2.5.3 演習の解決: システム・コールのタイミング


/* readtrace1.d -- Modified version of readtrace.d that includes a predicate */

/execname == "df"/
  self->t = timestamp;

/self->t != 0/
  printf("%s (pid=%d) spent %d microseconds in read()\n",
  execname, pid, ((timestamp - self->t)/1000));

  self->t = 0; /* Reset the variable */

述語/execname == "df"/は、プローブの起動時にdf プログラムが実行されているかどうかをテストします。

# dtrace -q -s readtrace1.d 
df (pid=1666) spent 6 microseconds in read()
df (pid=1666) spent 8 microseconds in read()
df (pid=1666) spent 1 microseconds in read()
df (pid=1666) spent 50 microseconds in read()
df (pid=1666) spent 38 microseconds in read()
df (pid=1666) spent 10 microseconds in read()
df (pid=1666) spent 1 microseconds in read()