Fields on Order Line Details

Purpose: The following information displays on the Order Line Details page.

         Order Line Details Page Title

         Item Panel

         Item Information Panel

         Item Availability Panel

         At A Glance Panel

         Item Quantities Panel

         Item Pricing Panel

         Order Line Totals Panel

         Order Line Activity Table

         Item Availability Table

         Gift Card Details Table

         Order Line Messages Table

         Item/SKU Comments Panel

For more information:

         Order Line Details for an overview of the Order Line Details page.

         Order Line Details Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Order Line Details page.

Order Line Details Page Title

The following fields display in the page title. For example: Order 12345 | Ship-To 3 | Line 1, where 12345 is the order number, 3 is the order ship to number, and 1 is the order line number.

         Order (Order Number)

         Ship-To (Ship-To Number)

         Line (Order Line Number)

Item Panel

The Item panel contains the following information:

         Item Description (unlabeled field below the page title)

         Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description)

         Item Information Panel

         Item Availability Panel

         At A Glance Panel

         Item Quantities Panel

         Item Pricing Panel

         Order Line Totals Panel

Item Information Panel

The Item Information panel displays additional details about the item on the order line.

         SKU Description

         Main Set Item: This field displays only if the item is a set master item.

         Set: The item description and item ID of the associated set master item displays; for example: BATH SET (B123). This field displays only if the item is a set component item.

         Personalization (Special Handling): Select this field to open the Personalization Information window. This field displays only if personalization is defined for the item on the order line. In addition, the Personalization field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Gift Wrap


         Source: The source code displays for an order line only if:

         The order entry operator entered a source code at the line level.

         The Use Source Code from Order Header When Creating Order Lines (D73) system control value is selected.

         The Load Source from Mailing History (D20) system control value is selected and the offer entered on the detail line is not associated with the source code on the order header, and the system found an associated source code in the customer's mail history.

In addition, the Source field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Date Entered (Entered Date): The entered time displays to the right of the entered date.

         Arrival Date

         Cancel Date

         Reserved Date

         Printed Date

         Expected Ship Date

         Ship Via

         Coordinate Group

Item Availability Panel

The Item Availability panel displays additional reservation details about the item on the order line.

Note:             Item availability fields do not display for a set master item.

         Drop Ship

         Warehouse: This field is blank if the system determined which warehouse to use. In addition, the Warehouse field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

         Next Backorder Date (Backorder Date)

         Backorder Reason

         Backorder Warehouse

         Backorder Priority

         Future Order

         Affect Inventory

         Bypass Reservation

At A Glance Panel

The At A Glance panel displays links to other panels of the Order Line Details page. The At A Glance panel displays the following fields:

         Order Line Activity: Select the Order Line Activity link to advance to the Order Line Activity Table.

         Item Availability: Select the Item Availability link to advance to the Item Availability Table. Note: The Item Availability link does not display for a set master item.

         Gift Card Details: Select the Gift Card Details link to advance to the Gift Card Details Table.

         Order Line Messages: Select the Order Line Messages link to advance to the Order Line Messages Table.

         Item/SKU Comments: Select the Item/SKU Comments link to advance to the Item/SKU Comments Panel.

Item Quantities Panel

The Item Quantities panel displays the various quantity information for the item.

Note:             All item quantity fields other than the Shipped field do not display for a set master item.

         Reserved (Reserved Quantity)

         Printed (Printed Quantity)

         Shipped (Shipped Quantity)

         Returned (Returned Quantity)

         Canceled (Canceled Quantity)

         Sold Out (Sold-Out Quantity)

         Confirmed (Confirmed Quantity)

Item Pricing Panel

The Item Pricing panel displays how the item was priced and any discounts and tax that were applied to the item.

         Price Method

         Offer Price

         Customer Charged

         Price Override Reason 

         Unit Price:

         (Discounted) displays to the right of the price if the Display Order Line Discount Message (F01) system control value is selected and the price of the order line is less than the original price of the order line.

         For set items, the unit price displays for the set master item and not the component items.

Order Line Totals Panel

The Order Line Totals panel displays the total price of the order line and other charges for the line.

         Extended Price: This field does not display for a set component item.

         Personalization (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge)

         Gift Wrap (Gift Wrap Charge): The Gift Wrap field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.


         Additional Shipping


         Tax. This total includes GST and PST, if any. This field does not include hidden tax.



         Hidden Tax

Order Line Activity Table

The Order Line Activity table displays the type of activity performed against the item on the order line. Order line activity records initially display in descending activity date, ascending activity type sequence.

For each order line activity record, the system displays the following fields.


         Date (Activity Date)

         Quantity (Activity Quantity)

         Reason (Activity Reason)

         User (Activity User): A user ID does not display if you sell out an item through Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO) rather than order entry or order maintenance.

Item Availability Table

The Item Availability table displays availability by warehouse for the item on the order line.

Note:             The Item Availability table does not display for a set master item.

         Total Available: The quantity of the item available to sell across all warehouses.

The system displays item warehouse records in descending quantity available sequence. For each item warehouse record, the system displays the following fields.

Note:             Warehouses whose Viewable in O/E field is unselected do not display in this table.

         Location: The location or Warehouse where the item is available.

         Available (Warehouse Available)

         Backordered (Warehouse Backordered)

         Open Purchase Orders (Warehouse Open Purchase Orders)

Gift Card Details Table

The Gift Card Details table displays the details for a gift card item that has been purchased on the order.

Gift cards initially display in ascending gift card number sequence. The system displays the following fields for each gift card purchased:

         Gift Card Number

         Amount (Gift Card Amount)

         Issue Date (Gift Card Issue Date)

         Email Sent Date (Gift Card Notification Email)

         Activation Date (Gift Card Activation Date)

         Vendor Response (Gift Card Vendor Response)

Order Line Messages Table

The Order Line Messages table displays the messages defined for an order line.

Order line messages first display in descending message date sequence.

For each message, the system displays the following fields.

         Message (Order Line Message)

         Date (Order Line Message Date)

         Print Location (Order Line Message Print Location)

         User (Order Line Message User)

Item/SKU Comments Panel

The Item/SKU Comments panel displays any comments for an item or SKU that have the Print Code is set to Window. Any comments entered at the SKU level display for a SKUed item; if there are no SKU-level comments, the item-level comments display.

Item/SKU comments first display in descending comment sequence.

         Comment (Item/SKU Comment)

