Order Summary Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Order Summary page.

Sold-To Customer Actions:

         Update Sold-To Customer Information

         Call the Sold-To Customer’s Phone Number

         Email the Sold-To Customer using the Customer’s Primary Email Address

Order Header Actions: 

         Update Order Information

         Email the Sold-To Customer using the Order Email Address

         Review Held Order Status Information

Order Ship-To Actions: 

         Cancel a Ship-To Order

         Generate a Contact Us Email for the Order

         Update the Order Ship-To Address

         Call the Ship-To Customer’s Phone Number

         Email the Ship-To Customer

         Update Ship-To Information

         Work with Additional Charges for a Ship-To Order

         Return an Order Ship To

         Create a Misship Return

Order Line Actions: 

         Add an Order Line

         Discount a Shipped, Unreturned Order Line

         Personalize the Item on an Order Line

         Edit, Remove, or Review Personalization for an Order Line

         Edit an Order Line

         Cancel an Order Line

         Sell Out an Order Line

         Add a Coordinate Item

         Review an Item’s Personalization Details

         Review Drop Ship Information

         Review Brokered Information

         Review the Invoice Associated with a Shipped or Returned Order Line

         Review Tracking Information for a Shipment

         View Carton Details

         Check Inventory for an Item

         Review Item Information on the E-Commerce Web Site

         Review Order Line Activity

         Review an Order Line

         Return or Exchange an Order Line

Order Payment Method Actions: 

         Add a Payment to the Order

         Perform Balance Inquiry Against a Gift Card Payment

         Review Payment Method Details

         Update a Payment on the Order

         Authorize a Card Payment on the Order

         Deactivate a Payment on the Order

         Remove a Payment from the Order

Order Actions: 

         Add an Order Message

         Perform a New Search

         Review Order Activity

         Review and Enter Order Messages

         Review and Enter Customer Messages

         Review Refunds and Returns for the Order

         Review Invoices for the Order

         Review Recently Viewed Invoice Details

         Review Recently Viewed Order Line Details

         Unlock the Order

For more information:

         Order Summary for an overview of the Order Summary page.

         Fields on Order Summary for a description of the fields on the Order Summary page.

Update Sold-To Customer Information

In the Sold-To Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information page.

Note: This option is available only if:

         The order is not currently locked by another user, session, or by the system and you have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option and the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature.

         The order is not a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Call the Sold-To Customer’s Phone Number

In the Sold-To Panel, select the Phone Number link to advance to the default application used to initiate phone calls. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to call the customer’s phone number.

Note:             This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Phone field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. In addition, the Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Email the Sold-To Customer using the Customer’s Primary Email Address

In the Sold-To Panel, select the Email Address link to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.

Note:             This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Order Information

In the Order Information Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Order Information page.

Note: The Edit option is available only if:

         The order is not currently locked by another user or session or by the system,

         You have authority to the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature,

         You have authority to the Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05) secured feature if there is a printed quantity on any order line,

         You have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature if the order is from Order Broker (delivery or pickup),

         The Broker Delivery Type for the order is not Store Pickup or Ship for Pickup.

Email the Sold-To Customer using the Order Email Address

In the Order Information Panel, select the Order Email link to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.

Note:             This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Review Held Order Status Information

In the Order Information Panel, select the Held Order Status link to advance to the Order Holds window.

Note:             You must have authority to the Release Held Orders (ERHO), Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM), and Order Inquiry/Maintenance (OIOM) menu options in order to advance to the Order Holds window.

Cancel a Ship-To Order

In the Ship-To Details Panel, select the Cancel Ship-To option to advance to the Cancel Ship-To window.

The Cancel Ship-To option is available only if:

         The order is not currently locked by another user, the system, or another session, and

         The order is in an Open or Held status, and

         You have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option, and

         The order is not a quote.

In addition, if the order includes a brokered backorder line, is from Order Broker (delivery or pickup), or is a store pickup order, you must have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature.

Generate a Contact Us Email for the Order

The Contact Us email requests that the sold-to customer contact you about the order. Information in this email includes:

         The sold-to customer’s name.

         Message text from the contact us email template to print above system-generated information.

         Purchasing information, such as the order number, order date, sold-to name and address, ship-to name and address, and the sold-to customer number.

         Message text from the contact us email template to print below system-generated information.

