Order Entry Options

Purpose: This help topic describes the actions available at each stage of the order entry process.

In this topic:

         Find and Select Customer

         Search for a Customer

         Select a Customer

         Create a New Customer

         Enter or Verify Customer Information

         Navigation Options at the Enter or Verify Customer Step

         Messages Window

         Add Items to the Order

         Searching for an Item

         Selecting an Order Quantity and Adding the Item to the Order

         Window Sequence

         Messages Window (Items)

         Navigation Options at the Add Items to Order Step

         Order Summary Panel






         Hide or Show Order Summary

         Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information

         Select the Customer Sold-To Name and Address for Shipping

         Enter a Different Shipping Address

         Search for and Select a Pickup Location

         Review and Change Additional Order Information

         Navigation Options at the Select Shipping Option and Other Details Step

         Review Order and Verify Order Information

         Edit Customer Information

         Edit Ship To Information

         Edit Pickup Information

         Add Items

         Edit Additional Details

         Refresh Order

         Navigation Options at the Review Order and Verify Order Information Step

         Add Payment to Order

         Add a Cash/Check Payment

         Add a Credit Card Payment

         Add a Debit Card Payment

         Add a Gift Card Payment

         Check Gift Card Balance

         View Payment Details

         Edit Payment

         Delete Payment

         Navigation Options at the Add Payment to Order Step

         Submit Order

         Cancel Entry of the Order

         If the Session Ends During Order Entry

For more information:

         Order Entry for an overview.

         Fields in Order Entry for information on the fields displayed in order entry.

Find and Select Customer

The Customer Search (Find and select a customer) step is the first step in the order entry process, and includes the following options:

Search for a Customer

Complete any of the Search for Customer Fields at this step and click Search to search for an existing customer for the new order. The customers matching your search criteria, if any, are displayed to the right.

See Search for Customer Fields for more information.


         You need to search with at least one search criterion, even if you are going to create a new customer record, in order to display the Create New Customer option.

         Searching for customers in Customer Engagement is not currently implemented.

Select a Customer

After searching for a customer, click on the correct customer displayed in the search results to enable the Next button at the bottom right. Click the Next button to continue to the Enter or Verify Customer Information step to verify the customer’s information before you create an order for the selected customer.

Create a New Customer

To create a new customer instead of selecting an existing customer, select Create New Customer in the upper right. You advance to the Enter or Verify Customer Information step to enter the information for the new customer.

Note:             You need to first search for customers before the Create New Customer option is available.

Enter or Verify Customer Information

You advance to this step from the Find and Select Customer step after:

         Clicking Next after selecting an existing customer, or

         Clicking Create New Customer.

You can also advance to this step by selecting Create Order at the Customer Order List or Customer Purchase History page.

When you are verifying the information for the selected customer: The Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields display the current information for the selected customer. Confirm the displayed information, updating as necessary.

When you are creating a new customer: The Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields are blank except for the search criteria you entered in the previous step, as well as certain fields that are populated by default by system control values.

Pickup or Ship-for-Pickup order: The customer’s email address is required to create a Store Pickup Order or Ship-for-Pickup Order. Also, the customer’s Email Opt-In setting must support email notifications. See the Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields for more information.

Navigation Options at the Enter or Verify Customer Step

After verifying the customer information or creating the new customer, click:

         Next to advance to the Add Items to the Order step. If any of the customer information is incorrect, it is highlighted, and you will need to correct it. See the Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields for more information.

         Previous to return to the Find and Select Customer step to select a different customer for the order. This option is not available if there are any items on the order.

         Cancel to Cancel Entry of the Order.

See Customer Results Fields for more information.


         If you cancel after entering the new customer information but before advancing to the review step, the customer record is not created.

         If you cancel after changing an existing customer’s information and advancing to the Add Items step, the changes are retained.

Messages Window

At the Enter or Verify Customer Information, Add Items to the Order, Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information, and Review Order and Verify Order Information steps, you can select the messages icon (messages window illustration) to open the Messages window. Your options here include:

         Adding or working with Order Messages, Gift Messages, and Pick Slip Messages. See Customer Messages Options for more information.

         Adding or removing an Order Hold Reason. See Order Holds for more information.

