Entering Orders

Purpose: This topic describes how you enter orders:

         You enter or verify customer and order information on the Work with Order Screen.

         You add items to the order on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Additionally, this topic describes how to attach payment information to the order and how to end the order. When you finish this topic, you will know how to enter a complete order on the system, including:

         Who is placing the order?

         What items are being ordered?

         What is the method of payment?

         What happens when you complete the order?

Once you use the steps outlined in this topic, you will have an order on the system; you can enhance the order in several different ways by selecting any of the functions listed at the bottom of the screen.

Entering quotes: See Entering Pre-Order Quotes for more information on creating a pre-order quote for a customer listing the items the customer wishes to order and the order totals should the customer agree to place the order.

Entering a ship-for-pickup order: Use the Store option, available at the Create One Time Ship To Address Screen, to select the store location where the customer wants to pick up the order. See Ship-for-Pickup Orders for an overview.

In this topic:

Who is placing the order?

         Work with Order Screen

         Defining Order Controls

         Adding Customer/Address Information

         Adding Order Information

         Reviewing Order Totals

         Display Duplicate Sold To Window

         When a Window Opens

What items are being ordered?

         Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order)

         Order Information Fields

         Item Image

         Order Totals

         Item Entry Fields

         Order Lines Fields

         Screen Differences to Note When Using SKUs

         SKU Scan Screen

         Adding Different Types of Items to the Order

         Entering a Subscription Item

         Entering a Warranty Item

         Entering Set Items

         Entering an Item Evaluated by the SKU Blocker Interface

         Entering Multiple Ship-Alone Units on a Ship-for-Pickup Order

         Select Variable Set Items Screen

         Miscellaneous Messages and Windows at Item Entry

         Discount Calculation Messages

         Maximum Order Line Quantity/Value

         Work with Item/SKU Comments Window

         Enter Add Reason Window

         Item Coordinate Message

         Ship Via Overrides for Item Window

         Item Status Message Window

         Duplicate Item for Customer Window

         Displaying the Detail Line Options

         Completing the Work with Order Lines Screen

         Order Repricing, Premiums, Discounts, and Promotions

         Types of Discounts and Promotions Applied During Repricing

         When Repricing Occurs

         Applying Order Audit Discounts during Repricing

         Order Audit Discounts during Repricing Process Flow

         Repricing Screen Flow

         Price Table Repricing

         Display Premiums Screen (Price Table Premiums)

         Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window

         Enter Promotion Code Screen

         Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window

         Applying Free Gifts

         Determining Gross Profit

         Calculating Gross Profit Margin and Percentage using Tax Inclusive Pricing (VAT)

         Work with Customer Profile

What is the method of payment?

         Default Paytype Pop-up Windows

         Enter Cash Control For Window (Cash/Check Payment Type)

         Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type)

         Enter Payment Method Screen

         Scan Credit Card Accounts Screen

         Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order

         Determining the Primary Payment Plan

         Select Payment Plan Window

         Display Payment Plan Summary Screen

         Pay Type Editing

         Rules for Pay Type Combinations

         Determining the Charge Sequence

What happens when you complete the order?

         Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window

         Work with Order/Recap Screen

         Contribution (Overpayment Exists) Window

         Accepting or Rejecting the Order

         Rejecting the Order

         Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window

         Confirm Reject Window

         Accepting the Order

         Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

         Confirm Invalid Expiration Date Screen

         Order Entry Updates

         Immediate Updates

         Updates at Accept

         Updates During Background Processing

Work with Order Screen

Purpose: This screen is the first screen that opens when you are entering an order.

How to display this screen: Set or accept Order Entry defaults at the Default Values for Orders screen and select the customer for Order Entry at the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen or the Customer Selection Screen.


1.      Complete the necessary customer, address, and order information.

2.      Select OK so the system can validate this information.

3.      Press Enter again to advance to the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Note:             This topic describes simple Order Entry, which assumes that you complete the first screen and continue on to complete the second screen. You can, however, select any function listed at the bottom of the screen instead of adding items to the order immediately.

Defining Order Controls

The information you enter in the Order Control fields on the Work with Order Screen determines the format of the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) and controls whether freight is charged for the order.1 The Order Controls fields are:


         Ship-to number (unlabeled field)

         Recip sts (Recipient status)

         Sold-to (Sold-to customer number)

         Type (Order type)

         Order date

         Calc freight (Calculate freight)

System values: The system assigns values to several of the Order Control fields, including:


         ship-to number

         order date

         sold-to customer #

         recipient status

         hold reason

         calculate freight

Defaults: These fields in the Order Control part of the screen default, but can be overridden:

         Order date defaults to today's date.

         Calc freight defaults to selected.

         Order type defaults from the entry on the Default Values for Orders screen.




A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order. Every order on the system is assigned an order number. This number is used throughout the system to access the order.

The starting order number and last order number assigned are defined in the Number Assignment table. See Setting Up the Number Assignment Table (WNUM).

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number (unlabeled field)

A hyphen (-) separates this field from the Order# field.

Indicates the number of shipping addresses for the order. The system assigns a ship-to suffix of 1 to a single recipient order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Recip sts (Recipient status)

The status of the recipient (ship-to) order on the system.

New orders

The system assigns a suspended status to all new orders during Order Entry. You can review or maintain the orders from the Display Order Summary Screen.

When you accept an order

Once you accept the entire order, the system changes the status to open or held; however, when you batch orders, the individual orders in a batch remain in a suspended status until you accept the entire batch.

Other status codes are:

         Canceled, if all lines are canceled before you accept the order.

         Closed, if all lines are sold out before you accept the order.

See Using the Order Inquiry Scan Screens (OIOM) for more information about these order status codes.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold-to (Sold-to customer number)

A number assigned by the system to identify the customer who is placing the order.

The starting sold-to number and the last sold-to number are stored in the Number Assignment table.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Type (Order type)

A code that indicates how the order was received.

Order types are defined in and validated against the Order Type table. Common order types include phone, fax, mail, retail or other. You use order type to group orders on the system, monitor employee performance and accuracy, and control the sort of several reports. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY).

Note:  You can select a default order type in the System Control table or at the Default Values for Orders screen.

Reserving Against a Non-Allocatable Warehouse

If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected, the system allows you to reserve inventory against a non-allocatable warehouse. You can define a non-allocatable warehouse in the Retail warehouse field for the order type; any orders entered for this order type reserve against the non-allocatable warehouse. If the item is not in stock, the system backorders the item against the non-allocatable warehouse. See Non-Allocatable Warehouse Reservation Processing During Order Entry for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Order date

The processing date for the order. Defaults to the current date, but you can override it to date-stamp orders you received on an earlier date but did not enter. However, if you change the order date to a date which falls within a closed accounting period, the following error message indicates:

Order date falls within the closed accounting period.

The order date determines which orders the system reserves first, if using Batch Reservation or running the Evaluate Backorders program.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); required.

Calc freight (Calculate freight)

Determines whether the system calculates and adds freight charges and any service charges by ship via to the order.

         selected = (Default): The system calculates freight based on the freight method defined for the source code. You can also define a freight override for the order ship to at the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen.

         unselected = The system does not calculate freight.

Adding Customer/Address Information

Use the customer and address information fields on the Work with Order Screen to enter or verify the name and address of the customer who is placing the order. The customer/address information fields are:


         Cmp (Company)

         Attn (Attention)



         M/F (Male/female)




         Cnty (Country)



         Phone numbers


         Class (customer class)




         Associate (Associate customer)

For an existing customer: The system places the cursor in the Source field when you select an existing customer for Order Entry. The source code may default, based on your system control values and the source code information retained in the Sold-to Customer table; you can also use the Source Code Auto Retrieval Value (H82) to retrieve the correct source code based on the most recent mailing to the customer, or to default a source code if the actual code is unknown. Information from the customer appears in the customer name and address information fields. This information is kept on file for the Sold-to customer and is called each time you select this customer.

Verify that the customer information is still accurate. If it did not already default, enter a source code in the Source field, and enter other required order information.

Instructions: To update the customer and address information:

1.      Position the cursor at the first customer field that needs to be updated.

2.      Enter over the information in the field.

3.      Enter the required information.

The system updates the Sold-to Customer automatically when you change any customer information on the Order Entry screen.

Note:             The Display/Update Bill to Screen opens in Order Entry, Order Maintenance and in Work with Customers when you change the name or address of a Sold-to customer who is linked to a permanent Bill-to customer. The screen enables you to apply the changes made to the Sold-to address to the Bill-to address.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer integration: When you use the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer integration, if you create or update a customer during order entry, Order Management System sends the current customer information to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement so that the customer records in the two systems are synchronized. See the Customer Engagement Customer Integration for more information.

For a new customer: The system places the cursor in the Name field when you select Create on the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen to enter an order for a new customer. The customer name and address fields are blank. The system assigns the next available Sold-to customer number to this new customer and files the customer's name and address information under this number in the Sold-to Customer table.

Search information: If you searched on postal code, name, company, or any combination of these fields before selecting Create to create a new customer, your most recent entry(ies) default into the appropriate fields. Additionally, if your search included the postal code, the related city, state, and country also default.

What to complete? 

         Name or Cmp (Company)





         Cnty (Country)

Making changes: If you change any of the shipping address information on the order after you have begun to enter additional information, including any items, the order might need to be repriced and the tax recalculated. This situation might occur if you use tax-inclusive pricing and VAT, because a change in address may change whether the order is subject to VAT. In tax-inclusive pricing, you do not accumulate tax in the Tax bucket on the order, instead, you charge a higher price for the item and add VAT as a hidden tax on the order detail line.

If the customer has a tax exemption at the state level, you also need to clear the tax-related fields in order to prompt the system to recalculate the tax on the order based on the new shipping address. See Working with Customer Tax Status for an overview.




5 fields are available for you to enter the customer's full name:


A title that belongs before the customer's name, such as “Mrs.” or “Dr.”

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

First Name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.


The initial of the customer's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Last Name

The customer's last name. If you entered a customer last name at a scan screen before selecting Create to create a new customer, this information defaults; but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required if Company has not been entered.


An addition to the customer's full name, such as “M.D.”, “Fr.”, or “III.”

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Cmp (Company)

The name of the company placing the order. If you entered a company name at a scan screen before selecting Create to create a new customer, this information defaults; but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required if Last name is not entered.

Attn (Attention)

The name of the person who should receive this order at the shipping destination.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The customer's street address. This is the primary delivery address.

Shipping to a Post Office Box

To ship to a Post Office Box, enter POST OFFICE BOX, POST BOX, or any variation of PO BOX (with or without spaces or non-alphabet characters, such as P.O. BOX), and the box number in the customer’s street address. During order processing, the system validates that the carrier can ship to a post office box (as defined in the Ship Via table).

Example:  Enter P.O. Box 9999 in the Street field to indicate delivery to a post office box instead of a home or company address.

Note:  If you type POST OFFICE BOX, POST BOX, or any variation of PO BOX in the customer’s street address during order entry or through the Order API, the system automatically selects the PO box field for the customer. However, if you remove this text from the customer’s street address, the system does not automatically unselect the PO box flag.

Expanded Address

A plus sign (+) appears next to the word Street if there is additional information in the third or fourth address lines for the customer (however, the plus sign does not appear if there is an additional second address line only). Use the Expand Name/Address Screen to complete 3 additional address fields; for example, to enter international addresses.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; required.


The customer's apartment, suite, rural route or floor number.

Use this field to identify the address further. This information prints next to the primary street address on labels.

To enter an apartment or suite address:

1. Enter APT to indicate an apartment or STE to indicate a suite.

2. Insert a space.

3. Enter the number of the apartment or suite, such as: APT 4 or STE 1164A.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

M/F (Male/female)

This code indicates the customer's gender. Male/female codes are defined in the Profile Data table, which you use to define other demographic information as well. You can define a Default Male/Female Profile Code (C74) in the System Control table.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The postal or zip code for this customer. If you entered a postal at a scan screen before selecting Create to create a new customer, this information defaults, but you can override it.

Required? A postal code is required only if the Require postal code? flag for the country is selected; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Default city and state? If the system control value Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) is selected, you can enter just the postal code to have the system default the associated city and state.

Postal code validation: If a postal code is required, it is validated against the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) table; see Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP).

External validation: The system calls a user-defined program to validate postal codes if the External Postal Code Validation (E62) system control value selected.

Tax rates: The Postal Code table includes valid postal code/city/state combinations, and may also contain tax rates. You can purchase a listing of the valid combinations from your post office or you can enter each postal code/city/state combination manually.

SCF/ship via validation: If you enter a postal code and the Perform ship via edit? flag for the country is selected, the system validates the SCF/ship via combination against the SCF Ship Via table when you complete the order; see Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or optional based on country.


The city where the customer lives or receives mail or shipments.   If you entered a postal code at a scan screen before selecting Create to create a new customer, the related city defaults; but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.


The state or province where the customer resides or receives mail or shipments. If you entered a postal code at a scan screen before selecting Create to create a new customer, the related state defaults; but you can override it.

Defined where? State codes are defined in and validated against the State table, accessible through the Work with Countries menu option; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Required? A state is required only if the Require state? flag for country is selected. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

SCF validation: If the Require postal? flag for the country is selected, the system validates that the state you enter is assigned to the SCF associated with the postal code. See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF) for background.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required or optional based on country.

Cnty (Country)

The code for the customer's country. Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country table.

You can define a Default Country for Customer Address (B17) in the System Control table or specify one at the Default Values for Orders screen screen. If you entered a postal code at a scan screen before selecting Create to create a new customer, the related country defaults; but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


The email address for this order.

Order-level email address: The email address defaults from the customer’s primary email address. A plus sign (+) indicates that there are additional email addresses on record for the customer. When you press Enter, the system adds the order-level email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address table, if it is not already there. See Working with an Order-Level Email Address for more information.

Recipient or gift order: The email address is associated with the customer placing the order. To work with the email address for the order recipient, you must advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.

Email format validation: See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Email notifications: This field must contain an email address for the system to send the customer automatic email notifications, such as backorder or soldout notifications. See When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

Fraud checking: The order goes on EO hold if this email address matches an email address in the Miscellaneous Fraud table; see Working with Miscellaneous Frauds (WMFF).

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.


Indicates the preferred method of correspondence.

Valid values are:

         O1 (All) = Email is the preferred method of correspondence.

         O2 (Order) = Use email for order-related correspondence only; generate a document for other correspondence.

         O3 (None) = Do not use email for any correspondence; generate a document instead.

         O4 (Don’t Ask) = Do not ask the customer for his/her email address; the customer has already been asked and has declined to provide it. The system does not generate any email correspondence to the customer, even if an email address is specified.


         If the email address defaults from the sold-to customer, the opt-in/out setting also defaults from the customer. Normally, the opt-in/out setting for the customer and the setting for the matching record in the Customer Sold To Email table are the same, but if they are not, the opt-in/out setting defaults from the Customer Sold To Email table.

         If no email address defaults, or if this is a new customer, this value defaults from the Default Opt In/Opt Out Flag (G97) system control value.

You can override the default.


Note:  The above values use the letter O, not the number 0 (zero).

The system updates this field when you change the setting of the Opt in/Opt out value at any other screen, such as customer maintenance, order maintenance, or catalog requests.

When you update this setting: The opt-in/out setting is not stored on the order itself. When you change the opt-in/out setting here, the system updates the opt-in/out setting for the email address used on the order in the Customer Sold To Email Address table. If the order-level email address is also the customer’s primary email address, the system also updates the customer’s default opt-in/out setting. See Email Address Updates through Interactive Order Entry for more information.

Recipient or gift order: The opt-in/out setting is associated with the customer placing the order. To work with the opt-in/out setting for the order recipient, you must advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.


Email notifications: See When Does the System Generate an Email Notification? for an overview.

Outbound email API: The opt in/opt out settings controls the generation of the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) using the same logic as the generation of outbound emails. See Outbound Email API for an overview.


Phone numbers

There are 2 different sets of fields for the customer's daytime and evening or third (fax or mobile) phone numbers. These fields are based on the following system control values:

         The Phone Numbers (D15) system control value determines whether the third phone number (fax or mobile) or the evening phone number is listed after the day phone number.

         If the Phone Numbers (D15) system control value is set to DAY/FAX, the Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value determines whether the third phone number is labeled the Fax or Mobile number.

See the Phone Numbers (D15) and Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control values for more information.

One, but not both, of these fields is a required field if you set the system control value Require Phone Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (H01) to Y.

Phone number format: You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. Telephone number formats are defined by arranging numbers and special characters such as hyphens and parenthesis in the same order and position as the numbers in a phone number would display. When an operator enters a phone number, the system compares the number of numeric characters in the phone number with the telephone number formats you have defined. In order to match a format, the phone number must have the same number of numeric positions as a telephone number format. If the system cannot find a match, the phone number does not map to a telephone number format and is displayed as it was entered by the operator.


Example:  Telephone Number Format

An operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers: 5085550100

The telephone number format used in the United States to represent an area code, local exchange and local phone number is: (508) 555-0100. When an operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers (as in the example), the phone number is displayed so that the first 3 positions are in parenthesis and a hyphen is between the sixth and seventh numbers, regardless of how the operator entered it into the system. If an operator enters a phone number containing 6 numbers, for example 5550100 and no format exists for 6 numbers, the phone number would display as it was entered (5550100). See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).


The system calls a user-defined program to validate phone numbers outside of Order Management System if you select the External Validation for Phone Number (E64) system control value. The system provides a “hook” to the program when an operator presses Enter on a screen containing a phone number associated with a country. You can use this program to validate phone number rules for a specific country: for example, if a phone number for a country should only contain 6 numbers and the operator enters more than 6, the screen displays an error message. Phone numbers that are not associated with a country, for example, phone numbers in the Bank, Salesman, Warehouse and Ship Via tables, are not validated. The program validates phone numbers based on these parameters:





         Phone Number

Alphanumeric, one 14-position (phone number) and one 4-position (phone extension); one of the two fields is required if system control value Require Phone Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance is selected; otherwise, optional.


Identifies a business (commercial) or residential address. Carriers that use different business or consumer rate tables (such as UPS) use this value.

Valid values are:

         Business = Business rate table determines shipping charges.

         Residential = Residential rate table determines shipping charges.

         No Distinction = This is not a valid value for UPS shippers.

The system uses this logic to default a delivery code to a customer address on an order:

         The system defaults the delivery code defined for the postal code on the address.

         If a delivery code has not been defined for the postal code on the address, the system defaults the delivery code defined in the Customer table.

         If a delivery code has not been defined in the Customer table, the system defaults the delivery code defined in the Default Delivery Code for New Order Entry Customers (D13) system control value.


Class (customer class)

A code that categorizes customers at a high level for reporting purposes. You can use customer class codes to:

         send offers to a limited group of customers

         restrict item sales to a group of customers

         bypass normal item reservation

         determine whether to prompt for user-defined fields in order entry

You can define a Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) to assign to all customers you create through order entry.


Required? The Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value defines whether this field is required.

Secured? The Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07) secured feature defines whether you can enter or maintain the customer class field at this screen.

Note:  If the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) is selected and the customer does not have a customer class code assigned, a user who does not have authority based on the Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07) secured feature will not be able to enter an order.

See Setting Up the Customer Class Table (WCCL) on working with customer classes.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional or required depending on system control value.


Indicates whether to rent this customer's name to other companies.

         selected = Rent this name.

         unselected = Do not rent this name.


Indicates whether to send the customer mailings from your company. You can define a default value in the System Control table.

         selected = Send mail to this customer.

         unselected = Do not send mail to this customer.


The currency defined for the offer associated with the source code. The currency is included on the screen after you enter a source code on the order header.

Note:  Displayed only if you have the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) field in the System Control table selected.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Associate (Associate customer)

Indicates whether the customer is eligible for associate pricing. The associate price is a discounted price for an item, as defined in the Associate price field for the Item/Offer or SKU/Offer.

Defaults to selected if the customer is identified as an associate customer.

The system updates the customer automatically if you change this setting.

Valid values are:

         selected = The customer receives the associate price for each item ordered.

         unselected (Default) = The customer is not an associate customer and receives the regular item price for each item ordered.

Secured Feature

The Change Associate Customer Flag (B10) secured feature controls whether you can change this setting; if you prohibit access to this feature, an error message indicates if you try to change the value: Not authorized to change Associate Customer.

Adding Order Information

Use the Order Information fields on the Work with Order Screen to define or verify how you received the order, to identify how the order will be delivered, and to specify whether the customer is eligible for any discounts or tax exemptions. The Order Information fields are located in the lower portion of the screen underneath the dashed line. The order information fields are:



         Disc %


         Pty (Priority)

         Hld Rsn

         Arrival date

         Cancel date

         Canc B/O (Automatically cancel backorders)



         Tax code

         Tax identification

         Whs (Warehouse)

         Est frt (Estimated freight charge)

Defaults: Defaults may be loaded to various fields, based on values established in the System Control table or defaults entered at the Default Values for Orders screen. You can override these values if needed.

What to complete? 






A code that identifies a segment of your customer base or a rented list to whom you mail a catalog. The source code helps you to track the origin of the customer's order. The source code typically prints on the catalog mailing label (if your company includes this information when you print labels).

Each order must include a valid source code during Order Entry, either one that the customer provides (a “known” source code from a catalog mailing) or a generic source code when you cannot trace the origin of the order from a specific catalog (an “unknown” source code).

The source code controls how shipping is calculated and items are priced, and whether the order is eligible for any discounts.


         The source code may default from the Current source field or from mail history for the Sold To Customer depending on the settings of the Use Default Current Source Code (C46) and Load Source from Mailing History (D20) system control values.

         You can use the Source Code Auto Retrieval Value (H82) to automatically retrieve the correct source code based on the most recent mailing to the customer, or to default a source code if the actual code is unknown.

         If you enter a source code at the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen, the system defaults this source code to the order.


Default Unknown Source Code

If the order header source code matches the source code in the Default Unknown Source Code (I58) system control value, the system updates the source code on the order header to the source code associated with the offer on the first order detail line; see Default Unknown Source Code Logic.


Prompting for a source code

You can prompt on this field to obtain a list of current source codes. Only source codes with a Y in the Display in O/E field in the Source Code table are listed.

You can also use the Source Code Auto Retrieval Value (H82) to retrieve the correct source code based on the most recent mailing to the customer, or to default a source code if the actual code is unknown.

Currency of source code

If you take orders in multiple currencies (the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected), the currency defined for the offer associated with the source code will display in the Currency field after you enter the source code.


Alternate currency pricing

If you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected), the system uses the currency and conversion rate defined for the offer associated with the source code to determine the alternate (foreign) price. If a currency code and conversion rate are associated with the offer, the system updates the Currency code field and Conversion rate field in the Order Header Extended table. You cannot change the source code on the order to another source code that points to an offer with a different currency and conversion rate or an error message indicates: Source code not associated with current currency code. Additionally, the system searches for an item/SKU price only among offers in the same currency. See Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required setup.


Restricted source codes

During Order Entry, you must use unrestricted source codes, which means that the Restricted field in the Source Code is unselected.

A source code might be flagged as “restricted” when:

         The source code is obsolete; no new orders can use the source code.

         The source code includes errors or was created by mistake.

Initially, all new source codes have an unrestricted status. During Offer Initialization, however, you might restrict all source codes associated with a particular offer.

Capturing the Source Code

The system writes the source code used by a new customer to the Original source field for the customer.

If the Update Original Source Code for Recipient Customers (F90) system control value is selected, the system writes the source code defined for the sold to customer to the Original source code field for a recipient customer.

The system may also update the source code to the Current source code field for a new or existing customer, depending on the setting of the Update of Current Source Code in Customer File (D08) field in the System Control table.


Bypass Credit Checking

If the Bypass credit check field for the source code is selected, the system does not perform credit checking for this order and writes a message to order transaction history indicating credit checking was bypassed.

Entering Customer Warranty Information

If the Warranty required field for the source code is selected, the system automatically advances you to the Customer Warranty Information screen where you can enter warranty information for a warranty product on the order. See Displaying More Options in OIOM.

Entity History

The system captures entity-level history based on the source code on the order header if the Track Customer History at Entity Level (F89) system control value is selected.

More information on source codes: Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.


A code for the shipper to deliver this order to the customer.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table; see Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA). Additionally, ship via codes are validated against the SCF/Ship Via table, which ties together shippers and geographic locations. You need to set up valid carriers for each SCF prior to Order Entry. See Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).

Ship Via Defaults

A default value is loaded in this field if you entered a default on the Default Values for Orders screen or in the Default Ship Via (A77) system control value. In addition, there are several ways the system can override the shipper specified on the order with another shipper; see Ship Via Override Hierarchy for a complete list and the hierarchy in which the ship via overrides take precedence.

Reviewing eligible ship vias and optionally selecting an override

You can prompt on this field to advance to the Valid Ship Vias for Window, where you can review valid ship vias for the order, including their overall shipping charges and expected delivery dates; optionally, you can select an override ship via.

Prompting and validation for countries where postal code is optional:

         If the customer’s address does not include a postal code (possible if the country’s Require postal code? flag is unselected), the Valid Ship Vias for Window displays all valid SCF/ship via combinations based on the default SCF of #. Setting up SCF/ship via records using the default of # enables you to specify valid ship vias for an address without a postal code.

         If the country’s Perform ship via edit? flag is selected, then the system validates the ship via against the SCF/ship via table. To perform this validation for an address that does not include a postal code, the system uses the default SCF of #.

See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).


Item Ship Via Overrides

If ship via overrides exist in the Item Ship Via Override table for an item on the order, the system evaluates the ship via on the order header to determine if the ship via is eligible to ship the item.

If the ship via on the order header is not defined in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item on the order, you advance to the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window, requesting you to select an eligible shipper to assign to the item on the order line. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides for more information on defining eligible shippers for an item.


Default Van Delivery Ship Via

If the ship via code matches the ship via code defined in the Default Van Delivery Ship Via (L07) system control value, the system verifies that the order qualifies for van delivery. See Van Delivery Processing and Determining if an Order Qualifies for Van Delivery for an overview and more information on the requirements that must be met.


Express Bill Ship Vias

You can use an express bill shipper for orders in which an item has already been taken from the warehouse without first entering an order. An express ship via is designated by an Express Bill in the Billing code field for the shipper.

When you enter an express billed order, the Enter Location pop-up window opens after you enter the item. Here, you must identify the warehouse and location from which the item was removed. The system defaults the warehouse and primary location defined in the Item table, however, if the Retail Order Defaults (F59) system control value is selected, the system defaults the warehouse from the Retail warehouse field in the Order Type table and defaults the location from the Auto restock location field for the warehouse that defaulted.


When you express-bill an order:

         The system performs an inventory transaction to reduce the quantity on-hand in the location.