To generate the email: 

1.      In the Ship-To Details Panel, select the Send Contact Us option to advance to the Send Contact Us window.

2.      At the Send Contact Us window, the system displays the sold-to customer’s email address; this is the email address that will receive the Contact Us email.

         Select Yes to return to the Order Summary page and generate the Contact Us email.

         Select No, Do Not Send to return to the Order Summary page without generating an email.

3.      If you selected Yes, the system generates the Contact Us email and displays a message indicating the email has been sent.

         If the XML Only flag for the Contact Us template is unselected, the system generates an actual email in HTML format.

         If the XML Only flag for the Contact Us template is selected, the system generates an outbound email XML message (CWEmailOut), rather than an actual email. The XML message includes additional information that is not included in the standard email notice. You might choose to generate the XML message so that you can use the information to produce a reformatted HTML email for marketing purposes.

The Send Contact Us option is available only if:

         There is an email address for the sold-to customer, and

         The sold-to customer’s opt-in/opt-out setting is Email or Order Email Only, and

         The Contact Us Email Program (K54) system control value specifies an email program. The default “contact us” email program is CTUSNOTF.

Note:             You can generate the Contact Us email regardless of the setting of the Email notification flag for the origin assigned to the order.

Update the Order Ship-To Address

In the Ship-To Address Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Order Ship-To Address page.

This option does not display if the Ship-To Status is Closed or if the Broker Delivery Type for the order is Store Pickup.

Note:             This option is available only if the order is not currently locked by another user and you have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option; you can define menu option authority for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

Call the Ship-To Customer’s Phone Number

In the Ship-To Address Panel, select the Phone Number link to advance to the default application used to initiate phone calls. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to call the customer’s phone number.

Note:             This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Phone field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. In addition, the Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Email the Ship-To Customer

In the Ship-To Address Panel, select the Email Address link to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.

Note:             This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Ship-To Information

In the Ship-To Information Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Ship-To Information page.

Note: This option is not available:

         For store pickup orders or orders from Order Broker (delivery or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type.

         If the order ship-to status is closed.

Work with Additional Charges for a Ship-To Order

In the Ship-To Information Panel, select the Additional Charges option to advance to the Additional Charges window.

Return an Order Ship To

In the Ship-To Details Panel, select the Return option to lock the order and advance to the Return Ship To page.

Create a Misship Return

In the Ship-To Details Panel, select the Create Misship option to lock the order and advance to the Create Misship page. This option is available only if there has been a shipment for the order.

Add an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Add Order Line option to lock the order and advance to the Add Order Line page.

In order to add an order line:

         The order cannot be currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.

         The order cannot be from Order Broker (delivery or pickup) or be a store pickup or ship for pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Discount a Shipped, Unreturned Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Discount option for the order line you wish to discount to lock the order and advance to the Discount Order Line window.


         The Discount option is available only for unreturned order lines in a closed status if the order is not locked by a user and you have authority to discount an order line.

         The Discount option is not available for ship-for-pickup orders if the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected.

         For set items, the Discount option displays for the set master item and not the set component items.

         To ensure the background async jobs update order related tables correctly, do not use this option against a shipped, unreturned order line in the same session that you add a new order line.

Personalize the Item on an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Personalize option for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Add Personalization window.

The Personalize option is available for an order line only when the following are true:

         The order is not currently locked by another user, the system, or another session,

         The order line status is open or held, and the item does not have a printed or shipped quantity,

         The Special Handling flag for the item/offer or SKU/offer associated with the offer on the order line must be selected,

         The item does not already have personalization defined (see Edit Personalization Information).

To edit, remove, or review existing personalization applied to the order line, see below.

Edit, Remove, or Review Personalization for an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Personalization (Special Handling) link under Personalization for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Personalization Information window. For example, if the additional charge code for monogramming is set to MO and the description of the additional charge code is MONOGRAMMING, the Personalization (Special Handling) link displays as MO - MONOGRAMMING.

Note:             You cannot open this window if the item’s personalization uses a S/H Code with the Suppress S/H Window flag is set to Suppress.

Edit personalization: If the order line is open and unprinted, you can select the Edit option at the Personalization Information window to advance to the Edit Personalization Information window.

Remove personalization: If the order line is open or held and unprinted, you can select the Remove option at the Personalization Information window to remove the personalization from the order line.

Otherwise, your only option at the Personalization Information window is to review the personalization for the order line.