Gift order? This window also opens when you select the Gift Order flag at the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

Editing a message line: To edit a message after entry, scroll to the end of the line and hold the cursor at the end until the edit icon (illustration of edit icon (pen on blue background)) appears. Click the icon to edit the line.

Note:             When you save the order, the message lines are broken out into lines of up to 60 positions each; however, in the Messages window, each message appears as one continuous line, regardless of length.

Add Items to the Order

You advance to this step after clicking Next at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step.

Searching for an Item

When you first advance to this step, no items are displayed.

To search for an item to add to the order:

         Search by item code: With the Item ID flag selected (default), enter a full or partial item code and click Search to display items that start with or match your entry.

         Search by item description: Select the Item Description flag, enter a full or partial item description, and click Search to display items whose descriptions or defined keywords contain your entry.

Searching is not case-sensitive; entering item1 will find ITEM1 as a match.

See Add Items Search Fields for more information.

The items that match your search entry are displayed below, and the total number of matching items found is displayed to the right of the Search field.

You cannot add an item to the order if:

         It is flagged as Restricted.

         It is assigned an item status that matches the Item Status for Suppressing Item During Item Selection (L21) system control value.

         It is a variable set.

         If it has SKU’s; instead, you need to select one or more specific SKU’s, as described below.

If the Item has SKU’s

Searching as described above finds the base item for a SKU’d item. Note that searching based on item or item description does not include results in the SKU’d items SKU’s or SKU descriptions. For example, if a SKU’d item has a SKU of BLUE with a description of BLUE INK, the base item is not retrieved when you search based on blue or ink.

When a SKU’d item is in the search results, click Display SKU’s to display all SKU’s for the item. You can then search based on the SKU description or code (variation). For example, enter small to list SKU’s that include the word SMALL as a SKU element or part of its SKU description.

Searching within the list of SKU’s: Enter each search criterion separately and press Enter after each to find SKU’s that include both of your search criteria, but not necessarily together. For example, to find a SKU that includes the description “blue stretch” enter blue stretch. However, this search does not retrieve a SKU with the description blue cotton stretch. To retrieve this SKU, you would need to first search on one term, such as blue, and press Enter, and then add the second term, such as stretch, pressing Enter again. The total number of matching SKU’s is displayed to the right of the search entry box, for example: 3 of 10 Results.

Select Back to Item Search after reviewing the SKU’s for an item, or selecting one or more SKU’s.

Selecting an Order Quantity and Adding the Item to the Order

When the Add Items to Order step displays the item or SKU that you wish to add to the order:

         Optionally, change the quantity, which defaults from the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value. Your entry cannot exceed the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value, and you cannot add a negative quantity.

         Click Add to Order.

         The item is added to the Order Summary panel to the right. Items are displayed in reverse chronological order (newest at the top).

         The Order Total fields in the Order Summary panel is updated with the extended price of the order line (quantity * price from the default Current Offer (A33) system control value) added to the Merchandise total.

         The order totals, including tax, shipping, handling, and other charges, will be displayed at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

         The item pricing may change at Review Order and Verify Order Information or after you add payment.

         Components for a set item are displayed when you advance to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

See Special Types of Items for more information.

After adding a SKU to the order: Click Back to Item Search to return to the list of items that match your search criteria.

See Item Search Results Fields and SKU Search Results Fields for more information.

If the maximum order line quantity or value exceeded: No error message is displayed if an order line exceeds the Maximum Order Line Value (E98) system control value, however:

         If you attempt to enter a quantity that exceeds the Maximum Order Quantity and you do not have authority under the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override secured feature, the quantity field is highlighted in red and your entry is prevented. For example, if the Maximum Order Quantity is 25 and you attempt to enter a quantity of 30, a message indicates that you should enter a quantity from 1 to 25.

         If you enter an order line whose merchandise total exceeds the Maximum Order Line Value, no error message is displayed at this step; however, if you do not have authority under the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override secured feature, the error is flagged at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, and you will not be able to submit the order without correcting.

