Order Summary

Overview: Use the Order Summary page to review the contents of an order, including the customer (sold-to, ship-to(s), and bill-to), the activity performed against the order, the items purchased for each ship-to, payment information, and order totals.

The Order Summary page provides a one-page snapshot of an order for efficient order inquiry and allows you to answer questions about an order, such as:

         What is the status of the order?

         What is the status of an item on the order? Has the item shipped?

         Why is the order on hold?

         What was the reason for an exchange?

         What form of payment was used for an order?

         When is a backordered item expected to be available to ship?

         What was the most recent activity on the order?

How to display:

         Perform an order search on the Order Search (Search for Orders or Customers) page when one match is found.

         Select the Order Number link for an order on the Order Search Results page.

         Select the Order Number link for an order on the Customer Order List page.

         Select the Order Number link for an order on the Customer Purchase History page.

         Select the Order Number link for an order on the Manage Held Orders page.

In this topic:

         Maintaining an Order

For more information:

         Order Summary Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Order Summary page.

         Fields on Order Summary for a description of the fields on the Order Summary page.

Maintaining an Order

Purpose: Order maintenance allows you to update an order by:

         Changing customer, order, item, or payment information.

         Adding or updating a payment.

         Adding or updating an item.

         Adding, updating, or deleting personalization for an item.

         Canceling an item or order.

         Holding an order line or order.

         Releasing an order line or order from hold.

         Returning an order or line, exchanging a line, or creating a misship.

Any time you select to update the information on an order, the system locks the order so that it cannot be maintained by another user while you are making updates; see Display of a Locked Order.

After you maintain an order, the system:

         Recalculates the order totals and adjusts demand totals (number of orders) appropriately.

         Performs credit checking to place the maintained order on hold, if the maintenance results in some type of hold condition.

         Submits any newly eligible backordered lines to the Order Broker for fulfillment.

         Submits an update message to the Order Broker if you sell out or cancel an item on an order received from Order Broker.

         Captures the date, time, maintenance activity, and user ID in the Order Transaction History table to keep an on-line history of all order updates.

         Evaluates the order to determine if it qualifies for pick slip preparation.

Maintaining an Order with a PayPal Payment Method

If an order contains a PayPal payment method, you should not make any changes to the order that would increase the order total. When you generate a pick slip for an order that contains a PayPal payment, the system validates that the amount required to generate the pick slip does not exceed 115% or $75.00 of the original authorization amount that was received from PayPal during web storefront processing.

Note:             The system identifies a payment method as PayPal if PPL is defined as the authorization service and deposit service for the pay type in the Pay Type table. You can create and work with pay types in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Maintaining Orders Received from Order Broker

If you have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature, you can maintain an open or held order received from Order Broker.

You might need to maintain an order received from Order Broker to:

         Sell out an item that is no longer available: Order Management System sends a reject request to the Order Broker. The Order Broker then attempts to find another location to fulfill the order unless the order has already reached the Search retries maximum specified in Order Broker.

         Cancel an item that the customer no longer wants: Order Management System sends a cancel request to the Order Broker, indicating that the order should not be fulfilled. The Order Broker does not reassign a canceled order to another fulfilling location.

Caution: Certain updates are not appropriate for orders received from Order Broker, such as:

         changing payment information. When the system creates an order from Order Broker, it uses the Order Broker Payment Type (K98). This is typically a “dummy” payment type if the order is fully paid in the originating retail location.

         changing the shipping address:

         A pickup order ships to the originating store location, so you should update the shipping address only if the address for the originating store changes.

         A delivery order ships to the customer. You should change the shipping address only after communicating with the originating location, so that the shipping address recorded for the order is consistent.

Returns: If the Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88) system control value is:

         Selected, you cannot process a return or misship against an order received from Order Broker or add a negative additional charge

         Unselected, you can process a return or misship against an order received from Order Broker; however, the Order Broker Payment Type (K98) is deactivated after shipment, so you would then need to enter a new payment method in order to process the related refund.

Note:             Regardless of the setting of the Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88) system control value, you cannot enter a line with a negative quantity or apply a discount against a shipped order line on an order received from Order Broker.

Prohibited updates: Other updates are not allowed, such as:

         Adding an item.

         Changing the ordered quantity.

Maintaining a Ship-for-Pickup Order

If the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected and you are maintaining a ship-for-pickup order, you cannot:

         Process a return or misship against an entire ship-for-pickup order or a line on a ship-for-pickup order.

         Enter a negative additional charge.

         Enter a line with a negative quantity.

         Apply a discount to a closed order line.

These restrictions apply regardless of whether the order type matches the Order Type for Special Orders (L15).

Maintaining a ChannelAdvisor Order

If an order is processed through the ChannelAdvisor integration (the order’s origin matches the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90)), any changes you make to the order are not sent to ChannelAdvisor.

Authority to Maintain an Order

In order to maintain (and lock) an order:

         You must have authority to the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature, and

         You must have authority to the Order Entry/Maintenance (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for your user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option or for your user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

         The order cannot be currently locked by another user, session, or by the system; see When an Order is Locked by Another User or the System.

In addition:

         If the order contains a printed quantity on any order line, you must have authority to the Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05) secured feature. Note: This secured feature does not apply to maintaining orders received from Order Broker or prevent you from canceling a store pickup order.

         If the order is from Order Broker, you must have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature. Note: If you have authority, you can process a sellout or return, or add a payment method to an order from Order Broker. However, you cannot perform any other updates to an order from Order Broker regardless of your authority.

         If the order is a store pickup order, you must have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature in order to cancel a brokered backorder, an order received from Order Broker (pickup or delivery), store pickup, or ship-for-pickup order.

Display of a Locked Order

illustrates locked order settings

When you lock an order:

         A lock icon replaces the close icon in the page tab that displays the order,

         The text in the title banner for the order changes from black to red,

         An Unlock Order option displays in the title banner for the order.

Once you have completed your updates, select Unlock Order or press CTRL + ALT + u to perform the final order updates and remove the lock from the order so that the order is available for maintenance by other users.


         If the order does not pass order accept validation, the system displays an error and the order remains locked. You must correct the error before you can unlock the order.

         If you close your browser while an order is locked, the order will remain locked. In this situation, you must use the Unlock a Stranded Order or Batch (MULO) menu option to unlock the order.

Display of an Unlocked Order

illustration of unlocked order

When you unlock an order:

         The close icon (x) replaces the lock icon in the page tab that displays the order,

         The text in the title banner for the order changes from red to black,

         The Unlock Order option is removed from the title banner for the order.

You can close the window through the close icon, or by right-clicking the order number and selecting Remove.

When an Order is Locked by Another User or the System

If an order is locked by another user, session, or process, or because billing async transactions exist for the order that have not yet completed, the system displays a message at the top of the page indicating that the order is locked.

Example:                    If the order is locked by another user or by you in another session: Order Locked for Editing (TBROWN), where TBROWN is the user ID of the user that has locked the order.

Example:                    If the order is locked by the system: Order Locked for Editing (Billing In Process).

In addition, update options are removed from the order so that you cannot update the order while it is being updated by another user or the system.

Closed store pickup order: A store pickup order that is fulfilled or canceled is also locked from updates. In this case, a message at the top of the Order Summary page indicates Store pickup order cannot be maintained. Already shipped or canceled.

