7 JAX-WS Webサービス・クライアントを開発するためのロードマップ

この章では、Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)用のWebLogic Webサービス・クライアントを開発するためのベスト・プラクティスについて説明します。





表7-1 Webサービス・クライアントを開発するためのロードマップ

ベスト・プラクティス 説明








ノート: クライアントIDは明示的に定義することを強くお薦めします。明示的に定義しないと、サーバーによって自動的にクライアントIDが生成されますが、ユーザーにとってわかりにくい場合があります。





ノート: クライアントIDは、コンテナ(WebアプリケーションまたはEJB)が非アクティブ化されるまで、登録済みで可視の状態を維持します。詳細は、「クライアント・アイデンティティのライフサイクル」を参照してください


例7-1 Webサービス・クライアントのベスト・プラクティスの例

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.xml.ws.*;
import weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature;
 * Example client for invoking a web service.
public class BestPracticeClient
  extends GenericServlet {
  private BackendServiceService _service;
  private WebServiceFeature[] _features;
  private ClientIdentityFeature _clientIdFeature;
  public void init()
    throws ServletException {
    // Create a single instance of a web service as it is expensive to create repeatedly.
    if (_service == null) {
      _service = new BackendServiceService();
    // Best Practice: Use a stored list of features, per client ID, to create client instances.
    // Define all features for the web service client instance, per client ID, so that they are 
    // consistent each time the client instance is created. For example: 
    // _service.getBackendServicePort(_features);
    List<WebServiceFeature> features = new ArrayList<WebServiceFeature>();
    // Best Practice: Explicitly define the client ID.
    // TODO: Maybe allow ClientIdentityFeature to store other features, and
    //       then create new client instances simply by passing the
    //       ClientIdentityFeature (and the registered features are used).
    _clientIdFeature = new ClientIdentityFeature("MyBackendServiceClient");
    // Set the features used when creating clients with
    // the client ID "MyBackendServiceClient". The features are stored in an array to 
    // reinforce that the list should be treated as immutable.
    _features = features.toArray(new WebServiceFeature[features.size()]);
  public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    // ... Read the servlet request ...
    // Best Practice: Synchronize use of client instances.
    // Create a web service client instance to talk to the backend service.
    // Note, at this point the client ID is 'registered' and becomes
    // visible to monitoring tools such as the Administration Console and WLST.
    // The client ID *remains* registered and visible until the container
    // (the Web application hosting our servlet) is deactivated (undeployed).
    // A client ID can be used when creating multiple client instances (port or Dispatch client).
    // The client instance should be created with the same set of features each time, and should
    // use the same service class and refer to the same port type. 
    // A given a client ID should be used for a given port type, but not across port types.
    // It can be used for both port and Dispatch clients.
    BackendService port =
    // Set the endpoint address for BackendService.
    // Print out the explicit client ID, and compare it to the client ID 
    // that would have been generated automatically for the client instance.
    // Make the invocation on our real port
    String request = "Make a cake";
    System.out.println("Invoking DoSomething with request: " + request);
    String response = port.doSomething(request);
    System.out.println("Got response: " + response);
    // Best Practice: Explicitly close client instances when processing is complete.
    // If not closed, the client instance will be closed automatically when it goes out of 
    // scope. Note, this client ID will remain registered and visible until our
    // container (Web application) is undeployed.
    // Print out the client's full ID, which is a combination of
    // the client ID provided above and qualifiers from the application and
    // Web application that contain the client. Then compare this with the client ID that
    // would have been generated for the client instance if not explicitly set.
  private void showClientIdentity()
    throws IOException {
    System.out.println("Client Identity is: " + _clientIdFeature.getClientId());
    // Create a client instance without explicitly defining the client ID to view the 
    // client ID that is generated automatically.
    ClientIdentityFeature dummyClientIdFeature =
      new ClientIdentityFeature(null);
    BackendService dummyPort =
    System.out.println("Generated Client Identity is: " +
    // Best Practice: Explicitly close client instances when processing is complete.
    // If not closed, the client instance will be closed automatically when it goes out of 
    // scope. Note, this client ID will remain registered and visible until our
    // container (Web application) is undeployed.
  public void destroy() {