Configure the Users Page Columns

You can modify the user details that display across the columns on the Users page.

Note: The Account Type and Name columns cannot be removed from your view on the page.

For a list of column descriptions, see Users Page Fields.

To configure the columns:

  1. Select Navigation Menu and select Organizations.
  2. On the Organization Directory page, locate the row where your organization is listed, and then select View Users.
  3. On the Users page, to add or remove columns, select Columns.
    1. In the Columns dialog box:
      • To remove a column, locate the column name under Show and clear the check box.
      • To display a column, locate the column name under Hide and select the check box.
      • To rearrange the columns, select the Drag icon for the column name and position it in your preferred order.
    2. Select Close.
  4. To sort by a column, select the Sort Ascending/Descending icon next to the column name.