         The system does not create a pre-generated pick for the item so that you do not reduce inventory twice.

         No shipments occur.

         If you enter a credit card payment method, you must manually authorize the card (enter an authorization number and authorization date for the payment method) or the order must be eligible for online authorization; see Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations. If the order is not eligible for online authorization and you do not enter an authorization number and authorization date, the screen displays an error message when you try to accept the order: Auth # & Date required for credit card on express order. Click on pay methods tab & enter.

Note:  It is possible to exceed the entire available quantity of an item when you express-bill an order if you enter more than one order line for the same item. To avoid this situation, enter only one order line for each item on an express-billed order.


You can change an item on an order to express bill by entering an express bill code in the Ship via field on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order). When you express bill an item, the system does not create a pre-generated pick and no shipments occur.

An error message indicates if you try to change an item on an express bill order to a regular ship via:

Ship Via must be an Express Bill.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Disc %

A flat discount percentage applied to discountable merchandise only (the Discountable field for the item is selected). A discount percentage defaults here if there is one specified for the source code or a standard or loyalty customer membership.

The discount entered here applies only to the current shipping address on the order. You must reenter the discount for each recipient on the order.

The system checks the user's feature authority in the Discount percentage access field in the Secured Features table and issues a message if the user is not authorized to take discounts on orders: You are not authorized to use discount %.

The system also checks the Order Discount Percentage Limit (D16) system control value when you enter a discount here and issues a message if the discount exceeds this value: Discount % (xxx.xx) is greater than allowable limit.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The person who is credited for making the sale. This is the person who is responsible for obtaining the customer's order; this may not be the same person who enters the order on the system.

The salesrep# is used for sales and commission reporting.

Sales representatives are defined in and validated against the Salesman table. See Working with Sales Representatives (WSLS). The system validates that the Active flag for the salesman on the order is selected; otherwise, an error message displays: Salesman is not active.

The salesrep number defaults from:

         the customer table, if you have entered a valid value in the Salesrep # (Sales representative number) field in the customer table, or, if no Salesrep# is associated with the customer,

         the Default Values for Orders screen, if the Salesrep# field on the screen is populated (See Setting a Default Salesrep Number); this value on the Default Values for Orders screen may default from system control value Default Salesrep Number (E86).

If you prompt on this field, the system displays the Select Salesrep window where you can review and select a valid salesrep. The window indicates whether the salesrep is active and if a home store has been assigned to the salesrep.


         If you override the Salesrep number on the Work with Order screen, and then update customer information, the salesrep number associated with the customer, if the customer has an associated salesrep number, will again default.

         If a Home Store is defined for the salesrep number, the system does NOT default this store to the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Pty (Priority)

Used by the Evaluate Backorders program to match items to backorders. A value defaults to this field if a priority was entered in the B/O priority (Backorder priority) field for the source code; and the header-level value, in turn, defaults to the Priority field on the order detail line.

The Auto Update Order Priority (G45) system control value controls whether the system automatically updates the priority of the order to 9 (highest priority) when you enter an override to the default Arrival date in order entry or order maintenance. If this system control value is selected, the system automatically updates the priority to 9 when you enter an override to the Arrival date on the order header or order detail screen. If this system control value is unselected, the system does not update the priority of the order when you enter an override to the Arrival date.

Immediate Reservation

If you use Immediate Reservation, this value determines the sequence in which orders with backordered items receive inventory. The Evaluate Backorders program uses the priority to determine which backorders receive stock first.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Hld Rsn

A code to place an order on hold for any user- defined reason.

Hold reason codes are defined in and validated against the Hold Reason table. See Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

The system reserves inventory for orders with a hold reason code; however, the order is not eligible for pick slip preparation.

You must release orders on any type of hold through Releasing Held Orders.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Arrival date

The date when the customer wants to receive this order.

Initially, the arrival date is set to the current date; however, you can enter some future date to ship the order at a later date. Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and enter an arrival date for selected items.

Note:  This screen prevents you from entering an arrival date earlier than the order date; however, the system does not prevent you from setting the arrival date earlier than the order date when you create the order through the order API or submit the order to the batch edit. Also, the system does not prevent you from entering an arrival date for an order line that is earlier than the order date.

The Auto Update Order Priority (G45) system control value controls whether entering an override to the Arrival date in order entry or order maintenance updates the priority of the order to 9 (highest priority).

         If this system control value is selected, the system automatically updates the priority to 9 when you enter an override to the Arrival date on the order header or order detail screen.

         If this system control value is unselected, the system does not update the priority of the order when you enter an override to the Arrival date.


The arrival date controls:

         Inventory reservation.

         Pick slip preparation; see Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation.

Influence on Reservation

The arrival date on the order controls whether inventory is reserved for each order detail line. The system uses this calculation:

arrival date - reservation lead days (B27) = reservation date


The system will not reserve inventory if the system-calculated date is greater than today's date. This is considered a future order. The system identifies each item on the order as a future order and assigns a backorder status to each item.

You can run the Evaluate Future Orders periodic function each evening to evaluate each item marked as a “future order.” The system reruns the arrival date calculation. The system reserves the required inventory based on the order date if the system-calculated date is less than or equal to today's date.

Influence on Pre-Generated Picks

The arrival date on the order controls whether the system creates pre-generated picks for the order. The system uses this calculation:

Arrival Date from Order Line (or Order Ship To) - (Pick Processing Days (B37) + Ship Via Lead Days in WSHV) < or = Today's Date  

The system creates a pre-generated pick for the order line if this system-calculated date is less than or equal to today's date; otherwise, the system does not create a pre-generated pick for the order line until the date is within the allotted time frame. See Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.

Cancel date

The last date on which the customer will accept receipt of this order. Leave this field blank if there is no “deadline” for delivery.

The system uses this calculation:

Cancel date

-Lead days (System Control table)

- Transfer days (Warehouse/Drop Point table)

- Lead days (SCF/Ship Via table)           _

Date to stop reserving stock


Order Cancellation List

Any items that have not shipped before the cancellation date are printed on the Order Cancellation List along with the customer's name and phone number.

Customer Service uses this list to contact each customer to see if the deadline can be extended. If not, Customer Service must use Order Maintenance to cancel the order.

Influence on Pre-Generated Picks

The cancel date on the order controls whether the system creates pre-generated picks for the order. The system uses this calculation:

Cancel Date > Today’s Date + Pick Processing Days (B37) + Ship Via Lead Days in WSHV

The system creates a pre-generated pick for the order line if the cancel date is greater than this system-calculated date; otherwise, the system does not create a pre-generated pick for the order line. See Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Canc B/O (Automatically cancel backorders)

Indicates whether the system will cancel any backordered lines automatically after the first shipment on the order. Unshipped lines are canceled during Confirmation.

Valid values are:

         selected = Items cannot be backordered.

         unselected (Default) = Items can be backordered.

If this field is selected, any open line on an order will be canceled during billing using the Auto Soldout Cancel Reason (C20), provided this system control value specifies a valid cancel reason code.


Indicates whether the order is a gift order.

Valid values are:

         selected = The order is a gift order.

         unselected = The order is not a gift order.

If the order is a gift order:

         You can select Sold To/Recipient to enter the recipient's shipping address; see Adding a Recipient Order in Order Entry.

         No pricing information prints on the pick slip.

         The buyer receives a gift acknowledgment card to confirm delivery of the gift.

May default to Y or N depending on the value in the Default “Gift Order” Flag (D14) system control value. If this field is set to default to Y and you select Accept/Add Recip to enter a recipient order, the Gift field will be selected automatically for each recipient (but can be overridden).


The customer's purchase order number.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Tax code

This code determines whether the customer's purchases are taxed, and if so, how to calculate the tax. Defaults to the tax status previously defined for an existing customer and defaults to N for a new customer. When you enter the customer's name and address, the system changes the tax code to T if the customer is subject to tax.

Note:  The system ignores the tax code if you use an external tax system to calculate tax.


The system uses these sources to calculate tax on an order:

         Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value and other system control values

         Country table (see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY))

         SCF table (see Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV))

         Postal Code table (see Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP))

         Customer Sold To table and Customer Tax table (see Working with Customer Tax Status)

         Item and SKU tables; Item Tax Exemption table and GST Tax Exemption Status table (see Working with Item Tax Exemptions (WITX) and Working with GST Tax Exemption Status (MGTX))

         Additional Charge Code table (see Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC))

The information that the system gathers for tax calculation purposes includes tax rates, calculation methods for the Canadian GST and PST taxes, and whether to tax freight and/or handling.


You can set up a tax exemption as a default for a customer, or exemptions in particular states or provinces.

If you change the shipping address: Whenever you make any change to the shipping address on the order, you should clear the Tax code field and the Resale/Exempt# field. Clearing these fields allows the correct information to default into these fields based on the new destination address. See Working with Customer Tax Status for a discussion of how a customer's tax information defaults in order entry.


Valid values are:

         Taxable = Indicates that the customer is subject to all regular taxes. If the customer resides in Canada, the customer is subject to both GST and PST.

         Non-Taxable = The system determines the customer’s tax status in order entry based on whether you enter a Resale/Exempt # and on the shipping address. See Working with Customer Tax Status for an overview.

         Resale = Indicates that the customer is a reseller. A reseller is a person or company who purchases goods to sell to someone else. A reseller certificate number is required in the Tax identification field. The system does not calculate standard tax (in the Tax bucket) or VAT, if applicable, on the order.

         Exempt = Indicates that the customer is considered tax-exempt. A tax-exempt certificate number is required in the Tax identification field. The system does not calculate standard tax (in the Tax bucket) or VAT, if applicable, on the order.


         GST Only = Indicates that the customer is a Canadian customer who is subject to the Goods and Services tax (GST) on purchases only. GST is a federal tax. The System Control table defines the default GST rate; however, an override GST rate might exist for the postal code or SCF.

         PST Only = Indicates that the customer is a Canadian customer who is subject to the Provincial Services tax (PST) on purchases only.

The Tax identification is required for a tax code of Resale or Exempt.


Tax identification

The customer’s tax identification code, typically the resale or exempt certificate number assigned to a customer who is identified as tax exempt (E) or as a reseller (R); otherwise, the tax identification number does not control taxability. Any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters is accepted.

The tax identification code entered here is saved on the order, but does not update the customer record.

If a customer has a VAT exemption number, the tax code will default to Exempt and the words VAT EXEMPT will default in this field for any order subject to VAT. You cannot override a VAT exemption and make the order taxable. See Working with Customer Tax Status for a discussion of how tax information defaults in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required if customer is defined as tax exempt or as a reseller; otherwise, optional.

Whs (Warehouse)

The warehouse used to ship the order. Leave this field blank if you want the system to determine which warehouse to use; otherwise, enter a warehouse code.

The warehouse code you enter here overrides all warehouse codes except those entered for an individual order line, using the Add Line option.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Warehouse Defaults

The system uses the following hierarchy to default a warehouse to the order header.

1. Default the Reserve warehouse defined for the shipping address on the order if it qualifies for van delivery.

         This is the Reserve warehouse defined for the permanent ship to customer on the order.

         If a permanent ship to customer does not exist on the order, this is the Reserve warehouse defined for the recipient sold to customer on the order.

         If a recipient sold to customer does not exist on the order, this is the Reserve warehouse defined for the sold to customer on the order.

See Van Delivery Processing for an overview and Determining if an Order Qualifies for Van Delivery for more information on when an order qualifies for van delivery.

2. If the shipping address on the order does not qualify for van delivery and the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected, default the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the order type on the order. See Non-Allocatable Warehouse Reservation Processing During Order Entry for an overview. Note: If you change the order type on the order, the system defaults the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the new order type. If a non-allocatable warehouse is not defined for the new order type, the system removes the warehouse from the order header.

3. If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is unselected or a non-allocatable warehouse is not defined for the order type on the order, leave the Warehouse field on the order header blank. Note: If you change the order type on the order, the system defaults the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the new order type. If a non-allocatable warehouse is not defined for the new order type, the system retains the warehouse default that currently exists on the order header.


Warehouse Reservation Hierarchy

The system uses the following hierarchy to determine the warehouse where an order will ship from.

1. Warehouse Defined on Order Line: If you have defined a warehouse code for an individual order line, the system reserves the item from this warehouse.

2. Warehouse Defined on Order Header: If you have defined a warehouse code on the order header, the system reserves the items on the order from this warehouse, unless a different warehouse is defined for an individual order line.

3. Warehouse List: If you have not entered a warehouse code for an individual order line or a warehouse code on the order header, the system will look for a warehouse list for the SCF of the order ship to address, if the Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16) system control value is selected.

4. Item’s Primary Warehouse: If no reserve warehouse can be assigned based on individual order lines, a warehouse code entered on the order header, or a warehouse list, the system will reserve the item in the warehouse defined for the item in the Item table.


Updating the Warehouse Defined for the Order

If you update the warehouse defined on the order header, the system:

         Removes any existing inventory reservations for the order lines on the order.

         Attempts to reserve the items on the order in the new warehouse specified. If the item is not available in the warehouse specified, the system assigns this warehouse as the backorder warehouse for the unreserved quantity of the item on the order line.


Van Delivery Reserve Warehouse

If a Reserve warehouse is defined for the shipping address on the order, the system defaults this warehouse code to the order header. If a Van route is also defined for the shipping address on the order, the system also defaults the ship via code defined in the Default Van Delivery Ship Via (L07) system control value to the order header, indicating the order qualifies for van delivery. See Determining if an Order Qualifies for Van Delivery for additional information. Note: If you remove the Reserve warehouse defined for the shipping address from the order header, you must also remove the Default Van Delivery Ship Via (L07) from the order header or an error message will display: Van delivery ship via not allowed. See Van Delivery Processing for an overview.


Reserving Against a Non-Allocatable Warehouse

If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected, the system allows you to reserve inventory against a non-allocatable warehouse. You can define a non-allocatable warehouse in the Reserve warehouse field for the order type; any orders entered for this order type default the non-allocatable warehouse to the Warehouse field on the order and reserves against the non-allocatable warehouse. If the item is not in stock, the system backorders the item against the non-allocatable warehouse. See Non-Allocatable Warehouse Reservation Processing During Order Entry for more information.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Est frt (Estimated freight charge)

Your “best guess” of the freight charges on the order. Only enter a value here if using the actual freight method.

You can tell the customer what the estimated freight charge for the order is; however, the true freight charge will be based on the actual weight of items on the order.

Actual (billing amount) freight method

You can enter an estimated freight charge when using the actual freight method (as designated by an Actual Bill Amt in the Freight method field of the source code).

This is an order-level freight method that uses the total weight of all the items on the order to determine what the shipping charges will be on the order.

The freight method being used on the order is transparent to your Order Entry operators; you must train your operators to enter estimated freight charges only for specific source codes.

The actual freight charge is determined during Confirmation or Billing by one of these methods:

         Weighing the package and using the system- calculated the freight charge

         Entering the freight charge manually

The estimated freight charge is not included in the order totals, so the Frt (freight) field will be blank (unless there is a freight override) until you determine the actual freight charge.

Note:  You can enter an estimated freight charge up to 99999.99. You must type the decimal point when entering the estimated freight.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Reviewing Order Totals

The system accumulates the current charges on the order in the Order Totals fields at the bottom of the Work with Order Screen:

         Merch (Merchandise)

         Frt (Freight)

         Frt+ (Additional freight charges)


         Hnd (Handling charge)

         Chg (Additional charges)

         Total (Order total)

The individual charges on the order are summarized in the Total field, enabling you to determine quickly what the customer is charged for items ordered, tax, freight, and additional charges, either by charge type or as a grand total.

Initially, the Order Totals fields are blank; however, the system updates the Order Totals fields as you add items to the order or as you attach additional charges.

You cannot enter information in these fields.

How do Order Totals relate to the current order? The Order Totals at the bottom of the screen relate to the current order only. This means that, although the customer may have placed several orders at the same time that will ship to different addresses, the Order Totals shown relate just to one order.

Select Summary to review the Order Totals across all recipient orders related to this order. These totals represent a summary of all charges for all shipping addresses; this is the amount that the customer owes for the initial order and all additional recipient orders. A recipient order is an order that is placed by and paid by a customer, but will ship to another address.

Alternate currency order totals: You can review the order totals in the alternate currency (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected) at the Alternate Currency View Screen.



Merch (Merchandise)

The total value of merchandise on this order. This does not include freight, additional charges, tax (except for hidden tax; see the Tax field), duty, handling, or sold out items. The value in the Merch field is the grand total of the item price on the line multiplied by the quantity ordered.

Order-level discounts

Select Reprice when you finish entering the order to calculate any end-of-order pricing discounts, including promotional pricing.

Line-level discounts

The system calculates any line-level discounts (such as the Disc %) line-by-line, as you enter each item.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt (Freight)

The total charge for shipping this order. The system performs this calculation based on the freight method defined for the source code on the order. This total may depend on the quantity or weight of items ordered or on the dollar value of the order as a whole. If the system calculates freight as a percentage of the merchandise charges, there might be a penny variation in total freight amount due to rounding differences.

You can also define a freight override for the order ship to on the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen.

Freight Methods

Working with Source Codes (WSRC) discusses each freight method and freight calculation.

Additional Charges

Does not include any additional charges associated with shipping this item (see the Frt+ (Additional freight charges) field for these totals).

Service and Weight Charges by Ship Via

Includes any service charges by ship via or order weight charges by ship via. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

When the Freight Field is Blank

         The Frt field is blank if the Calc freight (Calculate freight) field is unselected to indicate that freight will not be calculated for this order.

         The system calculates freight by order weight during repricing, the initial and final order accept, and when you select to change the last line on the order if you do not change its order quantity. The Freight field on the order does not include order weight freight charges as you add lines to the order; however, the system does display ship via service charges and ship via weight charges immediately. When the system calculates freight by order weight, the system updates the Freight field for the order with the complete freight amount. See Freight by Order Weight Calculation Logic and Examples.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt+ (Additional freight charges)

The total dollar amount for additional freight charges on the order, above regular shipping charges.

The value in the Frt+ field includes the additional freight charges defined for the shipper(s) on the order. For example, the shipper may charge a premium (additional shipping charges) for overnight shipments or Federal Express deliveries.

Depending on how the shipper is defined, the customer may be charged additional shipping charges (in the Frt+ field) and system-calculated shipping charges (in the Frt field) or just the additional shipping charges. The Add'l freight charge field for the Ship Via defines the additional freight charge.

The system adds the additional shipping charge to an order only when the merchandise amount is less than or equal to the value in the $Limit field for the shipper.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The total sales tax on the current order.

The value in the Tax field is based on the value of merchandise on the order; however, tax can be calculated on freight and special handling as well if the Tax on Freight (B14) and Tax on Handling (B15) fields in the System Control table are selected, and the corresponding fields in the SCF or Postal Code tables are also selected.


How is tax calculated?

The system calculates sales tax for the order by multiplying the taxable amount on the order (merchandise and, potentially, freight and handling) by the tax rate for the shipping destination. You can set up tax rate information for a postal code, an SCF, or in the Vat % field for a country.

The way in which the system determines which tax rate applies varies, depending on how the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control table is set. Additionally, if this system control value is selected, certain orders may be subject to VAT rather than conventional tax. On such orders, the customer pays a higher, tax-inclusive price for items, and the VAT is included in the order detail line as a hidden tax, rather than accumulating in the Tax field.

The GST and PST are taxes that may apply to shipments in Canada. You can define GST and PST rates, as well as specific calculation methods, in the SCF or Postal Code tables.


When is tax not calculated?

The Tax field will be blank if any of these conditions exist:

         The order is subject to VAT (however, it is still possible to calculate tax on freight and handling).

         The customer is a reseller or a tax-exempt customer (the Tax code field is set to an R or E and the Rsl/Ex# field indicates a tax exempt identification number).

         The tax rate for the ship-to address is equal to zero (0).

         All items on the order are non-taxable and there is no tax on freight or handling.


Using an External Tax System (Vertex or AvaTax)

The tax system, not Order Management System, determines the tax amount on the order when you use an external tax system. The Vertex Interface or Avalara AvaTax Interface calculates tax information on your orders and passes this information back to the system.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Hnd (Handling charge)

The total charge for special handling, gift wrapping or duty.

The handling total in the Hnd field is the grand total of the handling charges for each item on the order multiplied by the quantity ordered.

Also includes any duty charges on the order. You can review the duty charge for an individual item by selecting Change for an item on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order). See Special Handling Overview for more information.


Can any item be gift wrapped?

The Gift wrap and G/W price (Gift wrap price) fields for the Item/Offer or SKU/Offer control whether an item may be gift wrapped and defines the gift wrapping charge if gift wrapping is allowed. The system adds the special handling charge to the handling totals for each gift wrapped item.

Blank if none of the items on the order are personalized or gift wrapped.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Chg (Additional charges)

The total extra charges added to the current order.

Types of Additional Charges

The value in the Chg field is the sum of the additional charges on the order, namely:

         An additional service charge defined for the source code, based on the dollar value of merchandise on the order.

         An additional service charge defined for the offer, based on the dollar value of merchandise on the order.

         An additional shipping charge defined for the Shipper/Item.

         A guaranteed service charge defined in the offer.

         An additional charge defined in the Check Interface Additional Charge Code (G27) system control value.

         An additional charge entered manually through Charges.


Source code additional charges

The system adds an additional charge to the order automatically when service charges exist for the source code. The amount of the additional charge is based on the total merchandise dollar value. See Working with Dollar Chart by Source Code (WDCS).


Offer additional charges

The system adds an additional charge to the order when service charges exist for the offer, but not for the source code. The amount of the additional charge is based on the total merchandise dollar value. See Working with Dollar Chart by Offer (WDCO).

Shipper/item additional charges

An additional charge may be defined for an item, depending on the shipper you select to deliver the item.

Example:  You might set up a special shipper/item for a desk when it will be delivered by Acme Shippers. Usually, Acme Shippers charges $8.50 to deliver most items, but, because the desk is oversized and heavy, the customer will be charged an extra $25.00 for delivery.

The $25.00 additional shipping charge will be added to the order automatically in the Chg field when the customer orders the desk and requests delivery through Acme Shippers.

See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).


Guaranteed service charge

A guaranteed service charge will be added automatically to the order when a value exists in the Guaranteed order charge field in the offer and the Excl serv chg (Exclude service charges) field for the source code is unselected. This is a charge required to guarantee that, if the order does not arrive, a replacement order will be shipped immediately while your company investigates the whereabouts of the original shipment.

Check Interface additional charge

The system adds an additional charge to an order if an additional charge code has been defined in the Check Interface Additional Charge Code (G27) system control value and one of the pay types on the order equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value. The system uses the dollar amount defined in the Default charge field for the additional charge code to apply to the order. If the order includes more than one ship to customer, the system applies the additional charge code to the first ship to customer.


Manually-entered additional charges

You can add any type of additional charge to the order by selecting Charges. The Enter Additional Charges Window opens for you to select an additional charge code and specify the additional charge. This allows you to add additional charges to an order at any time.

The system displays the additional charge on this window using the value from the applicable Additional charge code field for the Offer.

Additional charges and credits are defined in and validated against the Additional Charges table. You can define additional charge or credit codes for any reason, such as a charge for store-restocking or import duties or a credit for long-distance telephone charges or postage, etc. See Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC).


You can limit the total amount of negative additional charges applied to an order by entering a dollar value in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value. You cannot override this dollar limit unless you have authority.

Select Charges to review the additional charges on the order.

Blank if no additional charges or credits are applied to the order.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Total (Order total)

The sum of all charges on the order, including: merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, duty, and additional charges.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

When you complete this screen: Select OK when you complete the Work with Order Screen. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields with errors. You must correct any errors before you can continue entering the order. So far, you have identified the person who is placing the order. Several different things can happen when you select OK and all your information is valid:

         The Enter User Fields Screen opens for you to capture information for the new customer.

         The Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen opens if the Warranty required field for the source code on the order header is selected. You can use this screen to enter warranty information for a product on the order.

         You advance to a pop-up window. See When a Window Opens.

         The system places the cursor in the Name field; this allows you to:

         Select any of the function keys listed at the bottom of the screen, or

         Select OK again to advance to the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Display Duplicate Sold To Window

Duplicate addresses: A window opens if you enter a customer's name and address that matches another customer already on the system. The system determines this by assembling a match code for each customer address on the system. A match code is made up of parts of the customers name, address, and postal code. The match code is a user-defined code defined in the Match Code table; see Setting Up Match Codes (MMCH).

Note:             If you do not set up a match code in the Match Code table, the system displays the first sold to customer, based on sold to customer number, as a duplicate each time you enter a new address.

This window displays the new customer's name and address and the matching customer on the system. You can:

         Select Display for the matching customer to review additional name and address information to determine whether you should use the existing customer or create a new customer, or

         Select an existing address and select Select Exist to select an existing customer for the new order, or

         Select Accept Dup to use the new address and create a new Sold To Customer

Display Pop Up Msgs For Window

A window opens if text has been defined for the Pop up window messages 1-4 fields for the sold to customer on the order and the customer did not advance to the order from the Customer Selection Screen.

When a Window Opens

The system might also display a default payment type, customer actions or promotional pricing pop-up window at the Work with Order Screen that you must complete before you can select other functions or advance to the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Default payment type: The Default Paytype Pop-up Windows opens if you define a default payment type on the Default Values for Orders screen for cash/checks or credit cards. You can provide some basic payment information on the pop-up payment window before you continue entering the order. See Default Paytype Pop-up Windows.

Customer actions: A window opens automatically on the Work with Order screen if the customer has an unresolved customer action issue. This may be something that you need to speak with the customer about or it may be an open issue that needs to be resolved. See Displaying More Options in OIOM.

Promotion message: A window opens automatically if there is a message associated with the promotion code defined for the source code on the order header. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC) for more information on setting up promotions and source codes.

Screen Option


Accept, validate, and process the order.

Select Accept Order; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Reject (cancel) the order

Select Reject Order; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Enter a recipient order

Select Add Recipient; see Adding a Recipient Order in Order Entry.


         You will first advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen if the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected.

         This option is not available for a store pickup order; see Store Pickup Orders for an overview.

Add additional charges to the order

Select Additional Charges; see Adding Miscellaneous Charges or Credits in Order Entry.

Enter or confirm the shipping address (permanent record).

Select Address Book; see Using a Permanent Shipping Address in Order Entry.

Enter or confirm the billing address for this order only.

Select Bill To; see Assigning a Billing Address in Order Entry.

Identify the items being ordered.

Select Detail; see Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Enter or verify additional address information

Select Expanded Address or click the plus sign (+) next to the Street; see Expanding the Address in Order Entry.

Enter or verify order messages

Select Messages; see Adding Order Messages.

Display additional options

Select More Options; see Displaying More Options in Order Entry.