Special Types of Items

If the item requires personalization: The Add Personalization window opens automatically when you add an item to the order if a S/H Code is defined for Item Offer or SKU Offer, provided the S/H Code does not have the Bypass S/H flag set to Bypass and the Suppress S/H Window flag is not set to Suppress.

If the item has coordinates: The Select Coordinate Items window opens automatically when you add an item to the order if it is associated with one or more coordinates, provided the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is selected; otherwise, if the item has coordinates, use the Coordinates option in the Order Summary panel to add a coordinate. See Select Coordinate Items for more information.

If the item is a set: The set components are not displayed in the Order Summary area at this step. They are displayed when you advance to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

If the item is sold out: The item is still added to the order, and the Merchandise total is still increased; however, the price of the soldout item is removed before you accept the order.

If the item is a membership item. If you attempt to add a membership item to the order, no error is displayed, but the item is not added to the order.

If the item has a ship via override: If the ship via on the order header is not valid for the item, the item will cause an error at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step. You need to know the valid ship via(s) for the item, as this information is not displayed at the Edit Item window.

If the item has accompanying items: The accompanying items are added to the order and displayed at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

If the item has a quantity price break or other repricing applies: The updated price is displayed at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

If the item is sold out: After you accept the order, the order line is sold out, and the item price changed to 0.00. While you are entering the order, the soldout line is displayed with the regular offer price.

If the item is a virtual stored value card: You cannot complete entry of the order if it includes a virtual stored value card and there is not an email address specified for the customer, or the customer’s Opt-In Status setting indicates not to send email.

If the item is a warranty item: A warranty item is added to the order at no charge and a price override reason defaults. You cannot override the price for a warranty item.

If the order does not contain any items besides one or more soldout items, the order is created in Closed status.

If the item requires personalization: The Add Personalization window opens when you add the item to the order. See that window for more information.

Window Sequence

After you add an item, the following windows open if appropriate for the item:

         Add Personalization if the item requires personalization.

         Messages Window (Items) if there are any item/SKU status messages for the item, or any item/SKU comments associated with the item or SKU whose Print Code is set to W Window.

         Select Coordinate Items if there are any coordinate items associated with the item, provided the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is selected.

Messages Window (Items)

This window opens if there is either an item/SKU status message defined for the selected item/SKU, or if there are any item/SKU comments defined for the item/SKU with a Print Code is set to W Window.

Status Messages

Included only if an item/SKU status message is defined for the status code associated with the item or SKU.

         Item/SKU Status Message: Unlabeled field below the Status Messages title. A separate row displays for each status message. Status messages defined at the SKU level display; if there are no status messages defined at the SKU level, status messages defined at the item level display.


Included only if there are any item/SKU comments associated with the item or SKU whose Print Code is set to W Window and includes:

         Item/SKU Comment: Unlabeled field below the Comments title. A separate row displays for each comment. Comments defined at the SKU level display; if there are no comments defined at the SKU level, comments defined at the item level display.

Add a message: The Message window also includes the Add Order Line Message option, which opens a window where you can add messages. See Add an Order Line Message for more information.

Any previously entered messages for the order line are displayed under Order Line Messages. Optionally, you can delete a message by clicking X.

Navigation Options at the Add Items to Order Step

Click Previous to return to the Enter or Verify Customer Information step. Note that you cannot return to the Find and Select Customer step after adding any items to the order.

Click Next to advance to the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

Select Cancel to Cancel Entry of the Order.

         If you had selected an existing customer and applied any updates at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step, your changes are retained.

         If you had begun creation of a new customer, the customer record is not retained.

Order Summary Panel

The Order Summary panel includes the following options for each line on the order. See Order Summary Panel Fields for more information on displayed fields.

You can use these options at any point in the order entry process until you complete the order.

Displaying the Order Summary panel: Use the Order Summary icon (Order Summary icon illustration) at the top right to open or close the Order Summary panel. You can open or close the Order Summary panel at any point while entering an order, but no information is displayed until you select or create a customer for the order.

Customer (Open Customer Order List)

Click the Customer Summary Fields (customer name and number) in the Order Summary panel to open the Customer Order List in a new tab.

This option is available at the Add Items to the Order step when you select an existing customer for the order; otherwise, when you create a new customer, the option is available at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, although there will be no customer orders to review.


