weblogic.diagnostics.watch |
This package provides interfaces that retrieve information about
diagnostic watches and JMX watch notifications.
weblogic.jdbc.common.internal |
weblogic.jdbc.wrapper |
Provides classes that implements the generic JDBC 2.0 resource adapter, which
wraps any JDBC 2.0 compliant XA drivers.
weblogic.management.utils |
This package includes interfaces and exceptions for developers who are interested in creating custom applications that use BEA WebLogic Server facilities to monitor and configure applications and WebLogic Server instances.
weblogic.rmi.spi |
This package defines a Service Provider Interface (SPI) for RMI.
weblogic.security.service |
Deprecated Includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions
that support security providers.
weblogic.security.utils |
This package includes Hostname Verifier implementations you can use to verify hostnames during SSL handshakes.
weblogic.socket |
Provides classes for weblogic.socket .
weblogic.t3.srvr |
Provides interfaces for weblogic.t3.srvr .
weblogic.utils.collections |
Provides classes for weblogic.utils.collections .
weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms |
weblogic.wtc.jatmi |
Provides JATMI primitives used to begin and end
transactions, allocate and free buffers, and provide the communication between
clients and servers.
weblogic.xml.crypto.dsig |
weblogic.xml.crypto.wss |
weblogic.xml.security.encryption |
weblogic.xml.security.signature |
weblogic.xml.security.utils |
weblogic.xml.stream.util |
Deprecated. Provides XML stream utilities support.