To add personalization to an order line, see Personalize the Item on an Order Line.

Edit an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Edit option for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Edit Order Line page.

For set items, the Edit option displays for the set master item and not the set component items.

To edit an order line:

         The order cannot be currently locked by another user, the system, or another session,

         The order line status must be open or held and cannot have a printed quantity,

         The order line cannot be brokered,

         If the order line contains a set component item, you must have authority to the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature,

         The order cannot be a store pickup based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Cancel an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Cancel option for an order line to advance to the Cancel Order Line window.

The Cancel option is not available if:

         The order is currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.

         The order line is in a status other than open or held.

         The item on the order line has a printed pick slip; in this situation, you must first void the pick slip before you can cancel the item.

         The order line contains a set component item and you do not have authority to the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature.

         The order is from Order Broker (delivery or pickup) or is a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type, and you do not have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature.

         The order is from Order Broker (delivery or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type, and you do not have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature.

Sell Out an Order Line

1.      In the Order Lines Panel, select the Sell Out option for an order line to advance to a confirmation window.

2.      At the confirmation window, select the Yes option to sell out the order line; otherwise, select No to cancel.

3.      If you select to sell out the order line:

         The system displays a message indicating the update was performed.

         The status of the line changes to S Soldout and the system recalculates the tax on the order.

         If the item is a main set item, the main set item and all of its components are sold out.

         If the only item on the order is sold out, the status of the order updates to closed.

The Sell Out option is not available if:

         The order is currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.

         The order line is in a status other than open or held.

         The order line contains a reserved quantity.

         The order line is a main set item and all of the components of the main set item are reserved.

         The item is a set component item and you do not have authority to the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature.

         The order is a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Add a Coordinate Item

In the Order Lines Panel, select the + Coordinate link for an item to advance to the Select Coordinate Items page.

This option is available only if one or more coordinate items have been defined for the item.

Review an Item’s Personalization Details

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Personalization (Special Handling) link for an item to advance to the Personalization Information window.

Note:             This option is available only if personalization has been defined for the item. In addition, the Personalization field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Review Drop Ship Information

Select the Drop Ship link for an item on the order to advance to the Drop Ship Details window.

Note: The Drop Ship link displays only for open drop ship items. The system considers an item a drop ship item if the Drop Ship Flag in the Order Detail table is set to D.

Review Brokered Information

Select the Brokered link for an item on the order to advance to the Broker Details window.

Note: The Brokered link displays only if:

         The item has been submitted to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorder), or

         The customer picks up the order up at a retail location where the inventory is available (store pickup), or

         The order was assigned to Order Management System for fulfillment (delivery or pickup), or

         The order ships to a store location, where the customer picks it up (ship-for-pickup), and a pick slip or drop ship pick slip or purchase order has already been generated for the order line.

Review the Invoice Associated with a Shipped or Returned Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Invoice link for an order line to advance to the Invoice Detail page.

Recently Viewed Invoices

Once you advance to the Invoice Detail page for an invoice, the link to the Invoice Detail page displays at the upper right under Recent Invoices as Invoice #, where # is the invoice number.

The Recent Invoices title displays up to the last ten recently viewed invoices in reverse chronological order, with the most recently viewed invoice at the top of the list.

Review Tracking Information for a Shipment

1.      In the Order Lines Panel, expand the Track Shipments drop-down field for an order line to display the Tracking Number(s) associated with the shipment that contains the item on the order line.

2.      Click a tracking number to advance to the carrier’s web site.


         For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the set master item.

         This field displays only if a tracking number is defined for the shipment. The tracking number is a live link if the ship via type is UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4). If the link is live, you can click it to advance to the shipper’s web site and review shipment history, provided you have access to the World Wide Web.

View Carton Details

1.      In the Order Lines Panel, expand the View Cartons drop-down field for an order line to display the Carton Number(s) associated with the shipment that contains the item on the order line.

2.      Click a carton to advance to the Carton Details window.


         This field displays only if a carton is defined for a shipment.

         The Carton link is available only if you have received carton content information through the Generic Pick In API, or if you used the Work with Pick/Pack Verification (WPPV) menu option, to confirm a shipment. If carton information is not defined, the carton number is display-only.

         For set items, the Carton link displays only for the set component items and not the set master item.

         If tracking numbers are not defined, the system displays only the first carton defined for the shipment.