Enter or confirm the shipping address (this order only) or select a store location for a ship-for-pickup order

Select One Time Ship To; see Assigning an Order Shipping Address.

Add payment information to the order.

Select Pay Methods; see Enter Payment Method Screen.

Work with additional order properties

Select Properties; see Defining Order Properties.

Enter the address of the gift recipient.

Select Sold To/Recipient; see Adding a Recipient Order in Order Entry.

Work with the order summary information for each recipient on the order

Select Summary; see Working with Order Summary Information.

Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the items being ordered.

The screen is divided into 5 parts:

         The top of the screen displays order and customer information that is updated by the system.

         The center of the screen displays the item entry fields where you enter the necessary information to add an item to the order.

         The upper right displays running order totals that change dynamically as items are added to or deleted from the order.

         The center of the screen also displays several options that allow you to work with the individual lines on an order.

         The bottom portion of the screen displays the last three items you have added to the order with a second line of information for each item. If you have added more than three items to the order, you can select Next or Prev to review additional order lines that you have entered.

Order Information Fields

The Order Information fields on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) contain several system-updated fields unique to the current order. The order information fields are:


         Recip sts (Recipient status)

         Sold To customer

         Ship to customer

This information appears in the Sold-to fields:

         The Cmp (Company) followed by the customer's Last Name, First Name, and Initial.

         The customer's Last Name, First Name, and Initial if no company is specified.

The system inserts ATTN: between the company name and the customer name; this screen does not display the value from the Attn (Attention) field on the Work with Order Screen.

Item Image

If you have specified an image of the item most recently added to the order, the screen displays this image between the Order Information Fields and the Order Totals.

If you click on the actual image and you have set up item images on an external image hosting application, the system opens a web browser to the URL specified in the Information Link field for the item/SKU on the Item Image/Info Link Screen.

For more information: See Item Image/Info Link Screen for more information on setting up item images on an external image hosting application to display in order entry, order maintenance, and at the Work with Items screen.

Order Totals

The system accumulates the current charges on the order in the Order Totals fields on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order):

         Merch (Merchandise)

         Freight: see Frt (Freight) for more information   

         Freight +: see Frt+ (Additional freight charges) for more information


         Handling: see Hnd (Handling charge) for more information

         Charges: see Chg (Additional charges) for more information

         Total (Order total)

The individual charges on the order are summarized in the Total field, enabling you to determine quickly what the customer is charged for items ordered, tax, freight, and additional charges, either by charge type or as a grand total.

Initially, the Order Totals fields are blank; however, the system updates the Order Totals fields as you add items to the order or as you attach additional charges.

You cannot enter information in these fields.

Item Entry Fields

Use the item entry fields to add items to the order. The item entry fields are:

         Ofr (Offer)



         Qty (Quantity ordered)


         No charge (indicator)

         Ovr (Price override reason code)

         S/H (Special handling code)

Entering items: The item entry fields, located in the center of the screen, are described below.



Ofr (Offer)

A code for the catalog, space or television advertisement from which you accept orders.

Default offer

Normally, the offer associated with the source code on the order header defaults here when you are using the line-format entry screen (see the description of the Position Cursor on Offer Field in OE/OM (F91) system control value). You can override this offer.


Position Cursor on Offer Field in OE/OM (F91)

The Ofr field will be blank if this system control value is selected; also, the cursor positions to this field. You might select this system control value to require order entry operators to verify and enter the offer for each item. If this system control value is unselected, the offer from the source code on the order header defaults, but you can override it; also, the cursor positions in the Item field.

Linked Offer

You can link a main offer to a sub-offer in Work with Offers. If you enter an item that is not found in the offer defined on the order detail line, the system uses the price defined for the item in the sub-offer linked to the offer. If a sub-offer has not been defined for the offer, or a price has not been defined for the item in the sub-offer, the system uses the most current active offer to determine the item’s price.

See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.


A code for an existing unit of inventory. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.


You can enter an alias for the item if the alias is defined for this item in the selected offer. Aliases are alternate names for items that you might use to track how presentation within an offer affects the item's sales performance. The alias you enter will display once you have entered the order detail line if the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value is selected.


Cross Reference Code

You can enter a code that represents another system's item and SKU in this field, provided the code does not exceed 12 positions. When an operator enters a cross reference code in the Item field, the system searches the SKU Cross Reference table alphanumerically for a Order Management System item that is associated with the cross reference code. If a Order Management System item is associated with the cross reference code, the system defaults the Order Management System item to the detail line. If a Order Management System item is not associated with the cross reference code, the system displays an error message. See Maintaining SKU Cross Reference Codes (MSKR).

It is possible to set up a SKU cross reference code that exceeds 12 positions for integration with another system, such as ChannelAdvisor; however, you cannot enter these longer cross reference codes in order entry. See ChannelAdvisor Integration Overview for background.


Membership item

If you enter a membership item, you advance to the Enter Membership ID Window (Selecting a Membership Program).

Restricted item

If you enter an item which is restricted from being shipped to the address of the ship to customer, the item is highlighted and a message indicates: Item (XXXXX) cannot be shipped to (COUNTRY/STATE).

You cannot enter an item on an order if it is restricted for the ship to address. See Entering Additional Item Information for an explanation of country/state restrictions for an item.


Zone Reservation Coded item

If you enter a zone reservation coded (weather-sensitive) item, and you have set up the required supporting tables for zone reservation processing, you might advance to the Display Zone Reservation Dates Window or the Select Order Line Option Window, depending on the date of the order and the zone reservation dates you have specified for this item. Under zone reservation processing, an item is not reserved in order entry; instead, you can reserve the item during pick slip generation.

Note:  If you have not set up the required supporting tables, a zone reservation item is reserved under normal order entry processing except that if it is backordered, you cannot reserve the item through the Evaluate Backorders Periodic function; you can reserve it using the Interactive Reservations menu option. See Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV).

See Shipping Zone Reservation Overview for a complete discussion of zone reservation rules.


Scanning for Items

When you prompt on this field, you advance to:

         the Item Selection screen if the Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (F79) system control value is unselected. Note: Items whose status match the Item Status for Suppressing Item During Item Selection (L21) are not listed at this screen.

         the Keyword Selection Screen (Scanning for Items Using Item Keywords) if the Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (F79) system control value is selected.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


A code that further defines an item's color, size, width, or any other type of user-defined attribute.

If you are unsure of the SKUs available for an item, you can enter the item code, press Enter, review the contents of the SKU Scan Screen, and select the desired SKU from the scan.

Inventory levels on the system and in the warehouse are maintained at the SKU level if the item has SKUs.

The SKU portion of the item number consists of three 4-position fields. For example, SIZE represents SKU element 1, CLR (color) represents SKU element 2, and STYL (style) represents SKU element 3. Note, however, that these are user-defined fields in the System Control table. These labels are for demonstration only.

The first 14 positions of the SKU description from Work with Item/SKUs is indicated in place of the SKU elements of a SKUed item if the Display SKU Description in place of SKU Element (F25) system control value is selected.

SKUs are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item has SKUs.

Qty (Quantity ordered)

The number of units of the item being ordered. May default from the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value, but you can override it. The quantity ordered does not increase to reflect any sold out units.

You can order up to 99,999 units of a single item on one order line.

The Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value controls the maximum value you can enter in the Quantity field; additionally, the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature controls whether individual users can exceed this maximum. See Maximum Order Line Quantity/Value.

Note:  If you enter a negative number, the system will process the transaction as a return of this number of units. See Posting a Return or Exchange Through Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

F (Recalculate freight)

Note:  This field is available in Order Maintenance only.

Controls whether the system recalculates freight for the item based on changes to its quantity or price in order maintenance.

         Selected = The system recalculates freight for the item based on changes to its quantity or price in order maintenance.

         Unselected = The system does not recalculate freight for the item based on changes to its quantity or price in order maintenance.

The Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value controls the default setting of this field, but you can override this default.


The system price of a single unit of the item. The price is assigned by the system when you press Enter, but you can override it.

Price Overrides

If you have the authority, you can override the price of an item. You must specify a price override reason code in the Ovr (Price override reason code) field.

You can use the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value to define a maximum override percentage for operators. The system uses the price defined in the item/offer to determine whether the price override exceeds the percentage. The override limit applies only to prices that are lower than the item/offer price. This check may be helpful in reducing fraud.

Price Override Example

The system uses this calculation to determine the percentage of the price override: (offer price - price override entered)/offer price * 100 = price override percentage



price override percentage = 10%

offer price = $40.00

price override = $35.00

(40.00 - 35.00) = 5.00

5.00/40.00 = .125

.125 * 100 = 12.50 (12.50 exceeds the 10% price override


The system displays a message if you enter a price that is lower than the minimum: Entered price exceeds the override limit.


The Override Price Override Limit (A64) secured feature controls the ability to override the percentage defined in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value.

Pricing Hierarchy

The system calculates the price of an item by taking into account any price breaks and source or order discounts, and uses the pricing routine (pricing hierarchy) in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to determine the price of the item on the order line. However, if a customer price group is defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value, the system always uses Customer Price Group Pricing.

Entity-level override

You can set up separate pricing hierarchies for each entity in your company to override the default pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value. See Working with Entities (WENT).


Reviewing the Order Line Price Method

When you finish entering a line, you select Change for the line to advance to the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) to determine how the system priced the line. The pricing method used by the system appears in the upper right of the screen under the Price field. For example, *Offer Price may appear if the price was defined in the offer through which the item was ordered. This information is also available through standard Order Inquiry.


If you make any changes to the order that will result in changing whether the order is subject to VAT, the system will reprice each item accordingly and recalculate tax as well. However, this update does not take place for any line with a price override, whether the override was made by a user or by the system (for instance, for a price table premium). You must delete the line and reenter it to correct the price and tax information.


Override Price Table Maximum

You can use the Price Table Level Override Code (E05) to apply the best possible price table pricing to an order line, even if it is beyond the maximum specified in the price table; however, to apply this pricing, you need to:

1. Enter the requested quantity of the item using the default pricing

2. Select Change for the item to advance to the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item)

3. Complete this screen by entering the Price Table Level Override Code (E05), but no price for the item

When you select Reprice or Accept, the system applies the best possible price table pricing. See Working with Price Tables (WPTB) and the Price Table Level Override Code (E05) system control value for more information.

Manual Price Override Code

You cannot use the Price Table Level Override Code (E05), Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42), or Price Override Reason for Promotions (K45) as a regular price override reason code when you manually enter a price override.


Negative Prices

The Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry (E97) system control value controls whether you can enter a negative item price. If you enter a positive item quantity, a negative price produces a credit; with a negative quantity, a negative price produces an invoice.

Maximum Value

The Maximum Order Line Value (E98) system control value controls the maximum dollar value of a line you can enter; additionally, the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature controls whether individual users can exceed this maximum. SeeMaximum Order Line Quantity/Value.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required, calculated by the system.

No charge (indicator)

Determines whether the customer will be charged for this item on the order.

Valid values are:

         No Charge = Item is sold at no charge to the customer.

         Priced = (Default): Customer will be charged a price for the item.

If set to No Charge, the system does not:

         add the price of the item to the order totals

         print a charge on the pick slip for this item

         charge the customer for this item

Also, the system requires you to define a price override reason code in the Ovr (Price override reason code) field.

If this field is unselected, the system calculates the price for the line and adds this charge to the order totals.



The system does not calculate tax on the merchandise value of the item sold at “no charge”; however, the system may tax freight or special handling.


The system calculates freight (shipping) charges for the order regardless of whether the item is sold at no charge.

You can, however, prevent the system from calculating freight for the entire order by selecting the Calc freight field on the previous screen. The system does not calculate freight for any other lines on the order, even those for which the customer will be charged.

You cannot suppress freight charges at the line level.



The system adds duty for each unit of the item based on whether the harmonize code defined for the item or SKU matches a duty rate defined for the country where the order is shipping. If the item is entered for no charge, the system bases the duty on the item's offer price. See Working with Items on the Order for more information on duty.

Special handling charge?

The system adds the special handling charge for item personalization (such as monogramming, engraving, altering, etc.), if any, to the order totals, even if the item is sold at “no charge.”

Gift wrapping charge?

The system adds the gift wrapping charge, if any, to the item, even if the item is sold at no charge.

Ovr (Price override reason code)

A code that represents the reason for overriding the item price or selling the item no charge. The system uses this code as an audit trail that links the operator who performed the price override or who sold the item at no charge.

Price override reason codes are defined in and validated against the Price Override Reason table. See Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR).

Secured feature

User and user class security control access to this field. See Setting Up Secured Features.

Price Table Pricing

If you use price table pricing, you can define a Price Table Level Override Code (E05). Use this code to override the maximum price break you have defined for an item in the price table.

Customer Price Group Price Override Reason Code

If you assign the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason Code for CPG Pricing (L59) system control value, the order line cannot be further discounted except by order-level coupons.


Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special

If the order line is priced using a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special, the system assigns the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order line during repricing. When this price override reason code is defined for an order line, the system cannot apply any additional discounts, such as promotions, to the order line. However, the system can still apply a source % discount to the order line.

In addition, the system prevents you from manually entering this price override reason code on an order line: Price override reason reserved and cannot be manually entered.

See Order Repricing, Premiums, Discounts, and Promotions for more information about repricing and Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM) for an overview on quantity price matrix pricing.

Warranty Item

If the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01) system control value is set to a price override code, the system defaults the code to this field when an operator adds a warranty item to the order.

Item Category or BOGO Promotion

If the order line is discounted through an Item Category or BOGO (Buy One/Get One) promotion, or priced at “no charge” through a BOGO promotion, the system uses the Price Override Reason for Promotions (K45). This system control value prevents further discounting from applying to the order line. If this system control value is blank, the system uses the Default Price Override Reason (B35) for the “no charge” lines; however, the other lines discounted through these promotions will be subject to further discounting. See Working with Promotions (WPRO) for more information.

You cannot manually enter the Price Override Reason for Promotions (K45) on an order detail line.

Numeric, 1 position; required if performing a price override or selling item at no charge; otherwise, optional.

S/H (Special handling code)

A code that represents the type of personalization to be performed, such as monogramming, alterations, engraving, etc.

Some items require special handling; this code may default from the S/H code (Special handling code) field for the Item/Offer or SKU/Offer.

Special handling is optional for other items. When you prompt on this field, only the additional charge codes identified as special handling codes (by a value in the S/H fmt field for the Additional Charge) are listed. Special handling codes are defined in and validated against the Additional Charges table. See Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC).

Special handling validation

If you enter a special handling code, the system verifies that special handling has been defined for the item in the item/offer or SKU/offer and displays a message if special handling has not been defined: Special handling is not valid for this item in this offer.


The special handling instructions and special handling charge print on the pick slip.

See Special Handling Overview.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Order Lines Fields

The fields in the lower portion of the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) display the items you have already added to the order.

The system displays two lines of information for each item. Up to three items appear on the screen at once.

A Next>> button on the lower right of the screen indicates that there are additional item detail lines on the order beyond those currently displayed. Use this button to review or work with these items.

1st line of information: The first line of information for each item includes:

         Ofr (Offer)


         SKU (if any)

         Qty (Quantity ordered)

         Price (if any)

         No charge (indicator) (if any)

         Ovr (Price override reason code) (if any)

         S/H (Special handling code) (if any)

         Extension (Unlabeled field to the right of the S/H field)

2nd line of information: The second line of information for each item includes:

         Line number (first unlabeled field, line 2)

         Item description (2nd unlabeled field, line 2)

         Rsv (Quantity reserved) (appears only if quantity actually reserved)

         Avl (Quantity available)

         Sts (Status)

         Exp (Expected receipt date)




The code for an item.

Note:  An item alias is indicated if the customer ordered using an alias and the Display Alias Item (D56) system control value is selected.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The specific style of the item, such as its color and size.

The SKU description of a SKUed item is provided in place of the SKU elements if the Display SKU Description in place of SKU Element (F25) system control value is selected.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


The number of units of the item being ordered.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The price for a single unit of the item. The price will be highlighted if it is less than the regular offer price for the item, the Display Order Line Discount Messages (F01) system control value is selected, and you do not specify a price override reason code whose Override item offer price field is selected. The system displays a message at the bottom of the screen describing the discount; for example: Line 2: Offer = 10.00 Actual = 9.00 Discount = 1.00: 10.00% 

See Discount Calculation Messages.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


Determines whether the customer will be charged for the item.

         selected = Item is sold at no charge to the customer.

         unselected (default) = Customer will be charged a price for the item.


A reason code for overriding the item price or selling the item at “no charge.”

Numeric, 1 position; display-only.

C/G (Coordinate Group)

A code you assigned to two or more items to guarantee that they ship together.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

S/H (Special handling code)

A code that indicates the type of personalization to be performed, such as monogramming, alterations, engraving, etc. See Special Handling Overview for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The price at which the item is sold multiplied by the quantity ordered, minus any quantities returned or canceled on the same line.

The total of the extended prices for each item detail line equals the value in the Merch (merchandise dollars) field. Does not include any other types of item charges, such as freight, tax, gift wrap, special handling, etc.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.

Line number

The number of the item detail line. The item detail lines appear in descending line number sequence, so the most recent item added to the order appears underneath the item entry fields.

The line numbers are resequenced if you delete any items from the order; the deleted item detail lines are removed entirely and the line number is reused.

This sample shows the screen before and after you delete an item from the order:

Screen before you delete item:


    SHIRT        16   WHTE OX                  33.00       1   N               

007 LONG SLEEVE BUTTON DOWN                Avl:       0  Sts: S                

     SHIRT        15   WHTE OX           1      33.00       1   N        33.00  

006 LONG SLEEVE BUTTON DOWN    Rsv:     1  Avl:      23                        

     SHIRT        14   WHTE OX           1      33.00       1   N        33.00  

005 LONG SLEEVE BUTTON DOWN    Rsv:     1  Avl:     232                      +

Screen after you delete the item:


     SHIRT        16   WHTE OX                  33.00       1   N               

006 LONG SLEEVE BUTTON DOWN                Avl:       0  Sts: S                

     SHIRT        15   WHTE OX           1      33.00       1   N        33.00  

005 LONG SLEEVE BUTTON DOWN    Rsv:     1  Avl:      23                      +


Example:  Line number 001 is for item #1390, line number 002 is for item #0519, and line number 003 is for item #0503.

If, however, you delete line 001 (item #1390) by selecting Delete, notice that the line numbers are resequenced and the deleted line is removed entirely. The before- and after-images in the sample screen show how the system renumbers the lines.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item description

The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.

Rsv (Quantity reserved)

The quantity reserved on the system for this order detail line.

The system may reserve inventory from a single warehouse or over multiple warehouses, depending on whether a warehouse code is defined for the order line or order header and the values in the Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16) system control value.


Influences on Reservation

Reservation occurs only if:

         The Immediate Reservation (A64) system control value is selected.

         The Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is unselected.

         The order is not a future order -- the system- calculated date is less than or equal to today's date (see the Arrival date field).

         The order is not a zone reservation order -- zone reservation is used for weather-sensitive items, which are not reserved until pick generation (see Shipping Zone Reservation Overview).

         Both the customer and customer class are not flagged for Bypass reservation.

         The quantity ordered of the item is not greater than or equal to the SKU Reserve quantity for the Item.

         The Reservation freeze field for the Item/warehouse is not selected.

         Reservation can be performed against the warehouse, meaning the warehouse is flagged as Allocatable. However, if the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected, the system allows you to reserve against a non-allocatable warehouse.

         Inventory is available.


When the Item Cannot be Reserved

If no quantity is available of the item, the Rsv field does not appear for the item detail line. The Avl field is updated by the quantity ordered; this value appears as a negative number. The system backorders the requested order quantity and updates the detail line with a backorder reason of No allocate and updates the backorder warehouse on the order detail line.

When the Item is Partially Reserved

If the entire quantity ordered is not available for the item, the quantity available is reserved (and is provided in the Rsv field) and the quantity unavailable is backordered (and is a negative number in the Avl field). The system updates the detail line with a backorder reason of Not enough avail in whse.


Using Interactive Reservation

If you use Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV), no inventory is reserved until you run the Interactive Reservation program to disperse inventory manually to preferred customers or customers who buy in high volume. Interactive Reservation can be used to reserve inventory for an item if the quantity ordered exceeds the Reserve qty (Reserve quantity limit) defined in the Item table.

Display of this field: The Display Reserved and Exp Date in OEOM (J02) secured feature controls whether this screen displays the reserved quantity.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Avl (Quantity available)

The quantity of the item that is available to sell across all shippable warehouses.

Represents the quantity of the item available in the system that is not set aside for other orders or backorders.

The system reduces the quantity available and updates the quantity open by the quantity ordered each time you enter an item. Availability is reduced regardless of the type of reservation used (immediate or interactive).


Immediate Reservation

The system uses this calculation to determine item availability in a single warehouse (Item/Warehouse level) when using Immediate Reservation: On hand - Protected - Reserved - Reserve Transfer - Backordered = Quantity Available 

With Immediate Reservation, inventory is reserved dynamically for items as they are entered. The Immediate Reservation (A64) and FIFO Flag (A03) system control values are selected.


Fields Used in the Availability Calculations

         On hand: The quantity of this item currently in the warehouse.

         Protected: The quantity of this item that the system cannot reserve for immediate reservation, as defined for the item. This inventory is reserved only during Interactive Reservation (used to disburse inventory manually to customers who bypass reservation because they buy in high volume).

         Reserved: The quantity of this item already set aside for other orders.

         Reserve transfer: The quantity of this item set to be transferred to another warehouse.

         Backorder: The quantity of this item unavailable for existing orders that must be fulfilled through PO receipts.

         Projected return: The quantity of this item you expect to receive in customer returns and have available to fulfill backorders. You can set the Projected returns for each item. The system checks the projected return field only if the item has a soldout control status of 2 (include on-order quantity on purchase orders); see Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).


Positive Quantity Available

If the quantity available is a positive number, the system increments the quantity reserved (in the Rsv field) immediately (when using Immediate Reservation), so that the item is reserved for the current order and not for another person's order.


Negative Quantity Available

If the quantity available is a negative number, the system:

         Does not reserve the item in any warehouse (because there is none to reserve)

         Displays a negative number in the Avl field equal to the quantity ordered (if the entire order quantity is backordered). Also, if the entire order quantity is sold out, no Qty is provided, and the order totals do not increase.


Partial Quantity Available

If the system finds a portion of the order quantity available in the warehouse, it will reserve what it can and backorder or sell out the rest. The Rsv field displays the quantity reserved and the Avl field displays the quantity backordered as a negative number. Any quantity sold out does not appear in the Qty field and does not increase the order totals.

The quantity available for each of these fields represents the quantity at the Item/Warehouse level, which may be:


         The warehouse list for the item, which is structured so that inventory will be reserved from the warehouse closest to the shipping destination.

         Or, the warehouse defined at the item detail line level (this is an override to the warehouse defined for the order).

         Or, the warehouse defined for the order.

         Or, several different warehouses (if the quantity ordered of the item is not completely available in a single warehouse and you can ship from multiple warehouses, as defined in the Split Line Over Multi Whse (B19) system control value),

         Or, a single warehouse (based on the value in the Split Line Over Multi Whse (B19) system control value).

Display of this field: The Hide Item Availability in Order Entry (J66) system control value controls whether this screen displays the available quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Sts (Status)

The current status of the order detail line. The status field is blank (Open) or is set to an S (soldout) during Order Entry:

Open Status

An item is assigned an open status when it is added to an order and it is currently “active” in your inventory.

Sold Out Status

The system changes the status of the item to S (Sold Out), based on one of these values in the S/O control field for the item:

         1 = Sell out item immediately, or

         2 = Sell out item when the quantity available plus the quantity on-order on purchase orders is exhausted. or

         3 = Sell out item when the quantity available is exhausted,


The system prints a Soldout Notification Card for mail order customers if a discontinued item is ordered; phone order customers are notified of the discontinued status while placing the order. These customers do not receive soldout notifications.

If a partial quantity of the item is sold out on the order line, the order line status is still open. The order line and order totals reflect the line quantity that is reserved or backordered, but do not reflect the soldout quantity. You can select Change for the item to review the quantity of the order line that is reserved or sold out.


Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses

If the Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (J27) system control value is selected, the system disregards soldout control rules for inventory reserved against a non-allocatable warehouse. If the item cannot be reserved, the system backorders the item in the non-allocatable warehouse.

You can reserve against a non-allocatable warehouse if the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected.


Other Status Codes

There are several other order detail line status codes that are assigned by the system at other points during the life of an order detail line, including:

         C = Canceled

         X = Closed (item was shipped to customer)

         E = Error (the item ordered through a phone service included data errors that you must correct)

         B = Express bill (no pick slip produced for item, because item already removed from inventory; order moves directly to billing status)

         H = Held

         SP = The item is flagged for store pickup. See Store Pickup Orders for background.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Exp (Expected receipt date)

The date on which a purchase order that can fulfill this order detail line is expected. The expected date is provided only if:

         there are open (unreceived) purchase orders that can fulfill this item detail line. The expected receipt date is cleared once the purchase order is received through Purchase Order Receiving.

         inventory that can fulfill this item detail line is located in a pending putaway warehouse. The expected receipt date is cleared once the inventory in the pending putaway warehouse is moved to the “final destination” warehouse. See Pending Putaway Overview.


Finished goods: The system uses this field for finished good items that are created through the work order process to indicate the date the finished good item will be ready for sale if the Use Work Order Processing (E37) system control value is selected. The Expected due date for finished good items that is provided here is taken from the date entered on the work order header. See Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR).

Drop ships: This date is included for drop ship items only if the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is selected. See that system control value for more information.

Display of this field: The Display Reserved and Exp Date in OEOM (J02) secured feature controls whether this screen displays the expected receipt date.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Note:             If you receive an error such as Error occurred on call to program ILX0023 when adding an item to an order, it is possible that a flag has been set incorrectly in the IL Outbound Trigger Rules table. To prevent this message, query the IL Outbound Trigger Rules table in the database and confirm that there is not a trigger rule option with its flag set to Y even though you are not actually using that trigger rule for an integration layer process. See Defining Outbound Interface Trigger Rules for background on setting trigger rules.

Screen Differences to Note When Using SKUs

Purpose: Your screen may look different, depending on whether items have SKUs, how each SKU field was labeled and sequenced, and whether you use regular item entry or Page/Letter entry.

Using SKUs? One of the primary business decisions made by your company is whether items have SKUs.

SKUs are codes that further define items by virtue of color, size, width, or any other type of user-defined attribute. Usually, you define SKUs when the majority of your items have 2 or more identifying characteristics.

Inventory levels on the system and in the warehouse are maintained at the SKU level if you use SKUs.

