Fields in Order Entry

Purpose: The information is displayed in order entry:

         Find and Select a Customer Fields

         Search for Customer Fields

         Customer Results Fields

         Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields

         Add Items to Order Fields

         Add Items Search Fields

         Item Search Results Fields

         SKU Search Results Fields

         Personalization Fields

         Messages Window Fields

         Edit Item Window Fields

         Order Summary Panel Fields

         Customer Summary Fields

         Order Total Fields

         Shipping Fields

         Pickup Location Fields

         Items Fields

         Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Details Fields

         Ship To Primary Address Fields

         Ship To Other Address Fields

         Customer Address Fields for Pickup Location Search

         Eligible Pickup Location Fields

         Shipping Details Fields

         Additional Order Details Fields

         Verify Order Information Fields (Review Step)

         Customer Information Fields

         Ship To Fields

         Pickup Location Fields

         Items Fields

         Additional Information Fields

         Add Payment to Order Fields

         Cash/Check Payment Fields

         Credit Card Payment Fields

         Debit Card Payment Fields

         Gift Card Payment Fields

         Payment Method Details Fields

For more information:

         Order Entry for an overview of the order entry process.

         Order Entry Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform in order entry.

Find and Select a Customer Fields

Search for Customer Fields

The fields displayed are based on the Search by Customer Information Fields selected in Work with Contact Center (WWCC).

You may need to click Additional Customer Search Fields to display them all if the Number of Customer Quick Search Fields specified in Work with Contact Center is lower than the number of Search by Customer Information Fields.

Email Address: Your entry must be a full, correctly formatted email address. The results display all customer records associated with the entered email address.

Phone Number: Your entry must be a complete area code, but formatting is optional. For example, any of the following entries will find customer records with a matching phone number:


         508 555 0100

         (508) 555-0100

Last Name: Search results include customers whose names start with your entry or match it exactly, and searching is not case-sensitive. For example. if you enter jo, the search results might include customers whose last names are JONES or JOHNSON.

Company Name: Search results include customers whose company names start with your entry or match it exactly, and searching is not case-sensitive.

Postal Code: Search results include customers whose postal or zip codes start with your entry or match it exactly.

Customer Number: Your entry needs to be an exact match to an existing customer.

Match Code: Search results include customers whose match codes start with your entry or match it exactly.

Customer Results Fields

The following information is displayed for all customers matching your search criteria.

The fields displayed are based on the Search by Customer Information Fields selected in Work with Contact Center (WWCC).

Sold-To Customer: Displayed in LAST, FIRST (CUSTOMER NUMBER) format, for example, SMITH, JOHN (123) where 123 is the Customer Number.

Phone Number: Optionally, click a phone number to call the customer if the Phone flag in Work with Contact Center (WWCC) has Select to set as a hyperlink selected.

Email Address: All email addresses for the customer are displayed. Optionally, click an email address to generate an email to the customer if the Email flag in Work with Contact Center (WWCC) has Select to set as a hyperlink selected.

Customer Address: Includes the company name, if any, plus the first street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country code.

Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields

The following fields identify the sold-to customer for the order.

The fields displayed are based on the Search by Customer Information Fields selected in Work with Contact Center (WWCC).

Current information defaults for an existing customer. When you advance to this step after selecting an existing customer from your search results, the customer’s information defaults here, but you can update.

Search criteria default to this step: When advance to this step after selecting the Create New Customer option after searching for a customer, the search criteria you entered at the previous step default to the fields here. For example, if you entered a last name of Jackson when searching for a customer, Jackson defaults to the Last Name field.

Prefix. Optional.

First Name: Optional.

Middle Initial: Optional.

Last Name: Required if a company name is not specified.

Suffix. Optional.

Company Name: Required if a last name is not specified.

Street Address 1: Required.

Street Address 2-4: Optional.

Apartment/Suite: Optional.

Country Code: Required. Defaults from the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value.

Postal Code: A valid postal code is required to complete the order if the Require postal code flag is selected for the country in Work with Countries (WCTY); otherwise, optional. If the postal code is required for the country, the SCF for the postal code will be validated.

Note:             If the Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) system control value is selected, you can enter just the postal code to have the system default the associated city and state if these fields are blank.

City: Required.

State/Province: Required to complete entry of the order if the selected country requires a state or province.

Email Address: Optional. For an existing customer, defaults from the customer’s primary email address. If you enter a new email address for an existing customer, it is added as the customer’s new primary email address.

Email Opt-In: Required. For a new customer, defaults from the Default Opt-In/Opt-Out Flag for Customer (G97) system control value.

