Fields on Order Summary

Purpose: The following information displays on the Order Summary page.

         Order Summary Tab

         Order Summary Page Title

         Order Broker Message

         Sold-To Panel

         At a Glance Panel

         Recent Activity Panel

         Order Information Panel

         Additional Order Information

         Ship-To Details Panel

         Ship-To Details Panel Title

         Ship-To Address Panel

         Ship-To Information Panel

         Order Lines Panel

         Payment Information Panel

         Order Totals Panel

For more information:

         Order Summary for an overview of the Order Summary page.

         Order Summary Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Order Summary page.

Order Summary Tab

The Order Number displays in the page tab that contains the Order Summary page.

Order Summary Page Title

         Order (Order Number)

Order Broker Message

An Order Broker message displays below the page title if:

         One or more of the items on the order was brokered to Order Broker for fulfillment, or

         The Broker Delivery Type is Store Pickup, or

         The E-Commerce order number in the Order Header Extended table begins with the text ORIG#:, indicating the originating system for an order from Order Broker is the Order Management System. The Alternate Order Number field in the Order Information Panel displays the e-commerce order number. For example: ORIG#: 9999-001, where 9999 is the originating order number in Order Management System, and 001 is the ship to number.

Sold-To Panel

The sold-to customer is the customer that placed the order. The Sold-To panel displays the following fields for the sold-to customer.

         Customer Name (unlabeled field below the Sold-To title): The customer name displays in prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix format.

         If a Company Name is also defined, the company name displays below the sold-to customer name.

         If a Company Name is defined without a sold-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the sold-to customer name.

         Customer Address (unlabeled field below the Customer Name and Company Name)

         Phone Number (unlabeled field below the Customer Address): If more than one phone number is defined for the customer, the system uses the following hierarchy to determine which phone number to display:

         day time phone number

         mobile phone number

         evening phone number

The phone number displays in the telephone number format defined for the country on the customer’s address.

Note:             The Phone Number field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Email Address (unlabeled field below the Phone Number): This is the sold-to customer’s primary email address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

         Opt-In Status (unlabeled field below the Email Address): This is the opt-in status defined for the sold-to customer’s primary email address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

         Customer Number

At a Glance Panel

The At a Glance panel displays links to other panels of the Order Summary page. The At a Glance panel displays the following fields:

         Ship-To: A summary of the recipients on the order. The ship-to summary may display:

         The order ship-to number and the ship-to customer’s name, in prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix format if the recipient is a person. If a name is not defined for the ship-to customer, the ship-to company name displays.

         Store Pickup and the store’s code and name, if the customer has selected to pick up the merchandise in a store that has the merchandise in stock.

         Ship for Pickup and the store’s code and name, if the customer has selected to pick up the merchandise in a store that does not have the merchandise in stock.

Select the Ship-To link to advance to the Ship-To Details Panel.

         Payment Info: A summary of the payment on the order. The payment summary may display:

         The description of the payment from the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option if a single payment was used as payment on the order, such as credit card, PayPal, or gift card.

         If the payment is a credit card, the last four digits of the credit card number displays after the payment method description in parenthesis. For example: VISA (1234). This is the CC Last 4 from the Order Payment Method table.

         If the payment is a check, the check number displays after the payment method description in parenthesis. For example: Check (12345). This is the OPM Check Number from the Order Payment Method table.

         Multiple Payment Types if more than one pay type was used as payment on the order.

Select the Payment link to advance to the Payment Information Panel.

         Order Totals: A summary of the total amount the customer owes for the order. Select the Order Totals link to advance to the Order Totals Panel.

Recent Activity Panel

The Recent Activity panel displays the last ten activities on the order in descending date sequence, grouping the activities by date and order ship-to.

         If an activity occurs more than once on the same date and is generic to the order, the system displays the activity once. For example, if three orders tasks are created on the same date, the system displays the activity Task Created one time in the Recent Activity panel:

Task Created 

         If an activity occurs more than once on the same date and is specific to an order ship-to, the system displays the activity for each ship-to. For example, if an order line was created on the same date for order ship-to 1 and order ship-to 2, the system displays the activity for each ship-to in the Recent Activity panel:

         Item A123 Added (Ship-To 1), where A123 is the item number and 1 is the ship-to number

         Item A123 Added (Ship-To 2), where A123 is the item number and 1 is the ship-to number

         If multiple order-level and line-level activities occur on the same date, it is possible that the Recent Activity panel might not include them all, since it is limited to 10 entries. In this situation, order-level activities may be listed before line-level activities.