Labeling the SKU elements: You can use three fields for entering item styles. These three fields are known as “SKU elements.” In the System Control table your System Administrator defines:

         Each SKU element (such as color, size, and width)

         The primary SKU element, the element for which you can define groups of characteristics (such as size: petite, small, medium, large, 5, 7, 9, 12, etc.). The primary SKU element is used in the SKU generator.

         The column headings for each SKU element; these are the labels that appear over each SKU field, such as COL, SZE, WTH.

Sequencing the SKU elements: Additionally, your System Administrator defines the sequence in which the SKU elements appear in Order Entry, such as SZE, COL, WTH. The sequence usually depends on how items are ordered, usually driven by the format of your order forms.

There may be a different sequence of the SKU fields for Inventory applications, depending on how the people who manage the inventory or how your merchandising staff would like to work with the product.

SKU Scan Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select a style of the item to add to the order and, optionally, to specify the quantity being ordered. This screen also provides options for you to:

         Check on inventory availability

         Review any special pricing promotions

         Review the purchase order delivery schedule to determine when the SKU will be available for sale

         Obtain additional information about the item

System control value which affects this screen: If system control value Restrict SKU Scan by Offer (H34) is selected, the screen lists only SKUs included in the offer associated with the order line. If this value is unselected, this screen lists every SKU defined for the item in the SKU table. If you have not defined offers for the SKUs of an item at the SKU level, the system defaults the offer defined at the item level for each SKU.

Advantages: There are several advantages to the SKU Scan screen:

         The screen displays the range of styles available for the item

         You can cross-sell the customer to another, comparable style if the requested style is not immediately available for sale (out of stock)

Note:             Restricted SKUs, identified by a selected Restrict field in the SKU table, do not appear on the SKU Scan screen.

Screen sort: SKUs sort on this screen alphanumerically by the SKU sort sequence number assigned to each SKU. SKUs that are not assigned a SKU sort sequence number display at the top of the list and are sorted alphanumerically by SKU code. See SKU Sort Sequence Numbers for an overview.

How to display this screen:

         At the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) enter a code for an item that has SKUs but do not fully specify the SKU information before you select OK

         Prompt (click on the arrow in) the SKU field(s)

         Select an item with SKUs at the Select Incentive Item Screen or the Select Incentive Group Window



Item (Item code)

The code of the item being ordered. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table. This is the base item code.

The item alias is provided here if the customer ordered using an alias and the Display Item Alias (D56) field in the System Control table is selected.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Order qty (Quantity ordered)

The number of units being ordered. Brought forward from the previous screen if:

         you entered a value in the Qty field

         the value defaulted from the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value

No Order quantity is displayed if you:

         advanced from the Select Incentive Group Window by selecting Incentive price for the item

         did not enter a quantity on the Work with Order Lines screen

In this situation, you can complete the Qty field, below.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Item description (Unlabeled field below Item field)

The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.


The specific style of the item, in terms of color, size, width, or some other identifying attribute that makes this item unique.

Every SKU defined for the item appears in the SKU Scan window.

SKUs sort on this screen alphanumerically by the SKU sort sequence number assigned to each SKU. SKUs that are not assigned a SKU sort sequence number display at the top of the list alphanumerically by SKU code. See SKU Sort Sequence Numbers for an overview.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

SKU description (Unlabeled field to the right of the SKU)

The description associated with the SKU code, as defined in the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Sts (Status)

A code that identifies the status of the SKU in your inventory. Set to selected if the item is flagged as a discontinued.

         Selected = SKU is discontinued.

         Unselected = SKU is not discontinued; it is an active unit of inventory.

The system allows you to enter orders for discontinued items. The value in the S/O control field for the item, if any, determines whether the system changes the status of the discontinued item to “sold out”:

         Immediately, or

         When the quantity available is exhausted, or

         When the quantity available plus the quantity on-order on purchase orders is exhausted.

The system prints a Soldout Notification Card for mail order customers if a discontinued item is ordered; phone order customers are notified of the discontinued status while placing the order. These customers do not receive soldout notifications.

Avail (Quantity available)

This is the quantity of this item that is available to sell across all shippable warehouses. A negative quantity indicates that the SKU is unavailable in your inventory and is backordered.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


The number of units of this SKU being ordered. Available only if you did not specify a quantity on the previous screen.

Maximum quantity entry:

         If you advanced from the Select Incentive Group Window by selecting Incentive price for the item, the system does not let you enter a quantity greater than the Qty limit specified for the promotional pricing. See Upselling with Promotional Pricing for an overview.

         The Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature control your ability to exceed a given order line quantity, while the Maximum Order Line Value (E98) system control value and Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature control your ability to exceed a given order line value.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional or display-only.

Expected date

The date on which the next purchase order for this SKU is due. The expected date is cleared once the purchase order is received through Purchase Order Receiving.

Pending Putaway Warehouse

An expected date also is provided for inventory located in a pending putaway warehouse. This date represents the date the inventory will be moved to its “final destination” warehouse. See Pending Putaway Overview.


Finished goods: The system uses this field for finished good items that are created through the work order process to indicate the date the finished good item will be ready for sale if the Use Work Order Processing (E37) system control value is selected. The Expected due date for finished good items that is provided here is taken from the date entered on the work order header. See Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR).

Drop ships: This date is included for drop ship items only if the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is selected. See that system control value for more information.

Numeric, 6 positions, in user date format; display-only.

Expected qty

The number of units of the SKU ordered on the purchase order.

Pending Putaway Warehouse

The number of units of the SKU located in a pending putaway warehouse. See Pending Putaway Overview.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Completing this screen:

         Select the desired SKU, or

         Use the Select checkbox to select more than one SKU. Note: You can only select SKUs that display on the current screen; if you select SKUs on the first screen and then click Next to select additional SKUs, the system only creates order detail lines for the SKUs that you selected on the second screen.

         Use the Qty field to enter the quantity desired of each SKU. You can only enter a quantity in the Qty field if no quantity was specified on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order). Note: The system creates an order detail line for each SKU for which you enter a quantity, even if you need to click Next to select additional SKUs.

Item status message: You advance to the Item Status Message Window if an item status message is defined for the status code associated with the item or SKU. Select OK on this window to continue.

Note:             See Upselling with Promotional Pricing for more information on completing this screen if you advanced from the Select Incentive Group Window.

Select OK to create an order detail line for the SKU(s). The system creates one order detail line for each SKU you select.

Screen Option


Review on-hand availability statistics for the SKU across all shippable warehouses

Select Availability for a SKU to advance to the Item Availability Screen.

Review any special pricing promotions for the SKU in the SKU/Offer table

Select Prices for a SKU to display the Quantity Pricing pop-up window. See Upselling the Customer in Order Entry.

Review the PO delivery schedule for the SKU

Select POs for an SKU to display the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

Search for the item across warehouses and stores in external systems

Select Merch Locator for an item to advance to the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item). You cannot perform a merchandise locator search for an item/SKU if:

         the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is unselected. Otherwise, the system displays an error message: Merchandise Locator is not enabled.

         you have already entered an Ord qty to add to the order.

         the item is:

         soldout, canceled or closed

         included on a printed pick slip (however, if the pick slips have been voided, you can use the merchandise locator option)

         a component of a set

         a membership item

         a subscription item

         not flagged as OROB eligible

See Merchandise Locator API.

Review the original offer price and the incentive price for the SKU

Select Incentive price for the SKU to advance to the Incentive Price Window. This option is available only if you advanced to the SKU Scan screen from the Select Incentive Group Window.

Note:  If you advanced to the SKU Scan screen by selecting Incentive price for the item at the Select Incentive Group Window, you will need to select Options on/off before this option is available.

Adding Different Types of Items to the Order

Purpose: You can add different types of items to the order at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order). The following are described below:

         Entering a Subscription Item

         Entering a Warranty Item

         Entering a Stored Value Card Item

         Entering Set Items

         Entering an Item Evaluated by the SKU Blocker Interface

         Entering Multiple Ship-Alone Units on a Ship-for-Pickup Order

For various other types of items, you advance to a pop-up window or to a different screen upon item entry. See:

         Select Variable Set Items Screen

         Entering Customer Memberships in Order Entry

         Upselling with Promotional Pricing

Entering a Subscription Item

If the customer orders a subscription item, the system express bills the order detail line when you generate pick slips and:

         bills the customer for the entire amount of the subscription item

         closes the order detail line

         changes the status of the line automatically to X (shipped)

         does not reduce inventory

         creates a Customer Subscription record in the Sold To or Ship To (if recipient) Customer table (which defines the unique characteristics of the subscription)

         logs a message to Order History for the express-billed subscription item and each issue of the subscription; Order History is viewable from Order Maintenance and standard or streamlined Order Inquiry

For more information: See Working with Item Subscriptions (WISB).

Entering a Warranty Item

If the customer orders a warranty item, the system:

         updates the Warranty item field on the order detail line to selected.

         updates the No charge field on the order detail line to selected.

         applies the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01); otherwise, if this system control value is blank, the operator must enter a price override reason code.

         If you want to track the reason why the warranty item was added to the order, you can require the operator to enter an add reason code for the item. See Enter Add Reason Window.

         if the operator enters a price for the warranty item, the system displays an error message: Warranty item - price not allowed.

For more information: See Working with Customer Warranty Information (WCST).

Entering a Stored Value Card Item

If the customer orders a virtual stored value card item (the SVC type field for the item is V), the system requires you to define an email address in order to send a Stored Value Card Notification Email to the recipient of the virtual stored value card. An email address is required because the email notification is the only way the recipient of the virtual stored value card will receive the stored value card number associated with the order. If you order a virtual stored value card item and the customer is not assigned an email address or the opt in/out value is invalid, the screen displays an error indicating you cannot accept the order: Invalid e-mail address/opt in for order containing virtual SVC item.

For more information: See Stored Value Card Email Hierarchy for more information on the hierarchy the system uses to send a Stored Value Card Notification to the recipient of the stored value card.

Entering Set Items

Set items are groups of one or more items that you sell together as a unit. The items that make up a set are referred to as component items. The components can also be sold individually.

Set items are designated by an S in the Kit type field in the Item table. The individual components associated with the set are defined in the Set table. Each set component must exist in the Item table.

When you place an order for a set item, a detail line is created for the main set item along with each component item. The price of the set is located at the main set item level. Any changes you make to the main set item, for example, changing the order quantity or selling out the set, are also reflected in the component items. Notice that the system underlines the main set item.

Secured feature: The Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature controls the ability to change, delete, or sell out a set component in order entry. See that secured feature for more information.


         Component items(s): 

         If the Sell Out Set if Component is Sold Out (I05) system control value is selected: When any of the component items on a set are sold out based on the assigned soldout control code and the current inventory situation, the main set item and each of the component items are added to the order in a soldout status (S). For example, if the set includes five items, and one of the items is assigned a soldout control code indicating to sell the item out immediately, the main set item and all of the component items will be added to the order in a soldout status.

         If this system control value is unselected: In the example described above, just the sold out component item is added to the order in a soldout status.

         Main set item: If the main set item itself is assigned any soldout control code, the main set item and each of the component items are added to the order in a soldout status (S).

See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) for a discussion on how soldout controls indicate when an item is sold out.

For more information:

         creating a set item: Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

         adding components to a set item: Entering Set Information (WSET)

Entering an Item Evaluated by the SKU Blocker Interface

If the customer orders an item whose second compatibility code matches the code in the Second Compatibility Code used to Trigger SKU Blocking (K84) system control value, Order Management System sends item and order information to an external system to determine whether the item/SKU is allowed on the order.

The system sends this information to the external system when you add the item to the order and during the final order accept.

If the external system allows the item on the order, Order Management System continues with regular order processing; otherwise, the system prevents you from adding the item to the order and displays an error message similar to the following, where Error description is the description of the error provided by the external system: Item cannot be added - Error description.

During order accept, if more than one item on the order is prohibited, the system displays the error message for the first item in error. Once you correct the error and select order accept again, the system will display the error message for the next item in error until all of the prohibited items are corrected or removed from the order.

Items that are not evaluated: The system does not evaluate items that are soldout or are on order lines that are in a Closed status.

For more information: See the Second Compatibility Code used to Trigger SKU Blocking (K84) system control value for more information.

Entering Multiple Ship-Alone Units on a Ship-for-Pickup Order

When you enter a ship-for-pickup order, you cannot enter an order line with a quantity greater than one for an item that is flagged to ship alone. If the customer wants more than one unit of the item, you need to enter each unit as a separate order line.

See Ship-for-Pickup Orders for a discussion.

Select Variable Set Items Screen

Purpose: Use this screen for the customer to select a pre-defined number of items from each group to make up the set they want to purchase. A variable set, for example, may be a special promotion such as, “...Choose any 2 slacks, 1 jacket, and 1 belt from this page for only $200.00.”

Variable sets consist of several items that the customer can select to make up the desired set.

A variable set item is designated by a V in the Kit type field in the Item table. The individual components associated with the variable set item are defined in the Variable Sets table. Each variable set component item must exist in the Item table.

Each component item of a variable set is aligned to a group. For example, you may define a variable set group for slacks, another for jackets, and a third for belts. You then may define the component items for each variable set group and include a wide variety of colors and sizes for each group.

The customer must select the specific item(s) desired from each group at the Select Variable Set Items Screen to satisfy the requirements of the variable set (such as, 2 slacks, 1 jacket, and 1 belt). The system ensures that the customer orders the correct quantity from each variable set group by maintaining a counter of the number of items allowed as compared to the number of items ordered.

Detail lines will be added to the order for each variable set component item selected.

For more information:

         creating variable set items: Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

         adding components to a variable set item: Entering Variable Set Information (WVST)

How to display this screen: The customer orders a variable set item at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).



Variable set (Variable set item description)

Displays the description of the variable set, brought forward from the Description field in the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.

Order #

Displays the number assigned by the system to identify this order. This information is brought forward to this screen from the previous screen.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


Displays the number and description of the group of variable set component items, as defined in the Variable Set Groups table. See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST).

Group number: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Group description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

# of items allowed

Displays the required quantity of this variable set component item, as defined in the # of items field in the Variable Set Groups table.

The system validates that the customer orders this number of items from the variable set group. The value in the # selected field must equal this value.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

# selected

The quantity of the variable set component item ordered from the variable set group. The system updates this value as variable set component items are added to the order.

The system validates that the customer selects the required number of component items from each group, as defined in the # of items allowed field. The system does not allow you to accept your entries unless the # selected value equal the # of items allowed value.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The number of units of this variable set component item. This is the amount of the item being ordered.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The code for a variable set component item number, as defined in the Item table and assigned to the variable set in the Variable Set Components table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The specific style of the item, in terms of color, size, width, or some other identifying attribute that makes this item unique.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The quantity of this variable set component item currently selected for the order.

The system updates this number as this item is added to the order.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Offer price

The price defined for this variable set component item.

If selected, this item will be added to the order at the offer price.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


1.      Select the desired variable set component item(s) in each group, making sure that the number you select is the number allowed.

2.      Select OK.

3.      Select Change Qtys to change the quantity selected for a variable set component item (you can enter over the value that appears in the Qty field), or

4.      Select Unselect All to change the quantity selected of all variable set component items to zero (erase all your selections), or

5.      Select Accept Order to accept your entries and create detail lines on the order for these variable set component items, and

6.      Return to the item entry screen; notice that the variable set component items have been added to the order in the specified quantity, at the offer price.

Screen Option


Select a variable set component item

Select an item.

Remove a variable set component item from the order

Select Unselect for an item.

Miscellaneous Messages and Windows at Item Entry

Purpose: Depending on the type of item, how it is flagged, or the setting of various system control values, the system might display the following messages when you enter an item, or a window might open:

         Discount Calculation Messages

         Maximum Order Line Quantity/Value

         Work with Item/SKU Comments Window

         Enter Add Reason Window

         Item Coordinate Message

         Ship Via Overrides for Item Window

         Item Status Message Window

Each is described below.

Discount Calculation Messages

If the Display Order Line Discount Messages (F01) system control value is selected, each time you add an item to the order at a discounted price from the regular offer price for the item, the system:

         highlights the item price in a reverse color

         displays a message describing the amount and percentage discount represented by the item price.

Any price that is lower than the regular offer price for the item will be highlighted, and the discount calculation message will display. For example, if you override the price manually or use a pricing method such as price tables, quantity price matrix, or promotional pricing, the item is considered discounted.


     BU001           CHOC LRGE          1      2.51    A   0    N         2.51

005 CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNY     Rsv:     1  Avl:      26                      


Discount calculation: A message displays for each discounted item: Line 1: Offer = 10.00 Actual = 9.00 Discount = 1.00: 10.00%   

This message includes:

         the order line number of the discounted item

         the offer price

         the actual price (the discounted price the customer is paying)

         the dollar amount of the discount

         the discount percentage

When the message is not displayed: The system does not display the message or highlight price when you override the price on the order line, and:

         no item/SKU offer price exists, or

         the price override reason code’s Override item offer price is selected.

See Overriding the Item/SKU Offer Price for an overview.

Message displayed when? The discount calculation message is displayed when you first add the item to the order. In the case of price table repricing, the calculation message is displayed when you reprice the order.

To review messages for other items: A plus sign (+) in the message area of the order detail screen indicates that there are discount calculation messages related to additional items on the order; you can review these messages by positioning your cursor on the same line as the plus sign and pressing Page down. To cycle back up through the calculation messages for the items on the order, press Page up. You can review the calculation messages only for the items that are currently displaying on the order detail screen. Press Page down or Page up to display earlier or subsequent items on the order and/or their related discount calculation messages.

If you delete a discounted item, the plus sign may remain on the screen until you select refresh to refresh.

Maximum Order Line Quantity/Value

You can define a maximum quantity or dollar total for individual order lines using these system control values:

         Maximum Order Quantity (C60)

         Maximum Order Line Value (E98)

For example, if you set the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) to 10, the system would validate that you do not enter a single order line with a greater quantity. This might help prevent inaccurate orders due to user error, such as entering 100 instead of 10.

If you set either of these values to 0, the system does not validate whether order lines exceed the maximum.

Secured features: These secured features control the ability to exceed these limits:

         Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69)

         Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70)

Pop-up window: If you have the proper authority, the Confirm Quantity/Line Value window opens when you exceed the maximum. Select Accept at this window to confirm the quantity and add the line to the order. If you cancel, an error message indicates an excess quantity: Order Qty of 50 exceeds the maximum allowed in SCV C60.

An error message indicates an excess order line total dollar value: Order line value of 1000.00 exceeds maximum allowed in SCV E98.

If you do not have the proper authority, the window does not display. Only the error message is displayed, and you will not be able to override the maximum.

Work with Item/SKU Comments Window

This window opens after you add an item to the order if there are any item comments associated with the item or SKU. Comments must have the Print code set to Window for the window to open.

See Entering Additional Item Information on setting up item or SKU comments.

About this window: The window displays any comments entered at the SKU level for a SKUed item; if there are no SKU-level comments, the window displays item-level comments. If this is a SKUed item, the SKU is displayed only if the comments are associated with the SKU rather than the base item.

The window displays up to 10 lines. A plus sign (+) indicates that there are additional lines.

Enter Add Reason Window

You advance to this window after an operator adds an item to the order if the Required reason code field for the item offer or SKU offer is selected. Enter the add reason code that describes your reason for adding this line to the order. The add reason code is a 5-position, alphanumeric field, defined in the Add Reason table, that defines the reason for adding an item to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

For more information: See Establishing Add Reason Codes (WADR).

Item Coordinate Message

When you enter an order for an item that is associated with any item coordinates:

         If the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is selected and the Promo flag for the order type is set to Promo Price, the Display Coordinate Items Window opens automatically advance to the Display Coordinate Items window when you add an item associated with coordinate items to an order.

         Otherwise, the screen displays a message Coordinate items exist for base item entered. You must Select Coordinates for the item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window if this system control value is not selected and/or the Promo flag is set to None.

The system will cross-sell coordinates even if the primary item is soldout, on backorder, is a drop ship item, non-inventory item, or set master item. Additionally, the system will cross-sell coordinates that are a drop ship item, non-inventory item, or set master item.

When the system does not cross-sell coordinates: See the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value for a discussion of when the system prompts you to select coordinates for an item.

You can still select Coordinates for the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window; however, if all of the coordinates are on backorder or soldout or are not included in the same offer as the primary item, there are no coordinates available to select.

Ship Via Overrides for Item Window

Item ship via overrides indicate the shippers the system can use to deliver a particular item to its destination. When you add an item to an order, the system looks at the Item Ship Via Override table to see if the ship via on the order header is an eligible shipper for the item.

The system first checks the order detail line to see if a ship via code is assigned at this level; otherwise, it checks the ship via for the order ship-to. Normally, the ship via field on the order line is blank unless there is an override.

         If the ship via on the order line (if one is assigned) or the order header is an eligible shipper for the item, the system uses that shipper to ship the item to its destination.

         If the ship via on the order line (if one is assigned) or the order header is not an eligible shipper for the item, you advance to the Ship Via Overrides for Item window, requesting you to select an eligible shipper for the item on the order line.

Note:             If there are no records in the Item Ship Via Override table for an item, all shippers are eligible to ship the item and the Ship Via Overrides for Item window does not open when you add the item to an order.

This window opens if the ship via on the order line (if one is defined) or the ship via on the order header is not eligible to ship the item, and you:

         select OK to add the item to the order.

         select OK to accept any changes you made to the order line at the Work with Order Line screen.

         select Accept or Add Recipient to accept the order if the order is eligible for other ship via overrides or you have changed the ship via on the order header since adding the item to the order.

To complete this window: Select the shipper you wish to use to ship the item to its destination and select OK. The system assigns the selected shipper to the Ship via field on the order line; however, the system does not override the existing shipper on the order header.

For more information: See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides.

Item Status Message Window

This window displays after you add an item to the order if an item status message is defined for the status code associated with the item or SKU.

The item status message defined for the item status at the SKU level overrides the item status message defined for the item status at the item level.

To create an item status code: Use the Working with Item Status (WIST) menu option to create an item status. The text you enter in the O/E message 1 and O/E message 2 fields displays in the Item Status Message window.

To assign an item status code to an item/SKU: 

         Use the Status field on the first Create Item Screen or Change Item screen to assign a status code to an item.

         Use the Status field on the Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen or Change SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) screen to assign a status code to a SKU.

About this window: The window displays any item status messages entered at the SKU level; if there are no SKU-level item status messages, the window displays item-level messages. If this is a SKUed item, the SKU is displayed only if the comments are associated with the SKU rather than the base item.

After you have reviewed the item status message lines, select OK to add the item to the order.

Future order item status: You can default a future ship arrival date to an item defined with a future ship status on an order by entering the status code in the Future Orders Item Status (E52) system control value. The future arrival date that defaults for this item is taken from the date defined in the Default Future Orders Arrival Date (E53) system control value. In this situation, you might use the Item status message fields as a reminder to your operators when an item with this status is ordered, that it is a future ship item.

Duplicate Item for Customer Window

If the Duplicate Item Check (C09) system control value is selected, this window opens when you enter an item that has already been included on an order for the customer within the specified Duplicate Item Days (C58). This window lists:

         the item you just entered

         the number of days specified in the Duplicate Item Days (C58) system control value

To add the item to the order, click OK or press Enter.

To cancel entry of the item, click Exit or press F12.

Set items: This window opens when you enter a set item if the set master or any of its components has been included on an order for the customer within the Duplicate Item Days (C58). Similarly, this window opens if you enter an item that is a component of a set and the set has been included on an order within the Duplicate Item Days (C58).

Example:                    Set item SET123 includes items COMP123, COMP456, and COMP789. If you have previously entered an order for SET123 and you enter an order for COMP123 within the Duplicate Item Days (C58), the Duplicate Item for Customer window opens. Similarly, if you have previously entered an order for COMP123 and you enter an order for SET123 within the Duplicate Item Days (C58), the Duplicate Item for Customer window opens.

For more information: See Duplicate Item Check (C09) and Duplicate Item Days (C58).

Displaying the Detail Line Options

The detail line options are available for you to work with items you have already added to the order.

Screen Option


Update any information for the item, review how the system priced the item, and review the quantity and date the inventory was reserved by the system

Select Change for the item to advance to the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item).

Note:  This option is controlled by the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature for set component items. If you do not have the required authority, the system displays an error message: Not authorized to change, delete, cancel, or sell out a set component.

Remove the item from the order immediately

Select Delete for the item to delete it. The lines are resequenced, reusing the line number of the deleted line.

Note:  This option is controlled by the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature for set component items. If you do not have the required authority, the system displays an error message: Not authorized to change, delete, cancel, or sell out a set component.

Review the pending deliveries of this item on purchase orders placed with your suppliers

Select POs for the item to advance to the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

Review the availability of an item across all shippable warehouses

Select Availability for the item to advance to the Item Availability Screen.

Review additional items coordinated with the item for cross-selling purposes

Select Coordinates for the item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window if any coordinates are linked with the ordered item.

Enter a coupon to apply to the order or item

Select Coupons for the item to advance to the Coupon Discount Window.

Search for the item across warehouses and stores in external systems

Select Merchandise Locator for an item to advance to the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item). You cannot perform a merchandise locator search for an item/SKU if:

         the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is unselected. Otherwise, the system displays an error message: Merchandise Locator is not enabled.

         you have already entered an Ord qty to add to the order.

         the item is:

         soldout, canceled or closed

         included on a printed pick slip (however, if the pick slips have been voided, you can use the merchandise locator option)

         a component of a set

         a membership item

         a subscription item

         not flagged as OROB eligible

See Merchandise Locator API.

Attach messages behind the item detail line that optionally print on the pick slip and/or invoice or are used for internal reference

Select Messages for the item to advance to the Work with Order Line Messages Screen.

Review the quantity break prices for the item (as defined for the Item/Offer) to upsell the customer

Select Prices for the item to review the Display Quantity Pricing pop-up window. See Upselling the Customer in Order Entry.

Sell out an item

Select Sell Out to put the order line in sold out status and recalculate tax.

Note:  This option is controlled by the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature for set component items. If you do not have the required authority, the system displays an error message: Not authorized to change, delete, cancel, or sell out a set component.

Modify the special handling instructions and charges (for engraving, monogramming, altering, etc.) of an item eligible for special handling, as defined for the Item/Offer

Select Special Handling for the item to advance to Work with Special Handling Screen or Work with Custom Special Handling Screen.

Note:  This option is not available if the additional charge code used for the special handling format applied to the item is suppressed; see Special Handling Overview for a discussion.

Review additional order detail lines on the order

Select the Next or Prev button; this button displays on the lower right of the screen if additional order detail lines exist on the order beyond those currently displayed. Use this button to review or work with these items.

