Select Company

Purpose: A company is a single, isolated set of tables and data representing an organization of financial information, inventory, and customers. Essentially a company has a completely separate database from other companies.

Use the Select Company window to select the company whose data you wish to work with in Modern View. This window displays only companies to which your user ID has authority at the user or user class level.

If you have authority to only one company, you cannot advance to this window.

Note:             You can define company authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option. You can define company authority for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

How to display:

         The system automatically advances you to this window when you Advance to Modern View if Modern View at Initial Login is selected and you have authority to more than one company and you do not have a default company defined for your user ID.

         Use the following steps:

         Close all open tabs.

         Select Change Company from the User ID drop down box in the header of any page.

This window displays companies in ascending sequence by company code.

Note:             The change in company is not retained when you return to Classic View.

For more information:

         Select Company Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Select Company window.

         Fields on Select Company for a description of the fields on the Select Company window.