Click the messages icon (messages icon illustration) to the right of an item in the Order Summary panel to open the Messages Window (Items).


Select Delete for an item in the Order Summary panel to delete the item immediately. There is no confirmation message.

When you delete the master item for a set, the components are also deleted if they have already been added.

The Delete option is not available for a set component or other items added to the order automatically, such as through a BOGO promotion. Also, the Delete option is not available in the Order Summary panel at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, although it is available in the Items Fields.

If you delete all the items on the order, you cannot advance to the Add Payment to Order step. You can Cancel Entry of the Order instead.


If coordinates are defined for an item, select Coordinates for the item in the Order Summary panel to add a coordinate to the order. See Select Coordinate Items for more information.


Depending on whether personalization has already been defined for the item on the order:

         If personalization has already been defined: The Personalization Information window opens. See that window for more information on fields, options, and conditions on when this window opens.

Note:             You can edit or remove the personalization from the item on the order; however, if you edit the personalization, the Personalization (Special Handling) Charge is display-only.

         If personalization has not already been defined: The Add Personalization opens if the item is eligible for personalization, based on the Special Handling setting for the Item Offer or SKU Offer. See that window for more information on fields, options, and conditions on when this window opens.


Select Edit for an item in the Order Summary panel to open the Edit Item Window.

Edit Item Window

Use this window to edit an item on the order. Options include:

         Change the Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered). The quantity is a required field and cannot be zero or negative.

Note:             If you attempt to enter a quantity that exceeds the Maximum Order Quantity and you do not have authority under the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override secured feature, the quantity field is highlighted in red and your entry is prevented. For example, if the Maximum Order Quantity is 25 and you attempt to enter a quantity of 30, a message indicates that you should enter a quantity from 1 to 25.

         Change the Price (Order Line Price) or setting the item to No Charge. Either of these changes require entry of an Override Reason (Price Override Reason). You cannot change these fields if you do not have authority under the Price Overrides secured feature, or if the item is a warranty item.

         Select a different Ship Via. Your selection must be a valid ship via for the item.

         Select or clear Gift Wrap for the item, if the option is available.

Click OK to apply your changes.

Maximum order quantity or value: See the discussion under Selecting an Order Quantity and Adding the Item to the Order for limits on the order line quantity and order line value.

Hide or Show Order Summary

At any point after in the order entry process, you can use the order summary icon (hideOrShowOrderSummary00001.png) to hide or show the Order Summary panel. However, there is no data displayed in the Order Summary panel until you have advanced to the Add Items to the Order step.

Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information

You advance to this step after selecting at least one item for the order and clicking Next at the Add Items to the Order step.

Your options at this step are:

         Select the Customer Sold-To Name and Address for Shipping

         Enter a Different Shipping Address

         Search for and Select a Pickup Location

         Review and Change Additional Order Information

Select the Customer Sold-To Name and Address for Shipping

By default, the sold-to customer’s name and address are displayed, and the Ship To Primary Address flag is selected. No additional action is required to ship the order to the sold-to customer’s primary address.

See the Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields for information on the displayed fields in the customer’s address.

Enter a Different Shipping Address

To ship the order to an address different from the customer’s primary address:

         Select Ship To Other Address. The page displays name and address fields for the shipping address. See

         Enter the name and address for the shipping address.

The shipping name and address are assigned to the order. The system does not create a permanent shipping address associated to the sold-to customer, and does not create a separate sold-to shipping address.

See Ship To Other Address Fields for details.

Search for and Select a Pickup Location

Use this option if the customer would like to pick up the order at a store location, selected through communication with Order Broker.

Required system control values: This option is available only with the following system control value settings:

         Use Merchandise Locator (I38) must be selected.

         OROB System (K50) must specify a system code.

         OROB Default Location (K51) must specify a location code.

         Store Pickup Order Type (L33) must be populated, or there must be at least one store cross-reference record (created through the Work with Store Cross Reference (WSCR) menu option) with the Ship For Pickup flag selected.

         Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) must be specified (miles or kilometers).

Required customer settings: The following information is required for the customer:

         The customer must have a valid email address.

         The customer’s Email Opt-In setting must be either Email order and promotion information or Email order information only.