Completing the Work with Order Lines Screen

Purpose: Now you are at the point where you have successfully entered all the items being ordered on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order). Before you can accept the order on the system, you must provide some payment information on the:

         Default Paytype Pop-up Windows

         Enter Payment Method Screen

         Work with Order/Recap Screen

Screen Option


Accept, validate, and process the order.

Select Accept Order; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Reject (cancel) the order

Select Reject Order; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Enter a recipient order

Select Add Recipient; see Adding a Recipient Order in Order Entry.


         You will first advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen if the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected.

         This option is not available for a store pickup order; see Store Pickup Orders for an overview.

Add an item to the order while defining line overrides at any level, such as offer, source code, warehouse, etc.

Select Add Line to advance to the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item).

Add additional charges to the order

Select Additional Charges to advance to the Enter Additional Charges Window.

Enter or verify order messages.

Select Messages to advance to the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Display additional options

Select More Options to advance to the Display More Options Screen.

Return to the Work with Order screen

Select Order Header.

Add payment information to the order.

Select Pay Methods; see Enter Payment Method Screen.

Obtain information about compatible items.

Select Relationships to advance to the Select Item Relationships Window.

Apply or review order-level coupons, apply any order-level discounts to the order totals or review any promotions that currently apply to the order

Select Reprice. See Order Repricing, Premiums, Discounts, and Promotions.

Work with order information for each recipient order.

Select Summary to advance to the Display Order Summary Screen.

Review items on the order.

Select Scan Order Lines to advance to the Scan Order Lines Screen.

Find a store location where the items are available so the customer can pick up the order at the store

Select Store Pickup to advance to the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Store Pickup).


         This option is available only if the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected and the Store Pickup Order Type (L33) system control value specifies an order type. Also, this option is available in order entry only, and not in order maintenance.

         You cannot select the Store Pickup option if the order includes any items that:

-      are not flagged OROB eligible

-      have special handling instructions or have the Gift wrap flag selected

-      are held

Also, the order must:

-      not include more than one ship-to

-      include at least one item that is not sold out

-      not be a ship-for-pickup order

See Store Pickup Orders for an overview and more background.

Order Repricing, Premiums, Discounts, and Promotions

Purpose: Repricing allows the system to reprice the order based on any discounts, premiums, and promotions that are applied to the order.

         Types of Discounts and Promotions Applied During Repricing

         When Repricing Occurs

         Applying Order Audit Discounts during Repricing

         Order Audit Discounts during Repricing Process Flow

         Repricing Screen Flow

         Coupon Discount Window

         Price Table Repricing

         Display Premiums Screen (Price Table Premiums)

         Enter Promotion Code Screen

         Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window

         Applying Free Gifts

Types of Discounts and Promotions Applied During Repricing

The system allows you to:

         Perform Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing if a customer price group is defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value and the Price Codes (D93) system control value is selected.

         Apply discounts such as free gifts based on the offer or source code, additional charge dollar discounts based on the offer or source code, or package inserts.

         Enter a coupon promotion, as defined in Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR).

         Review any price table premiums that may apply to the order, adding or deleting them if desired, as defined in Working with Price Tables (WPTB).

         Apply a promotion to the order, if the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) system control value is selected.

         Review any promotions set up through Working with Promotions (WPRO) that currently apply to the order, if the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) system control value is unselected.

         Enter a coupon discount amount, if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected.

         Perform End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing if the Quantity Price Matrix Pricing (K41) system control value is selected.

         Enter a Oracle Retail Customer Engagement award amount on the Enter Loyalty Award Discount Window to apply as a pro-rated merchandise discount to the order lines on the order if the Use ORCE Loyalty (M06) and Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control values are selected; see Applying and Redeeming Customer Engagement Awards during Order Processing.

         Calculate freight if the freight method is Freight by Order Weight; see Freight by Order Weight Calculation Logic and Examples.

When Repricing Occurs

The system reprices an order when the Price method for the source code on the order header is set to Reg Plus Reprice and you:

         Select Reprice at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

         Select Accept or Exit at the Coupon Discount Window if the Automatically Reprice Coupon (K02) system control value is selected.

         Select Accept Order on the Work with Order Lines screen if you are using the Work with Order Recap screen (the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected).

         Select Pay Methods on the Work with Order Lines screen to advance to the Enter Payment Method Screen.

         Select Accept Order or Add Recip to perform the final order accept.

         Accept the order by selecting Accept.

Final reprice: The system will reprice the items after you accept the order. For example, you might delete or cancel an item on the order, reducing the merchandise total below the minimum required for the coupon. However, the changes in price after you accept the order will not be visible and you will not be able to inform the customer of the repricing unless the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected; in this case, you can review the repriced order totals at the Order Recap screen.

If you do not use repricing: If you do not use promotions set up through the Working with Promotions (WPRO) menu option, you can set the Price method for your source codes in the Working with Source Codes (WSRC) menu option to Regular Hierarchy so that the system does not reprice the order. An error message indicates that repricing is not available if you select Reprice: Repricing is not valid with current source price method. By setting the Price method to Regular Hierarchy, you can eliminate repricing processing during order entry and improve order entry performance.

Applying Order Audit Discounts during Repricing

The system applies discounts that are not related to payment method during repricing and the initial order accept in addition to the final order accept. Applying discounts to the order at repricing and the initial order accept enables you to:

         provide an accurate order total to the customer before order payment has been processed.

         ensure the correct discounts have been applied to the order. The discounts are applied after the order has passed all edits, including payment, and can no longer be interactively changed.

Each time you reprice the order, the system adds the available discounts to the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) in order to keep track of which discounts have been applied.

Order Audit Discounts

The following order audit discounts are eligible to apply to an order during repricing, the initial order accept, and the final order accept.


Associated Menu Option

ship via override on freight (order audit discount type FV)

Working with Promotions (WPRO)

ship via override on additional freight (order audit discount type AV)

ship via override on order promotion (order audit discount type OV)

free freight (order audit discount type FF)

freight override (order audit discount type FO)

additional charge discount for additional freight promotion (order audit discount type AA)

additional charge discount for freight promotion (order audit discount type FA)

additional charge discount for order promotion (order audit discount type OA)

Note:  If you specify an additional charge code for the promotion, the discount will appear on the order as a credit additional charge and will be included in the Order Discount Audit table. If you do not specify an additional charge code for the promotion, the discount amount is prorated against the items on the order and will not be included in the Order Discount Audit table.

additional charge discount for tiered promotion (order audit discount type TA)

free gift for tiered promotion (order audit discount type TG)

free gift added for BOGO (Buy One/Get One Free) promotion (order audit discount type FB)

Note:  No record is created for an order line that discounted or changed to “no charge” through a BOGO promotion, but not added automatically through the promotion.


price table premiums (order audit discount type PT)

Working with Price Tables (WPTB)

free gift by source or offer (order audit discount type FG)

Note:  Free gifts set up for the source code override free gifts set up for the offer. If an order would qualify for both the offer and source code free gifts, only the source code's free gift is added to the order.

Working with Source Codes (WSRC) or Working with Offers (WOFR)

additional charge discount based on offer (order audit discount type RA)

Note:  If the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is unselected, the system adds these discounts to the order as a negative additional charge, or credit. However, if this system control value is selected, the dollar discount is applied on a pro-rata basis to each item on the order and is reflected in the selling price.

Working with Offers (WOFR)

additional charge discount based on source (order audit discount type SA)

Note:  If the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is unselected, the system adds these discounts to the order as a negative additional charge, or credit. However, if this system control value is selected, the dollar discount is applied on a pro-rata basis to each item on the order and is reflected in the selling price.

Working with Source Codes (WSRC)

package inserts (order audit discount type PI)

Note:  The system adds package insert items to the order only if the Evaluate Promotional Items/Inserts in Order Entry/Maintenance (E48) system control value is selected.

Package Insert Processing (WPIP)

Note:  The order discount audit discounts do not change the price of an existing order line.

Order Audit Discounts during Repricing Process Flow

During repricing and the initial order accept, the system performs the following steps.

1.      Uses the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) to remove any discounts that have previously been applied to the order.

2.      Clears the records in the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) that are associated with the ship to order.

3.      Reprices the order.

4.      Processes discounts that apply to the order that do not use a pay type as the qualifier.

5.      Creates a record in the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) for the discounts that have been applied to the order during repricing.

During the final order accept, the system:

1.      Uses the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) to remove any discounts that were applied to the order during repricing.

2.      Clears the records in the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) that are associated with the ship to order.

3.      Applies any discounts and promotions, including discounts that use a pay type qualifier, to the order.

4.      Creates a record in the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) for the discounts that have been applied to the order during the final order accept.

5.      Clears the records in the Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS) that are associated with the order once the order has been accepted.

Order Discount Audit Table (OEODIS)

When the system adds discounts to an order during repricing and the initial order accept, the system creates a record in the Order Discount Audit table (OEODIS) in order to keep track on which discounts have been assigned to the order. Once the order is accepted, the system removes the records associated with the order from this table. For an order batch, the system removes the records associated with the orders in the batch once the order batch is accepted.

Note:             The system does not store all discounts that apply to the order in the Order Discount Audit table. This table keeps track of the end-of-order type discounts that apply to the order so that they can be removed and reapplied if the order changes before the final order accept.




The company where the order is located.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Order #

The order number associated with the discounts.

Numeric, 8 positions.

Ship to #

The ship to number associated with the discounts.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Seq #

The sequence in which the discounts have been applied to the order.

Numeric, 5 positions.


The type of order audit discount.

Valid values:

         AA = additional charge discount for additional freight promotion

         AV = ship via override on additional freight

         FA = additional charge discount for freight promotion

         FB = free gift added for BOGO (Buy One/Get One Free) promotion

         FF = free freight

         FG = free gift by source or offer

         FO = freight override

         FV = ship via override on freight

         OA = additional charge discount for order promotion

         OV = ship via override on order promotion

         PI = package inserts

         PT = price table premiums

         RA = additional charge discount based on offer

         SA = additional charge discount based on source (discount type

         TA = additional charge discount for tiered promotion

         TG = free gift for tiered promotion

See Order Audit Discounts for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Original freight amt

The amount of freight applied to the order before the discount was applied to the order.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Promotion freight amt

The amount of freight applied to the order after the discount was applied to the order.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Additional chg seq #

The sequence in which the additional charge code associated with the discount was applied to the order.

Numeric, 2 positions.

Additional chg amt

The amount defined for the additional charge code that was applied to the order. This amount represents the discount amount.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Original ship via

The ship via assigned to the order before the discount was applied to the order.

Numeric, 2 positions.

Promotion ship via

The ship via assigned to the order after the discount was applied to the order.

Numeric, 2 positions.

ODT seq #

The order detail line sequence number associated with the discount, if any, including a free gift added through a BOGO (Buy One/Get One Free) promotion.

See Sequence of Order Line Numbers in the Order Discount Audit for more information.

Numeric, 5 positions.

Sequence of Order Line Numbers in the Order Discount Audit

Each time discounts are evaluated (during repricing, initial order accept, and final order accept), the system first removes the discounts that previously applied to the order and then applies the discounts that currently apply to the order. Because the system first removes the discounts that previously applied to the order, gaps may exist in the order line sequence number associated with each order line on the order, based on which discounts and promotions currently qualify for the order.

Example:                    You add item AB10 to an order for $28.00 and then reprice the order. The system adds the following to the order.

Line #

Seq #








Original order line on the order.





Free gift for source code because the merchandise total is greater than $25.00. (discount type FG)

Before accepting the order, you add item CD10 to the order for $20.00, bringing the merchandise total to $45.00.

Line #

Seq #








Original order line on the order.





Free gift for source code because the merchandise total is greater than $25.00. (discount type FG)





Last item added to the order.

When you perform the initial order accept, the system reevaluates the order audit discounts that apply to the order.

Line #

Seq #








Original order line on the order.





Last item added to the order.





Free gift for source code because the merchandise total is greater than $25.00. (discount type FG)





Package insert item added for item CD10. (discount type PI)

Notice the order line sequence number assigned to each order line.

         order line 1 = order line sequence number 1

         order line 2 = order line sequence number 3

         order line 3 = order line sequence number 4

         order line 4 = order line sequence number 5

This is because each time the system reevaluates the order for order audit discounts, the system first removes the order audit discounts that previously applied to the order (in this example, the free gift on line 2) and then applies the order audit discounts that currently apply to the order.

Canceling free gifts, premiums, and package inserts: If you delete a free gift, premium item, or package insert that was added to the order, the system reapplies the item to the order during repricing, initial order accept, or the final order accept as long as the order still qualifies for the item. In order to remove the item from the order, you need to cancel the item in order maintenance.

Premiums offered at a discounted price: The system automatically adds premium items that are offered as a free item to the order. However, if the premium item is offered at a discounted price, instead of offered as a free item, the system does not automatically add the premium item to the order. Instead, you must select Add to Order for the premium item at the Display Premiums Screen (Price Table Premiums) in order to add the premium item to the order.

Free gift for tiered promotion: If the order qualifies for a free gift for tiered promotion (order audit discount type TG), but also qualifies for other promotions which bring the merchandise total below the amount required for the free gift, the system still applies the free gift to the order.

Free gift by source or offer: If the order qualifies for a free gift by source or offer (order audit discount type FG), but also qualifies for other promotions which bring the merchandise total below the amount required for the free gift, the system removes the free gift from the order.

Special handling: If a package insert item or free gift contains special handling, the special handling window opens during repricing, initial order accept, and the final order accept. You need to reenter any special handling that you may have defined earlier. The system redisplays the special handling window because the system reevaluates the order to see if it still qualifies for the item, and if it does, the system adds the item back to the order.

Repricing Screen Flow

There are several different windows and screens that might open when you reprice an order in order entry, depending on the system control value settings and other values in your company:


Screen or Window

Opens If:


Coupon Discount Window

You have set up any coupon promotions in Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR)


Display Premiums Screen (Price Table Premiums)

You use Working with Price Tables (WPTB) to apply price tables, and the order qualifies for a premium item.


Enter Promotion Code Screen

The Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) and the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value are selected.


Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window

The Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected and the Automatically Reprice Coupon (K02) system control value is unselected.


Enter Loyalty Award Discount Window

The Use ORCE Loyalty (M06) and Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control values are selected, the sold to customer on the order is assigned to a loyalty card in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, and there are current awards associated with the customer’s loyalty account that are available for redemption.

Price Table Repricing

The system applies any repricing to the order based on price tables when you select Reprice or Accept Order. This repricing occurs regardless of whether the order qualifies for price table premium items.

If you use price table pricing, items on the order may qualify for reduced pricing based on the quantity of a particular item, the quantity of a group of items, or the merchandise total of a group of items. The order might also qualify for one or more premium items, as described below. See Working with Price Tables (WPTB) for complete information on setting up price table pricing and examples.

Also, if you use price table pricing, the order will be eligible for repricing in both Order Entry and Order Maintenance. Other pricing methods apply in Order Entry only.

You can override the maximum price break set up for an item by using the price override reason code defined in the system control table for price table level override. By entering this code, you “unlock” any additional price breaks defined for the item but not ordinarily offered.

Display Premiums Screen (Price Table Premiums)

Use this window if you use price table pricing to review, accept, or reject premium items that the customer can earn through orders of certain items or groups of items. You use Working with Price Tables (WPTB) to set up price tables and price table premiums.

How to display this screen: If the order qualifies for one or more premium items, this screen opens automatically when you:

         select Accept Order or Reprice at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

         Select Accept or Exit at the Coupon Discount Window if the Automatically Reprice Coupon (K02) system control value is selected.

See Repricing Screen Flow.




The premium item, specified in the price table, that the order qualifies for. Eligibility for premium items can be based on unit quantity or total dollars of a particular item or a group of items, or both. See Working with Price Tables (WPTB) for information on working with premium items and price tables.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The premium item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


The description associated with the premium item.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.


The quantity of the premium item earned by the order. The quantity may be a flat amount for each qualifying order, or a multiple of each qualifying amount. For example, if the customer earns a single premium item for each $50.00 merchandise total for a group of items, and the premium item is set up as a multiple, the customer would earn a quantity of 2 premium items for a $100.00 merchandise total.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The dollar amount to charge for the premium items.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


Indicates whether to add the premium item to the order. Valid values are:

         Y = Add the premium item to the order. If the premium item is a “no charge” item (the Price displayed is .00), this flag defaults to Y.

         N = Do not add the premium item to the order. If there is a charge associated with the premium item, this flag defaults to N.


1.      Select Add to Order for any premium item whose Add flag is currently N to add this premium item to the order.

2.      Select Remove from Order for any premium item whose Add flag is currently Y to omit this premium item from the order.

3.      If each premium item has the Add flag set correctly, select Exit to exit the screen. The system adds the premium items indicated to the order after you accept it.

Enter Promotion Code Screen

Use this screen to specify one or more promotion codes to apply to the order ship-to.

How to display this screen: This screen opens automatically when you select Reprice at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or select Accept or Exit at the Coupon Discount Window or Display Premiums Screen (Price Table Premiums) if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected.

See Repricing Screen Flow.

In order to have a promotion whose Required entry flag is selected apply to the order, you must enter it at this screen. The system automatically applies promotions whose Required entry flag is unselected if the order qualifies. An order can qualify for multiple BOGO and Item category promotion; however, only one promotion of each additional type (order or tiered, freight, or additional freight) can apply to an order. See the discussion of Promotion Logic and Processing for more information.

Note:             If the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) system control value is unselected, this screen does not open. The system automatically applies eligible promotions whose Required entry flag is unselected if the order qualifies.

Specifying promotion codes: Enter a promotion code to apply that promotion to the order. You can prompt on the Promotion code field to advance to the Select Promotion window. The setting of the Search Promotions by Start Date in Order Entry (M27) system control value defines how promotions sort on the Select Promotion window:

         If selected, the Select Promotion window sorts active promotions in ascending start date sequence. You can use the Start Date, Promotion, Description, and Type fields to search for a specific promotion.

         If unselected, the Select Promotion window sorts active promotions in ascending promotion code sequence. You can use the Promotion and Description fields to search for a specific promotion.

You can select multiple promotion codes of each type, and the system determines which promotion(s) to apply to the order based on your setup. See Working with Promotions (WPRO) for setup information and an overview on promotions.

Verifying that the order qualifies for entered promotions: The system verifies that each entry represents a valid promotion code and that the promotion is active. Additionally, the system verifies that the order is currently eligible for the promotion based on certain basic criteria at the time of entry, although the order might not ultimately be eligible for each promotion entered.

One-time-use promotions: When the promotion’s Use once flag is selected and the promotion has already been applied to an order for the customer:

         If you have authority under the Override One Time Use Promotion (J08) secured feature, a window opens for you to confirm whether to apply the promotion to the current order.

         If you do not have authority under the Override One Time Use Promotion (J08) secured feature, you cannot apply the promotion to the order.

See Cautions for One-Time-Use Promotions for more information.

Free freight? If the customer is eligible for free freight through a loyalty program, you cannot apply a promotion that includes free freight. See Loyalty Memberships for background.

What if the order’s eligibility for the promotion changes? If you make changes to the order, such as removing an item, adding a payment method, or changing the ship via, the order may no longer be eligible for an entered promotion, or may be eligible for additional promotions.

When does the system apply the promotion discount? The system updates the order with eligible promotions immediately. The promotions applied might be ones you have entered at this screen, or assigned by the system. In addition, the system reevaluates the order for eligible promotions when you accept the order.

If the order does not qualify for the promotion at order acceptance, the system does not apply the promotion discount and does not display an error message.

For more information: See Working with Promotions (WPRO) for an overview on promotions, including types of promotions, how an order qualifies for each, and setup instructions.



Promotion code

Enter a promotion code to apply that promotion to the order.

You can prompt on the Promotion code field to advance to the Select Promotion window. The setting of the Search Promotions by Start Date in Order Entry (M27) system control value defines how promotions sort on the Select Promotion window:

         If selected, the Select Promotion window sorts active promotions in ascending start date sequence. You can use the Start Date, Promotion, Description, and Type fields to search for a specific promotion.

         If unselected, the Select Promotion window sorts active promotions in ascending promotion code sequence. You can use the Promotion and Description fields to search for a specific promotion.

Promotion codes are defined in and validated against the Promotion table. You can enter multiple promotion codes of each type, and the system determines which promotion(s) to apply to the order based on your setup.

See Working with Promotions (WPRO) for setup information and an overview on promotions.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; Optional.

For each promotion selected for the order:

The system verifies that each entry represents a valid promotion code and that the promotion is active. Additionally, the system verifies that the order is currently eligible for the promotion based on certain basic criteria at the time of entry, although the order might not ultimately be eligible for each promotion entered.


The promotion code selected for the order.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.


A description of the promotion.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Start Date

The date when the promotion first becomes effective.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

End Date

The last date when the promotion is effective.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The type of promotion.

Valid values are:

         Additional freight



         Item Category


         Tiered discount

         blank = Messaging or reporting promotion

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window

Use this window to specify a coupon amount to prorate against the items on the order.

How to display this screen: This window opens automatically when you select Reprice at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or select Accept or Exit at the Coupon Discount Window, Display Premiums Screen (Price Table Premiums), or Enter Promotion Code Screen if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected and the Automatically Reprice Coupon (K02) system control value is unselected.

See Repricing Screen Flow.

Only one coupon amount can apply to an order. If you select Reprice more than once while entering an order, the window opens again with the coupon amount you previously entered defaulted in the Coupon amount field. You can select OK to retain the coupon amount, enter a new amount, or remove the coupon amount from the order.

If you do not select Reprice at the order detail screen in Order Entry, the system still prorates any source code or offer dollar discount to the order; however, you do not have the opportunity to enter a coupon amount.



Coupon amount

The amount of the coupon the system applies to the order.

The system applies any coupon amount you enter across all items on the order on a pro-rata basis. If any dollar discounts by source code or offer apply, the system applies them as well, along with any other end-of-order repricing or discounting you have defined.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

G/M (Gross profit margin)

The unit amount of the order's merchandise that exceeds the cost of all of the item's on the order. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an order based on each item's selling price. See Determining Gross Profit for more information on the calculations the system performs to determine gross margin and gross margin percentage.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether this field is provided in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

G/M% (Gross profit margin percent)

The percentage of the order's merchandise that exceeds the cost of all of the items on the order. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an order based on each item's selling price. See Determining Gross Profit for the calculations the system performs to determine gross margin and gross margin percentage.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether this field is provided in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Applying Free Gifts

After you select the Reprice option and complete any pop-up windows, the system adds free gifts to the order based on the source code and total merchandise dollars on the order. This window lists the items that will be added to the order and provides you with an opportunity to tell the customer that the order qualified for free gifts.

Setting up free gifts: You set up free gifts for a source code at the Work with Source Free Gifts Screen, or for an offer at the Work with Offer Free Gifts Screen. You need to specify the required merchandise dollar value for an order to qualify for a gift, the quantity of the free gift item to add, and whether an order can qualify for multiple free gifts.

Things to note: The following factors influence how the system adds free gifts to the order:

         Offer price or selling price? To evaluate whether an order qualifies for a free gift, the system compares the total merchandise dollar value after applying any discounts or repricing (that is, the extended selling price of all items) with the $ required specified for the free gift.

         Multiple gifts?

         If the Allow multiple gifts flag is selected, the system adds the free gift defined for each dollar threshold met by the order total. For example, if a free gift is defined for an order total of $10.00, $15.00, and $20.00 and the customer orders $30.00 worth of merchandise, the system will add the free gifts for a $10.00, $15.00, and $20.00 order.

         If the Allow multiple gifts flag is unselected, the system adds the free gift defined for the highest dollar threshold met by the order total. For example, if a free gift is defined for an order total of $10.00, $15.00, and $20.00 and the customer orders $17.50 worth of merchandise, the system will add the free gift defined for a $20.00 order, because this is the highest level for which the order qualifies.

         Source vs. offer free gifts: Free gifts set up for the source code override free gifts set up for the offer. If an order would qualify for both the offer and source code free gifts, only the source code's free gift is added to the order.

Determining Gross Profit

Purpose: When you add an item to an order at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order), you can determine the item’s gross profit based on the item’s extended selling price and extended cost.

Gross profit margin is used to determine the profit of an item on an order based on the item's selling price, or to determine the profit of an entire order. This calculation is helpful if your operators are allowed to negotiate prices and work on a commission basis.

Estimated freight? You can also include the estimated freight charges for a class of items when you determine the gross profit in order entry, item availability, and when Printing the Order Demand/Sales Reports (PSSR). Including estimated freight charges is helpful if you sell merchandise before the actual freight charges are known. See Working with Item Classes (WICL) for more information on how to set up estimated freight charges for a class of items.

Note:             The estimated freight is not included in the calculation for the G/M and G/M % at the Display Invoice Header Screen screen in order inquiry or the Gross profit listed on the sales journal reports.

Where are gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentage displayed? The gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentages for individual orders or order lines are listed on the screens and reports below.


         Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) in order entry and order maintenance

         Work with Order/Recap Screen in order entry

         Display Invoice Header Screen in order inquiry

         Display Item/Offer Prices Screen, available from the Display Item Availability Screen


         Standard Sales Journal

         Sales Journal by Division

         Salesman Demand Report

         Source Shipped Report

Note:             The following reports list gross profit totals across multiple orders:

         Sales Journal Summary by Period

         Sales Journal Summary by Offer

         Sales Journal Summary by Descending Dollars

         Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date

         Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls the display of the gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentage fields on screens.

Note:             If you are using multi-currency by offer (the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected), the system converts the item's price to your local currency before calculating the gross profit. Likewise, if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected, the gross profit amount is indicated in the local currency.

Variations in calculation: The gross profit margin or gross profit margin percentage indicated for shipments might differ from those displayed in order entry if the item cost changes. Also, a rounding discrepancy of a cent is possible between the calculations on different screens and reports.

Calculating Gross Profit Margin and Gross Profit Percentage

The calculation of gross profit margin is described below.

Note:             Estimated freight is included in the gross profit margin calculation only in order entry, item availability, and when Printing the Sales Tax Report by State (PSTX).

