Fields on Customer Order List

Purpose: The following information displays on the Customer Order List page.

         Customer Order List Tab

         Customer Order List Page Title

         Customer Information Panel

         Order List Table

For more information:

         Customer Order List for an overview of the Customer Order List page.

         Customer Order List Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Customer Order List page.

Customer Order List Tab

The first ten positions of the customer’s last name displays in the page tab that contains the Customer Order List page. If the customer does not have a last name, the first ten positions of the company name displays as the tab title.

Customer Order List Page Title

The title and the tab of the Customer Order List page contains the following:

         If a customer last name exists, the title of the page displays the customer’s name in first name, last name display.

         If a customer name does not exist, the title of the page displays the customer’s company name.

Customer Information Panel

The Customer Information panel displays the following fields:

         Customer Name including Prefix and Suffix, if specified, and Company Name (unlabeled fields below the Customer Information panel):

         If a customer name and company name are defined, the company name displays below the customer name.

         If a company name is defined without a sold-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the sold-to customer name.

         Customer Address (unlabeled fields below the Customer Name and Company Name)

         Phone Number (unlabeled field below the Customer Address): The Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. If more than one phone number is defined for the customer, the system uses the following hierarchy to display the phone number:

         day time phone number

         mobile phone number

         evening phone number

         Email Address (unlabeled field below the Phone Number): This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

         Opt-In Status (unlabeled field to the right of the Email Address): This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

         Customer Number

         Active Since

         Purchase Total

         Total Orders

         Item Return Rate

         Customer Class

         Receive Catalog Mailings

         Share Information with Other Companies

Order List Table

The Order List table displays the first 500 orders that matched your customer search criteria.

The message No data to display displays if the customer has not placed any orders.

For each order record, the Order List table displays the following fields:

         Order Date

         Origin (Order Type) (unlabeled field below Order Date)

         Order Number

         Order Status

         Order Total


         Recipient: The ship-to customer name displays in last name, first name format. If a company name is defined without a ship-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the ship-to customer name. If the only recipient on the order is the sold-to customer, the sold-to customer name or company name displays.

         If the order contains multiple ship-to customers, up to five ship-to customers display on separate lines. If there are more than five ship-to customers on the order, + # Additional Recipients displays, where # is the total number of ship-to customers - 5.

         If you use the Order Broker integration, the recipient customer for a store pickup or ship-for-pickup order is the store code and store name of the store location where the customer will pickup the order.