Check Inventory for an Item

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Item Availability option for an order line.

         If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is unselected or if the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected but the item is not eligible for the merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability window.

         If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected and the item is eligible for the merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.


         For set items, the Item Availability option is available for the set component item and not the set master item.

         The Item Availability option is available only for order lines whose status is Open, Held, Soldout, or Express Bill.

Review Item Information on the E-Commerce Web Site

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Item Information option for an item on the order, or click on the item image, to open a new browser window displaying the item details page on the client e-commerce website.


         If the item contains SKU’s, the system advances you to the URL defined at the SKU level; if a URL is not defined at the SKU level, the system advances you to the URL defined at the item level.

         The Item Information option is available only if a valid URL is defined for the item on the Item Image/Info Link screen in the Work with Items/SKU’s (MITM) menu option.

Review Order Line Activity

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Order Line Activity option for an item on the order to advance to the Order Line Activity window.

Review an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Order Line Details option for an item on the order to advance to the Order Line Details page.

Recently Viewed Order Lines

Once you advance to the Order Line Details page for an item, the link to the Order Line Details page displays in the upper right for the order under the title Recent Order Lines as Ship-To 1|Line 2, where 1 is the order ship-to number and 2 is the order line number where the item is located.

The Recent Order Lines title displays up to the last ten recently viewed order lines in reverse chronological order, with the most recently viewed order line at the top of the list.

Return or Exchange an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Return option for an order line with a shipped, unreturned quantity to lock the order and advance to the Return Order Line page.

For set items, the Return option is available for both the set master item and the set component items.

Add a Payment to the Order

In the Payment Information Panel, select the Add Payment option to lock the order and advance to the Add Payment page.

The Add Payment option does not display for orders from Order Broker (delivery or pickup) or store pickup orders, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Perform Balance Inquiry Against a Gift Card Payment

1.      In the Payment Information Panel, select the Check Gift Card Balance option for a gift card payment method.

2.      The system looks at the Authorization Service field defined for the gift card payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option to determine the service bureau that performs balance inquiries for the gift card payment. An error message displays if an authorization service is not defined for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

3.      The system sends a balance inquiry request to the service bureau.

4.      If the response returns an error, the system displays an error message.

         If the vendor response returned matches a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays the message defined for the vendor response.

         If the vendor response returned does not match a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays a message indicating the vendor response is not recognized and provides the error returned in the balance inquiry response.

         If a response is not received from the service bureau, the system displays a message indicating the balance inquiry could not be performed.

5.      If the response includes the card balance amount, the system displays the Card Balance in the Check Gift Card Balance window.

Note:             The Check Gift Card Balance option is available only if you have authority to the Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB) menu option.

Review Payment Method Details

In the Payment Information Panel, select the View Details option for a payment method on the order to advance to the Payment Method Details window.

Update a Payment on the Order

In the Payment Information Panel, select the Edit option for a payment method on the order. The system locks the order and advances you to the Edit Payment page.

The Edit option is not available if:

         The order is already locked by another user, the system, or another session.

         You do not have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option; you can define menu option authority for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

         The payment method is PayPal.

         The payment method is deactivated.

         The order is from Order Broker (delivery or pickup) or is a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Authorize a Card Payment on the Order

1.      In the Payment Information Panel, select the Authorize Now option for a card payment method on the order. The system advances you to the Confirm Authorization window.

2.      At the Confirm Authorization window:

         Select the Yes option to authorize the payment.

         Select the No option to cancel the authorization and return to the Order Summary page.

3.      If you select Yes to authorize the payment, the system locks the order and sends an online authorization transaction to the service bureau. See Online Authorization Processing for processing details.

         An error message displays if an authorization service is not defined for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

4.      If you use credit card tokenization, and the Request Token field for the authorization service defined for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option is selected, the system sends a Token Request to the authorization service to replace the credit card number with a token.

5.      If you have defined a pop up window message for the vendor response received from the service bureau, the system displays the Authorization Response window; otherwise, the system displays a message indicating the authorization was processed.

6.      If the returned vendor response is associated with a hold reason code, the system places the order on hold and displays a message indicating the order has new holds.

Note:             The Authorize Now option displays only for an active card payment if the Online Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected and the Online Authorization field for the origin on the order is set to Window or Without Window.

Deactivate a Payment on the Order

Use the Deactivate option to:

         Stop any further billing against a credit card used on an order, such as when the credit card is stolen.