(item(s) selling price) - (item(s) cost + total estimated freight for the item class) = gross profit margin



Item A:

cost = 10.00

extended selling price = 20.00


Item B:

cost = 14.00

estimated freight = 5.00

extended selling price = 27.00


For each item:

20.00 - 10.00 = 10.00 (g/m for item A)

27.00 - (14.00 + 5.00) = 8.00 (g/m for item B)


For the entire order:

(20.00 + 27.00) - [(10.00 + 14.00) + 5.00]

47.00 - (24.00 + 5.00)

47.00 - 29.00 = 18.00 (g/m for entire order)

The calculation of gross profit margin percentage:

(extended selling prices) - (item(s) cost + total estimated freight for item item)/(item(s) price x 100 = gross profit margin percentage



Item A:

cost = 10.00

extended selling price = 20.00


Item B:

cost = 14.00

estimated freight = 5.00

extended price = 27.00


For each item:

20.00 - 10.00 / 20.00 x 100

10.00 / 20.00 = .5

.5 x 100 = 50% (g/m% for item A)


27.00 - (14.00 + 5.00) / 27.00 x 100

8.00/27.00 = .2962

.2962 x 100 = 29.62% (g/m% for item B)


For the entire order:

(20.00 + 27.00) - [(10.00 + 14.00) + 5.00]/(20.00 + 27.00) x 100

47.00 - (24.00 + 5.00)/ 47.00 x 100

47.00 - 29.00 = 18.00

18.00 / 47.00 = .3829

.3829 x 100 = 38.29 (g/m% for entire order)

Calculating Gross Profit Margin and Percentage using Tax Inclusive Pricing (VAT)

In calculating gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentage on all screens and reports except for order entry, the system subtracts the hidden tax from the extended selling price on orders to countries that are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT). On orders subject to VAT, tax does not accumulate in the Tax field; instead, the customer pays a tax-inclusive price for each item and the tax is “hidden” on the order detail line in the Hidden tax field.

Order entry does not include hidden tax when calculating gross profit margin or gross profit margin percentage. See Calculating Gross Profit Margin and Gross Profit Percentage for the standard calculations used in order entry and on all other screens and reports for orders that are not subject to VAT.

The calculation of gross profit margin using tax-inclusive pricing on all screens and reports except for order entry:

(extended item(s) selling price - hidden tax) - (extended item(s) cost + total estimated freight) = gross profit margin


The calculation of gross profit margin percentage using tax-inclusive pricing except for order entry:

(extended item(s) selling price - hidden tax) - (extended item(s) cost + total estimated freight)/(extended item(s) selling price - hidden tax) x 100 = gross profit margin percentage

Note:             Estimated freight is included in the gross profit margin calculation only in order entry, item availability, and when Printing the Order Demand/Sales Reports (PSSR).

Work with Customer Profile

You advance to the Work with Customer Profile Screen when you select Accept Order or Accept/Add Rcp if you need to collect demographic information for the customer in a category flagged as mandatory.

Note:             If the Alternate ID Required for Displaying Customer Profile (K87) system control value is selected, you advance automatically to the Work with Customer Profile screen only when the sold-to customer has an Alternate customer number.

Applying Payment to the Order

Default Paytype Pop-up Windows

Purpose: Use these windows to enter the payment information.

Why opens? These windows open when you select Accept Order or Accept/Add Rcp at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) only if you defined a default payment method on the Default Values for Orders screen or if one defaulted through the Default Previous Pay Type in Order Entry (D64) system control value:


         Credit card

Enter Cash Control For Window (Cash/Check Payment Type)

This window opens only for a default cash/check payment type:



Pay type

A user-defined code that represents the method of payment on the order.

Valid pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

The pay type that appears at the top of this pop-up window represents a cash/check pay type.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Description (unlabeled field below the Pay type field)

A description associated with this payment method. For example, this field may contain the description CASH/CHECK when using a cash/check payment type to prepay the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


The total dollar value of the cash or check paytype.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the cash/check amount in the alternate currency by selecting AC Override if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Routing #

An informational field that is required if the pay type you define equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value.

An error message indicates if you do not enter a routing number and the pay type you defined equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value:

A Routing Number is required for check interface payment types.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

Account # (Checking account number)

An informational field that is required if the pay type you define equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value.

An error message indicates if you do not enter a checking account number and the pay type you defined equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value:

A Checking account number is required for check interface payment types.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Check #

An informational field that is required if the pay type you define equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value.

An error message indicates if you do not enter a checking account number and the pay type you defined equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26)e system control value:

A check number is required for check interface payment types.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Charge sequence

The order in which the system should charge each pay type when the customer uses several payment types. Defaults to 1. See Enter Payment Method Screen.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.


1.      Enter the amount in the Amount field and optionally, complete any of the other fields.

2.      Select OK to validate your entries and to add this payment information to the order.

Screen Option


Enter or review the cash/check amount in the alternate currency

Select AC Override to advance to the Alternate Currency Override window if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected). At this window you can enter or review the cash/check amount in the alternate currency.

An error message indicates if you select AC Override and the order is not associated with an alternate currency (the offer associated with the source code on the order header is in the local currency): Alternate Currency Prompt not valid.

See Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type)

This window opens only for a default credit card pay type if it is not associated with an authorization service whose Request token field is selected.

You can define a default credit card pay type by entering it at the Default Values for Orders screen or using the Default Previous Pay Type in Order Entry (D64) system control value.

You can also display this window by selecting Change for a credit card payment method at the Enter Payment Method Screen, or by entering a debit card payment method at the Work with Order/Recap Screen.



Pay type

A user-defined code that represents the method of payment on the order. If the credit card number has been replaced with a token, this field is display-only.

Valid pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Selecting a Different Pay Type: The pay type listed on this window is a credit card pay type, such as:

         regular credit card, such as Mastercard or VISA

         stored value card

         debit card

Each of these examples represents a Card type. You can change the pay type code to another card, if needed. For example, you can use this window to switch from a VISA card to American Express, since they are both regular credit cards; however, you should not use this window to switch from a VISA card to stored value card, or vice versa, as each card type has different entry requirements.

To Change the Pay Type to a Different Card Type: To change the pay type to a different Card type, you should select Exit and enter the new payment method at the Enter Payment Method Screen or the Work with Order/Recap Screen.

See Types of Credit Cards for more information.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Description (unlabeled field)

A description associated with this payment method. For example, this field may contain the description CREDIT CARD when using a credit card payment type to charge the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Credit card #

The number of the credit card payment method used on the order. This number is a token instead of the actual credit card number if the Tokenized field for the Order Payment Method record is Y; in this situation, the credit card number is display-only.

All cards must be authorized, either manually or by a credit card authorization service.

Defaults? The system defaults the customer's credit card number and expiration date if you are using the Default Previous Pay Type in Order Entry (D64) system control value. However, if the Prevent Storing the Customer’s Last CC# and Exp Date (J86) system control value is selected, the customer’s last credit card number and expiration date are not stored in the Customer Sold To and Customer Ship To Order History tables, only the pay type is stored. The system defaults the customer pay type, only.

Credit card number format: If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Display-only? This field is display-only (for a tokenized credit card) or blank (for other credit card types) if the operator does not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature. A message indicates if the operator tries to enter a credit card number: Cursor in protected area of display. However, if a valid credit card number has already been entered, the system does not indicate an error for the payment method.

Tokenization: If the Request token field for the authorization service defined for the credit card pay type is selected, the system sends a Token Request to the authorization service to replace the credit card number with a token. If the Require Credit Card Token (L40) system control value is selected and a token is not returned in the Token Response, the system displays the Tokenization Warning window and requires you to enter a different form of payment on the order before it can be accepted. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.

Last four: The system stores the last four digits of the actual credit card number in the CC Last 4 field in the Order Payment Method table in order to verify the card with the customer.

Changing: If you change the credit card number in order maintenance or through Resubmitting Rejected Deposits (SRDP), the system writes an order payment history record indicating that the credit card number has been changed. See the Display Order Payment History Screen for more information.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

Expiration date

The date (in MMYY format) up until which the credit card is valid. For example, enter 1206 if the credit card expires in December of 2006.

The Require expiration date flag for the pay type controls whether this field is a required entry.

The system defaults in the customer's credit card number and expiration date if you are using the Default Previous Pay Type in Order Entry (D64) system control value. However, if the Prevent Storing the Customer’s Last CC# and Exp Date (J86) system control value is Selected, the customer’s last credit card number and expiration date are not stored in the Customer Sold To and Customer Ship To Order History tables, only the pay type is stored. The system defaults the customer pay type, only.

This field is blank if the operator does not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature. A message indicates if the operator tries to enter an expiration date: Cursor in protected area of display. However, if a valid expiration date has already been entered, the system does not indicate an error for the payment method.

Numeric, 4 positions; required or optional, based on the Require expiration date flag for the pay type.


The ID number for the stored value card payment. Define an ID number only if your stored value card processor supports it. Order Management System stores the ID number in the OPM SVC ID Storage field in the Order Payment Method table and includes it in the authorization request and deposit request sent for the stored value card payment.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.


The total dollar value to charge to this paytype.

Leave this field blank if:

         the customer is using just this card to pay for the order; the system charges this card the total amount due on the order; or,

         this is the “catch-all” payment method; the system uses this card to charge the total balance remaining on the order after any other payment method has been charged.

The system issues a message for you to delete this amount if:

         The customer is using only this card to pay for the order

         You accept the order by selecting Accept or Accept/Add Rcp

         The dollar amount you specified is insufficient to cover the order.

After you delete the amount, the system charges the card the entire amount of the order and you avoid a balance-due situation.

See Enter Payment Method Screen for more information about multi-pay type orders.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the card amount in the alternate currency by selecting AC Override if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Authorization #

A code that indicates that the amount to charge for this card has been authorized manually or through an authorization service.

You can pre-authorize a credit card by entering an authorization number in the Authorization # field; however, you must also enter a value in the Amount field.

Enter a code in this field to pre-authorize the credit card when you do not use an authorization service to evaluate and approve your credit card orders. You can enter an authorization number in upper and lower case.

Note:  If you manually authorize a credit card, the credit card will not go out for online or batch authorization.

Secured feature: The ability of a user or user class to enter an authorization code manually for an order is controlled by the secured feature C/C Authorization Field Access (A25).

If you use an authorization service, the system updates this field when an authorization is received.

Alphanumeric, 16 positions; optional.

Authorization date

The date when this payment method was authorized manually or by an authorization service.

You must enter an authorization date if you entered an authorization number in the Authorization# field.

If you use an authorization service, the system updates this field when an authorization is received.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

Card security value

The credit card’s security value.

American Express: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 4-digit number imprinted, not embossed, on an American Express credit card. The card security value is displayed above and to the right of the imprinted credit card number on the front of the card.

Discover: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

VISA: The card security value, or CVV2 (card verification value), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

MasterCard: The card security value, or CVC2 (card validation code), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.


Reducing fraud: Authorization services use card security identification to help reduce fraud by verifying that the credit card is present at the point of sale and to ensure that the credit card data from the transaction matches the data stored by the authorization service for that card.


The card security value and card security presence are used for the processing of VISA, Discover, Master Card, and AMEX online authorization transactions only; the card security value and presence are informational-only for every other credit card transaction. The card security response received for the authorization is stored in the Vendor response 2 field in the Authorization History table.

Note:  The system removes the card security value from an order when the order is accepted, even if an approved online authorization has not been received on the order; no message is written to Order History. Card security processing is not available during batch authorization or deposit processing.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

Card security presence

Indicates to the authorization service whether a card security value (CID, CVV, CVC) is present on the credit card. If a card security presence exists for the credit card payment method, the authorization service performs card security identification.

Valid values:

         Value Present = card security value is present on the credit card.

         Value Illegible = card security value is present on the credit card, but is illegible.

         No Value = card security value is not present on the credit card.

If you select Value Present and do not enter a number in the Card security value field, an error message indicates: Card security value is required.

If you select Value Illegible or No Value and a number is defined in the Card security value field, an error message indicates: Card security value must be blank.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).


Issue #

An incremental issue number which some banks assign when they replace a card, such as a debit card, because it is lost or stolen. It is important to enter the issue number exactly as it appears on the card. For example, an issue number of 0 is different from an issue number of 00, and an issue number of 1 is different from an issue number of 01.

Required? An issue number may be required, based on the setting of the Require issue # field for the pay type. If it is required and you do not enter an issue number, the system displays an error message:

Credit card issue# () is not valid.

Note:  An entry of 00 (two zeros) is not considered a valid issue number.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required or optional based on the Require issue # flag for the pay type.

Start date

The month and year when the card becomes effective.

Required? The Require start date flag for the pay type controls whether the start date is required for the pay type. If the start date is required but not entered, the system displays an error message:

Credit card start date (0) is not valid.

Even if you require a start date for a pay type, the system does not validate that the start date is on or before the current date. Typically, if your authorization service requires a start date for this pay type, the service would validate that the start date has passed.

Numeric, 4 positions (MMYY format): required or optional based on the Require start date flag for the pay type.

Charge sequence

The order in which the system should charge each pay type when the customer uses more than one payment method. Defaults to 2 for a stored value card, or 3 for any other type of credit card. See Determining the Charge Sequence for more information.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Pay plan (Deferred or installment payment plan)

A code representing a deferred or installment payment plan. Only credit cards whose Card type is Credit card are eligible for payment plans.

If the operator does not have authority to the Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81) secured feature, this field is display-only.

See Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order for more information on how the system determines the payment plan to assign to an order.

Payment plans are defined in and validated against the Flexible Payment Option table. See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO).

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.



Change the pay type code to another credit card, if necessary. For example, if you have the Default Previous Pay Type in Order Entry (D64) system control value set to ALL, and the last pay type on record for the customer matches the Order Broker Payment Type (K98), the window displays an error message indicating that the pay type is restricted.

Note:  To change the pay type to a different Card type, you should select Exit and enter the new payment method at the Enter Payment Method Screen or the Work with Order/Recap Screen. See Types of Credit Cards for more information.


Enter the credit card number in the Credit card # field.


Enter the date the credit card expires in the Expiration date field, using MMYY format.


Leave the Amount field blank if the credit card is the only payment method on the order or if the credit card will serve as the “catch-all” pay type on a multi-pay type order.


Optionally, enter an authorization code in the Authorization # field to preauthorize (manually authorize) the credit card. You must enter an associated dollar amount to authorize in the Amount field. The system updates this field if you use an authorization service to authorize this credit card. You can enter an authorization number in upper and lower case.


If you entered an authorization number, enter the date on which you authorized the credit card manually. The system updates this field if you use an authorization service to authorize this credit card.


Optionally, enter the CID number defined for the credit card and the CID indicator if you wish to use credit card identification verification.


Select OK to attach this payment information to the order. If the Request token field for the authorization service defined for the credit card pay type is selected, the system sends a Token Request to the authorization service to replace the credit card number with a token. If the Require Credit Card Token (L40) system control value is selected and a token is not returned in the Token Response, the system displays the Tokenization Warning window and requires you to enter a different form of payment on the order before it can be accepted. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.

Screen Option


Enter or review the credit card amount in the alternate currency

Select AC Override to advance to the Alternate Currency Override window if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected). At this window you can enter or review the credit card amount in the alternate currency.

An error message indicates if you select AC Override and the order is not associated with an alternate currency (the offer associated with the source code on the order header is in the local currency): Alternate Currency Prompt not valid.

See Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Perform an interactive balance inquiry against a stored value card payment method

Select Balance Inquiry.

The system interactively performs a stored value card balance inquiry; see Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB).

An error message indicates if you have not yet created the stored value card payment method on the order: Must create pay method before Balance Inquiry.

An error message indicates if you select this option for a payment method other than stored value card: Pay type not eligible for balance inquiry.

Enter Payment Method Screen

Purpose: Use this screen at any time to enter the payment information.

Screen structure: 

         The top of the screen displays the order number, the name of the customer who is placing the order, the accumulated order total across all recipient orders, and the write-off amount overpaid on previous orders. You can apply this amount to the current order.

         The center of the screen displays fields for you to specify payment information for any type of payment method.

         The bottom half of the screen displays the payment methods already attached on the order (either from entries to this screen or from entries to a default payment type pop-up window). You can change or delete any existing payment information on this screen.

How to display this screen: Select Pay Methods on the Work with Order Screen or the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order), or the Work with Order/Recap Screen



WO$ (Write-off dollars)

The accumulated amount of write-offs (overpayments minus underpayments) for this customer that can be used as payment on the current order when you select Conv w/o $ to pmt.

Indicates whether the customer's write-off balance is positive or negative.

The system issues a message if you select Conv w/o $ to pmt when the write-off balance is 0 or negative:

Cannot use as payment; write-off amount is zero or negative.


Applying Write-off Dollars as an Order Payment: If the resulting refund/balance due write-off value is positive, the WO$ field is provided on this screen and displays a value that the customer can use as payment on the order.

Select Conv w/o $ to pmt for the system to apply the entire amount of the refund/balance due write-off as payment on the order. The system adds an order payment method on the Payment Method screen using the payment type defined in the Default Cash Pay Type (C07) field in the System Control table.

The system issues a refund check for the customer if the addition of the write-off dollars to the order results in an overpayment.


Applying Write-off Dollars as Additional Charges: If the resulting refund/balance due write-off value is negative, the WO$ field is provided on this screen and displays a value that you can apply to the order as an additional charge.

Select Conv w/o $ to chrg for the system to apply the entire amount of the refund/balance due write-off as an additional charge on the order. The system will use the additional charge code from the Default Additional Charge Code (C45) field in the System Control table. This amount will be added to the amount the customer owes for the current order. The system will add an additional charge to the Enter Additional Charges Window; the system will convert the negative balance due amount to a positive charge on the order.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Pay type

A user-defined code for a method of payment on the order. Valid payment types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

The pay type code and description display on the lower portion of the screen for payment methods that you have already entered.

Assigning a Customer Bill To: The system creates a bill-to automatically for the order and uses the customer's name and address as the billing address when a billing account does not exist for the customer.

The bill-to created by the system is attached to the current order only.

Check Interface Pay Type: You can send check information to an outside service for verification by defining a check pay type in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value.

When you add the check interface payment method to an order, the system:

         requires entry of the Routing number, Checking account number, and Check number fields on this screen or the Enter Cash Control For Window (Cash/Check Payment Type).

         does not allow you to define a dollar amount for the payment method. If you try to enter a dollar amount, the system displays an error message: A check amount cannot be entered prior to check interface download processing.

         does not allow you to enter a credit card payment method to the order since you cannot define two payment methods on the order that have a blank dollar amount.

         places the order on CI (check interface) hold.

         adds an additional charge to the order if an additional charge code has been defined in the Check Interface Additional Charge Code (G27) system control value.

Restricted payment method: You cannot apply the Order Broker Payment Type (K98) to an order; instead, the screen displays an error, such as Pay type (06-BROKER PAY TYPE ) is restricted. 

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only, required.

CC #

The number of the credit card or stored value card used on the order. The Scan Credit Card Accounts Screen displays if you prompt on this field and you have defined the credit card pay type associated with the data loaded from GECC in the Pay type field. This screen allows you to scan for the credit card number of the customer placing the order.

All cards must be authorized, either manually or by a credit card authorization service.

The credit card number is indicated on the bottom half of the screen for credit card payment types that have already been added to the order.

Credit card number format: If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Note:  The credit card number does not display on the screen if the operator does not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature.


Tokenization: If the Request token field for the authorization service defined for the credit card pay type is selected, the system sends a Token Request to the authorization service to replace the credit card number with a token. If the Require Credit Card Token (L40) system control value is selected and a token is not returned in the Token Response, the system displays the Tokenization Warning window and requires you to enter a different form of payment on the order before it can be accepted. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.

Last four: The system stores the last four digits of the actual credit card number in the CC Last 4 field in the Order Payment Method table in order to verify the card with the customer.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

Exp date

The date (in MMYY format) up until which a credit card is valid. For example, enter 1206 if the credit card expires in December of 2006.

The Require expiration date flag for the pay type controls whether this field is a required entry.

The expiration date is on the bottom half of the screen for credit card payment types that have already been added to the order unless the operator does not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature.

Numeric, 4 positions; required or optional, based on the Require expiration date flag for the pay type.

Issue #

An incremental issue number which some banks assign when they replace a credit card, such as a debit card, because it is lost or stolen. It is important to enter the issue number exactly as it appears on the card. For example, an issue number of 0 is different from an issue number of 00, and an issue number of 1 is different from an issue number of 01.

Required? An issue number may be required for a credit card or debit card, based on the setting of the Require issue # field for the pay type. If it is required and you do not enter an issue number, the system displays an error message: Credit card issue# () is not valid.

Note:  An entry of 00 (two zeros) is not considered a valid issue number.

The issue number is a valid entry only for a credit card payment method, such as a debit card.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required or optional based on the Require issue # flag for the pay type.

Start date

The month and year when a credit or debit card becomes effective.

Required? The Require start date flag for the pay type controls whether the start date is required for a credit card pay type. If the start date is required but not entered, the system displays an error message: Credit card start date (0) is not valid.

The start date is a valid entry only for a credit card payment method, such as a debit card.

Even if you require a start date for a pay type, the system does not validate that the start date is on or before the current date. Typically, if your authorization service requires a start date for this pay type, the service would validate that the start date has passed.

Numeric, 4 positions (MMYY format): required or optional based on the Require start date flag for the pay type.

Plan (Deferred or installment payment plan code)

A code that represents the deferred or installment payment plan you wish to assign to this order. An order is eligible for a payment plan only if it uses a credit card whose Card type is Credit Card) rather than, for example, a stored value card. See Types of Credit Cards for more information.

Included only if the Deferred and Installment Billing (F51) system control value is selected.

If an operator does not have authority to the Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81) secured feature, this field is display-only.

An error message indicates if an operator enters a payment plan code and the order is not eligible.

See Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order on how the system determines the payment plan to assign to the order.

Payment plans are defined in and validated against the Flexible Payment Option table. See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO).

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Auth #

A code that indicates that the amount to charge for this credit card payment type has been authorized manually or through a credit card authorization service.

You can preauthorize a credit card by entering an authorization number in the Authorization # field; however, you must also enter a value in the Amount field.

Enter a code in this field to preauthorize the credit card when you do not use an authorization service to evaluate and approve your credit card orders. You can enter an authorization number in upper and lower case.

Secured feature: The ability of a user or user class to enter an authorization code manually for an order is controlled by the secured feature C/C Authorization Field Access (A25).

If you use an authorization service, the system updates this field when an authorization is received.

Alphanumeric, 16 positions; optional.

Authorization date

The date when this payment method received an authorization manually or by an authorization service.

You must enter an authorization date if you entered an authorization number in the Authorization# field.

If you use an authorization service, the system updates this field when an authorization is received.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

Ord total

The sum of all charges on the order, including: merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling and additional charges.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Auth amt

The amount you wish to manually authorize for this credit card.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

CSV (card security value)

The credit card’s security value.

American Express: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 4-digit number imprinted, not embossed, on an American Express credit card. The card security value is above and to the right of the imprinted credit card number on the front of the card.

Discover: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

VISA: The card security value, or CVV2 (card verification value), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

MasterCard: The card security value, or CVC2 (card validation code), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.


Reducing fraud: Authorization services use card security identification to help reduce fraud by verifying that the credit card is present at the point of sale and to ensure that the credit card data from the transaction matches the data stored by the authorization service for that card.


The card security value and card security presence are used for the processing of VISA, Discover, Master Card, and American Express online authorization transactions only; the card security value and presence are informational-only for every other credit card transaction. The card security response received for the authorization is stored in the Vendor response 2 field in the Authorization History table.

Note:  The system removes the card security value from an order when the order is accepted, even if an approved online authorization has not been received on the order; no message is written to Order History. Card security processing is not available during batch authorization or deposit processing.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

CSP (card security presence)

Indicates to the authorization service whether a card security value (CID, CVV, CVC) is present on the credit card. If a card security presence exists for the credit card payment method, the authorization service performs card security identification.

Valid values:

Valid values:

         Value Present = card security value is present on the credit card.

         Value Illegible = card security value is present on the credit card, but is illegible.

         No Value = card security value is not present on the credit card.

         If you select Value Present and do not enter a number in the Card security value field, an error message indicates: Card security value is required.

If you select Value Illegible or No Value and a number is defined in the Card security value field, an error message indicates: Card security value must be blank.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).



The total dollar value of this payment type.

When to enter an amount? Enter an amount for cash/check payment types. If the amount you enter is less than the order total, the system displays the following message: Order total not equal to paid amount.

Enter an amount if using a credit card that is not the only form of payment on the order and another payment type is used as the “catch- all” payment type. See Pay Type Editing for more information.


When to leave this field blank? Leave this field blank:

         when entering a check interface payment type.

         when the customer is using only this credit card to pay for the order (the system charges this credit card the total amount due on the order).

         for one credit card payment type if the customer is using multiple payment methods on the order (the system charges the credit card the outstanding balance that is not charged to other payment types).

The system issues a message for you to delete this amount if:

         The customer is using only this credit card to pay for the order, and

         You accept the order, and

         The dollar amount is insufficient to cover the order.


Catch-all payment types: A catch-all payment type is a payment type that will be charged the outstanding balance on an order when the customer is using several payment methods on the order. You can identify a payment type as the catch-all payment type by leaving the Amount field blank.

You can use these payment methods as the catch-all payment type:

         Credit card (including other card types)

         the check pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value.

You can identify only one payment type on the order as the catch-all payment type.


You cannot identify a cash/check payment type as the “catch-all” payment type, because the customer drafts the check for a specific amount. A “catch-all” payment type, however, will be charged whatever amount is not charged to other payment types on the order. This is an open- ended payment type that will “catch” the customer underpayment, charge the balance, and avoid a balance due situation.

Alternate currency pricing: You can enter the pay type amount in the alternate currency by selecting AC Override if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; entry requirements depend on payment type.

Charge sequence

The order in which the system should charge each pay type when the customer uses several payment types. Indicates when each payment type will be billed by the system as merchandise is shipped. See Determining the Charge Sequence for more information.

The charge sequence is provided for each entered payment method on the lower portion of the screen, and is enterable.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The ID number for the stored value card payment. Define an ID number only if your stored value card processor supports it. Order Management System stores the ID number in the OPM SVC ID Storage field in the Order Payment Method table and includes it in the authorization request and deposit request sent for the stored value card payment.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Pay bal (Payment balance)

The amount remaining to charge on an order. The system uses this calculation to determine the payment balance: order total - total order payments = payment balance

Represents the amount charged to the catch all pay type on a multi-pay type order.


The order total = 100.00

Pay type 1 = 45.00

Pay type 2 = 15.00

Pay type 3 (catch all) = 0.00

100.00 - 60.00 = 40.00 (this is the amount charged to the catch all pay type).

This amount is a negative value if the customer overpays or a return or exchange is performed.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


Check Interface payment: An informational field that is required if the pay type you define equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value. An error message indicates if you do not enter a routing number and the pay type you defined equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value: A Routing Number is required for check interface payment types.

An error message indicates if you enter a routing number for a pay type that does not represent pay category Cash/Check: A routing number cannot be entered for this pay type.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

Acct (Account #)

Check Interface payment: An informational field that is required if the pay type you define equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value. An error message indicates if you do not enter a checking account number and the pay type you defined equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value: A Checking account number is required for check interface payment types.