Required item setting: Also, any items on the order must be flagged as OROB Eligible, and no membership items or subscription items can be included.

Search for Pickup Locations

If all of the above requirements are met, select Pick Up to display the Customer Address Fields for Pickup Location Search. Use these fields to search for a location where the items on the order can be picked up, and the maximum search radius. The customer’s current address defaults, but you can override the entries.

For more information:

         Background on searching for locations: How does Order Broker Select the Locations to Include?, Merchandise Locator for Different Types of Items, and Merchandise Locator Troubleshooting for more information on searching for locations.

         Details on the communication with Order Broker: Product Availability Request Message and Product Availability Response Message.

Optionally, edit any of the Customer Address Fields for Pickup Location Search and click Search.

Select a Pickup Location

The eligible pickup locations are displayed below in ascending order by distance, indicating whether the items are:

         Currently available in the location for pickup (Store Pickup Order), or

         Can be shipped to the store for pickup (Ship-for-Pickup Order).

The distance from the customer’s specified search address is also indicated for each location.

Locations are displayed only if they could fulfill all items on the order, and if there is a store cross reference record for the location.

Click a location to select it for the order. See Eligible Pickup Location Fields for more information.

A message indicates if there are no locations in the specified search radius that could fulfill all items.

Review and Change Additional Order Information

Optionally, use the Shipping Details Fields or Additional Order Details Fields to change any of the additional order information. See these fields for details.

Gift order? When you select the Gift Order flag, the Messages Window opens so that you can enter a gift message.

Navigation Options at the Select Shipping Option and Other Details Step

Click Previous to return to the Add Items to the Order step.

Click Next to advance to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

Select Cancel to Cancel Entry of the Order.

         If you had selected an existing customer and applied any updates at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step, your changes are retained.

         If you had begun creation of a new customer, the customer record is not retained.

Review Order and Verify Order Information

You advance to this step after clicking Next at the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

Review information: Use this step to review the information on the order before entering payment information. See Verify Order Information Fields (Review Step).

This step displays any repricing, applied discounts, and calculated freight and tax.

If using QAS: If you are using QAS, the updated sold-to or shipping address is displayed. See the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value in the Classic View online help for more information.

Item added? If the order qualifies for an item that is added automatically, such as a BOGO promotion with an item flagged as Free Auto Add, the item is listed at this step.

Edit information: You can update any of the information on the order at this step. These options are described below. You then need to use the Refresh Order option to update the order and verify all required information is valid.

If you remove items at this step: If you change the information for the order at this step, such as removing any items, you need to select the Refresh option to display the updated order, including any free gifts or discounts that now apply to the order. For example, if you remove an item or lower the quantity of an item that qualified the order for a discount or a free gift, the information displayed is not updated until you select Refresh.

Errors? A message at the top of the page indicates if there are any errors on the order. You cannot advance to the Add Payment to Order step and submit the order without correcting any existing errors and then using the Refresh Order option to update the order and verify all required information is valid.

Error examples: Possible errors at the header or detail level include:

         Invalid postal code for a new customer or ship-to address.

         Invalid ship via for PO box if the ship via on the order does not support delivery to a PO box.

         Invalid ship via for SCF.

         Invalid promotion code.

         Invalid ship via for SCF, indicating that the ship via is not valid for the postal code.

         Invalid ship for item, indicating that the item requires a ship via override to a different ship via.

         Item class restriction for the city on the shipping address.

         Item class restriction for the customer class.

         Email address is missing or invalid opt-in, indicating that there is a virtual stored value card on the order but no email address available.

         An ineligible item was added to a Store Pickup Order or Ship-for-Pickup Order. For these orders, items must be flagged as OROB Eligible, and must not be membership or subscription items.

         An item on the order is assigned a personalization code that was set up incorrectly. This can occur if, for example, a custom special handling format uses an additional charge code that has the Suppress S/H Window flag selected.

         Merchandise total exceeds Maximum Order Line Value, if you do not have authority under the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override secured feature.

Example:                    A red X at the related order entry step at the top of the page indicates invalid data for that step. For example, the Customer Information step at the top of the page is preceded by a red X if the customer address is invalid. Also, the errors are highlighted at the Verify Order Information step.

