Edit Item Availability Search Criteria Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window.

         Update Search Criteria

For more information:

         Edit Item Availability Search Criteria for an overview of the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window.

         Fields on Edit Item Availability Search Criteria for a description of the fields on the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window.

Update Search Criteria

When you first advance to the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window, the information that you last used to perform a search defaults; this is typically the sold-to customer’s address information. Use the following steps to update the search criteria used to search for an item’s availability in external locations.

1.      Select a Country Code. Note: The Order Broker supports merchandise locator searches only in the U.S. and Canada.

2.      Optionally, enter a Street Address. This is the address that serves as the central point for the search radius.

3.      Enter either a Postal Code or City and State/Province Code. For example, if the Search Radius is set to 25 miles, the search includes locations within 25 miles of the postal code or city and state/province that you enter.

4.      Enter a Search Radius. This is the miles or kilometers to search within for the selected item. The search radius defaults from the Default Search Within Radius (I40) system control value, but you can override it.

         The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

         The distance unit of measure (miles or kilometers) specified with the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) system control value is displayed to the right.

         Typically, a search for a delivery location can use a broader search radius than a search for a pickup location, which is generally within driving distance. To see if the item is available for delivery as opposed to pickup, you might search twice, specifying a different search radius when determining if the item is available for delivery.

5.      Enter a requested Item Quantity. The default quantity is 1, but you can override.

6.      Select the Update Search Criteria option to submit the search. In the background, the MERCH_LOC process:

         Generates the ProductAvailability request message and sends it to Order Broker. Order Broker checks the availability of the item in stores that stock the item/SKU within the search area, as well as whether the item is available for shipment at any store locations within the same search area.

         Receives the ProductAvailability response returned by Order Broker. This message lists:

         The item/SKU’s current or estimated availability in each searched location that stocks the item for pickup.

         An indicator of whether the requested quantity of the item/SKU is available for shipment within the search area.

7.      When the system receives the response message, you advance to the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window, displaying the item/SKU’s availability for pickup in each of the locations, including information on any open purchase orders. The screen also indicates whether the requested quantity of the item/SKU is available for delivery from a store within the same search area.