An error message indicates if you enter a routing number for a pay type that does not represent pay category Cash/Check: A routing number cannot be entered for this pay type.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Check #

An informational field that is required if the pay type you define equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value.

An error message indicates if you do not enter a checking account number and the pay type you defined equals the pay type defined in the Check Interface Payment Type (G26) system control value: A check number is required for check interface payment types.

An error message indicates if you enter a check number for a pay type that does not represent pay category Cash/Check: A check number cannot be entered for this pay type.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Ord discount (Order discount)

The total discount applied to the order across all ship to customers. The total discount is calculated by comparing the selling price with the item/SKU offer price. If you use a price override on any of the order lines, or if it defaults from the Default Price Override Reason (B35) system control value:

         If the price override reason code’s Override item offer price field is selected, the Ord discount includes any discounts that reduce the selling price from the price override amount you entered for the order line; however, it does not include the amount of the price override itself. For example, if an accompanying item normally priced at $2.00 is added to the order at no charge, the $2.00 is not included in the order discount amount.

         If the price override reason code’s Override item offer price field is unselected, and:

-      you override an existing item/SKU offer price for the item: the Ord discount includes the difference between the original item/SKU offer price and the final selling price, including the price override and any other discounts.

-      there is no item/SKU offer price for the item: the order detail line does not affect the Ord discount total.

Note:  Provided only if the Display Discount on Order Recap Screen (D38) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

CC Last 4

The last four positions of the credit card number. Updates the CC Last 4 field in the Order Payment Method table.

If you use credit card encryption, the system does not encrypt the value in this field.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

When you complete this screen: When you complete the Enter Payment Method Screen, you have identified how the customer will pay for the order, either by using a single payment type or by using a valid combination of payment types. To accept each payment and to display it at the bottom half of the screen, select OK.

At this point, you can:

         Select Exit to return to the previous screen to review the order or add additional item, customer or order information, or

         Select Accept Order, or Acpt/Add Recipient to accept the order and add a recipient order if you have added all items to the order

         Select Reject to reject the order; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Screen Option


Change a payment method.

Select Change for the payment method to change it. See Rules for Pay Type Combinations.

Delete a payment method.

Select Delete for the payment method to delete it.

See Rules for Pay Type Combinations.

Perform online credit card authorization against a credit card payment method.

This option is not available in order entry. 

An error message indicates: Option is valid only in Order Maintenance

See Accepting or Rejecting the Order for more information on performing online credit card authorization during order entry.

Perform an interactive balance inquiry against a stored value card payment method

Select Balance Inquiry for a stored value card payment method.

The system interactively performs a stored value card balance inquiry; see Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB).

An error message indicates if you enter this option for a payment method other than stored value card: Pay type not eligible for balance inquiry.

Deactivate a payment method.

Select Deactivate for the payment method to deactivate it. See Rules for Pay Type Combinations.

Review order payment history for this order.

Select History for a payment method to advance to the Display Order Payment History Screen.

An error message indicates if the operator does not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature. You are not authorized to display payment history

Review the payment plan assigned to the order.

Select Plan Summary a payment method to advance to the Display Payment Plan Summary Screen. 

Accept, validate, and process the order.

Select Accept Order; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Reject (cancel) the order.

Select Reject Order; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Apply the positive write-off balance in the WO$ field as payment to the order, using the value in the Default Cash Pay Type (C07) field in the System Control table.

Select Convert W/O To Payment.

Apply the negative write-off balance in the WO$ field as an additional charge on the order, using the value in the Default Additional Charge Code (C45) field in the System Control table.

Select Convert W/O To Charge.

Enter the pay type amount in the alternate currency.

Select AC Override to advance to the Alternate Currency Override window if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected). At this window you can enter the pay type amount in the alternate currency. The calculated local amount is in the Amount field.

An error message indicates if you select AC Override and the order is not associated with an alternate currency (the offer associated with the source code on the order header is in the local currency): Alternate Currency Prompt not valid. See Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Enter a recipient order.

Select Add Recipient; see Adding a Recipient Order in Order Entry.

Note:  You will first advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen if the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected.

Work with Rewards certificates

Not implemented.

Scan Credit Card Accounts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to scan for the credit card account the customer wishes to use as payment for the order. This screen displays credit card information for customers with a specific pay type credit card account, such as a house charge account. This screen is helpful if a customer wishes to use the credit card to pay for the order but does not know the credit card number.

In order to view credit card accounts on this screen, you must first:

         Import the data provided by GECC containing the credit card accounts onto your system

         Associate a credit card pay type with the Credit Card Account table.

Credit card number format: If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Note:             Depending on the user’s authority to credit card information, the system writes a record to the Credit Card Audit table when this screen is displayed. See Logging Credit Card Data Access in the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.

How to display this screen: Enter the pay type associated with the Credit Card Account table in the Pay type field and click on the arrow in the Credit card number field on the:

         Work with Order/Recap Screen

         Enter Payment Method Screen

An error message indicates if you click on the arrow in the Credit card number field and a pay type associated with the house charge has not been defined in the Pay type field:

Prompt not valid for this field



Postal code

The postal code or zip code for a customer with this credit card account. Credit card accounts for customers living in foreign countries have a postal code of 00000.

Enter a 5-digit postal code to display credit card accounts whose postal codes match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The first 4 positions of the customer's last name. Enter a full or partial last name to display credit card accounts whose last names start with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


The first 6 positions of the customer's street address.

Enter a full or partial street address to display credit card accounts that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.

CC account no. (Credit card account number)

The credit card number of a customer's account.

If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Numeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Select a credit card account

Select a credit card account.

Display a credit card account

Select Display for a credit card account to display it.

Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order

Purpose: A payment plan allows you to pay for the order at a later date.

There are 2 types of payment plans:



Deferred payment plans are payment plans that allow a customer to pay at a later date, for example, Payment due on January 1st or can be a rolling date, for example, Payment due in 30 days.

Installment payment plans are payment plans that allow a customer to pay a specific amount of the payment each month. The date of the payment is due can be a fixed day of the month, for example, Installments due on the 25th of each month, or based on a specific interval, for example, Installments due in 30-day intervals.

Determining eligible orders: The system determines whether an order is eligible for a deferred or installment payment plan based on this information:

         The Deferred and Installment Billing (F51) system control value is selected.

         The order date is within the starting date and ending date defined for the payment plan. For example, if the starting date for the payment plan is 09/01/06 and the ending date is 09/30/06, the order date must be within the month of September.

         The order does not contain an item that is excluded from deferred and installment payment plans (the Exclude FPO (Exclude flexible payment option) field for the item is selected). For example, if the Exclude FPO field for the item BX984 is selected, and the order includes this item, the entire order is excluded from deferred and installment payment plans.

         The source code on the order header is excluded from deferred and installment payment plans (the Excl FPO (Exclude flexible payment option) field for the source code is selected). For example, if the Exclude FPO field for the source code A102 is selected, and this source code is defined on the order header, the entire order is excluded from deferred and installment payment plans.

         The order meets the minimum dollar amount requirement defined for the payment plan. For example, if the Minimum amount field for the payment plan is set to $50.00, the order total must be equal to or greater than $50.00 in order to be eligible for this payment plan.

         The order meets the pay type requirement defined for the payment plan. For example, if the Pay type field for the payment plan is set to 04 (VISA), the method of payment on the order must be a VISA credit card in order to be eligible for this payment plan.

Note:             Only credit cards whose Type is Credit card are eligible for payment plans. For example, you cannot apply a payment plan to a stored value card pay type.

Setting up a payment plan: These fields in the Flexible Payment Option table determine how an eligible payment plan is assigned to an order.

         Is the payment plan automatically applied to the order? If the Auto apply field for the payment plan is set to:

         1 (auto apply), the system automatically applies the most eligible payment plan to the order.

         2 (no auto apply), the system does not automatically apply a payment plan to the order. You can apply a payment plan to the order by selecting the Pay plan field on the Work with Order/Recap Screen, entering a payment plan code in the Pay plan field on the Enter Payment Method screen, or by selecting a payment plan from the Select Payment Plan pop-up window.

         3 (prompt), the system advances you to the Select Payment Plan Window where you can select a payment plan to apply to the order.

Note:             In order to make payment plan selection easier, each payment plan should have the same Auto apply setting.

         Is the payment plan viewable in order entry and order maintenance? If the View in oe/om field for the payment plan is selected and the order is eligible for the payment plan, the plan is indicated in the Select Payment Plan Window. If this field is unselected, the plan does not display in the Select Payment Plan pop-up window; however, you can still apply this plan to the order by entering the code in the Pay plan field. The system also displays the primary payment plan in this window regardless of the setting of this field.

         Do you advance to the Display Payment Plan Summary screen? If the Display summary field for the payment plan is selected, the system advances you to the Display Payment Plan Summary Screen when a payment plan is assigned to the order. If this field is unselected, the system does not advance you to the Display Payment Plan Summary Screen, but you can display this screen upon request by using option Pay Plan Summary on the Enter Payment Method Screen.

For more information: See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview for an overview on deferred and installment payment plans and how to set up payment plans.

Payment plan processing:


Determining the Primary Payment Plan

Once the system determines which payment plans are eligible to assign to the order, the system must then determine the primary payment plan for the order. The primary payment plan is the plan that is the most appropriate for the order based on the information defined for the payment plan and the information defined for the order.

The system uses this hierarchy to determine the primary payment plan for the order:

         The payment plan is set to automatically apply to the order. The system automatically applies a payment plan to the order if the Auto apply field in the Flexible Payment Option table is set to 1 (Automatically apply). If more than one payment plan is set to automatically apply or no payment plans are set to automatically apply, the system uses this hierarchy to determine the primary payment plan.

         The payment plan is assigned to a source code. A payment plan is defined in the Flexible payment code field for the source code defined on the order.

         An item on the order is defined for the payment plan and the order meets the dollar amount required. An item is defined in the Item field in the Flexible Payment Option table and the order meets the minimum dollar amount defined in the Minimum amount field in the Flexible Payment Option table.

         An item on the order is defined for the payment plan. An item is defined in the Item field in the Flexible Payment Option table.

         The offer on the order is defined for the payment plan and the order meets the dollar amount required. The offer associated with the source code on the order header is defined in the Offer field in the Flexible Payment Option table and the order meets the minimum dollar amount defined in the Minimum amount field in the Flexible Payment Option table.

         The offer on the order is defined for the payment plan. The offer associated with the source code on the order is defined in the Offer field in the Flexible Payment Option table.

         The pay type on the order is defined for the payment plan and the order meets the dollar amount required? The pay type defined on the order is defined in the Pay type field in the Flexible Payment Option table and the order meets the minimum dollar amount defined in the Minimum amount field in the Flexible Payment Option table.

         The pay type on the order is defined for the payment plan. The pay type defined on the order is defined in the Pay type field in the Flexible Payment Option table.

         The dollar amount on the order meets the minimum dollar amount required. The total dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the dollar amount defined in the Minimum amount field in the Flexible Payment Option table.

If the more than one payment plan meets the same qualifications, the system then determines which payment plan is the primary plan based on:

         The payment plan is the first eligible plan in descending starting date sequence.

         The payment plan is the first alphanumerically.

Selecting the primary plan: Click the plan code to apply the payment plan to the order.

For more information: See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO).

Select Payment Plan Window

Purpose: Use this window to assign a payment plan to the order. This window lists all payment plans that are eligible for this order and are set up to:

         Prompt in order entry (the Auto apply field in the Flexible Payment Option table is set to 3) and as viewable in order entry (the View in oe/om field in the Flexible Payment Option table is selected).

         Not automatically apply in order entry (the Auto apply field in the Flexible Payment Option table is set to 2) and as viewable in order entry (the View in oe/om field in the Flexible Payment Option table is selected).

Note:             The primary payment plan is indicated in the Select Payment Plan window regardless of the value defined in the View in oe/om field.

For more information: See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO).

How to display this window:

         Enter a credit card payment type for the order on the Enter Payment Method Screen or Work with Order/Recap Screen if the Auto apply field for the payment plan is set to prompt.

         Click on the arrow in the Pay plan field on the Enter Payment Method Screen or Work with Order/Recap Screen.



Plan (Payment plan)

The code for a payment plan that is eligible for this order.

Payment plans are defined in and validated against the Flexible Payment Option table.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The description of the payment plan.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

D/I (Deferred or installment payment plan)

A code that indicates whether this payment plan is a deferred payment plan or an installment payment plan.

Valid values are:

D = This is a deferred payment plan.

I = This is an installment payment plan.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Primary plan

The most appropriate payment plan for this order. The system determines the primary payment plan based on this hierarchy:

          payment plan is set to automatically apply

          source code

          item and dollar amount



         offer and dollar amount


          pay type and dollar amount

          pay type

          dollar amount

          descending starting date sequence

          alphanumerically by payment plan code

See Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order on how the system determines which payment plan is the most appropriate for the order.

Primary payment plan code: Alphanumeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Primary payment plan description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Other qualifying plans

The payment plans that are eligible for this order, but are not the primary payment plan. The system lists the other qualifying payment plans in alphanumeric order.

An error message indicates is you select a payment plan other than the primary payment plan and you are not authorized to the Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81) secured feature:

Not authorized to override payment plan.

Qualifying payment plan code: Alphanumeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Qualifying payment plan description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


Display Payment Plan Summary Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review information related to the payment schedule, such as the billing date if the plan is deferred or the amount due at each installment if the plan is an installment, for the payment plan assigned to the order.

How to display this screen:

         the payment plan assigned to the order is set up as Display summary = Selected.

         the operator selects Pay Plan Summary for a payment method on the Enter Payment Method Screen. An error message indicates if you select Pay Plan Summary for a payment method and a payment plan has not been assigned to the order: Pay method is not associated with any payment plan.



Order #

The order number associated with this payment plan.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Pay type

The pay type code and description associated with the payment plan and order. You can only assign a payment plan to an order containing a credit card as the method of payment. See Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order.

Pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table.

Pay type code: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Pay type description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Payment plan

The payment plan code and description assigned to this order.

Payment plan codes are defined in and validated against the Flexible Payment Option table. See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO).

Payment plan code: Alphanumeric, 5 position; display-only.

Payment plan description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Sold to

The last, first and middle initial of the sold to customer associated with this order.

Last name: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

First name: Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.

Middle initial: Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Fields associated with a deferred payment plan:

# of days for deferral

The number of days the customer can defer paying this order.

Example:  payment due in 30 days.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Deferred bill date

The billing date when the payment for this order is due. The system uses this calculation to determine the deferred bill date: order date + # of days for deferral = deferred bill date

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Fix date for deferral

The fixed billing date when the payment for this order is due.

Example:  payment due on January 1st.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Order total

The sum of all charges on the order, including merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, and additional charges across all recipients on this order.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Fields associated with an installment payment plan:

Installment amount

The amount due at each installment. The system uses this calculation to determine the amount due at each installment: (order total - prepaid amount) / # of intervals = installment amount


order total = 45.00

prepaid amount = 15.00

number of installments = 3

(45.00 - 15.00) / 3 = 10.00 (installment amount)

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

# of installments

The total number of installments assigned to this payment plan. This is the number of times the customer must pay an installment amount.

Example:  If the order total is 30.00 and the number of installments is 3, the customer would pay 10.00 at each installment date.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Installment interval

The number of days between each installment deposit date. This number cannot be less than 30 since the billing cycle for a credit card is 30 days.


order total = 30.00

installment amount = 10.00

number of installments = 3

installment interval = 30

In this situation, the customer must pay an installment amount of 10.00 during 3 separate times in 30 day intervals (a payment of 10.00 is due each month).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Installment dates

The dates when each installment amount is due.

Installment based on fixed date:

         If the current date is less than the fixed day, the system uses this month for the first installment.


fixed installment day = 25th

current day = 9/10

first installment date = 9/25

         If the current date is equal to or greater than the fixed day, the system uses the next month for the first installment.


fixed installment day = 25th

current day = 9/28

first installment date = 10/25


Installment based on specific interval:

To calculate the first installment date: order date = first installment date

To calculate the second installment date: order date + installment interval = second installment date

To calculate additional installment dates: previous installment date + installment interval = additional installment date



order date = 08/04/06

installment interval = 30

number of installments = 3

First installment date:  08/04/06

Second installment date:  08/04/06 + 30 = 09/03/06

Third installment date:  09/03/06 + 30 = 10/03/06

Note:  The system calculates the installment dates assuming the order ships on the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Fixed installment day

The day of the month when each installment amount is due.

Example:  payments due on the 1st of the month.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Expiration date

The date when this payment plan will no longer apply to new invoices.

For deferred payment plans, the Number of days for deferral is added to the invoice date.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Pay Type Editing

Pay type entry requirements and options: This table lists each payment method and identifies the required (R), optional (O), defaulted value (D) and invalid (I) entry fields.


credit card

cash/ check

stored value card

debit card

direct bank disburse







charge seq






Credit card #






Exp date






Issue #






Start date






Auth #/ date






Pay plan












routing #/ account #






check #






Note:             See Enter Payment Method Screen for more on how the system validates your pay type entries.

Rules for Pay Type Combinations

The system allows only these payment type combinations:

         Enter a value in the Amount field for a credit card payment type (including other card types) only if you use more than one credit card on the order, and the other card is the “catch-all” payment.

         Leave the Amount field for the credit card (including other card types) blank if you use a single credit card on an order with a cash/check payment type; otherwise, the system does not allow you to accept the order and displays a message: At least one 'catch-all' payment method must be defined.

To change: Select Change for a payment type at the Enter Payment Method Screen or Work with Order/Recap Screen to change existing payment information. A window opens automatically for the selected payment type; you can change any information on this window. You can select AC Override on this window if you wish to enter or review the pay type amount in the alternate currency (if you are using alternate currency pricing; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing).

To delete: Select Delete for the payment type you want to remove from the order.

To deactivate: Select Deactivate for an authorized or billed credit card payment type that you want to disable from further billing only. This allows you to stop any further billing against a stolen credit card.

You receive a message if you attempt to deactivate a credit card that has not been authorized or billed: Pay method has no activity -- delete instead.

If the credit card is eligible for deactivation, a window opens on the Enter Payment Method Screen when you select OK. 

Confirm Deactivation

Press Enter to confirm deactivate.

When you select OK, the system:

         updates the Chg seq (charge sequence) field with a value of 99; you cannot change or reactivate the deactivated payment type.

         displays a message if you deactivate the payment type on a single paytype order. The only pay method on the order has been deactivated.

         instructs you to define an alternate method of payment. You must also update another payment type if you are deactivating the “catch-all” payment type on the order.

         creates an authorization reversal if the payment is a stored value card and an open, unused authorization amount exists against the payment; see Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

Card security value: When you deactivate a credit card that has a card security value and card security presence defined, the system clears the card security value and card security presence from the Order Payment Method table (and Online Authorization table if you performed online credit card authorizations). Otherwise, the system removes the card security value from the order when you accept an order, even if the order has not received an approved online authorization. See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2) for more information on card security processing.

Note:             You cannot deactivate a credit card with a refund due; instead, you must use the Work With Refunds option to cancel the refund for the order or change the refund type. See Working with Refunds, Writeoffs and Balances Due (WREF).

Determining the Charge Sequence

Purpose: You can use the charge sequence field to indicate the order in which the system should charge payment methods on an order with multiple pay types. A lower charge sequence indicates to charge that payment method first. For example, you enter an order with a stored value card and a credit card: the stored value card has a charge sequence of 2, indicating to charge it first, and then the credit card. The payment method with the highest charge sequence must be the “catch-all,” as described above under Pay Type Editing.

The system automatically assigns charge sequences to different payment categories as follows:

Payment Method

Pay Category

Default Charge Sequence

Cash or check



Stored value card

Credit Card


Credit card (any Card type besides a stored value card)

Credit Card


Reassigning charge sequences: You can assign a different charge sequence to a payment method in order entry. If the payment method is not the “catch-all,” the system then reassigns the charge sequence for the “catch-all” so that it is higher. For example, if you change the charge sequence for a stored value card to 10, the system automatically changes the charge sequence for the credit card on the order to 11 (provided the credit card is the “catch-all”).

In the above example, if you changed the charge sequence of the stored value card to 98, you would not be able to accept the order. Instead, the system displays the following error message: At least one ’catch-all’ pay method must be defined.

The reason the system displays this message is that a charge sequence of 99 indicates to deactivate the payment method, and you cannot deactivate the “catch-all.” Instead, use the Enter Payment Method Screen to reassign the charge sequences so that the “catch-all” has the highest charge sequence, but it is lower than 99.

Completing Order Entry

Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window

Purpose: Use this window to review additional ship via choices with the customer, and allow the customer to select a different ship via based on total freight charges or delivery date.

Ship via overrides: There are several ways the system can override the shipper specified on the order with another shipper. See Ship Via Override Hierarchy for a list of ways the system can override the shipper specified on the order with another shipper and the hierarchy in which the ship via overrides take precedence.

How to display this window: This window opens automatically if:

         there are any ship vias for the shipper identified with a Type of O in the Best Way Ship Via table

         there is at least one reserved item on the order

         the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value is blank

See Working with Best Way Ship Vias for an overview and setup instructions.

This window also opens automatically in order maintenance if:

         the Display Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window in OM (I02) system control value is selected 

         no items on the order are printed or shipped

         the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value is blank

Auto-assignment? This window does not open if the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value is set to a valid ship via code; in this situation, the system automatically assigns the best way ship via with the lowest overall shipping charges to the order. See the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value for an overview.



Ship via

The shipper to deliver the order. The current ship via on the order is indicated at the top of the window, with each of the possible alternate shippers below.

Code: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The total freight charges on the order for this ship via, including:

         Add'l freight charge

         shipper/item charges (see Work with Ship Via/Item Screen)

         service charges (see Work with Dollar Chart by Ship Via Screen (Ship Via Service Charges)

         weight charges (see Work with Weight Charges by Ship Via Screen)

The charges also include any special handling charges on the order if the system control value Include Special Handling in Alternate Shipping Charges by Via (I03) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Ship lead days

The total number of days to add to the current date to determine expected delivery date.

Calculated how? Calculated by adding the Shipping lead days for the SCF/ship via + the number of days specified in the Pick Processing Days (B37) system control value.

Additional factors for shipping lead days: Two additional factors, either separately or combined, can increase the shipping lead days: the system adds 1 day if the current time is later than the Warehouse Cutoff Time (K39), or adds 2 days if the total lead days based on the previous factors results in an expected delivery date after Friday of the current week and the Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date (K38) system control value is selected, indicating that shipments do not occur on Saturday or Sunday.

Future arrival dates: Even if the Arrival date on the order is later than the result of the expected delivery date calculation, the shipping lead days still indicate the total number of days required to process the order.

If the expected delivery date is blank: If there are no reserved lines on the order, then the expected delivery dates for all displayed ship vias are blank.

See the description of the Expected delivery date, below, for a discussion and an example.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Expected delivery date

The date when the customer can expect to receive the shipment using this ship via, calculated by adding the order date to:

         the Shipping lead days for the SCF/ship via

         number of days specified in the Pick Processing Days (B37) system control value

         1 (if the current time is later than the Warehouse Cutoff Time (K39))

         2 (if the total lead days based on the previous factors results in an expected delivery date after Friday of the current week and the Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date (K38) system control value is selected, indicating that shipments do not occur on Saturday or Sunday)


Order date = 6/4 (Monday)

Shipping lead days = 4

Pick processing days = 1

Current time = 4:00 p.m., and warehouse cutoff = 15:00 (3:00 p.m.)

Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date = selected

The system adds 8 days to 6/4 (4 shipping lead days + 1 pick processing day + 1 day for warehouse cutoff + 2 days for weekend, so the expected delivery date is Tuesday, 6/12.

Future arrival dates: If the Arrival date on the order is later than the Order date, then the expected delivery date displayed is never sooner than the Arrival date, regardless of the result of the above calculation. For example, if the result of the above calculation is 6/12, but the arrival date is 6/30, then the displayed expected delivery date is 6/30.

If the expected delivery date is blank: If there are no reserved lines on the order, then the expected delivery dates for all displayed ship vias are blank.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Completing this window: Select a ship via to replace the current ship via on the order, or click Exit to retain the current shipper.

Work with Order/Recap Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the payment method(s) for an order and review important information.

Screen structure:

         The center of the screen displays customer and address information for the customer who is placing the order (sold-to customer) and the customer who is receiving the order (recipient customer or “ship-to” customer). Also, this part of the screen displays several order-related fields that you can update before ending the order.

This information is repeated on this screen so that you can reiterate this information to the customer. This allows you one last chance to change this information before you accept the order.

         The bottom of the screen displays fields for you to specify payment information for any type of payment method, namely:


         Credit card (including other card types)

         The right-hand portion of the screen displays the value of the order in the Total field; the individual charges on the order display in these fields:



         Additional freight


         Handling and duty

         Additional charges

This screen includes entry fields for credit card and cash/check payment types because this is targeted to customers who pay for their orders this way.

Additionally, this screen includes any payment information that you entered in a default payment type pop-up window or on the Enter Payment Method Screen.

You can enter up to 4 payment types on this screen.

Note:             This screen does not provide a means to delete a payment type from the order, change the charge sequence, or enter an issue number or start date for any payment method that is not a debit card. You must select Payments to access the Enter Payment Method Screen and select Delete for the payment type you wish to remove.

Adding an alternate pay type: Use the alternate pay type field at the bottom of the Pay Type area of this screen to add any additional payment method to the order. A pop-up window opens for the specified payment type which you must complete to add the payment method to the order. See the field descriptions for the Enter Payment Method Screen for further details.

When opens? 

         Select Accept Order at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) and

         The system control value, Display Order Recap (A75), is selected.



Hold (Hold reason)

A code to place an order on hold for any reason. See the description of the hold reason field on the Work with Order Screen for a complete description.

If you have already entered a hold reason, it will display here; however, you can also enter or change a hold reason code on the recap screen.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Sold-to # (Sold-to customer number)

The number assigned by the system to identify the customer who is placing the order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold-to name (Sold-to customer name and address)

The name, or company name, and address of the customer placing the order. A plus sign (+) indicates that there is additional address information in lines 3 or 4 of the address; see Expanding the Address in Order Entry.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.


The type of delivery address.

Valid values are:

         Business = Business rate table determines shipping charges.

         Residential = Residential rate table determines shipping charges.

         No Distinction = This is not a valid value for UPS shippers.

Note:  The system defines the shipper on an order as U.P.S. if the Type field in the Ship Via table = U; see Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).



The name, or company name, and address of the customer to receive the order. If there is extended ship-to customer address information that does not display, this is indicated by a plus sign: (+).

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Wgt (weight)

The total Sell wgt. (Selling weight) of the items on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal.