The Recent Activity panel displays the following fields:

         Date (Activity Date; unlabeled field below the Activity title)

         Description (Recent Activity Description; unlabeled field to the right of the Activity Date)

Order Information Panel

The Order Information panel displays the following fields:

         Order Number

         Order Date

         Order Status: If the order status is Held, an attention icon displays to the left of the status and the order status is a link to the Order Holds window; see Review Held Order Status Information for instructions.

         Origin (Order Type)

         Order Email

         Alternate Order Number

         Entered By

Additional Order Information

Select Additional Order Information to display additional order fields for review.

         Batch Number


         Quote Origin

         Date Entered (Entered Date)

         Shipping Override

         Sales Representative (Sales Representative Number - Sales Representative Name): This field displays only if a sales representative is defined for the order. In addition, the Sales Representative field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Ship-To Details Panel

The Ship-To Details panel displays the details for a ship-to on the order, including the ship-to order’s name and address, and the items assigned to the ship-to order.

Select the arrow next to a Ship-To Details panel to view or hide the order ship-to information.

         If there is more than one ship-to on the order, all Ship-To Details panels are collapsed by default.

         If there in only one ship-to on the order, the Ship-To Details panel is expanded by default.

Ship-To Details Panel Title

The title of this panel varies, depending on the setting of the Broker Delivery Type:

         If the Broker Delivery Type is blank, the title of this panel is Ship-To # Details, where # is the Ship-To Number.

         If the Broker Delivery Type is S (Ship for Pickup), the title of this panel is Ship for Pickup Details. Note: This includes pickup orders that originated in a store location (retail pickup).

         If the Broker Delivery Type is P (Store Pickup), the title of this panel is Store Pickup Details.

Ship-To Address Panel

Where Does the Ship-To Address Come From?

Depending on how you create the order, the shipping address can be from one of the following locations.

For a customer ship-to address: 

         An order-level shipping address that is stored in the Order Ship To Address table.

         A permanent shipping address for the sold-to customer on the order, stored in the Customer Ship To table.

         A recipient customer, stored in the Customer Sold To table.

         The name and address of the Customer Sold To who placed the order, stored in the Customer Sold To table.

For a store ship-to address: 

         The name and address of the store where the customer will pick up the order, stored in the Store Cross Reference table.

The Ship-To Address panel displays the following fields:

         Customer Name or Store Name (unlabeled field below the panel title): The customer name is in prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix format.

         If a Company Name is also defined, the company name displays below the ship-to customer name.

         If a Company Name is defined without a ship-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the ship-to customer name.

         Customer Address or Store Address (unlabeled fields below the Customer Name or Store Name)

         Phone Number (unlabeled field below the Address): If more than one phone number is defined for a ship-to customer, the system uses the following hierarchy to determine which phone number to display:

         day time phone number

         mobile phone number

         evening phone number

The phone number displays in the telephone number format defined for the country on the customer’s address.

Note:             The Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Email Address (unlabeled field below the Phone Number): This is the ship-to customer’s primary email address. This field does not display for a store address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

         Opt-In Status (unlabeled field below the Email Address): This field does not display for a store address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

         Attention: Displayed only if an attention line was specified for the order.

Ship-To Information Panel

         Additional Charges

         Ship-To Merchandise Total

         Ship-To Status: This is the status of the ship-to order, which can be different from the Order Status. If the ship-to status is Held, an attention icon displays to the left of the status.

         Ship Via

Additional Ship-To Information

Select Additional Ship-To Information to view or hide additional information related to the ship-to order.

The following fields display when you expand the Additional Ship-To Information:

         Arrival Date

         Cancel Date

         Ship Complete

         Calculate Shipping (Freight)

         Estimated Shipping (Freight)

         Shipping Override

         Shipping Tax Override

         Shipping Tax Rate

         Tax Code

         Tax Identification

         Carrier Number

         Purchase Order Number

         Backorder Priority

         Cancel Backorder

         Warehouse: This field is blank if the system determined which warehouse to use. In addition, the Warehouse field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Broker Delivery Type


         Discount Percent

Order Lines Panel

The system displays item information for each order line associated with the order ship-to. Items display for the order ship-to in ascending order line number sequence.

For sets on an order, the system groups the set components items under the main set item.

The following fields display for each order line.

         Number of Order Lines (unlabeled field in the Order Lines title): This is the total number of order lines assigned to the order ship-to.

         Order Line Number (unlabeled field below the # Order Lines title)

         Item Description (unlabeled field to the right of the Order Line Number)

         Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description)

         SKU Description (unlabeled field below the Item Description). From the SKU description if the Display SKU Element in Place of SKU Element (F25) system control value is selected; otherwise, displays the SKU element.

         Main Set Item: This field displays only if the item is a set master item.