Phone Number: Required if the Require Phone Number in OE/OM (H01) system control value is selected. The customer’s daytime phone number.



Customer Class: Displayed in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option, or:

         Regardless of whether it is selected for display in Work with Contact Center (WWCC), the customer class is required entry if:

         You have Maintenance of Customer Class Field authority, and

         The Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is selected, and

         The Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) system control value is blank.

         Regardless of whether it is selected for display in Work with Contact Center (WWCC), the customer class is displayed but not enterable if:

         You do not have Maintenance of Customer Class Field authority, and

         The Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is selected, and

         The customer class defaults from the Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) system control value for a new customer, or the class is already populated for an existing customer.

However, you cannot advance to order entry if:

         You do not have Maintenance of Customer Class Field authority, and

         The Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is selected, and

         The Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) system control value is blank.

Source: Defaults from the Default Source Code in Contact Center Order Entry (M55) system control value. This system control value must specify a valid source code.

An error message indicates if you enter a different source code that is flagged as Restricted. If this occurs, enter valid source code and click elsewhere on the page to re-enable the Next button so you can continue entering the order.

Your entry in this field is case-insensitive; an entry of source matches a source code defined is converted to SOURCE.

The offer associated with this source code ultimately controls the pricing for the items on the order. You cannot change the source code if there are any items added to the order. However, the prices associated with this offer are not displayed until you advance to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step; until that time, the prices displayed are from the default Current Offer (A33).

Not displayed if the Source field is not selected for display in Work with Contact Center (WWCC).

Add Items to Order Fields

Add Items Search Fields

Item ID

Item Description

Item Search Results Fields

Item Image: Displayed if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected and an item image has been defined.

Item Information Link 

Item Description

Item ID

Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered): Defaults from the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value.

Default Price: From the Current Offer (A33) system control value. Blank if no price is defined for the item in the that offer. Set to 0.00 for a warranty item.

Note:             The price changes at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step if the price specified for the offer associated with the source code entered at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step is different from the price from the default Current Offer (A33) system control value.

SKU Search Results Fields

Item Image: Displayed if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected and an item image is defined; otherwise, display the image for the SKU.

Item Information Link 

SKU Description

Variations (SKU)

See the discussion of the Split SKU Values (B32) system control values in the Classic View online help for a discussion on how SKU elements are displayed.

Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered): Defaults from the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value.

Default Price: Maybe be different for the default price for the base item or for other SKU’s. From the Current Offer (A33) system control value. Blank if no price is defined for the item in the that offer. Set to 0.00 for a warranty item.

Note:             The price changes at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step if the price specified for the offer associated with the source code entered at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step is different from the price from the default Current Offer (A33) system control value.

Personalization Fields

Custom Personalization Fields

The following fields display based on the personalization selected in the Personalization field. A custom label displays for each option that can be performed on the item, and optionally, the associated charge to apply the option to the item.

         Label Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Label: the name of the label is defined in the Special Handling Format table; you can create and work with custom special handling formats using the Work with Special Handling Formats (WSHF) menu option. An asterisk (*) displays to the left of the label if a response is required.

         Input Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Response. If the Display Special Format Response Descriptions (E90) system control value is selected, the response description displays rather than the response itself.

         Charge Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Charge: This field displays only if a Default Price or Default Price % is defined for the special format detail, the Feature/option field for the special format detail is selected, and a Special Handling Price is not defined for the item offer or SKU offer. Display-only.

For more information: See the Messages Window (Items) for an overview of this window in Contact Center order entry.

Standard Personalization Fields

The following fields display when standard personalization has been defined for an item, supporting the entry of free-form text.

         Personalization Charge Personalization (Special Handling) Charge. Display-only.

         Instructions Personalization (Special Handling) Instructions. Optional entry.

For more information: See the Messages Window (Items) for an overview of the Add Personalization window in Contact Center order entry.

Messages Window Fields

Status Messages (Item/SKU Status Message): If there are both item-level and SKU-level status messages, the SKU-level messages are displayed.

Comments (Item/SKU Comment)

Order Line Messages:

         Message (Order Line Message)

         Print (Order Line Message Print Location)

         Actions: Select X to delete.

Edit Item Window Fields

Item Image: Displayed if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected and an item image is defined; otherwise, display the image for the SKU. Display-only.

Item Information Link 

Item Description. The description of the item. This is also the Item Information Link, if one has been defined. The Item ID is in parentheses.

Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered). Required. Cannot be zero or negative. See the discussion under Add Items to the Order for limits on the order line quantity and order line value.