A code for the shipper to deliver this order to the customer. The system may have changed the ship via based on a ship via override that applied to this order; see Ship Via Override Hierarchy.

Reviewing eligible ship vias and optionally selecting an override: You can prompt on this field to advance to the Valid Ship Vias for Window, where you can review valid ship vias for the order, including their overall shipping charges and expected delivery dates; optionally, you can select an override ship via.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Priority (Reservation priority)

A number in the range of 0-9 that designates the priority for backorder or order fulfillment, where

         0 = Lowest priority

         9 = Highest priority

 A value defaults to this field if a priority was entered in the B/O priority (Backorder priority) field for the source code; and the header-level value, in turn, defaults to the Priority field on the order detail line.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Arrival date

The date when the customer wants to receive this order. The default value is the current date. If you enter an override to the arrival date, the system automatically updates the order Priority to 9 (Highest priority) if the Auto Update Order Priority (G45) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); required.


A code that:

         Traces the origin of the customer's order

         Determines the freight and pricing methods and discounts available on the order.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.


The customer's purchase order number.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Credit Card payment type

(Unlabeled entry field before the credit card #)

Enter a user-defined code for a credit card payment type. If you attempt to enter a non-credit card payment method in the first payment type field, the screen displays an error message: Pay type must be credit card.

Pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Issue number and/or start date: If the payment method you enter is a debit card (a credit card pay type with the Card type set to D), you advance automatically to the Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type), where you can enter the issue number and/or start date. However, you will not be able to enter the issue number or start date for any other payment method from this screen, regardless of the settings of the Require start date or Require issue # for the pay type; you will need to use the Enter Payment Method Screen instead.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

CC# (Credit card number)

The number of the credit card used on the order.

If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Tokenization: If the Request token field for the authorization service defined for the credit card pay type is selected, the system sends a Token Request to the authorization service to replace the credit card number with a token. If the Require Credit Card Token (L40) system control value is selected and a token is not returned in the Token Response, the system displays the Tokenization Warning window and requires you to enter a different form of payment on the order before it can be accepted. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.

Last four: The system stores the last four digits of the actual credit card number in the CC Last 4 field in the Order Payment Method table in order to verify the card with the customer.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

Expire Date

The date (in MMYY format) up until which a credit card is valid. For example, enter 1206 if the credit card expires in December of 2006.

The Require expiration date flag for the pay type controls whether this field is a required entry.

Numeric, 4 positions; required or optional, based on the Require expiration date flag for the pay type.

Pay plan (Deferred or installment payment plan code)

A code that represents the deferred or installment payment plan you wish to assign to this order. Only credit cards whose Card type is C are eligible for payment plans.

Included only if the Deferred and Installment Billing (F51) system control value is selected.

If an operator does not have authority to the Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81) secured feature, this field is display-only.

An error message indicates if an operator enters Y in this field and the order is not eligible.

See Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order on how the system determines the payment plan to assign to the order.

Payment plans are defined in and validated against the Flexible Payment Option table. See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO).

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Auth# (Authorization number)

A code that indicates that the amount to charge for this credit card payment type has been authorized manually or through a credit card authorization service.

You can pre-authorize a credit card by entering an authorization number in the Authorization # field; however, you must also enter a value in the Amount field.

Enter a code in this field to pre-authorize the credit card when you do not use an authorization service to evaluate and approve your credit card orders. You can enter an authorization number in upper and lower case.

Secured feature: The ability of a user or user class to enter an authorization code manually for an order is controlled by the secured feature C/C Authorization Field Access (A25).

If you use an authorization service, the system updates this field when an authorization is received.

Note:  Only the first 7 positions of the authorization number display on the Work with Order/Recap screen.

Alphanumeric, 16 positions; optional.

CSV (card security value)

The credit card’s security value.

American Express: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 4-digit number imprinted, not embossed, on an American Express credit card. The card security value is provided above and to the right of the imprinted credit card number on the front of the card.

Discover: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

VISA: The card security value, or CVV2 (card verification value), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

MasterCard: The card security value, or CVC2 (card validation code), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.


Reducing fraud: Authorization services use card security identification to help reduce fraud by verifying that the credit card is present at the point of sale and to ensure that the credit card data from the transaction matches the data stored by the authorization service for that card.


The card security value and card security presence are used for the processing of VISA, Discover, Master Card, and American Express online authorization transactions only; the card security value and presence are informational-only for every other credit card transaction. The card security response received for the authorization is stored in the Vendor response 2 field in the Authorization History table.

Note:  The system removes the card security value from an order when the order is accepted, even if an approved online authorization has not been received on the order; no message is written to Order History. Card security processing is not available during batch authorization or deposit processing.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

Card security presence

Indicates to the authorization service whether a card security value (CID, CVV, CVC) is present on the credit card. If a card security presence exists for the credit card payment method, the authorization service performs card security identification.

Valid values:

         Value Present = card security value is present on the credit card.

         Value Illegible = card security value is present on the credit card, but is illegible.

         No Value = card security value is not present on the credit card.

If you select Value Present and do not enter a number in the Card security value field, an error message indicates: Card security value is required.

If you select Value Illegible or No Value and the Card security value is not blank, an error message indicates: Card security value must be blank.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).



The ID number for the stored value card payment. Define an ID number only if your stored value card processor supports it. Order Management System stores the ID number in the OPM SVC ID Storage field in the Order Payment Method table and includes it in the authorization request and deposit request sent for the stored value card payment.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Alternate payment type

(Unlabeled entry field below the Credit Card payment type)

Enter a user-defined code for a cash/check payment type.

Valid pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field)

The description associated with this payment method, as defined in the Pay Type table.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


The total dollar value of the alternate payment type, as defined on the pop-up window.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; entry requirements depend on payment type.

Merch (Merchandise)

The total value of merchandise on this order. This does not include freight, additional charges, tax (except for hidden tax; see the Tax field), duty, handling, or sold out items. The value in the Merch field is the grand total of the item price on the line multiplied by the quantity ordered.

Order-level discounts: Select Reprice when you finish entering the order to calculate any end-of-order pricing discounts, including promotional pricing.

Line-level discounts: The system calculates any line-level discounts (such as the Disc %) line-by-line, as you enter each item.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt (Freight)

The total charge for shipping this order. The system performs this calculation based on the freight method defined for the source code on the order. This total may depend on the quantity or weight of items ordered or on the dollar value of the order as a whole. If the system calculates freight as a percentage of the merchandise charges, there might be a penny variation in total freight amount due to rounding differences.

You can also define a freight override for the order ship to on the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen.

Freight Methods: Working with Source Codes (WSRC) discusses each freight method and freight calculation.

Additional Charges: Does not include any additional charges associated with shipping this item (see the Frt+ (Additional freight charges) field for these totals).

Service and Weight Charges by Ship Via: Includes any service charges by ship via or order weight charges by ship via. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

When the Freight Field is Blank:

         The Frt field is blank if the Calc freight (Calculate freight) field is unselected to indicate that freight will not be calculated for this order.

         The system calculates freight by order weight during repricing, the initial and final order accept, and when you select to change the last line on the order if you do not change its order quantity. The Freight field on the order does not include order weight freight charges as you add lines to the order; however, the system does display ship via service charges and ship via weight charges immediately. When the system calculates freight by order weight, the system updates the Freight field for the order with the complete freight amount. See Freight by Order Weight Calculation Logic and Examples.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt+ (Additional freight charges)

The total dollar amount for additional freight charges on the order, above regular shipping charges.

The value in the Frt+ field includes the additional freight charges defined for the shipper(s) on the order. For example, the shipper may charge a premium (additional shipping charges) for overnight shipments or Federal Express deliveries.

Depending on how the shipper is defined, the customer may be charged additional shipping charges (in the Frt+ field) and system-calculated shipping charges (in the Frt field) or just the additional shipping charges. The Add'l freight charge field for the Ship Via defines the additional freight charge.

The system adds the additional shipping charge to an order only when the merchandise amount is less than or equal to the value in the $Limit field for the shipper.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

See the field description under Reviewing Order Totals for more information on the Tax, Hnd, Chg, and Total fields.


The total sales tax on the current order.

The value in the Tax field is based on the value of merchandise on the order plus any taxable freight and special handling charges. Tax does not accumulate in this field on orders subject to VAT.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Hnd (Handling charge)

The total charge for special handling or gift wrapping. Also includes any duty charges on the order.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Chg (Additional charges)

The total extra charges added to the current order.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Total (Order total)

The sum of all charges on the order, including: merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, and additional charges.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The total discount applied to the order across all ship to customers. The total discount is calculated by comparing the selling price with the item/SKU offer price. If you use a price override on any of the order lines, or if it defaults from the Default Price Override Reason (B35) system control value:

         If the price override reason code’s Override item offer price field is selected, the Ord discount includes any discounts that reduce the selling price from the price override amount you entered for the order line; however, it does not include the amount of the price override itself. For example, if an accompanying item normally priced at $2.00 is added to the order at no charge, the $2.00 is not included in the order discount amount.

         If the price override reason code’s Override item offer price field is unselected, and:

-      you override an existing item/SKU offer price for the item: the Ord discount includes the difference between the original item/SKU offer price and the final selling price, including the price override and any other discounts.

-      there is no item/SKU offer price for the item: the order detail line does not affect the Ord discount total.

Note:  Included only if the Display Discount on Order Recap Screen (D38) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

G/M (Gross profit margin)

The unit amount of the order's merchandise that exceeds the cost of all of the item's on the order. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an order based on each item's selling price. See Determining Gross Profit for more information on the calculations the system performs to determine gross margin and gross margin percentage.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether this field is included in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

G/M% (Gross profit margin percent)

The percentage of the order's merchandise that exceeds the cost of all of the item's on the order. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an order based on each item's selling price. See Determining Gross Profit for more information on the calculations the system performs to determine gross margin and gross margin percentage.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether this field is included in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

When you complete this screen: When you complete this screen, you have identified how the customer will pay for the order, either by using a combination of credit card, cash/check, or stored value card payment types or any alternate payment type.

You have also identified who is placing the order and the items being bought. This is the only information required to add an order to the system.

At this point, you can:

         Select any of the function keys listed at the bottom of the screen, or

         Select Accept Order to accept the order (see Accepting or Rejecting the Order), or

         Select Reject Order to reject the order (see Accepting or Rejecting the Order).

Contribution (Overpayment Exists) Window

This window displays the dollar value of the total order, the amount the customer has prepaid, the value of any soldout merchandise (this amount is automatically refunded to the customer), and the amount of overpayment eligible for either refund or contribution, computed as: (Amount paid - order total) - value of soldout item(s) = Overpayment

How to display this screen: This window opens when you select Accept to accept an order, if:

         the customer uses cash or a check to pay for the order (payment category 1; see Enter Payment Method Screen);

         there is an overpayment on the order not caused by a soldout item;

         the Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70) field in the System Control table is set to OE PROMPT

Select Contribution to apply the overpayment as a contribution, or select Refund to refund this amount to the customer.

If the Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70) system control value is set to AUTO/REFND, no pop-up window opens; the system automatically creates a refund. Similarly, if the field is set to AUTO/CONTR, the system automatically applies the overpayment as a contribution.

Screen Option


Accept the order

Select Accept Order. See Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Reject the order

Select Reject Order. See Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Add a recipient

Select Add Recipient.

Note:  You will first advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen if the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected.

Work with additional charges on the order

Select Additional Charges to advance to the Enter Additional Charges Window.

Work with customer ship-to information

Select Address Book to advance to the Select Ship To Window.

Work with customer bill-to information

Select Bill To to advance to the Change Customer Bill To Screen (Selecting, Changing, or Excluding a Billing Account).

Return to the Work with Order Lines screen

Select Detail to advance to the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Work with the extended address for the sold-to customer

Select Expand Address to advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.

Work with order messages

Select Messages to advance to the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Display more options

Select More Options to advance to the Display More Options Screen.

Work with order ship-to information

Select One Time Ship To to advance to the Create One Time Ship To Address Screen.

Advance to the Order Header screen

Select Order Header to advance to the Work with Order Screen.

Advance to the Enter Payment Method screen

Select Pay Methods to advance to the Enter Payment Method Screen.

Advance to the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen

Select Properties to advance to the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen.

Advance to the Display Order Summary screen

Select Summary to advance to the Display Order Summary Screen.

Accepting or Rejecting the Order

         Rejecting the Order

         Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window

         Confirm Reject Window

         Accepting the Order

         Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

         Confirm Invalid Expiration Date Screen

Rejecting the Order

When you select Reject Order, the system looks at the setting of the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value to determine how to proceed.

         If this system control value is set to ORDER or ALL, the system advances you to the Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window where you must enter a reject reason code explaining why you are rejecting the order. In addition, the system creates a record in the Order Disposition Table so that you can track order/call disposition activity; see Tracking Order/Call Disposition Activity.

         If this system control value is set to NONE or blank, the system advances you to the Confirm Reject Window where you must select OK in order to proceed with the order rejection.

Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window

Use this window to enter the reason why you reject an order in interactive Order Entry or end a call received from an external order call center.

How to display this screen: The setting of the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value controls when this window displays.

         If this system control value is set to ORDER, this window displays when you reject an order during interactive Order Entry.

         If this system control value is set to ALL, this window displays when you:

         reject an order during interactive Order Entry.

         end a call received from an external order call center or select Exit at the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen if a Universal call ID has been captured for the call in the Order Disposition table.



Reject reason

A code for the reason you are rejecting an order or ending a call from an external order call center.

You can prompt on this field to advance to the Select Reject Reason screen, where you can select a valid order/call disposition reject reason code; additionally, if you have authority to the Work with Reject Reason Codes (WWRR) menu option, you can create a new reject reason.

Note:  If you prompt on this field and select a reject reason code at the Select Reject Reason screen, the system immediately rejects the order or ends the call and does not return you to the Confirm Order/Call Disposition window.

Order/call disposition reject reason codes are defined in and validated against the Reject Reason table; see Working with Order/Call Disposition Reject Reason Codes (WWRR).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Screen Option


Reject the order or end the call from an external order call center

Select Reject. The system:

         captures the reject reason you enter at this window in the Order Disposition Table.

         returns you to the screen where you were located before entering the order or taking the call from the external order call center.

Return to the order

Select Exit. The system returns you to the order.

Note:  This option only displays when you reject an order; this option does not display when you exit a call from an external order call center.

Confirm Reject Window

Use this window to confirm that you wish to reject the order.

How to display this screen: This window displays when you:

         reject an order during interactive Order Entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to NONE or blank.

         reject an order during Batch Order Entry.

         reject an order batch at the Work with Error Orders Batches Screen.

         reject a business to business order.   

Screen Option


Reject the order

Select Reject. The system returns you to the screen where you were located before entering the order.

Return to the order

Select Exit. The system returns you to the order.

Accepting the Order

When you select Accept Order:

1.      The system verifies the accuracy of all order information and ensures that you have defined some method of payment.

2.      The system adds the new order immediately to the Order tables; it becomes available for Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

3.      The system sends the credit card payment method on the order to the authorization service if you are set up to perform online credit card authorizations; see Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations.

4.      A scrolling message similar to the following displays at the bottom of the screen: Finalizing order, Finalizing order.

5.      Several updates occur; see Order Entry Updates.

6.      You return to the Select Customer Sold To screen to enter another order or to end the Order Entry function.

Payment plan error message: An error message indicates if you select Accept Order for an order associated with a payment plan and the order includes more than one credit card: Multiple credit cards not allowed with payment plan.

See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO) for more information on deferred and installment payment plans.

Store pickup error messages: If the order is flagged for store pickup, the system confirms that all items have been flagged and that there are no non-credit card payment methods on the order. See Troubleshooting Creation of Store Pickup Orders and Things to Note for more information.

Ship-for-pickup error message: If the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected and this is a ship-for-pickup order that does not match the Order Type for Special Orders (L15), the system confirms that any payment methods on the order are credit cards whose Card type fields are set to Credit. If not, an error message indicates: Invalid pay type for ship for pickup order. You need to change the payment methods before you can accept the order. See Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) for more information.

Contribution window: The Contribution pop-up window may open when you select Accept Order, depending on your settings in the System Control table. Also, the Display Ship To Totals window opens at this time if any discounts or overrides apply through a promotion.

Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

Online credit card authorization allows you to send and receive electronically the information required to authorize a credit card at the time the order is placed instead of at the time the pick slip is generated for the order.

The system performs online authorization when you select Accept Order after determining if the order should go on hold. Note that online authorization still takes place, even if the order is on hold, provided that the order is eligible for online authorization.

If the order is eligible to receive a credit card authorization during order entry, the system sends the amount requiring authorization to the authorization service and waits for a response.

There are 3 types of responses you can receive from the authorization service.

         R = an authorization response was received, such as declined or approved.

         T = the program timed out before an authorization response was received.

         U = an undefined response was received.

Additionally, the authorization service sends back an response code, authorization code, AVS response code (if you are performing AVS verification), CID response code (if you are performing credit card identification verification), and date.

If you have defined a pop up window message for the vendor response received, you advance to the Select Authorization Response Option Window. Also, if you have specified vendor response, the system places the order on hold.

Note:             The Select Authorization Response Option window opens once for each authorization transaction; if you receive an authorization response, AVS response, and CID response from the authorization service, an authorization pop up window displays the first response (in the order listed).

Credit cards requiring authorizations less than $1.00: If the credit card amount to authorize is less than $1.00 and the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value specifies an authorization number, the system does not send the credit card to the service bureau for authorization; instead, it assigns the authorization number from the system control value. If the system control value is blank, the system sends the credit card to the service bureau for authorization, regardless of the amount that requires authorization.

Performing Online Verification Only: If the Online Auth Verification Only (I96) system control value is selected, the system processes online authorizations for $1.00 for the purpose of validating the card. During batch authorizations, the system authorizes the card for the shippable dollar amount and voids the online authorization for $1.00.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value cards: When using the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration, if the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value card is the only payment on the order and the amount authorized for the card is less than the order total, Order Management System updates the amount for the card with the amount authorized and displays the message Insufficient balance on card - please add another payment. In order to accept the order, you must add another payment to the order to cover the amount of the order that is not covered by the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value card. Example: If the order total is 500.00 and the amount authorized for the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value card is 236.20, the system updates the amount for the card to 236.20 and requires another form of payment to cover the remaining 289.55 balance on the order.

For more information: See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview of the online credit card authorization process and the required setup.

Confirm Invalid Expiration Date Screen

This screen opens if the expiration date for the credit card expires before the credit card payment method assigned to the order has been paid in full, for example, the credit card expiration date is 10/06 and an installment payment plan is assigned to the credit card payment method with installment dates of 9/8/06, 10/8/06 and 11/8/06.



Correct expiration/Start date

Indicates whether you wish to change the expiration date for the credit card or change the payment method assigned to the order.

Valid values are:

         Yes = Correct the expiration date or change the payment method assigned to the order.

         No = Do not correct the expiration date or change the payment method assigned to the order.


To correct the credit card expiration date or start date.

1.      Select Yes from the Correct expiration/start date field if you wish to change the credit card expiration date or the credit card payment method assigned to the order, or

2.      Select OK.

3.      The system returns you to Order Maintenance, where you can correct the payment method.

Note:             If you selected Yes from the Correct expiration/start date field, you must change the expiration date or payment method assigned to the order or the system will advance you to this screen again when you select Accept Order.

Order Entry Updates

Purpose: The system performs updates to a number of tables to reflect the addition of a new order to the system. The updates occur:

         Immediately (interactively), as you enter an order; see Immediate Updates

         When you select Accept Order; see Updates at Accept

         When the Order ASYNC job receives an order processing data queue record; see Updates During Background Processing for more information about which fields are updated in each table.

Immediate Updates

The system updates the SKU and Item/Warehouse tables immediately (interactively) as you enter a new order.




Update the Item/Warehouse for each item ordered



On-hand quantity (if express-billed order)

Item/warehouse backorder quantity

Reserve quantity

Special handling reserve quantity

Item/warehouse on-order quantity

Update the SKU for each item ordered


Orders availability pick generation

Open quantity

On-hold quantity

Additionally, the system updates these tables as you enter a new order:

         Alternate Customer # Cross Reference (if you are creating a new customer, and the Assign Alternate Customer # (I88) system control value is selected)

         Customer Sold To

         Customer Sold To Extended Address

         Customer Sold To Phone #

         Customer Bill To

         Customer Bill To Extended Address

         Customer Bill To Phone #

         Customer Ship To

         Customer Ship To Extended

         Customer Ship To Phone #

         Customer Action Notes

         Order Additional Charges

         Order Batch

         Order Coupon Discount

         Order Detail

         Order Detail Coupon

         Order Detail Data Queue

         Order Free Gift

         Order Header

         Order I/T Lines

         Order Information

         Order Line History

         Order Line Message

         Order Message

         Order Payment Method

         Order Pending Checks

         Order Selected Item

         Order Ship To

         Order Ship To Address

         Order Ship To Data Queue

         Order Special Format

         Order Special Handling

         Order Transaction History

         Reserved Order Lines

Updates at Accept

The system performs these table updates when you select Accept Order. See Performing the Release and Introducing Order Hold Reason Codes for more information about the credit check process that evaluates customers, orders, and payment types and performs record updates if any condition on the order fails a credit check.




Reprice order if the Price method field for the Source Code is set to D (Regular Item Pricing + Repricing)

Order Detail

Order detail price

Evaluate free gift eligibility, based on the source code or offer; create order detail records for free gift, if applicable

Order Detail

All fields

Calculate the $ Discount, based on Source or Offer; add a record to the Order Additional Charges table

Order Additional Charges

All fields

Credit check: sold-to customer unconditional hold

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: sold-to customer fraud

Order Header

Order Header


Order header order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On hold qty

Credit check: sold-to customer zip code fraud

Order Header

Order Header


Order header order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: bill-to customer unconditional hold

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: bill-to customer zip code fraud

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to/sold-to customer fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header

Order Ship To


Order ship to/order hold reason hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

Order ship to order status

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to/sold-to customer zip code fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


Order ship to order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to customer fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


Order ship to order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship-to customer zip code fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


Order ship to order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: ship to mismatch hold

Evaluated only if the order contains a Credit Card pay category payment method, there is an order ship to or recipient address on the order, and:

         the order total is greater than the Maximum Order Amount for Fraud Checking (D24), and

         the ship via priority for the ship via on the order header matches the Ship Via Priority for Ship To Mismatch (L71), and

         the number of times shipped to the address is less than the # of Times Shipped to Same Address (D25) OR the number of days since the last shipment to the address is less than the # of Days Since Last Order (D26).

Order Header

Order Ship To

Ship Via

Order ship to order status

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Ship via priority

Credit check: email address fraud

Order Header

Order Ship To


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: gift card hold

Evaluated only if the Use Gift Card Fraud Checking (L72) system control value is selected.

Order Payment Method

Order Detail


Order Header

Pay type

Order header hold reason

ITM Number


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

Credit check: dollar hold

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: time hold

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: check fraud

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: check interface hold

Pay Type

Order Header

Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason

system hold reason

Credit check: balance due exceeds the $ amount

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On hold qty

Credit check: pay types

Order Header


Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: credit card fraud

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: credit card authorization pending status

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On-hold quantity

Credit check: outstanding balance due

Pay Type

Order Header


Order header hold reason

Order header/order hold reason system hold reason

On hold quantity

Evaluate order for refunds or contributions; create refund records for overpayments or balance dues, or contribution records for contributions


Order Contributions

All fields

Update the Flash Report

Order Control Summary

Dollars of orders entered to-date

Orders entered to-date

Orders entered month-to-date

Dollars of orders entered month-to-date

Orders entered year-to-date

Dollars of orders entered year-to-date

Orders open, reserved

Dollars of orders open, reserved

Orders held, reserved

Dollars of orders held, reserved

Total orders reserved/ unprinted

Update order header and order ship-to status to match status of detail lines if all lines canceled.

Order Header

Order Ship To

Order header order status

Order ship to order status

Creates brokered backorder request for each order line that is eligible, and submits request to the Order Broker. See Order Broker Integration for an overview.

Order Broker

All fields

Creates store fulfillment trigger record and supporting tables if any order lines are flagged for store fulfillment

Note:  Not currently implemented.

Store Pickup Header

Store Ship To

Store Pickup Payment

Store Pickup Detail

Store Pickup Detail Message

IL Outbound Trigger

All fields

Captures order disposition activity if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ALL; see Tracking Order/Call Disposition Activity

Order Disposition


Order #

Order ship to #

Universal call ID (if the order is associated with a call from an external order call center)

source code

entered by user

create date

create time

Performs pick slip preparation

Pick Control Header

Pick Control Detail

Pick Control Label

Pick Stored Value Card

Reserved Order Line

See Applying Pick Slip Preparation to an Order for the updates that occur.

Sends balance of updates to background processing job (O/P ASYNC)



Approved online credit card authorization: Create an online authorization record, authorization history record, and void authorization record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Void Authorization

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

vendor response 1 (auth response)

vendor response 2 (card security response)

auth #

auth date

status: *UPDT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

AVS result

Card security value

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited

Void Authorization:

All fields

Declined online credit card authorization: Create an online authorization record and authorization history record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

vendor response

status: *SENT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited, Auth Date, and Auth #

Undefined online credit card authorization response: Create an online authorization record and authorization history record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

vendor response

auth #

auth date

status: *UPDT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited

Online credit card authorization communication failure: Create an online authorization record and authorization history record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

auth #

auth date

status: *UPDT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited, Auth Date, Auth #, and Vendor Response

Updates During Background Processing

The system performs the balance of the field and table updates during a background processing job (Order ASYNC) that runs after you accept the order. The ORDR_ASYNC job updates system tables with order and demand information as orders are entered and maintained. As you enter or maintain orders, the system sends the records to the Order Processing data queue for processing. As soon as the Order Processing Data queue receives a record to process, the record is processed immediately, regardless of the status of the Order Processing ASYNC (ORDR_ASYNC) job. The ORDR_ASYNC job processes multiple orders simultaneously. While the Order Async job does not need to be active to process records, you should set the Order Async job to active to handle reorganization and cleanup of any transactions that did not process correctly. See Updates During Background Processing for a detailed listing.

Tax-inclusive pricing: Each of the updates made for an item sold at the tax-inclusive price (in which VAT is added to the Hidden tax field on the order detail line, rather than accumulating tax in the Tax bucket on the order) are made using the tax-inclusive price minus the hidden tax. For example, if you sell an item at a tax-inclusive price of $10.00, but hidden tax of $1.50 was included on the order detail line, each of the dollar updates will be in the amount of $8.50.

1.   Reservation occurs unconditionally for all orders (including Held orders) when you are using Immediate Reservation (A64), as defined in the System Control table.

