Fields on Return Order Line

Purpose: The fields on the Return Order Line page are listed below.

Note:             The Order (Order Number) is indicated in parentheses after the page title.

         Item ID: The shipped item you selected for return at the Order Lines Panel of the Order Summary page. Display-only.

         Item Description. Display-only.

         SKU Description: Included only if the item has SKU’s. Display-only.

         Return Authorization Number. Display-only.

         Unreturned Quantity: You cannot return or exchange more than this quantity. Display-only.

         Return With Exchange: Optionally, select this option to process an exchange for the returned unit(s). When you select this option, the Exchange Details options are displayed to the right.

Note:             The option to return with exchange is not available for retail pickup or delivery orders.

         Quantity to Return. Required. Cannot exceed the unreturned quantity.

         Return Reason. Required unless the Return With Exchange flag is selected; in that case, you need to complete the Exchange Details.

         Return Disposition. Defaults from the Default Disposition Code (C18) SCV. See Return Disposition Scenarios for background on the field requirements at the Return Order Line page based on the selected return disposition. Required.

         Warehouse. The warehouse where the returned item will be received. This value is used only if the disposition code affects inventory. If there is only a single existing Item Warehouse record for the item, you cannot select a different warehouse. Also, if a warehouse is defined for the return disposition code, this warehouse defaults. May be required based on the return disposition.

         Warehouse Location. The physical location within the warehouse where the returned item will be received. This value is used only if the disposition code affects inventory. If there is only a single existing Item Location record for the item, you cannot select a different location; however, if the return disposition defines a default return location and warehouse, such as returns location in a virtual returns warehouse, this warehouse and location default. May be required based on the return disposition.

         Refund Shipping. Optional.

         Current Shipping Amount. The remaining unrefunded shipping charges on the order. Displayed only if you select Refund Shipping and a freight override was applied to the order. For example, you can apply a freight override at the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in the Classic View of Order Management System. You cannot refund more than this amount for shipping.

         Shipping Refund Amount. Optionally, enter the shipping amount to refund for the return. You can enter a shipping refund amount only if you select Refund Shipping and a freight override was applied to the order. This amount cannot exceed the Current Shipping Amount.

         Refund Additional Charges. Optional.

         Refund Personalization. Optional.

         Refund Duty Charges. Optional.

Exchange Details

Complete the exchange details if the Return With Exchange option is selected:

         Exchange Reason. Required.

         Item ID. Required.

         SKU. Required if the item has SKU’s.

Note: Do not enter the following types of items as exchange items:

         A virtual stored value card item to the order if there is not an email address for the customer.

         A membership item.

         An item with a ship via override.

         An item that requires standard personalization, in which you enter free-form text only.

         Quantity: The Ordered Quantity for the exchange. Up to 5 positions. No quantity defaults. Required.

Note: If the specified quantity is larger than the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) SCV and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override secured feature, a quantity of 1 is added to the order.

         Exchange Pricing: Controls how to price the exchange item added to the order. Required.

         Price Override: The unit price for the exchange item. Required if you select Price Override as the Exchange Pricing; otherwise, not displayed.

         Price Override Reason: Required if you select Price Override as the Exchange Pricing; otherwise, not displayed.

         Exchange pricing troubleshooting:

         If you do not have authority under the Price Overrides secured feature, an exchange pricing method of Normal Pricing defaults, and you cannot change it.

         Even if you have authority to override prices, the percentage you can discount the existing price may be limited by the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) SCV, unless you have authority to the Override Price Override Limit secured feature, which allows you to override the limit percent from the SCV.

         The Price Override Reason for Same Price Exchanges (D92) SCV must specify a price override reason in order for you to use the Existing Price setting.

         You cannot add the item at price that is greater than the value set in Maximum Order Line Value (E98) if you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature.

         If the exchange item is a warranty item, it is added to the order at no charge and a price override reason defaults. You cannot override the price for a warranty item.

         If a price override error occurs, select Cancel and then select Return again for the item at the Order Summary page in order to restart the exchange.

         Add Line Reason: Displayed and required if the Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance (D75) SCV or the Required reason code flag for the item offer or SKU offer is selected.

         Ship Via: Displayed and required if the exchange item requires a ship via override.

For more information:

         Return Order Line for an overview of the Return Order Line page.

         Return Order Line Options for step-by-step instructions on returning or exchanging an order line.

