct, or

         Create a new customer record for the order.

         Optionally, specify a different source code for the order.

Searching for customers through integration with Customer Engagement is not supported.

For more information: See Enter or Verify Customer Information and Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields.

Items (Order Entry Step 3)

Purpose: Use the Add Items to Order step to:

         Search for each item to add to the order based on item ID, description, or keyword, and

         Specify the quantity for each item, and

         Add the item to the order.

An order summary panel displays to the right, indicating the customer, current merchandise total, and the items and quantities on the order. Optionally, you can update the order line quantity or delete an order line.

For more information: See Add Items to the Order and Add Items to Order Fields.

Shipping (Order Entry Step 4)

Purpose: Use the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Details step to:

         Specify whether to:

         Ship the order to the sold-to customer’s address, or

         Enter another shipping address, or

         Select a store location where the customer can pick up the order, either as a store pickup or a ship-to-store order.

         Review and optionally update shipping details and additional order details.

For more information: See Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information.

Review (Order Entry Step 5)

Purpose: Use the Verify Order Information step to:

         Review the information on the order.

         Correct any order information that causes an error.

         Apply any updates to the order.

You need to select Refresh Order at this step to apply any updates. If you make any changes on at this step or any previous step, the Refresh Order button is enabled and required. You must select Refresh Order for your updates to be saved prior to entering payment information.

For more information: See Review Order and Verify Order Information.

Payment (Order Entry Step 6)

Purpose: Use the Add Payment to the Order step to:

         Add at least one payment method to the order. You can add multiple payment methods to the order if the Allow Multi Pay Types (A74) system control value is selected. If the payment methods include one or more credit card pay types, at least one of them must be the Catch-All.

         Optionally, edit payment methods on the order, if you have authority under the Restrict Access to CC Numbers in OI and OM secured feature.

         Optionally, review or delete payment methods.

         Check gift card balance.

For more information: See Add Payment to Order.

Submit Order (Final Step)

After completing entry of one or more payment methods, use the Submit Order option to submit the order for creation.

The system performs some final error-checking at this step. If you confirm order submission, the order is created.

See Submit Order for more information.