Price (Order Line Price). Required unless the item is No Charge. Display-only if you do not have authority under the Price Overrides secured feature, or if this is a warranty item.

Note:             The price is initially from the default Current Offer (A33), and changes at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step if the price specified for the offer associated with the source code entered at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step is different from the price from the default Current Offer (A33).

No Charge. Display-only for a warranty item.

Override Reason (Price Override Reason). Required when changing the price or setting the item to No Charge. Display-only for a warranty item.

Ship Via: Blank if the ship via on the order header applies. If you override the ship via, your selection must be a valid ship via for the item.

Gift Wrap. Available only if gift wrap is enabled for the item offer associated with the source code on the order header, or for the SKU offer if the item has SKU’s. Also, displayed in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Gift Wrap Charge: Displayed only if the Gift Wrap option is displayed.

Order Summary Panel Fields

Customer Summary Fields

Displayed when? Customer information is displayed after you select or create a customer for the order.

Customer Name: The customer’s first and last name.

Customer Number: Displayed only for an existing customer. Not displayed for a new customer creating for this order. In parentheses to the right of the customer name.

Company Name: Displayed in addition to the Customer Name, if both are specified.

Optionally, click the customer summary fields to open the Customer Order List in a new tab.

Order Total Fields

Displayed when? Includes the current Merchandise total only after you select or create a customer and until you advance to the Review Order and Verify Order Information, and this amount is 0.0 until you add at least one item to the order. This total is based on the items and quantities added to the order so far, and item prices are initially based on the default Current Offer (A33). The merchandise total is updated when you advance to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, including using the prices from the source code specified at the removing the extended price of any soldout items and applying any discounts.

An information icon (information icon illustration) indicates whether discounts or overrides have been applied to order totals. Position your cursor over the icon to display the related message, for example: Discount applied.

The following additional Order Total fields are displayed at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step:

Shipping: An information icon (information icon illustration) indicates that there has been a discount to the shipping charges, including:

         The shipping charges have been discounted, possibly through:

         A freight promotion applied to the order automatically, or entered in the Promotion Code field at the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step, or

         Entry of a Shipping Override at the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

The message indicates Shipping override applied, or Shipping discount applied if the discount was applied through a freight discount promotion. If the promotion applied free freight, the message is Free shipping applied. Note: Depending on your screen resolution, the information may appear next to the Additional Shipping total.

Additional Shipping

Additional Charges: An information icon (information icon illustration) indicates that there has been a discount applied to the order using an additional charge code, such as a promotion applied automatically or entered in the Promotion Code field at the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step. In this case, the message indicates Discount applied. In this case, the additional charges total is a negative number, unless greater positive additional charges have been added.

Personalization (Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Charge). Normally set to zero.


Order Discount: Displayed at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step the Display Discount on Order Recap Screen (D38) system control value is selected. For example, the merchandise total can be discounted through a promotion, or through entry of a Discount Percent at the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Order Information step.

Shipping Fields

The following shipping fields are displayed once you advance to the Add Payment to Order step:

Shipping name and address: See Ship To Fields

Ship Via code and description

Pickup Location Fields

Displayed only for a pickup or ship-for-pickup order, and only at the Add Payment to Order Fields step.

Store Name

Store Address

Indication if the order is Shipping to Store or available for Store Pickup.

Items Fields

Displayed when? After you start adding items at the Add Items to the Order step, displays each item on the order in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest). Does not include any set components or free gifts until they are displayed at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

Item Description

Item Image

Unit Price (Order Line Price): Each item added to the order is displayed initially with the regular offer price based on the Current Offer (A33) system control value before applying an discounts, including quantity break prices, with repricing applied at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step to use the pricing from the offer specified at the Enter or Verify Customer Information step. Also, soldout items are displayed initially with their regular offer prices until you submit the order.

Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered)

The Delete and Edit options are displayed beneath each item.

Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Details Fields

Ship To Primary Address Fields

See Customer Results Fields, The customer’s Prefix and Suffix are also displayed, if specified.

Ship To Other Address Fields

Prefix. Optional.

First Name: Optional.

Middle Initial: Optional.

Last Name: Required if a company name is not specified.

Suffix. Optional.

Company Name: Required if a last name is not specified.

Street Address 1: Required.

Street Address 2-4: Optional.

Apartment/Suite: Optional.

Country Code: Required. Defaults from the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value. Position to the correct country by typing the country name rather than the code.

Postal Code: A valid postal code is required to complete the order if the Require postal code flag is selected for the country in Work with Countries (WCTY); otherwise, optional. If the postal code is required for the country, the SCF for the postal code will be validated.

