Although a catalog is usually structured hierarchically, the hierarchical structure is not rigid. A category or product can be the child of more than one category, so there can be multiple paths to any catalog item. In addition, your pages may have links to related products that enable users to jump from one part of the hierarchy to another, and other navigational aids such as search facilities.

Core Commerce provides components that you can use to keep track of the path a customer follows when moving around your sites. This tracking method, called historical navigation or “breadcrumbs,” enables you to construct a list of the items the customer has visited, and create and display links to these items, so the customer can easily get back to them.

The atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogNavHistory class tracks the customer’s path through the catalog. CatalogNavHistory is a subclass of atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory, which can be used to track navigation history over any set of pages that display repository content. Core Commerce includes a session-scoped CatalogNavHistory component at /atg/commerce/catalog/

CatalogNavHistory maintains a stack of locations the customer has visited, consisting of the actual repository items the customer viewed. It stores these locations (items) in the navHistory property.

CatalogNavHistory tracks the customer’s path across all possible actions:

To add and remove items in the navHistory array, use the CatalogNavHistoryCollector servlet bean, which is of class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector. This servlet bean takes the following input parameters:

Collecting the Customer’s History

Use the navAction push operation to collect a user’s navigation history. In the first part of our example, below, the JSP code adds an item to the navHistory stack when the customer clicks the link to CategoryPage.jsp, permitting you to track their path.

<dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach">
   <dsp:param bean="/atg/userprofiling/Profile.catalog.allRootCategories"
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
    Here we set up the navCount and navAction parameters
    which will indicate to the next page how it should update its
    CatalogNavHistory collector. In particular, to set the navCount,
    we query the CatalogNavHistory component, asking it for a number
    that identifies its current state.
  <dsp:a href="CategoryPage.jsp">
   <dsp:valueof param="element.displayName"/>
   <dsp:param param="element.repositoryId" name="itemId"/>
   <dsp:param bean="/atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogNavHistory.navCount"
   <dsp:param value="push" name="navAction"/>
Rendering the Customer’s Path

This second half of our example shows how to render a list of the locations the customer has visited. First, update CatalogNavHistory with the current location, using the category, navAction, and navCount parameters passed to the page that embeds this fragment, along with the CatalogNavHistoryCollector component, which updates CatalogNavHistory.

If the Back button is detected, CatalogNavHistory clears the stack and generates a new one for the current page, using the default parent property of the catalog.

<dsp:droplet name="/atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogNavHistoryCollector">
  <dsp:param param="categoryObj" name="item"/>
  <dsp:param param="navAction" name="navAction"/>
  <dsp:param param="navCount" name="navCount"/>

Then use a page fragment such as the following to display the user’s trail. The servlet bean lists the names of each category held by the CatalogNavHistory component and creates a link to the Category page that displays them. The following parameters are passed:

The pageType parameter indicates what type of page is calling the servlet bean; if a category page, the last category entry in CatelogNavHistory is not made into a link. If the servlet bean is called from a product page, the last entry is made into a link, because it represents the product’s parent category.

<dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach">
 <dsp:param bean="/atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogNavHistory.navHistory"
 <dsp:oparam name="output">
  <dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/Switch">
   <dsp:param param="count" name="value"/>
   <dsp:getvalueof id="nameval1" param="size" idtype="java.lang.String">
   <dsp:oparam name="<%=nameval1%>">
       <dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/Switch">
        <dsp:param param="pageType" name="value"/>
        <dsp:oparam name="product">
         <dsp:a href="CategoryPage.jsp">
          <dsp:param param="element.repositoryId" name="itemId"/>
          <dsp:param value="pop" name="navAction"/>
          <dsp:param param="index" name="navCount"/>
          <dsp:valueof param="element.displayName"/>
        <dsp:oparam name="default">
         <dsp:valueof param="element.displayName"/>
   <dsp:oparam name="default">
    <dsp:a href="CategoryPage.jsp">
     <dsp:param param="element.repositoryId" name="itemId"/>
     <dsp:param value="pop" name="navAction"/>
     <dsp:param param="index" name="navCount"/>
     <dsp:valueof param="element.displayName"/>
Tracking Location Jumps

This example shows how to track customer navigation outside of normal history collection, such as with a hard-coded link that deviates from hierarchical navigation.

<a href="param:featuredProduct.template.url">
  <param name="id" value="param:featuredProduct.repositoryId">
  <param name="navAction" value="jump">
  <param name="navCount"
     link text

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