Order Line Details

Purpose: Use the Order Line Details page to review the details of an item on an order line, including:

         the offer and source code assigned to the order line,

         whether the item is gift wrapped,

         entered, arrival, cancel, reserved, printed, and expected ship dates,

         the ship via assigned to the item,

         the warehouse assigned to the item,

         the quantity of the item reserved, printed, shipped, returned, canceled, soldout, and confirmed,

         pricing information,

         order line totals,

         order line activity,

         item availability information,

         gift card information if the item is a gift card,

         order line messages,

         item/SKU comments.

How to display: In the Order Lines Panel of the Order Summary page, select the Order Line Details option for an order line.

For more information:

         Order Line Details Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Order Line Details page.

         Fields on Order Line Details for a description of the fields on the Order Line Details page.

