View Users in Your Organization

If you have administrator privileges for an organization, you can view a list of all Lobby and Aconex users in that organization. If you administer more than one organization, you can choose to view users by the organization name or view users across all the organizations that you administer. The View All Users page only displays users with Lobby accounts.

For a list of descriptions for the columns, see Users Page Fields.

Note: The actions you can perform on the View All Users page are a subset of those you can perform from the View Users page. The actions you must perform from the View Users page are:

View Users by Organization

To view the members of a single organization:

  1. Select Navigation Menu and select Organizations.
  2. On the Organization Directory page, locate the row where your organization is listed, and then select View Users.
  3. To view account details for a specific user, including a list of linked Aconex accounts, select the name of the user to open the User details panel.

    Note: Aconex accounts that are disabled are not listed in the Linked Aconex Accounts section.

View All Users Across Your Organizations

To view the members across all the organizations you administer:

  1. Select Navigation Menu and select Organizations.
  2. On the Organization Directory page, select View All Users.
  3. To view account details for a specific user, including a list of linked Aconex accounts, select the name of the user to open the User details panel.

    Note: Aconex accounts that are disabled are not listed in the Linked Aconex Accounts section.