         Add a new payment method for a refund or exchange, so that any credits or charges you process will apply to the new payment method only.

         Change the expiration date on an existing credit card (you can deactivate the original credit card and add the new credit card with the new expiration date).

         Change the credit card number on an existing credit card that has been tokenized (the Tokenized field for the Order Payment Method record is selected).

         Reimburse a gift card the charged amount.

Note:             You cannot change or reactivate a deactivated payment type.


1.      In the Payment Information Panel, select the Deactivate option for a payment method on the order. The system advances you to the Confirm Deactivation window.

2.      At the Confirm Deactivation window:

         Select the Yes option to deactivate the payment.

         Select the No option to cancel the deactivation.

3.      The system returns you to the Order Summary page. If you selected to deactivate the payment, the system locks the order, deactivates the payment, and displays a message indicating the payment has been deactivated. The system updates the charge sequence number for the payment to 99.

Note:             You will not be able to unlock the order if there are no active payments defined for the order; you must add at least one payment to the order before you can unlock the order.

The Deactivate option does not display:

         If the payment has already been deactivated.

         For a cash/check payment.

         For a card payment that has no authorization or payment history.

         For a card payment with a refund due; instead, you must use the Work with Refunds (WREF) menu option to cancel the refund for the order or change the refund type.

Remove a Payment from the Order

1.      In the Payment Information Panel, select the Remove option for a payment method on the order. The system advances you to the Confirm Removal window.

2.      At the Confirm Removal window:

         Select the Yes option to remove the payment from the order.

         Select the No option to cancel the removal.

3.      The system returns you to the Order Summary page. If you selected to remove the payment, the system locks the order, removes the payment, and displays a message indicating the payment has been removed.

Note:             You will not be able to unlock the order if there are no active payments defined for the order; you must add at least one payment to the order before you can unlock the order.

The Remove option does not display:

         For a payment that is authorized or billed. In this situation, you must use the Deactivate option to deactivate the payment instead.

         If a processed refund exists for the payment.

         If authorization history exists for the payment.

Add an Order Message

In the page title banner, select the Add Order Message option or press CTRL + ALT + m to advance to the Add Message window.

Note:             You can add an order message regardless of whether the order is locked.

Perform a New Search

In the page title banner, select the New Search option to return to the Order Search (Search for Orders or Customers) page. The system clears all of the fields on this page so that you can enter new search criteria and perform a new search.

Review Order Activity

At the top of the page, select the Order Activity option to advance to the Order Activity page for the current order.

Review and Enter Order Messages

At the top of the page, select the Order Messages option to advance to the Order Messages page.

Review and Enter Customer Messages

At the top of the page, select the Customer Messages option to advance to the Customer Messages page.

Review Refunds and Returns for the Order

At the top of the page, select the Returns/Refunds option to advance to Returns/Refunds page.

Review Invoices for the Order

Select the Invoices option at the top of the page to advance to the Invoices page.

Review Recently Viewed Invoice Details

Once you advance to the Invoices page for an order, the link to the Invoices page displays in the upper right for the order under the title Recent Invoices as Invoice #, where # is the invoice number. Select the Invoice # option for the invoice you wish to review to advance to the Invoice Detail page.

The Recent Invoices title displays up to the last ten recently viewed invoices in reverse chronological order, with the most recently viewed invoice at the top of the list.

Review Recently Viewed Order Line Details

Once you advance to the Order Line Details page for an order line on an order, the link to the Order Line Details page displays in the top right for the order under the title Recent Order Lines as Ship-To # | Line #, where Ship-To # is the order ship-to associated with the order line and Line # is the order line number. Select the Ship-To # | Line # option for the order line you wish to review to advance to the Order Line Details page.

The Recent Order Lines title displays up to the last ten recently viewed order lines in reverse chronological order, with the most recently viewed order line at the top of the list.

Unlock the Order

In the page title banner, select the Unlock Order icon or press CTRL + ALT + u to process any remaining order updates and unlock the order so that it is available for maintenance by another user.

The system may display a warning or error if data on the order needs to be corrected.

When you unlock and accept an order, Contact Center does not check for expired credit cards.

Note:             The Unlock Order option displays only if you have locked the order in the current session; it does not display if another user has locked the order.

For more information: See Maintaining an Order for more information about locking and unlocking an order.

