Create Misship Options

Purpose: Use the Create Misship page to enter information on a mistaken shipment for the order ship-to and process the return. The misship might be an item that was shipped instead of the correct item, or that was inadvertently shipping with the correct item(s) on the order.

To create the misship:

1.      Select Create Misship at the Ship-To Details Panel of the Order Summary page. See Create Misship for information on when the Create Misship option is available.

2.      Enter the Item ID that was shipped by mistake. If you are not sure of the Item ID, see Search for an Item for information on searching.

Note:  You cannot create a misship for a set item.

3.      Enter a SKU if the misshipped item has SKU’s.

4.      Enter the Quantity to Return.

Note:  The message Enter a number between 1 and 99,999 is displayed until you complete the page.

5.      Select a Return Reason indicating that the item is a misship.

6.      The Return Disposition defined in the Default Disposition Code (C18) SCV defaults.The return disposition controls whether to return the item to inventory and, if so, it can also define the warehouse and warehouse location where the item is returned. Optionally, you can change the return disposition to another return disposition that you have authority to. See Return Disposition User Authority background. Also, see Return Disposition Scenarios for a discussion.

7.      Depending on the selected Return Disposition, the Warehouse may default. If the return disposition indicates to update inventory, the Warehouse is required. However, besides the warehouse defined for the return disposition, if any, only warehouses that have a record of the item are available for selection.

8.      Depending on the selected Return Disposition, the Warehouse Location may default, or you may need to select it. However, besides the warehouse location defined for the return disposition, if any, only warehouse locations that have a record of the item are available for selection.

9.      Select Return. The page displays the message The SKU code or Item Number has changed. Please confirm and resubmit the return. This message indicates that the page has reloaded with the correct warehouse and location for the selected item, which may differ from the information that defaulted to the page when you initially opened it.

10.   Select Return again if the warehouse and location are correct to create the misship return.

Windows displaying warning messages: You might see one or more windows asking if you would like to create a primary location for the item, or indicating that a primary location does not already exist. The Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) SCV controls whether you can create more than one primary location, or whether to simply display a warning message; the Display “No Primary Location Message in Returns (G46) SCV controls whether to display a warning message if there is no primary location defined for the item.

Displayed when? These messages might be displayed if there is not already a record of the returned item in the warehouse location that defaults to this page, but a primary location for the item already exists; You might also see the message about multiple primary locations when processing the return of an item that has no warehouse location records, such as a Drop Ship item.

