Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.

         Sort Item Availability Records

         Edit Search Criteria

For more information:

         Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) for an overview of the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.

         Fields on Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) for a description of the fields on the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.

Sort Item Availability Records

You can sort on any column in the Item Availability table by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Item availability records first display on this window in descending available quantity sequence.

Edit Search Criteria

Select the Edit Search Criteria option to advance to the Edit Item Availability Search Criteria window.

