You can use the import_users script to import user information from a JSON format to your Workbench installation.

To import Workbench users to Tools and Frameworks 11.3.2:

  1. Configure the import_users script:

  2. Navigate to the ToolsAndFrameworks\\admin\bin directory.

  3. Run the import_users script with the following parameters:

    For example:

    > import_users.bat --input user_20140514.json --config ..\conf\ 
    --default-user-password CHANGEME --single-app Discover

    If a name matches an existing name but with characters in a different case (JOHN_Doe and John_Doe) and the abort.on.duplicate.users property is set to true, the script stops. Invalid entries are logged to ToolsAndFrameworks\<version>\admin\logs\import_validation_failed.log. The main log file is output to ToolsAndFrameworks\<version>\admin\logs\import_users.log.

This imports users along with their tool access.

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