After you correct any errors, the error messages remain on the page until you use the Refresh Order option and the system confirms that the errors have been corrected.

Edit Customer Information

Select Edit for Customer Information to edit the name and address information for the sold-to customer on the order. Typically, if there is an error related to the customer information, this error occurs when you create a new customer. You return to the Enter or Verify Customer Information step.

For more information: See Select a Customer and Create a New Customer for background, and see Customer Results Fields for details on fields.

Verify changes: When you have completed update of the customer information, click Next through the following steps to return to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, and then use the Refresh Order option to verify that your changes are valid.

Edit Ship To Information

Select Edit for the Ship To to edit the shipping and additional information for the order. You return to the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

This option is not available if this is a Store Pickup Order or Ship-for-Pickup Order.

For more information: See Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information for background, and see Ship To Other Address Fields, Shipping Details Fields, and Additional Order Details Fields for details on fields.

Verify changes: When you have completed update of the shipping and other details fields, click Next to return to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, and then use the Refresh Order option to verify that your changes are valid.

Edit Pickup Information

Select Edit for the Pickup Location to edit the information for the location where the customer will pick up the order. You return to the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step, where you edit any shipping details as well as search for a different location.

This option is available only if this is a Store Pickup Order or Ship-for-Pickup Order.

For more information: See Search for and Select a Pickup Location for background, and see ‘Customer Address Fields for Pickup Location Search, Eligible Pickup Location Fields, Shipping Details Fields, and Additional Order Details Fields for details on fields.

When you select Edit for the Pickup Location, you can also:

         Change the order to ship to the sold-to customer address or a ship-to address, rather than using a store location for pickup. See Select the Customer Sold-To Name and Address for Shipping and Enter a Different Shipping Address for details.

         Edit the shipping details and additional order details fields. See Review and Change Additional Order Information for details.

Verify changes: When you have completed update of the shipping and other details fields, click Next to return to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, and then use the Refresh Order option to verify that your changes are valid.

Add Items

Select Add Items to return to the Add Items to the Order step.

For more information: See Add Items to the Order for background, and see Add Items to Order Fields for details on fields.

Verify changes: When you have completed update of the shipping and other details fields, click Next to return to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, and then use the Refresh Order option to verify that your changes are valid.

Note:             The Edit and Delete options for an item on the order are available in the Order Summary panel to the right, as well as below each item listed at this step.

Edit Additional Details

Select Edit for Additional Details to edit the additional information for the order. You return to the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

For more information: See Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information for background, and see Additional Order Details Fields for details on fields.

Verify changes: When you have completed update of the additional details fields, click Next to return to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, and then use the Refresh Order option to verify that your changes are valid.

Refresh Order

The Refresh Order option at the top of the Review Order and Verify Order Information is enabled each time you update any information on the order.

You need to select this option to update information, such as order totals, after applying any changes to the order, and to verify that the current order information is valid. The Next button is not enabled until you refresh the order.

When refreshing the order information, the system verifies that all the current information on the order is still valid. See Review Order and Verify Order Information for examples of possible errors.

Even if you did not change any information, it is possible for new errors to occur, if, for example, the requested quantity of an item is no longer available at the selected pickup location, or the location itself is no longer available. In this situation, you would need to return to the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step and update the order by either searching for a new pickup location, or changing the order to ship to the customer.

If using QAS: If you are using QAS and QAS updated the sold-to or shipping address, the updated address is displayed. However, if there are any errors that need to be corrected, the updated address may not be displayed until after you correct any errors.

See the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value in the Classic View online help for more information on using QAS.

Navigation Options at the Review Order and Verify Order Information Step

Click Previous to return to the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

Click Next to advance to the Add Payment to Order step.

Select Cancel to Cancel Entry of the Order.

         If you had selected an existing customer and applied any updates at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step, your changes are retained.

         If you had begun creation of a new customer, the customer record is retained.

Add Payment to Order

Use this step to add one or more payment methods to the order.

Multiple payment methods? The Allow Multi Pay Types (A74) system control value controls whether you can define multiple payment methods for an order.