         Set: The item description and item ID of the associated set master item displays; for example: BATH SET (B123). This field displays only if the item is a set component item.

         Item Image:

         An i icon displays in the bottom right corner of the image if an item information URL has been defined for the item at the SKU level or item level, allowing you to review item information on the client e-commerce website.

         A generic Image Not Available image displays if the image URL defined for the item is not a valid URL.

         An item image does not display if an image URL is not defined for the item at the SKU or item level.

         Status (Order Line Status)

         Ordered (Ordered Quantity)

         Personalization (Special Handling): This field displays only if personalization has been defined for the item (the Add Addl Chg Code for the order line in the Order Detail table contains a value). In addition, the Personalization field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Personalization Charge (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge): This field displays only if personalization has been defined for the item (the Add Addl Chg Code for the order line in the Order Detail table contains a value).

         Gift Wrap Charge: This field displays only if gift wrap has been defined for the item (the Gift Wrap for the order line in the Order Detail table is Y). In addition, the Gift Wrap Charge field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Unit Price:

         (Discounted) displays to the right of the price if the Display Order Line Discount Message (F01) system control value is selected and the price of the order line is less than the original price of the order line.

         For set items, the unit price displays for the set master item and not the component items.

         Extended Price: For set items, the extended price displays for the set master item and not the component items.

         Sold Out (Sold-Out Quantity)

         Canceled (Canceled Quantity)

         Reserved (Reserved Quantity)

         Printed (Printed Quantity)

         Shipped (Shipped Quantity): Within an order line, shipped items are grouped by invoice number. For set items, the shipped quantity displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         Credited (Credited Quantity): Within an order line, credited items are grouped by invoice number. For set items, the credited quantity displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         Ship Date: For set items, the ship date displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         Credited Date: For set items, the credit date displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         Invoice: For set items, the invoice displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         Track Shipments (#), where # is the number of tracking numbers associated with the shipment (Tracking Number): Expand the Track Shipments drop-down field to display the tracking number(s) for the shipment that contained the item on the order line.

         For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         This field displays only if a tracking number is defined for the shipment. The tracking number is a live link if the ship via type is UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4). If the link is live, you can click it to advance to the shipper’s web site and review shipment history, provided you have access to the World Wide Web.

         View Cartons (#) where # is the number of cartons associated with the shipment (Carton Number): Expand the View Cartons drop-down field to display the carton(s) for the shipment that contained the item on the order line.

         This field displays only if a carton is defined for a shipment.

         The Carton is a link only if you have received carton content information through the Generic Pick In API, or if you used the Work with Pick/Pack Verification (WPPV) menu option, to confirm a shipment. If carton information is not defined, the carton number is display-only.

         For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         If tracking numbers are not defined, the system displays only the first carton defined for the shipment.

         Returned (Returned Quantity)

         Return Date

         Drop Ship: This field displays only if the item’s order line status is Open, and the item is flagged as a drop ship item (the Drop Ship Flag in the Order Detail table is set to D).

         Brokered: This field displays only if the item’s order line status is Open, and:

         The item has been submitted to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorder), or

         The customer picks up the order up at a retail location where the inventory is available (store pickup), or

         The order was assigned to Order Management System for fulfillment (delivery or pickup), or

         The order ships to a store location, where the customer picks it up (ship-for-pickup), and a pick slip or drop ship pick slip or purchase order has already been generated for the order line.

         Expected Ship Date

Payment Information Panel

The Payment Information panel displays information for each payment method on the order. Payment methods apply across recipients.

Payment records display in ascending charge sequence, ascending payment method description sequence. The catch-all payment method displays last.

The Payment Information panel displays the following fields:

         Payment Method:

         The last four digits of the credit card number displays after the payment method description in parenthesis. For example: VISA (1234). This is the CC Last 4 from the Order Payment Method table.

         The check number displays after the payment method description in parenthesis. For example: Check (12345). This is the OPM Check Number from the Order Payment Method table.

         Expiration Date: If you do not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature, this field is blank. In addition, The expiration date may be zero, depending on the setting of the Require expiration date flag for the payment. For example, a gift card Card Type typically does not require an expiration date.

         Amount to Charge:

         Balance displays next to the catch-all payment method on the order, indicating the balance of the charge for the order applies to the payment method. The balance charge occurs after charges to all other pay types on the order have reached their defined limit.

         Deactivated displays next to a credit card payment method that has been deactivated.

         Amount Billed

         Amount Credited

Order Totals Panel

The Order Totals panel displays the following fields:



         Additional Shipping

         Additional Charges

         Personalization (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge)


         Total (Order Total)