City: Required. No default.

State/Province Code: Required to complete entry of the order if the selected country requires a state or province. No default.

Email Address: Optional.

Phone Number: Optional.

Customer Address Fields for Pickup Location Search

Use the following fields to search for pickup locations within a specified distance.

The postal code, street address, city, country, and state/province all default from the customer’s address.

Postal Code: Required if street, city, and state are not specified.

Street Address: Required if no postal code is specified.

City: Required if no postal code is specified.

Country Code: Required.

State/Province Code: Required if no postal code is specified.

Search Within (Search Radius): Defaults from the Default Search Within Radius (I40) system control value, while the setting of the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) system control value defines the displayed unit of measure: miles or kilometers. Required.

Eligible Pickup Location Fields

The following information is displayed for each location where the order can be picked up.

Store Name

Store Address

Distance from the customer’s address.

A message indicating either:

         All items available to be shipped to store for pickup, or

         All items available in store for pickup

See Broker Delivery Type for a discussion of the different delivery types.

Shipping Details Fields


Gift Order: When you select this flag, the Messages Window opens so that you can enter a gift message.

Ship Via

If you specify an express-bill Ship Via for the order, authorization for a credit or debit card is required before you can accept the order. If on-line authorization is not enabled, you need to authorize the card manually.

Delayed Arrival: Optional. If entered, must be a future date.

Shipping Override Amount

Calculate Shipping (Calculate Shipping (Freight))

Ship Complete

Additional Order Details Fields

Optionally, enter any of the following fields.

Tax Code

Tax Identification: Required if the Tax Code is set to Resale or Exempt.

Note:             If the customer’s tax code and tax ID have defaulted and you clear them in order entry, the order is created as taxable; however, this does not clear the tax code and tax ID for the customer.

Promotion Code: Available only if the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion (I63) system control value is selected.

To add promotions to the order, type the promotion code to apply and press Enter. Repeat for each promotion to add to the order. You cannot prompt on this field.

Promotions are validated at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step. If:

         A promotion code is valid and the order qualifies for the promotion, the promotion discount or benefit is applied to the order. In the case of automatically adding a free item for a BOGO promotion, the item is added at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

         A promotion code is valid but the order does not qualify for the promotion, the promotion is not applied.

         A promotion is not currently active, no error is displayed. The promotion is not applied to the order, and an order transaction history message indicates that the promotion was not applied.

         A promotion code is invalid, you need to correct or remove the promotion at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step.

For more information: See Working with Promotions (WPRO) in the Classic View online help.

Discount Percent: Optionally, enter a discount percentage to apply to the order. Available only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Verify Order Information Fields (Review Step)

Customer Information Fields

See Ship To Primary Address Fields.

If using QAS: If you are using QAS and QAS updated the address, the updated address is displayed. See the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value in the Classic View online help for more information.

Display-only. Select Edit to update the customer; see Edit Customer Information for more information.

Ship To Fields

See Ship To Other Address Fields. The Attention field, as well as the customer’s Prefix and Suffix, are also displayed, if specified.

If using QAS: If you are using QAS and you entered an alternate shipping address, the updated shipping address is displayed. See the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value in the Classic View online help for more information.

Display-only. Select Edit to update the ship-to information; see Edit Ship To Information for more information.

Pickup Location Fields

The following information is displayed for the selected pickup location:

Store Name

Store Address

Store Phone Number: Optionally, click the phone number to call the store location if the Phone flag in Work with Contact Center (WWCC) has Select to set as a hyperlink selected.

Store Email Address: Optionally, click the email address to generate an email to the store location if the Email flag in Work with Contact Center (WWCC) has Select to set as a hyperlink selected.

Indication if the order is Shipping to Store or available for Store Pickup.

The remaining fields are display-only. Select Edit to update the pickup location; see Edit Pickup Information for more information.

Items Fields

Items are listed in reverse chronological order (newest first) based on when they were added to the order. Set components are listed after the set master item.

Item Image. Display-only.

Item Information Link

Item Description and Item ID. A link to item information, if defined; otherwise, display-only.

SKU. Display-only.

Ordered (Ordered Quantity). Display-only.

Price (Order Line Price) after applying any discounts or price breaks. Display-only.

Note:             The price at this step is updated if the price specified for the offer associated with the source code entered at the Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields is different from the price from the default Current Offer (A33) system control value.

Note:  The price might be set to 0.00 at this step if the offer has expired.

Extended Price. Display-only.

Gift Wrap. Displayed only if the item has gift wrap. Display-only.