Identifying the payment type and card type: Payment types are defined in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option. Possible options are in Work with Pay Types are:

         Cash/check: has a Pay Category of Cash/Check. See Add a Cash/Check Payment.

         Credit card: Has a Pay Category of Credit Card and a Card Type of Credit Card. See Add a Credit Card Payment.

         Debit card: Has a Pay Category of Credit Card and a Card Type of Debit Card. See Add a Debit Card Payment.

         Gift card: Has a Pay Category of Credit Card and a Card Type of Stored Value. See Add a Gift Card Payment.

When you select a payment method, the additional required and optional fields are displayed in the Add Payment window, as described below.

If the pay type is restricted: An error message indicates if you try to enter a restricted pay type, such as a pay type that matches the Order Broker Payment Type (K98) system control value.

Catch-all payment required: If there are any credit card pay types on the order, one must be designated as the catch-all payment method, with no Amount to Charge specified, before you can submit the order. The system uses this card to charge the total balance remaining on the order after any other payment method has been charged.

Credit card required for store pickup or ship-for-pickup orders: Only credit card payment methods are allowed when:

         The order is a Store Pickup Order, and the Collect Payment at POS for Store Pickup Orders (M16) system control value is selected.

         The order is a Ship-for-Pickup Order, and the Collect Payment at POS for Ship To Store Orders (L60) system control value is selected.

Add a Cash/Check Payment

         Select a cash/check payment method from the Payment Method drop down box.

         Enter a Routing Number, Account Number, and Check Number. These fields are required if the payment method selected matches the payment in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value.

         Enter an Amount to Charge. This amount does not need to be equal to the order total.

         Select Add Payment.

An error message indicates if your entry is invalid based on the settings defined in Work with Pay Types (WPAY), and a Snackbar Notification indicates if the amount to charge is greater than the order total.

For more information: See Add Payment Options for more information and background.

Add a Credit Card Payment

         Select a credit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

         Enter a Card Number. Validated against the credit card length, leading digits, and modulus check settings defined for the payment method.

         Enter a Start Date in MM/YY format. Displayed only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the payment method.

         Enter an Expiration Date in MM/YY format. Displayed only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method.

         Enter an Issue Number. Displayed only if the Require Issue # field is selected for the payment method.

         Optionally, enter a CVV/CID. Note: The system removes the card security value from an order when the order is accepted, even if an approved online authorization has not been received on the order; no message is written to Order History. Card security processing is not available during batch authorization or deposit processing.

         Optionally, select the Manual Authorization field to apply a manual authorization to the credit card payment and complete the Manual Authorization Amount, Authorization Date, and Authorization Number 

Note: The Manual Authorization field is available only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

         Optionally, enter an Amount to Charge. Leave this field blank if the payment method is the catch-all payment on the order.

         Select Add Payment.

An error message indicates if your entry is invalid based on the settings defined in Work with Pay Types (WPAY).

If you specified an express-bill Ship Via for the order, authorization for a credit or debit card is required before you can accept the order. If on-line authorization is not enabled, you need to authorize the card manually.

See Online Authorization Processing for more information on processing, updates, and displayed messages when the payment method uses online authorization.

Add a Debit Card Payment

         Select a debit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

         Enter a Card Number.

         Enter a Start Date in MM/YY format. Displayed only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the payment method.

         Enter an Expiration Date in MM/YY format. Displayed only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method.

         Enter an Issue Number. Displayed only if the Require Issue # field is selected for the payment method.

         Optionally, select the Manual Authorization field to apply a manual authorization to the debit card payment and complete the Manual Authorization Amount, Authorization Date, and Authorization Number 

Note: The Manual Authorization field displays only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

         Optionally, enter an Amount to Charge. Leave this field blank if the payment method is the catch-all payment on the order.

         Select Add Payment.

An error message indicates if your entry is invalid based on the settings defined in Work with Pay Types (WPAY).

See Online Authorization Processing for more information on processing, updates, and displayed messages when the payment method uses online authorization.

Add a Gift Card Payment

         Select a gift card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

         Enter a Card Number. Validated the card number against the credit card length, leading digits, and modulus check settings defined for the payment method.

         Enter a Start Date in MM/YY format. Displayed only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the payment method.

