Edit Item Availability Search Criteria

Purpose: Use the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window to update the search criteria used to check availability for an item across external locations, such as retail stores, typically through Order Broker.

How to display: Select the Edit Search Criteria option on the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.

Note:             The Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window is available only if the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected.

For more information:

         Edit Item Availability Search Criteria Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window.

         Fields on Edit Item Availability Search Criteria for a description of the fields on the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window.

         Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) for an overview of the Merchandise Locator API.