Reserved (Reserved Quantity): Displayed only if a quantity is reserved. Not displayed for a pickup or ship-to-store order.

Ship Via description and code. Displayed if the item has a ship via override.

Messages about items: The following status messages are displayed for each order line if item is:

         Sold out, indicating the number of units sold out.

         On backorder, indicating the number of units on backorder. This message is not displayed if the item is flagged as OROB Eligible, or if this is a store pickup or ship-for-pickup order.

         A Drop Ship item, and the Expected Ship Date. If this is not a drop ship item, the Expected Ship Date is shown only if there is a PO Layering record. If you use warehouse lists, the Expected Ship Date might not be displayed even if there is a PO Layering record if the item would not be fulfilled from the warehouse for the PO Layering record.

         Added to the order as a free gift, including:

         Message indicates Free gift added to the order:

         A free gift added through a promotion (WPRO).

         A free gift defined for an offer or source code.

         A premium item added through a price table promotion (WPTB).

         Message indicates Package insert added to the order: A package insert (WPIP).

The Edit and Delete options are also available for each item. See Edit and Delete for more information.

Additional Information Fields

The following fields are display-only.

Source Code

Delayed Arrival

Gift Order

Ship Via code and description

Calculate Shipping (Freight)

Tax Code

Ship Complete

Tax Identification

Add Payment to Order Fields

The fields available when you add a payment method through the Add Payment to Order are listed below.

Edit Payment Method Fields: The fields available at the Edit Payment window are the same as those listed below, except that only the last 4 positions of the Card Number are displayed for a credit card, debit card, or gift card payment method.

Express bill ship via? If you specified an express-bill Ship Via for the order, authorization for a credit or debit card is required before you can accept the order. If on-line authorization is not enabled, you need to authorize the card manually.

Cash/Check Payment Fields

The following fields display when you select a cash/check payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

Amount to Charge: This amount does not need to be equal to the order total.

Routing Number

Account Number

Check Number

Credit Card Payment Fields

The following fields display when you select a credit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

Card Number

Start Date: The Start Date field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Expiration Date: The Expiration Date field displays only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Issue Number: The Issue Number field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

CVV/CID Note: The system removes the card security value from an order when the order is accepted, even if an approved online authorization has not been received on the order; no message is written to Order History. Card security processing is not available during batch authorization or deposit processing.

Manual Authorization: Select this option to apply a manual authorization to the credit card payment. If you select this option, you must complete the following fields:

         Manual Authorization Amount

         Authorization Date

         Authorization Number

Note:             The Manual Authorization field displays only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

Amount to Charge

Note:             If you leave the Manual Authorization option unselected and the payment still requires authorization at pick slip generation time, the system will perform batch credit card authorization for the credit card payment during pick slip generation.

Debit Card Payment Fields

The following fields display when you select a debit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

Card Number

Start Date: The Start Date field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Expiration Date: The Expiration Date field displays only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Issue Number: The Issue Number field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Manual Authorization: Select this option to apply a manual authorization to the credit card payment. If you select this option, you must complete the following fields:

         Manual Authorization Amount

         Authorization Date

         Authorization Number

Note: The Manual Authorization field displays only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

Amount to Charge

Note:             If you leave the Manual Authorization option unselected and the payment still requires authorization at pick slip generation time, the system will perform batch credit card authorization for the credit card payment during pick slip generation.

Gift Card Payment Fields

The following fields display when you select a gift card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

Card Number

Start Date: The Start Date field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Expiration Date: The Expiration Date field displays only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Issue Number: The Issue Number field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Card ID Number

Manual Authorization: Select this option to apply a manual authorization to the credit card payment. If you select this option, you must complete the following fields:

         Manual Authorization Amount

         Authorization Date

         Authorization Number

Note:             The Manual Authorization field displays only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

Amount to Charge

Note:             If you leave the Manual Authorization option unselected and the payment still requires authorization at pick slip generation time, the system will perform batch credit card authorization for the credit card payment during pick slip generation.

Payment Method Details Fields

The following information is displayed when you select View Details for a payment method on the order at the Add Payment to Order step.


Payment Method Description

Check Number (in parentheses after payment method description)

Account Number

Routing Number

Check Number

Credit Card:

Payment Method Description

Last 4 digits of Card Number (in parentheses after payment method description)

Expiration Date

Debit Card:

Payment Method Description

Last 4 digits of debit Card Number (in parentheses after payment method description)

Issue Number

Start Date

Expiration Date

Gift Card:

Payment Method Description

Last 4 digits of gift Card Number (in parentheses after payment method description)