         Enter an Expiration Date in MM/YY format. Displayed only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method.

         Enter an Issue Number. Displayed only if the Require Issue # field is selected for the payment method.

         Enter a Card ID Number is one is defined for the gift card.

         Optionally, select the Manual Authorization field to apply a manual authorization to the gift card payment and complete the Manual Authorization Amount, Authorization Date, and Authorization Number 

Note: The Manual Authorization option is available only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

         Optionally, enter an Amount to Charge. Leave this field blank if the payment method is the catch-all payment on the order.

         Select Add Payment.

An error message indicates if your entry is invalid based on the settings defined in Work with Pay Types (WPAY).

See Online Authorization Processing for more information on processing, updates, and displayed messages when the payment method uses online authorization.

Check Gift Card Balance

Select Check Gift Card Balance from the Actions menu (ActionsIcon.png) for a gift card payment method to open the Check Gift Card Balance window. This option is available only for a gift card payment method.

View Payment Details

Select View Details from the Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustration) for a payment method to open the Payment Method Details window. See Payment Method Details Fields for more information on the fields displayed for each payment type.

Edit Payment

Select Edit from the Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustratoin) for a payment method to open the Edit Method window. See Add Payment to Order, above, for more information on completing the field for each payment type.

This option is available only if you have authority under the Restrict Access to CC Numbers in OI and OM secured feature.

Delete Payment

Select Delete from the Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustration) for a payment method, and then click OK at the confirmation window, to delete it from the order.

Deactivate Payment

Use the Deactivate from the Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustration) for a payment method to open the Confirm Deactivation window, where you can remove a payment method that has been declined authorization. This option is available at the Add Payment to Order step only for a payment method that has been declined through online authorization.

At this window, select Yes to deactivate the payment; otherwise, select the No option to cancel the deactivation.

If the deactivated payment method was the only payment method on the order, you will need to add another payment method before you can submit the order.

Navigation Options at the Add Payment to Order Step

Click Previous to return to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

Select Cancel to Cancel Entry of the Order.

         If you had selected an existing customer and applied any updates at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step, your changes are retained.

         If you had begun creation of a new customer, the customer record is retained.

Submit Order

After you complete payment entry at the Add Payment to Order step and you select Submit Order:

         The order is saved.

         A Snackbar Notification indicates:

         The assigned order number.

         The customer name.

         The customer number

         Whether the order status is held or closed; otherwise, the order status is open.

You can click the snackbar message to advance to the Order Summary page to review or work with the order; otherwise, select Dismiss in the snackbar message.

If online authorization is enabled: An authorization request is submitted automatically when you first enter the credit card information and select Submit. Select Submit again to finish creation of the order.

Errors? If there are any errors on the order that were not previously caught, a message window opens. Depending on the type of error:

         The Errors Exist window opens if there is an error that you can correct and resubmit the order. This window indicates that you need to click the Previous button to review and correct errors. For example, you can return to the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step to correct an issue with the SCF and selected ship via.

         The Confirm Cancellation window opens if there is an error that prevents the order from being completed. For example, this situation occurs if there is an issue with the credit card number used on the order. You can:

         Click Cancel to return to the order and correct it. Then, after you return to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, you will need to use the Refresh Order option to update the order.

         Click OK to cancel the order and return to the Find and Select Customer step. The order is rejected and not saved in a canceled status.

Cancel Entry of the Order

To abandon entry at any point in the order entry process, select Cancel, close the page, or select the option to advance to Classic View, and then confirm your choice at the confirmation window. No record of the order is retained.

If you abandon the order after selecting or creating a customer and adding one or more items to the order, confirmation at an additional window is required, and no record of the order is retained.

If the Session Ends During Order Entry

A session can end during Order Entry if, for example:

         The session times out due to inactivity.

         The browser closes unexpectedly.

         The user logs out.

         The user returns to Classic View.

The order is retained in error status if you have advanced to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, and:

         The session ends due to a timeout.

         The browser closes unexpectedly.

         You log out.

You can use the Purge Suspended Orders option (PSOR) in Classic View to purge orders that remain in error status, or use Unlock Order to unlock an order that remains locked.

