TSM Tunnel

The following diagram briefly explains the various IP addresses utilized during the TSM session.

  • TSCF External IP—This IP address is visible to any endpoint on the Internet and is used to initiate the TSM session between the TC and the TSCF. This may be configured under security > tscf > tscf-interface. See the TSCF Essentials Guide to configure the TSCF function on the server.
  • TC Source IP—This IP address corresponds to the source address of the TC in its respective access network or it could be the IP of the Proxy behind which it is located.
  • Internal Tunnel IP—This IP address will be assigned to the TC (once TLS authentication is successful) from a configured pool of IP addresses on the TSCF. It will be used to facilitate communication with the core (P-CSCF). The address pool can be configured under security > tscf > tscf-address-pool.
  • TC Application IP—This is the IP address associated with the respective application (SIP / RTP / other) at the TC.
TSM Tunnel Description