Creating the MW_HOME Variable


This section is not applicable if you want to deploy Token Proxy Service using Tomcat.
If you do not have an MW_HOME variable and want to use the Token Proxy Installer to deploy the WebLogic .WAR file and to create the datasource on the machine you are running the installer on, cancel the installation and create an environment variable to reflect your WebLogic environment.
  • Open Windows System Properties, click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.

  • Click New in the System Variable section, and then enter MW_HOME in the Variable name field and path of the WebLogic installation in the Variable value field.

  • This will vary depending on your WebLogic installation path, but an example value might be :\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home

  • Click OK to confirm, and then exit System Properties.

  • Re-run the installer after creating the MW_HOME Environment Variable.